Fire Embelm: The Closed Book

I was trying to base her stats around how everyone else did theirs, so that seemed to be the best balance. I'm thinking about changing the level though since she will have had a lot of experience due to her past.
I assume I am Mashta, here's what I think, you can copy and paste it and do any changes you'd like.

Gaia lvl 16 (Lion guy)

Attack- 3 (+14)

speed- 7 (+9)

Skill- 4 (+6)

defence- 1 (+10)

Resistance- 4 (+15)

constitution- 18

(The brackets are his beast form stats.) 
I have many nicknames, you can call me anything you want as long as it is related to my name xD .
Ohhh.. Stats... hmmm.... Interesting.

Think I'll take a page from Nino's stats. I always do love the speedy mages.

Level 6

Magic 7

Skill 8

Speed 11

Def 2

Res 7

Con 5

Equip: Thunder, Elfire, Vulneraries
Ok so edited based on most Lion Laguz Stats I found, I tried to lower them since their level caps are at 40. So my math may be a little off but I toned it down in comparison to rest of the party but did put into account that he is a laguz.

Gaia Arindale Level-18

Lion Tribe Laguz

Aff- Earth

Max HP- 43

Str-6 (+14)

Mag-1 (+3)

Skl-4 (+14)

Spd-9 (+13)

Luk- 19

Def-3 (+17)

Res-8 (+14)

Con- 18 
The growth rates of Laguz are really low but the base stats are like.... really high to counter that. lol... it's kinda scary lol

I raised his level to make his stats more believable than at lvl 16
I thought I would also talk about Allericks items:

Morbus (disease in latin): A sharp regal blade. Was made centuries ago to combat the dragons. destructive to Wyvern riders and Manketes.

Also, I am not sure what the caps are for the Laguz, never played POR or RD.
Gaia's Items:

Giant Eyeteeth: Used to clean off bones from the meat covering them.

Stonemason's Paws: Used to move heavy stone and carve out designs.

lol xD I'm funny
Hey Love, Im curious, since Uriah has consistently been the ONLY Cavalier/knight unit, should we promote him? I mean, every lord starts off with a paladin by their side!
Yeah, maybe he can find a dead paladin and use his armor and weapon. Because magically turning into a paladin is a little stupid xD .
Nah, just give him a master seal!

Besides, becoming a paladin as a Cavalier generally needs the lord's approval. Cant just steal armor.
Also I was looking at a POR thingie, and maybe he could get a choice of a bow, sword, or axe.
I thought he only used lances. He's never touched a sword, so we could still do it. 
up to you though.
well cavaliers by nature always start being able to use both swords and lances, and in POR, they were given the option to take axe or bow as well when they classed up. the only reason I have Uriah using just a lance, is because Green Knight is usually the lance wielder
I think so, I was thinking of delicious soup with cabbage, carrots, celery, beef.... 
Green knight was always my sword user xD  
Sooooo how does the town look like? and whats in the town of... such and such?
Lots of bars, strip clubs, arena's (closed) and lots of shops. There is not a lot of residential areas. It is very rural.

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