Finding A Home: A Wolf RP

Lillita wagged her tail, "I did thank you, and yourself?" She started sniffing at the rabbit near his feet, her stomach growling loudly.
Legacy smiled at the females. " I slept fine, after Cerberus finally came in." He gave a sigh. " I'm sorry you guys are scared of him." Legacy dropped his head to the rabbit and took a small bit.
May laughed slightly. "Oh i'm not scared of him, I just think he needs to stop being so stiff and cruel." She sighs and shakes her head, looking back over the cave. "Just needs to lighten up some."
Lillita looked up at Legacy, "It's not your fault, is it? It's just who he is." She started, the she-wolf sat down, now eyeing the rabbit once more, "plus, I'm a bit of a wimp myself, so I get scared of things easily." She giggled slightly.
Legacy gave a small sigh. " He never used to be like this..." He dropped his eyes to the ground. " He's been though a lot, we both have."
Tae sat awkwardly on the side, contemplating when she would leave the group of wolves. But, what would she do after that? Try to find her way back to her pack. No, Tae had already given up on that. Tae would never get home. She tuned out the other wolves chatter and listened for any approaching wolf packs, or anything in that matter.
Lillita's ears flattened, "What happened? If you don't mind me asking?" The she-wolf asked, hoping that she was treading on unwelcomed territory.
May nudged Legacy in the side gently. "There isn't really a reason to dwell on the past that much. I know that something that happens in the past isn't easy to forget, oh how I know that, but it only harms you more if you keep thinking about it." May did think about her past often, the good and the bad, but she never let it effect her that much. 
May looked from Legacy to Lily and back, it was his choice wither he tells or not.
Overhearing the wolves gossip, Tae snapped out of her concentration and leaned into the conversation. She was curious about it, and wanted to know to. Tae stayed silent, waiting for Legacy to answer.
Legacy let out a deep sigh licking his lips. " When we were two we left the pack, a day latter we went back to out land to see if we could get out sister to come back, but the only thing we found was blood, and dead bodies. A near by town had been hunting us for years, and they had came in the night and killed every last wolf in our pack. Pups and all. Both of us were hurt, but that's not what turned Cerberus. After two years of wondering and eating whatever we could find, Cerberus ran into a female, who he soon fell in love with." He male laid down with sad eyes. " She was an amazing wolf, sweet as could be. She got pregnant and we headed off to find new lands. After a week we crossed through a farms field, not noticing the sheep. Jules was walking a little behind us, and BANG!" Legacy paused almost fighting back tears. " He shot Jules, and the pups inside her. Cerberus in return killed the human, and since then he's been this way. It's almost like he doesn't want to love anything anymore because he fears he'll lose it."

Cerberus sat at the entrance of the cave listening to his brother speak. One tear slowly streamed down his cheek as he thought of both his family and Jules. He sighed and dropped his head to the ground.

Tae was in shock of what happened and felt pity for the wolf. Remembering back when they had first met, Tae felt guilty with her actions and bowed her head in shame. She knew what it felt like to lose a beloved mate, the same had happened to hers. Tae began to cry, letting the tears run down her face. Turning away, Tae didn't want the other wolves to see her cry.

When Tae's mate had died, Tae refused to feel sad, she needed to be strong for her pups. Losing their father at such an early age would not be good for them, if they had an emotionally unstable mother, it'd be worse. Suddenly, all the grief she should've had before struck her now.

Making up an excuse, Tae looked away from the wolves, "I'm...I'm going to go around and patrol for a bit.." Tae ran off into the woods, finding a secluded place to mourn for both Cerberus' mate and her own.
May look at Legacy and where Cerberus was, but not with pity, instead she looked at them with strange proud glint in her eyes. She was happy and proud of them for continuing and moving on, maybe not completely but it was better than giving up. Her story was almost exactly like theirs but it had more complications to it. She did want Legacy to feel... left out so she turned to Lily and smiled slightly. "Why don't you tell us your story, if you don't mind, and I will tell mine after." May thought it was a fair trade, plus it would help the wolves know more about each other.
Lillita shed a tear and nuzzled into Legacy's fur, "I'm really sorry to hear that..." She started to feel guilty about judging Cerberus so hastily, she herself have had wolves in her pack pass away, but nothing like that. The she-wolf turned her head to watch Tae run into the woodlands, she frowned, wondering what was on the older she-wolfs mind.
After mourning for a short time Cerberus spanned out of it and walked back to the stream, not far from the other wolves. Legacy gave a small nod to the fmeales licking his paw.
Lillita laughed slightly, "my past was a normal one..." She started, "I was born in a litter of four, I was the most adventurous of all my siblings, so I left sooner than all of them." Lillita noticed that her story wasn't a very interesting one, she really had no right to complain about anything in her life, "if anything, my family pack were very laid back, they would move territory if would mean avoiding confrontation from another pack, now you could say that they were cowards, but no, if anyone threaten the pups, my Dad would be the first on the scene." She smiled a wide smile, remembering her Father.

"He past away last Winter..." Lillita said sadly, "That's one of the reasons why I left, I couldn't stand my Father not being around, you could say that I was quite the 'Daddies Girl'." She giggled to herself. With not much else to say, she looked at May, "your turn." She said with a smile.
(Sorry I had to eat dinner)

May smiled at Lily and nodded her head. "Okay well my past was a little like Legacy's and Cerberus's. We had a large pack. I was born into a litter of 3, me being the runt of the group. My siblings and my mother didn't make it which left me with just my dad." May smiled as she remembered her dad, really the only reason she was alive today. "He was a great wolf, always looking out for everyone before himself, that's where I got that trait from. Anyways, I was 2 years old and was just learning how to help the pack out. One day, on my first hunting trip, these humans with guns came across us. They shot one of the pups which broke out in a fight. One of the humans aimed a gun at me and pulled the trigger, my dad was right next to me so her pushed me out of the way and took the bullet. He told me to run away after that so I did but stayed close and hid in the bushes. When there was no more noise I went back and saw blood everywhere, the dead bodies of my pack scattered about. I was the only one left. I ran off soon after and have stayed on my own for about a year now, learning how to properly hunt and everything like that by myself, having to get out of trouble by myself. " May looked at all of them before she closed her eyes and sighed. "And I don't want any of your pity." She had to add this in, pity was the last thing she wanted from the others.
Tae's eyes were swollen and red from crying, she trudged back to the group slowly. Her heart still ached as she remembered all the memories she and her mate had together. Hanging her head, Tae emerged from the woods to find that the others were exchanging stories. She sat down as she listened to each of the wolves tale. It seemed everyone had a "great" past. Tae smiled, sympathetic to each of their pasts.

Wondering if she should tell hers, Tae spoke up, "I was brought here by humans." After those few words, Tae's confidence seemed to drop as she became silent again.


(Bye, see you tomorrow.)
Lillita licked May's ear in affection, feeling amazed that the she-wolf had been through so much, but still managed to survive. She lifted her head as Tae spoke, the she-wolf cocked her head to one side, questions bursting in her head, "they brought you here? Why?" She asked.
Tae frowned at Lillita's words, but didn't really know the exact answer. "I actually don't know." Tae shrugged, but it bother her to not know why they brought her here, removing Tae of all the things she had. Tae wanted to keep her past a secret, these wolves didn't need to know what happened.

Compared to the others tales, Tae had more of a better past. She was spoiled silly by her parents, had many friends, found a mate. Mate. Tae could feel her eyes water up again. Trying not to cry, Tae forced her thoughts to move on. They had pups. She and her mate had pups. Not being able to hold it in, Tae broke down crying in front of the other wolves. She wasn't used to all this, Tae just wanted to go home, where there was no sorrow, no grief. Home.
Lillita's eyes widened at the sight of the older she-wolf crying, she moved over to her and licked her ear in affection, frowning slightly. It was stranger for the female to see such a strong she-wolf cry, but she couldn't blame her, every wolf had emotions, and considering everyone's stories, everyone had a past too.

"What's wrong?" Lillita asked, her eyes full of worry.
Looking up at Lillita, Tae's vision was blurred by tears. Not being able to form any words, Tae just leaned onto the younger she-wolf, letting her tears stain her fur dark.

"What am I going to do, Lilli?" Tae sobbed into Lillita's fur, her voice cracking. Tae had so much grief in her soul, hearing all the other wolves' stories, and then her past came back to haunt her. The she-wolf was so vulnerable right now, anyone could strike her down and kill her. But, if that was what was needed to rid her of the pain, Tae was willing to die.
Lillita wasn't sure what to do, she just nuzzled Tae's neck, comforting the older she-wolf, "you don't need to do anything, okay?" She said soothingly. Though Lillita's mind was bursting with questions, she thought it would be best to leave them in her head for now, she didn't want to make Tae feel worse that what she already did. The she-wolf looked over at May and frowned, mentally asking for help, she wasn't the greatest at offering comfort, and considering May helped her mood last night in the cave, she thought she would be able to help now.


((Right, off to bed, goodnight :3))
Tae's mind was bursting with images of the past, good and bad at the same time. Suddenly her train of thoughts stopped, freezing on the dead body of her mate. Blood stained his pure white fur, his beautiful dark eyes that used to be so cheerful and alive...were dead. Laying still on the hard rocky ground, his blood rushing out of his body.

"Rune...please don't leave me....Rune...!" Tae whimpered, her eyes shut tight, as if she was having a nightmare. Tae could feel her body shaking, her muscles felt weak as she collapsed to the ground in exhaustion.



I won't be here for the next two days, please don't get TOO far without me

, I'll be back as soon as I can


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