Finding A Home: A Wolf RP

Lillita just looked at awe at the dead moose, even though it was a baby, she could of never done anything like that, the young she-wolf started to regret leaving home, she obviously wasn't ready, and if any cause she would just be a burden to the rest. She flashed a quick smile at May and picked herself up, walking further into the cave. Lillita then lied down again, curling herself into a ball, tucking her nose under her tail, hoping that she would at least disappear for a while.


((Hahah, just came back for the beach too :P ))
Sensing the other she-wolf's distress, Tae tried to lighten up the mood. "So, I'm Tae." Tae grinned slightly, trying not to appear harmful. Obviously, the last time they had met was awkward, especially after she killed the elk. Remembering about the elk, Tae could see the other pack eating her prey.
May watched as the older she-wolf brought back a young moose and placed it in front of her. She flashed her a quick smile before looking over at Lily, watching her as she went into the back of the cave and lied down in a ball position, before turning back over to her meal. "Thank you for this." May told the Tae.
Giving a small smile at the she-wolf, Tae laid down, feeling a little unwelcome here. They were obviously scared of her, she smelled it. Curling up into a ball, Tae cursed her large size. She was way too large for she-wolf, that's what was probably scaring them.
May watched as everyone's mood changed, making her feel slightly awkward. She was someone who always tried to lighten the mood but right now didn't seem like the best time to do so. She sighed and took a bite out of her meal, chewing very slowly before swallowing and taking another small bite.
Lillita lifted her head up to look at the older she-wolf, "My name's Lillita." She said plainly, looking down at her paws, she started to lick them, cleaning them of any dirt that may have been there. She didn't know how long this wolf was going to stay with them, but she kind of hoped it wouldn't be long.

Lillita had grown insecure about herself, especially after witnessing such skill, she closed her eyes and thought about her own family pack, memories of when she was a pup, though it would be too late now to return, firstly because she didn't really know where she was in relation of her family pack, and secondly, her parents would be having new pups soon, so she didn't really belong there anymore. The she-wolf sighed loudly and rolled onto her side.
Tae sighed in defeat, she really didn't know what to do. First she was forced out from her home, brought to this new unfamiliar place, then her hunger forced her to kill an elk. Later she got chased out by another pack, and now the wolves that she was staying with didn't like her. Tae needed to sort things out, but with all the events that had happened, she decided it would be best to get some rest. As she closed her eyes, Tae thought about her pups, they would be having their own litters soon. Her thoughts then went to her belated mate, homesickness hit Tae like a hunter's bullet, making her chest hurt with grief. She really didn't know what to do...
May finished a little less than half of the moose before she got up, licking her muzzle to rid it of the blood that got on her, and wondered over to where Lilly was. She sat down next to the young she-wolf, licking the top of her ear as a small act of kindness. May looked over her shoulder for a second at Tae and gave her a soft smile, telling her that she wasn't afraid or intimidated by her. "I'm May."
Lillita looked up at May and smiled at her, getting up from her side she asked "how was the moose?" Lillita looked over the carcass, even though she was hungry, she wasn't in the best moods to eat, she turned her face and looked at May's wounds, the ones that were still open, "I don't want to sound weird, but if your having trouble reaching them, I can help you clean them, if you like?" She asked.
May looked at the moose too before turning back to Lilly. "It was good, filled me up at least." She watched Lily stand up and smiled when she asked if she could help with her wounds. "Doesn't sound weird at all and sure, the are starting to get uncomfortable." She grimaced slightly and looked at them.
"Ahh, okay, that's good." Lillta smiled, she started to lick at May's wounds, licking it clean of blood, dirt and hopefully infection. She frowned slightly and lifted her head up, looking towards Tae, "excuse me, Tae? How old are you? If you don't mind me asking?" Lillita asked the older she-wolf before returning to tend to May's wounds.
Tae opened her eyes from her little nap to see Lillita cleaning May's wounds and smiled. How sweet. Tae remembered how she used to clean her pups when they were little and chuckled. Shutting her eyes again, Tae took a little stroll down memory lane.

Only to be pulled out by Lillita's voice. "Oh, I'm five. Not that old." Tae gave her a small smile, one that showed her stress and fatigue from today. "May I ask the same for you two?" Tae raised her head, happy that they were talking to her.
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"I'm only two years." Lillita replied, the sound of her reply was muffled by her licking, she looked at Tae once again, "how come you're so strong?" She wanted these questions to be out of the open "maybe I'll actually learn something." She thought herself, she was also just realizing that her family pack was very layed back, considering they did everything together.
Tae burst out laughing at the young wolf's question. Her laughter filled the cave, echoing off the walls. "Practice and luck, Lillita, practice and luck." Tae chuckled, remembering her puppy days. She got into so much trouble, Tae wondered how she was still alive. "I'm not very used to hunting by myself though." Tae gave the two younger she-wolves a little playful wink. "I was hungry and wasn't thinking properly when I attacked that elk." Recalling the event, Tae added in, "I'm just very lucky."
May watched the small little scene play out, amusement dancing around in her eyes before she thought back to Lily's question. "Very lucky indeed, but I am also curious to know how old you are." She didn't want to sound rude or pushy, she was only curious.
Giving a playful wink, Tae had a goofy grin on her face. "I'm old enough to have full grown pups, but young enough to mate." Tae giggled quietly. After Tae's mate had died, she was looking for a new one. After all, Tae knew that her previous mate would want her to move on.
May chuckled under her breathe and shook her head. This she-wolf was starting to grow on her more and more even though they just met. May looked back down at her wounds and breathed a sigh of relief when she sat that her wounds were now clean and, for the most part, blood free. "Thanks Lilly." May said gratefully, licking her ear again.
Lillita had heard what Tae had said about mating and she felt her face turn red, the whole subject was a hush hush topic in her pack, so she didn't know what to say or do when the topic arose. "Well, erm, it's really cool that you took that elk down..." Lillita said quietly, the she-wolf was a bit shy now, but she was trying her hardest to move the conversation on, "oh, erm, how old are your pups now?" She asked. 
Lillita looked up at May and smiled, "No problem!" She giggled.
Tae smiled at Lillita, "They're the same age as you now." Tae winked at Lillita and mouthed, "Maybe I can set one of my pups up with you." and giggled, imagining little puppies running around. "That'd be so cute!" Tae thought out loud and turned her head to Lillita. "What kind of mate are you looking for? I trained them all to be very powerful hunters!" Tae raised her head in pride of his pups. "Would you like Orum? He's more of the silent type, but very caring." Tae paused for a moment and grinned. "He's also quite the looker." Tae then thought of her 3rd born. "Or how about Nat? He's very playful and fun to be around. But, I warn you, he's quite the player," Tae chuckled lightly. Soon Tae was ranting on about her pups, asking which one Lillita would like best.
May watched how Lilly reacted to the whole mate thing and shook her head, smiling. She looked over at Tae and her say that they were the same age as Lilly, and started asking her which one Lilly would like best which made May laughed out, her tail wagging.
Hearing May laugh, Tae's tail began to wag. "Or maybe, May here is looking for a special somebody?" Tae wagged her eyebrows suggestively at May. Tae grinned, licking her paws to clean off the dirt.
May looked back over at Tae and winked playfully. "I'm open to options." She was actually looking for a mate but didn't want to rush into anything anytime soon.
Aradia sniffled aggressively, attempting to follow the passing scent of other wolves. She needed a place to rest, and her young pup was tired and hungry. Finally she reached a pack, eying the wandering wolves with relief. She loved her little baby to death, but she was complaining far too much for her liking. She picked Aubree up and placed her on her back, prancing around in search for an empty den around. She found a den that was quite to her liking-a roomy cave that was covered in soft moss. Once Aubree was old enough she could go to a junkyard, lie down tattered clothes or bowls, yeah, she could really make it look nice. She laid her exhausted pup down in the back and walked out, looking for the alpha.

Oliver ran aimlessly around the pack, a burst of energy in his body making him jolt back and forth. In his old pack he would swim in the lake, or hunt elk, but he couldn't find any elk or a lake, so he simply ran.

(Im having a brain fart right now :P )
Lillita's eyes widened and her face grew hotter as she listened to Tae going on about her pups and how she was trying to set her up with on of them, "I, erm, I don't really think I could, I mean, it would be nice but..." She started, stuttering her words a bit, "I'm not the biggest fan of puppies." She admitted, "I could probably never raise one on my own..."

After she heard Tae move on with May with her teasing, Lillita sighed a sigh of relief, though the way May reacted made the she-wolf even more flustered, she wondered how the two she-wolves could talk about mating in such a joking matter, her family never even spoke about it at all.
Tae raised an eyebrow at both of the she-wolves. "What about Cerberus and Legacy? They're quite the lookers aren't they?" Tae admitted herself, she somewhat liked the bigger one, she hadn't spoken to the smaller one however. Tae had a thing for dominating males.

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