Fire Embelm: The Closed Book

Appalling, mayhap xD but not appealing.

But certainly in media or art, it gives the sense that the work is being honest by portraying reality without trying to shelter the viewer, and that has its appeal.
You should watch the show she is from. Not for kids, it made me depressed for a week..

And it's not my fault I am the youngest one here xD  
Well that may not be true, whimsical or kitteh may be younger.
Yes, very I will stalk you now, I like older women.

(Nah I just followed everyone in the rp xD ) 
You should all cower in fear. Now that I have done the sacred ritual of pressing the 'follow' button, you're fates are all sealed and your souls mine!
Well that was a waste of finger muscles. Well at least I can whisper things into you ear while you sleep. Now that I am eternally following you guise.
P: aint got no time for anime theez dayz... my anime golden age has ended ;-- ; In some ways I miss it... but in others...

Thank you for the follow ovo I will remain steadfast in this arpeh in da meantiem.

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