Finding A Home: A Wolf RP

May started laughing as she looked at Cerberus and Legacy, just now realizing that they were in the cave and were ignoring their girl talk. "They aren't bad but I just met them today." She shrugged her shoulders and licked her paws, untangling some fur in random spots.
"Cerberus is scary..." Lillita whispered, so only May and Tae could hear her, "and Legacy, he doesn't seem all that fond of me, so I kind of stay out of his way too." The she-wolf looked at the two males, a bit baffled that they seemed to be the only male wolves she had accounted so far.

Lillita looked back at the two she-wolves, "at the moment, I feel like I'm the lowest ranked wolf here, so I don't think I'll be meeting a mate any time soon." She laughed slightly, she felt as though the wolves around her were a lot more dominant that her, if anything, right now she felt like she was a born omega, which was rich, considering she was the pup of an alpha male and female.
May looked over at Lilly and sighed. "Don't beat yourself up, you only feel that way because your the youngest wolf here but you are still very helpful to us, a great wolf to have around too." She didn't really like it when other wolfs were feeling bad or down so she usually tries everything to get them to cheer up. 'Yay me and my selflessness.' May thought sarcastically, mentally rolling her eyes.
Lillita looked at May and smiled, "thank you." She giggled slightly and looked over to Tae, she cocked her head to one side and asked "What about you Tae? What do you think of Cerberus and Legacy?"

((Writer block D;))
Tae's eyes grew a little dark. "Cerberus has absolutely no humor, and I haven't really talked to Legacy." Tae sent daggers at the bigger male while he wasn't looking. "But, I do have a thing for dominant males," Tae giggled, blushing slightly. Good thing they had fur. "I'd like him if he developed a humor, so serious." Tae rolled her eyes. "Gotta let loose once in awhile, you now?
(Yeah xD ) 
May couldn't stop giggling, glancing over at Cerberus for a second. "Mhm, your right." She thought about how the conversation changed so quickly and looked over at Tae. "How did we even start talking about mates?" She asked the older she-wolf with a chuckle.
Lillita looked down as she played with her paws, her face grew redder as she giggled too, "I kind of like dominant males too..." She said, smiling. The she-wolf looked up at the male wolves, she frowned slightly, "you never know, he might change later on, I mean, did you see how Cerberus acted when he first saw you Tae? He was more submissive then I am!"
(( I think I'm going to drop out. I was fond of this roleplay, but I hate it when things like this get moving so fast that I can't reply...))
May looked over at Lily and shoved her playfully. "I didn't expect you to be one for dominant males." She wiggled her eyebrows suggestively. "I need to remember that." 
(Not much happened, really the only thing we are talking about is if we want mates or not... an who like Cerberus and Legacy as appearance and personality wise)
((Please don't, you're kind of vital for it to be honest, and I like how you type things out, we could always give you a chance to catch up, not much has happened, just some discussion between the female characters))
(( Alright, just next time if you notice I get off. Because I can only be on three hours a day, will you guys please try not to blow it up...))
(( Thanks for understanding =) Oh and they are both Seven ))


Cerberus felt as if he had lost his power when the female for before was pulled into HIS den. He gave a huff and walked out into the rain laying down with his head on his paws. He didn't care that the ran was wet and cold he didn't want to be inside. The male could hear the hushed voices of the females along with the distant howls of the near by pack. He would need to move them in the morning. Weather the she wolves came or not.

Sighing the male closed his eyes and tucked his head in close to his stomach.


Legacy watched as his brother walked outside and sighed. His brother meant the world to him, and Cerberus was clearly not happy about having so many other wolves with them. The small male walked deep into the back of the cave where he laid down and soon feel asleep.

Tae watched as Cerberus laid down outside, and turned back to the she-wolves. "Now what?" Tae grinned playfully as her tail began to wag. "Hey, an invisible wolf marries an invisible she-wolf," Tae joked, grinning manically. "The pups weren't much to look at either!" Tae through in the punch line and began to laugh at her very cheesy joke.


(Sorry! Please don't drop out! We won't bomb you with alerts next time)
Lillita soon noticed how dark it was getting, she yawned loudly and curled up into a tight ball, trying to stay warm, she tuck her nose under her tail, ready to drift off to sleep, she heard Tae's joke, she giggled slightly at it, "I never heard that one before." She laughed, and with a nuzzel, she closed her eyes, "hmm...goodnight I think." She mumbled to May and Tae.
Noticing no one was laughing along with her, Tae coughed a little and curled up into a ball, feeling a little embarrassed. "Me to." Tae tucked her head near her stomach and closed her eyes knowing that she would have to leave the next morning...
May looked at the two she-wolfs and sat in the middle of them, tired but not ready to fall asleep quite yet. "Goodnight Tae and Lilly." She said softly, turning her head to look back outside.
After the ran had stopped Cerberus could feel his fur starting to freeze on his body. He stood up shaking and shook off the best he could. Trotting into his cave he curled up with his brother. Legacy woke up and licked his brothers ear before slipping back into sleep.

* Time skip*

Cerberus woke up before the other wolves the next morning. The sun was up, but covered by clouds and he had no idea what time it was. Sigjing he walked into the main part of the cave and spoke. " Time to get up, we need to get moving." Cerberus said before walking out side and using the bathroom, after doing so he walked to the stream and took a long drink.

Leacy felt his brother move and opened his eyes. Yawning he stood up and followed Cerberus out.

Tae watched as the brother's left the cave, still half-asleep. Stretching, Tae stood up and looked back at the two she-wolves sleeping soundly. Tae had to leave, she only said that she would stay until the other pack had left, and she had exceeded her limit. Feeling her stomach grumble, Tae went out of the cave to hunt for a little snack.

Her body ached with every step she took, Tae grumbled, "I shouldn't have pushed myself so much yesterday." Telling herself that she would take it easy, Tae chased after a small rabbit.
May, who got about an hour or two of sleep, stood up and yawned, stretching her legs to help them become less stiff. She walked out of the cave and got herself a refreshing drink from the lake. She pointed her nose in the air and took in a whiff, still being able to smell the other pack that was nearby and knowing that they had to move to a different area today.
Lillita heard Cerberus's booming voice, and the sound of wolves moving around in the cave, she waited about five minuets before getting up herself. The she-wolf stretched out her body and she yawned loudly, she looked around the cave, noticing that Tae was missing, she sighed slightly and turned to May, nudging her awake slightly with her nose, she then trotted out of the cave, joining Cerberus and Legacy.

"Hey, have you guys seen Tae?" She asked, looking around the grass lands.
A little later, Tae walked back to the cave with two small bloody rabbit in her mouth. Spotting some of the wolves by the streams, Tae walked up to them placing the rabbits down so that they could eat. Those rabbits were hard to catch, because they were smaller and faster than elks and moose. Somewhat fatigued from her previous activity, Tae bent down into the stream for a drink. The cold water felt good in her mouth as she lapped it up. Glancing up at Cerberus, Tae nudged one of the rabbits to him.

"Just as a thank you for letting me stay the night." Tae mumbled softly, looking up at the large male, but keeping her head down in a submissive position. Tae wanted no trouble today, her body ached too much for that.
Cerberus looked down at the small female when she nudged him food. And just took it tossing it to Legacy. Cerberus then stood and walked back into the cave. Legacy sighed and shook his head at his brother looking at the females. " Did you all sleep well?" Legacy asked. He was a sweet wolf, and wished nothing more then for the females to be happy.

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