Fighting the Beast Within - A Mixed DNA RP

Aster, who had been tuning his senses via pheromone, was hit full force with the scent of food. He immediately jumped up, realizing he hadn't eaten whatsoever for two days. However, he stumbled and fell when he was reminded by sharp pain that he was wounded.

Face down in the dirt, he said, "I'll have some please."
Kreg awoke with a jump, sitting straight up. He hadn't realized that he fell asleep. He looked at the half-eaten cracker in his hand and placed it on the ground, atop the opened package it came in. He looked around, realizing that Ginger wasn't with them and Mabelle had joined up with them. He grimaced in pain as he tried to stand, but only fell back down, causing a wave of pain to flow up his body. He coughed a few more times, swallowing any blood that tried to make an escape. He smiled, however, at Mabelle cooking the food over the fire. He picked up a small, greenish, clear bag that came with the MRE and held it up.

"Y'know...If you just add water to this and put whatever you want cooked inside of it, it'll cook. But everything in the MRE can be eaten cold." He said, somewhat struggling to talk.
Ginger looked at the others and then looked at the girl she was helping. She slowly picked her up arm over shoulder and helpped her walk more towards the others. She looked at Kreg and then at the others. She didn't say anything but she sat down under a tree waiting for the food. She was happy to have a different smell in her nose then just blood. She leaned back and brushed her hair a bit with her claws.
Mabelle jumped up, rushing over to Aster, "Please don't try and move. As humourous as it is to see you face down in the dirt, I'm sure it's not funny for you." She grabbed him and managed to help him up and make him sit down, back against a sturdy tree. She walked back next to the fire and grabbed everyone some food, passing it out to them all. She glanced over at Kreg, frowning a bit, he still seemed odd. She grabbed her own share of food and went and sat beside Kreg, starting to eat beside him, she paused and glanced at him worriedly, "Kreg, are you ok?" Now that she was closer, her heightened senses were picking up the metallic smell of blood.
Evan looked at Mabelle and then smiled sitting beside her. "Thanks." He said and then looked down at the food he gave her. "Hey....Did you ever tell me your name because if you did I can't remember what it is." He rubbed his head nervously. He looked at her and smiled.

Ginger sat down on the other side of Kreg. SHe played with the food but then just set it down pushing it away. She sighed deeply not hungry. She looked at her side and then gently poked at it. She flinched and then sighed. She put her tail on her lap and then looked at the ground. She didn't know why she wasn't very hungry.
Mabelle glanced to Evan with a kind smile, "No I didn't, I was kinda busy helping everyone with their injuries" She grins and sticks out her free hand, "I'm Mabelle" She frowned lightly, not being able to think of his name, then again, it wasn't mentioned. "What's your name?" She did however remember him as the boy with the younger sister at the farm, Noah might be at that farm. She glanced back at Kreg briefly, he probably wasn't going to answer her honestly now that others were around. Men and their stupid pride; he was just like Noah.
Evan smiled and nodded. "I'm Evan...nice to meet you Mabelle." He said grabbed her hand and shaking it. He looked at her. She was cute. He only smiled and let go of her hand looking up at the sky. "Yeah a lot of people here have been beaten pretty badly." He sighed his ears slightly tilting down.
Edwin's stomach rumbled smelling the food. He hadn't eaten in awhile but he thought it best to let those who were wounded eat first. All he had was a bullet hole in his leg, which was already treated. Others, like Kreg and Aster were worst off. He picked out more sticks, feeding the fire. It was starting to get dark and the temperture was dropping.
Marie closed her eyes, trying to hold back the coming blush. "Please eat something, Noah..." They all needed to keep their strength up, if only because it would help them survive the coming months. Besides, Noah worked in the fields. Being a maid didn't require that much physical exertion.

At the mention of food, Aaron became responsive again. "Sounds good to me!" He looked around the group and at the newcomer called Mabelle. His stomach felt empty, but he didn't comment further. He looked around in the trees, trying to see through the blanketing darkness. There was a dark shape moving around in the woods, but he knew it was Bianca, mostly because of the obnoxiously long hair that followed the shadow.

Bianca was silent in the shadows, scanning the area for anything out of the ordinary. She supposed she could climb up a tree somewhere, but truthfully, she was almost hoping a stray soldier would show up so she could confiscate some weaponry. Though she had a bit of weaponry resting within her fangs, it would be hard to use it without getting close to someone, and even harder to do if the person had a gun.

Perhaps she needed to think less like a human and more like a spider. She hadn't tried, but she might be able to make a web. Not to mention she could probably pull off the sort of ambush trapdoor spiders do.
Mariah sat silently against the tree, watching the others curiously. Her wound had stopped bleeding, but it was still very painful. She sighed quietly and sneezed slightly, making her jump a little bit.

She lashed her black tail and flicked her ears before looking down at the food and tilting her head.

"No.. I'm not hungry." She murmured, crossing her arms over her chest and relaxing.
Kreg looked at Mabelle sit to one side of him, and Ginger sit at the other. He sighed lightly when Mabelle asked if he was all right. He thought about being honest, but what was the point in having people worry over him when it wasn't necessary? Before he could lie through his teeth, he had another coughing fit, large spurts of blood erupting from his mouth this time. It was too large to hide, so he decided that that would be his answer to Mabelle's question. He leaned his head against the tree, his breathing becoming somewhat labored. He couldn't hide it anymore. He was dying.
Ginger looked at Kreg and then suddenly became even more worried. She looked at Kreg and then her eyes widen. She felt her heart sink. "Kreg!" She looked at him and then glared with anger. Why didn't he just tell her! She looked at him and then sighed. "What's going on. Tell me now!" She yelled at him standing up now.
Mariah sat up a little more when she saw the blood run down Kreg's face. For some reason, it worried her, even though she had no idea who he was. She tilted her head and tried to meet his gaze, but he wouldn't look at her.

She stumbled over towards him and slowly knelt down beside him.

"You're dying.. Aren't you?" She asked quietly, lashing her black tail in a polite manner. Her yellow eyes glittered a little, but stopped when she blinked.
Kreg chuckled lightly, his teeth stained with blood. There was nothing they could do for him. A punctured lung was impossible to fix without surgery, so what was the point in worrying anyone? He was dying. He knew that and had already accepted the fact. There was no sense in delaying the inevitable. So, he simply continued smiling and looked up toward Ginger.

"What happens when there are no more enemies? When your friends are safe, how do you pass your days? Will you miss the thrill of battle? An old hero without his sword? Be bored? Lonely? I was that, before this happened. I've already lived out my purpose, which was to protect and free all of you. I have nothing left. I've punctured a lung, which is slowly filling with blood. I'll die soon. So, I ask you: When all you have are memories...Who will remember you?" Kreg asked in length, his breath becoming more haggard.
Ginger teared up. "But...." She looked at him and then hugged him. "I think you can have a new can't die....I won't let you." She said looking at him, she was scared. She put her head to his chest. "I will rememer you, you choose a can change it. You have before you don't need to fight...I just...." She sighed deeply and then looked at him. "What about your healing ability?" She said looking at him. She couldn't lose him, she just couldn't.
Edwin had just returned to the group when he heard Ginger and Mabelle questioning Kreg. 'Dying!?' He thought to himself in total shock. He saw Ginger begging Kreg to not give up. He silently agreed with her. In the month he had known them all, he had come to reguard them as a sort of family. He had no real family to go home to. He had lost them all years ago.
(New character!)

Illya looked down from the tree she was hiding in. She had followed the scent of half-breeds like her through the forest, and had found the group. She supposed that, like her, they had been changed like her. She had been on the run from the lab for a few days now, and had at first been glad to have found people like her. Now, however, she wasn't sure what to do. Apparently, they were worried about one of their friends. It was no wonder. She could smell blood all the way up in the tree. He was obviously dying, and the group cared for him.

She felt sorry for them, but knew she couldn't understand them. After all, she hadn't met anyone for the past three years, being locked in the testing facility by her father. She stayed up in the tree, indecisive about what to do.


Aster was panicking, and he didn't know what to do. There had to be a way. There just had to be a way.

"What if I try pheromones? They have some healing capabilities. Would they be enough?"

He didn't want Kreg to die. He had done so much for them. He truly had gained their trust.
Mariah hissed angrily, seeing she was no help here at all. She leaped to her feet and padded slowly away from Kreg and the others.

I don't need them. They don't even know I'm there! She spat in her head irritably as she walked further and further away. A look of hurt flashed onto her face as she glanced back, seeing that everyone hadn't even noticed she was leaving.

"They should of just left me out here to die." She snarled, tearing off the bandage on her stomach wound and throwing it to the side. Almost immediately, it began bleeding again. She snarled like a cat and sliced a tree nearby to her as she felt her heart break into smithereens.
Illya looked down and saw the girl rip the bandage off her stomach. Immediately she jumped down and said, "you shouldn't do that." Illya knew she was taking a risk, but the fact was she hated seeing someone hurting themselves.
Mariah glanced at her and stopped walking.

"It's not something you need to worry about. I can deal with it." She muttered irritably as long white claws shot out of her fingertips. She brushed past Illya and continued to walk off into the unknown forest. She didn't know what was out here but didn't care.
Illya watched the girl leave, fox ears twitching.

She sniffed the air, making sure nobody had noticed her, then she started following her silently through the trees.


Aster had seen Mariah storm off, but he was more concerned about Kreg. If Mariah didn't want to be in the same group as those who had helped heal her, that was her decision. Nevertheless, he felt kind of bad about it. However, right now he was focused on Kreg.
Kreg saw everyone's concern for him and he was truly touched. However, he knew that concern alone wouldn't save him. He didn't want to die. He didn't want to leave everyone, especially Ginger. He had taken quite the liking to her, despite his reservations about it. He thought about Aster's offer, then wondered if it was enough to keep him alive, at least until they got to a hospital or something. Even then, would a hospital save a freak like him? He looked at Ginger when she told him to have a new meaning. Could she be his meaning? He pondered this for a moment, closing his eyes. When they reopened, he looked at Aster.

"If you think the pheromones will keep me alive until we can find help, go for it." Kreg said through harsh, labored breaths.
Ginger looked at Kreg and smiled. She looked at Aster and then stood up once more. She looked at Kreg and then smiled, at least he was going to try now. She still was worried, very worried. She did take on a more relaxed look. She did look down still very frightened about lossing him.
Aster focused, and used as many pheromones as he could to help speed up natural healing processes in Kreg's body. "You might feel a little woozy. The pheromones redirect some of your body's energy to healing processes. Nothing vital, but you will probably fall asleep." After using around four fifths of his pheromones, Aster stopped funneling them. "That should be enough to keep you going for a while without knocking myself out... or maybe..."

Aster proceeded to black out. He had forgotten how much energy pheromones used, and he already had his own injuries.

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