Fire Embelm: The Closed Book

There's people taking cover there, people who thought Ulsan would not disturb them there (since it was a ghost town), but they are using it as a base it would seem.
Alrighty. I'll handle the merchants and their rescue. I'll be leading them away from the battle and then one of them will be like, 'SIR! WHY ARE YOU SO HAIRY!?' and then Gaia will answer, "To keep me warm at night when I have no home to return to. How about you...?"
Think of the knight seal this way; it's worth 1000 gold at the shop. It's specificially geared towards particular classes. So maybe its a free pass into a certain shop, or gives you passage to be equipped with paladin items.

Also guys, don't worry about being strong. Keep the tension of a life or death situation because that's one of the characterizing aspects of fire emblem. Be weak against an enemy. Be unable to take one down alone. Work together to overcome foes. Have your characters have to think about the outpouring of enemies, have to step back when bandits pour out against them and have someone else take over while they heal and rest up.

Don't treat enemies like flies you can swat away with ease; the more difficult it is, the more fun and more character interactions we can have.

*steps down from soap box*
P: I'll be working on yer character once I get home, techie. Sorry for the wait, finals totally infected me with amnesia.
:) OMG YAY! hahahaha i'm excited. Btw I hope you guys like my next post. I've been.... Distracted in getting it out lol 
Hey, OV!

Can I use the arena as the hiding hole for the merchants and stuff?
but that's not how thieves are used in FE. They're just supposed to open gates/doors, steal treasure, and kill whoever is guarding them. xD
I think we're forgetting someone just as sexy

I hated how they remove lock picks in awakening :/ , I thought they made people more careful and stealing stuff was fun to. Now thieves just touch a chest and bam.
I'm going to enforce what Killi said about challenge. If you go off and kill a healthy enemy without a single challenge (unless you have a very good reason to, have permission or are teaming up with another), I will have to injure or kill your character. It's very boring to read, "Allerick went back to slash up some bandits" and it really doesn't develop the character. However taking damage or asking for assistance from another person really makes the character a character, knowing that he/she has limits. Now everyone here is pretty good and I love reading most of your posts (99%), and I am just saying this so everyone knows, including all the lovely new people.
I am in full support of this! *> *

Though that guy hopefully won't feel left out at this rate. Maybe if he came over to OOC chat we could explain it all better.
On a brighter note I have finally become a well known resident! Yet I still have a feeling only like 20 people know me on here xD . So much for being an enigma.

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