Finding A Home: A Wolf RP

Tae eyes snapped open when her tired body caught the strong smell of a male. She jumped up, legs a little weary from her previous activity. Letting out a intimidating growl, Tae bared her teeth at the wolf approaching her. Her eye sight was a little blurry, but when she noticed that he was in one of the most submissive pose ever, Tae stared at the male in caution. When she let him get near, Tae spotted two other wolves in the background. Tae watched the male come closer as she stood her ground. Thank the Lord he didn't want to fight, Tae was in no condition to battle another wolf.

"May I help you?" Tae finally broke the silence between her and the other wolves. In her five years of living, Tae had watched her parents bring order around the pack as the Alphas, being the pup of the Alphas forced the other wolves to treat her with respect. When those humans brought her to this unfamiliar place, it was like a "factory reset" on a "computer" as the humans would say.
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Cerberus's eyes went to the female as she spoke. " How did you do that?" Cerberus asked picking his head back up. Legacy stood and trotted over to the female standing next to his larger brother

(( Sorry WB))
Feeling a little dizzy Tae raised one of her brows in confusion. "Do what? Speak?" amusement danced around in Tae's eyes. "It's easy. You just have to let out a sound from your mouth and form words." Exaggerating it a bit, Tae opened her mouth, showing off her strong and large cuspids. "Liiiiiikeeee thiiiiissssss." Tae spoke to the wolf before her like she would do to a pup.

Laying back down, Tae sensed no danger from the wolves. "Now let me eat my prey in peace, pup." Tae didn't know if the larger male was older than her or not, but she could tell that the little she-wolf was young by her posture and size. Tae guessed that the she-wolf had a little more growing to get through. Then again, Tae could tell she was young because she didn't look like she had pups before. Mothers usually had this exhausted look in their eyes, the liters were always so tiring. Feeling a little home sick, Tae remembered her own pups that had grown up and took their own mates.

As if taunting the other wolves, Tae took a large bite into the elk and ripped the meat off of it. Chewing it slowly, she let the blood drip down her mouth, staining her fur a dark red. Tae watched, amused, at the other wolves.
Cerberus went from being submissive to being down right pissed off. " You better watch your pretty little mouth there missy. I could rip your head off in seconds." Cerberus said with a growl his bright red eyes looking deep into hears. " And I;m sure not a pup." He said rolling his eyes. He now wished to sink his large teeth into the other wolf's neck. She had cross the line.

Legacy stepped back as his brother got mad. Cerberus was nearly two times larger the the feeding female and she was talking to him like that. She was crazy.
Tae stifled a giggle at the male's annoyance. Getting up, Tae could feel her second wind coming. She always did have a knack of getting into trouble. Tae stepped up to the male and got close to his ears and said, "Bring it," Tae paused for a moment, getting ready to jump back. "Pup." she added in, laughing. Immediately Tae jumped back and encouraged the other wolf to play, like little pups.

Cerberus watched the female dance around as if she were a pup. He was in no mood to play. The male let out a large growl and jumped into the air landing on the female and pinning her to the ground by he neck. His muzzle so close to her own that his breath his her face. He was snarling, and growling. " I'm gonna kill you." He growled.


" Whoa Cerberus!" Legacy call stepping forward, he didn't want his brother to hurt her. But then again he didn't want her to hurt him. " Cerberus knock it off!" He shouted hearing his brother say he was going to kill her.

Tae had a shot of panic, but then again if she was going to die, she would die having fun. Tae looked up into the male's eyes, whose name is Cerberus, raising her head Tae smiled inwardly. Suddenly, Tae touched their noses together. Giggling slightly, Tae rubbed her head underneath the neck of the larger male, trying to do her best to express affection.


Sorry, if I get the expressing affection thing wrong. But, I tried it with my dog and did a little research. So, yeah.
The females actions just made him madder. He took a bit at the back of her neck and growled. " knock it off." He said pushing her head back down to the ground.
Getting upset and angry at the bigger male's actions, Tae furrowed her brows together, pushed the male off of her with a quick burst of strength. Grabbing her prey by the neck, Tae dragged the elk off somewhere else muttering something about, "Youngsters have no humor nowadays..."


brb have to bring my dog for a check up now :)
(( What kind of dog do you have?))

Cerberus simply walked away when the female pushed him away, she wasn;t worth his time. but now it was well after dark and they still has to find May something to eat. Cerberus started to walk sooning running into a jack rabbit that he killed with one swift bite. He picked it up and started to walk.

Legacy sighed watching his brother, he was clearly mad. He sighed and followed him back at the cave.
(I forgot it was raining...)

May watched the rain hit the ground and splash into different directions, the sound of it calming her. She had her ears laying down on her head, her tail curled into her body as she waited for the others to arrive. After some time, when the sky started turning dark, she heard the sound of multiple paws hitting the ground, splashing some water around. May looked at the entrance of the cave, knowing that it was only Cerberus, Legacy, and Lilly walking.
Tae needed to find shelter, fast. Tae muttered to herself, "I should've given those wolves the elk, I don't need all of this." Dragging her prey underneath a small cave, Tae curled up into a ball and began to try and fall asleep. With no success, Tae thought about the wolves from before. Had they been from another pack? Tae shuddered at the thought of what would happen if the pack that resided in this area would do if they found her here. Glancing around warily, Tae tucked her head into her body and closed her eyes, forcing herself to sleep...


She's a golden retriever/yellow lab :) by the way, how old is Cerberus and Legacy anyway?
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Lillita trotted into the cave, as soon as she was in the shelter she shook her entire body free of rain water, leaving her fur to poof up slightly. The she-wolf looked over at May, happy to be around another female that didn't pose a threat to her, she had grown a bit scared of the strong female from before, considering that the she-wolf killed a whole elk by herself, "which I didn't get a bite off.." The she-wolf thought to herself, as her stomach growled.

Lillita walked towards May with a smile, "Cerberus caught you a rabbit." She said, Lillita moved her muzzle close to May's ear, "But try and stay out of his way, he's really mad right now." She whispered, trying her hardest for Cerberus not to hear her. She lied down next to May, with enough distance between them to allow the other she-wolf to be comfortable, "How are you feeling? Have your wounds stopped bleeding yet?" She asked May.
May smiled at Lilly as she sat down next to her, listening to what she said about Cerberus and nodded her head, making a mental note of it. "I can't say I'm feeling that good but it's better than before and most of the wounds stopped bleeding, the ones that I can't reach are the ones that haven't." May felt pretty bad when she heard that Cerberus only caught one rabbit, which was for her, leaving the other wolfs to go hungry for tonight.
Tae sprinted out of the cave, leaving the carcass of the elk to rot in there. She had smelled a pack, Tae needed to get out of the cave and out of their territory. Hearing the barks and growls of the pack, Tae stuck her tail between her legs and sped up. It was hard being a lone wolf, Tae thought to herself. Now she knew what all those other rogue wolves had felt when she and her pack used to chase them out. Tae still could remember beating the wolf when they had caught them. Well, it looked like Tae was on the other end on the rope. Tae smelled the border and crossed it speedily. Glancing back at the pack, Tae ran into the forest, ducking into a cave. Without knowing there were other wolves in it.


(I'm joining you again! :)  
Tae stared at the other wolves in shock. She ran away from a pack, just to join another one? No, it was too small. Tae made a gasp of recognition, these were the same wolves from before! Tae began to back up again, only to hear the loud barks of the pack that was chasing her.

Bowing her head in submission, Tae asked quietly, "Please let me stay," Tae looked up for a moment. "Well, at least until they're gone." Tae glanced back at the entrance of the cave.
May watched as another female wolf, Tae, ran into the cave. She also heard some barks from a different pack who she assumes were chasing her. May recognized the scent of the female because she smelt it on Cerberus when he walked inside. "I'm assuming you already met with others." May said gently, nodding her head gently in a form of greeting.
Tae's eyes focused onto the young she-wolf on the ground and nodded. Taking in her features, Tae gasped and approached the she-wolf swiftly. "You're hurt...!" Tae stared wide eyed at the she-wolf, glaring at the two males, Tae growled at them, covering the younger she-wolf. "What did you do to her...?" It was more of a threat than a question as Tae's protective mother side emerged.
May smiled and nudged the older she-wolf in a calming motion. "They didn't do anything, they actually found me like this. Another pack, I'm assuming the one that chased you, attacked me while I was sleeping." She looked out at the entrance of the cave and sighed, watching the rain fall down. "No need to start a fight."
Calming down at the she-wolf's words, Tae looked into the she-wolf's eyes in concern. "Have you eaten?" Tae looked down at the puny little rabbit in horror. This wasn't enough for a recovering she-wolf! Taking the risk, Tae decided to go out and bring back a better prey. "I'll go hunting for you," Tae sent the injured she-wolf a caring look. Tae would not let a young she-wolf have malnutrition. "Any preferences?"


(when's everyone else going to come in? Because you would think that Cerberus would have knocked Tae down by now)
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(Ha I know xD )

May looked at her and raised an eyebrow (Which they have will now have) and shook her head. "I'm good, you don't need to go out there and risk your life just to get me to heal faster. A rabbit will be good for right now, it's better than nothing." She has gone days, maybe even a week or two, without food before so the rabbit will be good enough for her right now.
Frowning slightly, Tae walked up to the she-wolf and stared into her eyes for a moment. She looked over the she-wolf's body, so weak and frail. Tae nodded, making a firm decision. She would go out and get food for all the wolves. If they were going to let her stay, Tae might as well do something for them. She ran out into the rain in search of food for the wolves, mainly for the injured she-wolf.
May watched as the she-wolf, whose name she has yet to learn, looked her over before running out of the cave entrance. She groaned and placed her head on her paws, shaking it back and forth. "Some wolfs these days are so selfless, of course I would do the same for her if she was in my position." May mumbled to herself, letting her ears lay flat on her head with her tail curling in. "Oh well."
Lillita had watched the whole thing unfold, now sitting behind May with her ears flattened against her skull, since her fear of the older she-wolf didn't disappear, she stared to panic slightly, "Are those wolves going to come in here and attack us?" She asked frantically, looking at the two females.

Lillita then heard what the older she-wolf said about the rabbit, she mumbled under her breath, "Well if you didn't drag that elk away, we might of been able to take a leg back with us." The young she wolf felt quite bad now, considering the older she-wolf ran in, then offered to catch something better.
After minutes of searching, Tae had cornered a small baby moose. It was crying out for it's mother, but the heavy rain drowned out it's pleas for help. Narrowing her eyes, Tae pounced on the elk, breaking its neck, and dragging it back to the cave. The rain soaked her fur, but Tae was determined to feed the injured she-wolf. Tae dragged the baby moose into the cave and dropped it in front of the injured wolf. She nudged the moose towards the she-wolf with her muzzle, then proceeded to shake herself dry, poofing up her fur.



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