Fire Embelm: The Closed Book

If that's what you want to do, I'm all for it xD . Killi will probably recruit Raikou's character, since he seemed to like her more than everyone else.
I take in character designs but my hands are quite tied right now in terms of spriting.
You can still talk to thief guy on your way, he seems like the kind of guy who'd help :3. 
It's all cool :3, the description of allerick is enough for me.
Mhm. My description needs a picture. Though I would try my hand at it, my artistic skill is lacking miserably.
Other than red, Killi seems to be the only other artist. But if you wanted I could give it a shot xD .
I saw anyone can go for it. Just ask if you need some clarification on his looks if it's not specific or anything (WHICH I WOULD BE UPSET BECAUSE I THOUGHT I WAS VERY DETAILED!)
Damn... Ok... Gotta figure this one out.... So... since he is like way older than the humans, yet not as old as the elders of his people... I'd say middle age in respect to them. So.. He'd be level.... 16?

What do you think, Mashta? Im gonna call OverlyIntricateLove, OV because it sounds funny and its pronounced Ohh-Vee

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