Fighting the Beast Within - A Mixed DNA RP

Mabelle's eyes widened when the blood gushed from his lips, she leapt up, "Kreg! You should have told me!" Her eyes watered as she spoke and she glanced at the others, head moving back and forth as they spoke, she rubbed her forehead, "I don't know if a normal hospital would treat him..." She paused, "People are judgmental." She looked around, "I got a scholarship to a medical school when I was 16. I was training for three years before..." She trailed off, "Anyway, my point is, I might be able to stop the bleeding if we can get hold of the right equipment." She looked at the others, waiting for their response. She then looked over at Aster and her eyes widened, "Oh great." She rushed over to him and lifted him up slightly, placing him close to the fire to keep him warm - but not close enough to be dangerous.

Noah looked at Marie and smiled lightly, he nodded, taking a piece of the bread and taking a few bites of it, shaking his head, "We've gotta eat this junk for who knows how long?" He glanced at the others, remembering his earlier promise to try and make them a tight group, they needed to stick together. "So...since I'm new and everything, is there anything I should know?" He asks slightly nervously, he was really clueless.
Mariah already sensed Illya's presence behind her, but she ignored her and angrily walked off. She was used to being alone. Her parents never cared for her, and obviously nobody else did. The more she thought about it, the more angry she became.

She snarled loudly like a angered cat and than leaped up a tree and clawed her way up quickly.

When she was at the top, she balanced on the thinnest branch with her insane cat balance. Than she lashed her tail and crouched low, than flung herself at the tree near to her and almost missed, but managed to land on a branch swiftly. She was very graceful, but in a fiercer way.

She suddenly dove off the branch backwards, but somehow managed to flip upwards and land on her feet. She winced in pain from the impact, making her wound bleed more, but she didn't seem to notice. She hissed again and ran off into the forest with tears stinging in her eyes
Illya lost Mariah after a while. She shrugged, went back and looked over the camp to see another member of the group incapacitated, and someone helping him to the fire. The fire looked very nice, but Illya was too scared to approach the group. However, unluckily for her, she somehow lost her balance and fell with a loud crash.

(Going to bed, be back in 10 hrs.)
Kreg was hit with the pheromone blast, then got very, very tired. The last thing he saw was Aster pass out, then a quick glance toward Ginger. Her face was the last one he saw before he slipped from consciousness. He did not have a dreamless sleep. In his dreams, all of them the same, he was soaring high above the clouds. He looked down, seeing the vast land below him spreading out like an ocean of rolling green. The lush land looked inviting, however, he was quite content in the clouds. He could literally feel the cold, damp air blowing through his wings and across his face. He dove downward, falling at incredible speeds toward the earth. The drop was amazing, the best feeling he had ever felt. As he neared the ground, he flew upwards, staying just above the tallest trees. For once in his life, he was truly free.
((hey i wont be on a lot today or tommorow. i got a job now lol)) Ophelia finished munching on her bread. She laid down in the hay, trying to get comfortble. "I think you know most of what you need to know." She said, directed at Noah's question. She meant about the farmer's son and the abuse the farmer did.
Ginger smiled slightly and then looked at the others as Kreg and Aster both were out. She sat down and then looked at the others. "Just let them sleep." she said and then glanced back at Kreg. He seemed happy, from the movement of his eyes, she could tell he was dreaming. She wondered what it could be, but by the look on his face it was wounderful. She looked at her lap, she had only had nightmares from he time they were kidnapped.
Illya was shocked. No one had seemed to notice her fall. Quick as she could, she climbed back up the tree and waited, afraid of the people in the camp.
Mariah continued to claw through the grass angrily.

"Who needs them?! They don't even care about anything." She spat loudly and than wiped away a few lingering tears that had slid down her face. The pain from her wound had gotten worse, and she had collapsrd onto her knees.

"I'm always the one whos left out.." She growled and than wiped more tears away.
Edwin started to serve himself some stew one of the girls had cooked up for everyone. He only took a little because they had a bit group and everyone needed to eat. He sat down on a dead log and started eating his food. Just then he heard a load sound, like someone falling out of a tree. He looked in the direction of the sound. He didn't see anything but thought he heard some rustling in the tree. He used an echo and it returned to him, confirming his suspition that someone was there. "Whoever's up in the tree, come out." He sounded a bit rude, not meaning to.
Illya climbed down from the tree. Apparently, somebody had noticed the crash. She stood at the edge of the camp, looking at them, scared. How would they react to her?

(Just so everyone knows, she had fennec fox dna)

Aster was still knocked out from the pheromone usage of course.
Edwin saw a girl come out of the tree. He didn't recongize her at all. 'Maybe she was experiemented on after we were shipped off. Or maybe she was in a different storing unit." Either way, he was curious about her. How had she found them? And where had she come from?
Ginger had laid down and was asleep her eyes moved although closed, she seemed a bit bothered in her sleep not peacful at all. Ginger was running down a dark hall way hearing someone come from behind. She was frightened and didn't know what was going on. She heard someone's voice, it was Kreg's voice. "Ginger....Ginger." He repeated her name but Ginger stood still to scared to move. "GINGER!" Another one yelled, this time it was her mother's voice. Ginger ears twitched and she looked at her mother. She was crying. Ginger took a few steps towards her mother but she screamed and cowered in fear. Ginger was crying, her mother was afraid of her. She heard Kreg's voice again, and then Evan's and Edwin, everyone's voice. Ginger looked at her mother and then ran towards the others. She looked behind her to find guards after her. She ran faster and faster but she couldn't find the others. She stopped, there was Aster, he was....dead. Ginger screamed in terrior....As Ginger's nightmare continued, she became increasing bothered, fear showed on her face as she rolled over trying to wake up now. She found the other's they were dead to all of them, at first they looked like they had been shot, but Ginger took a closer look. They were...slashed. Ginger felt a hand on her shoulder and she looked up to find Kreg. "Kreg!" She cried and then stood up. "No..." He was about to slash Ginger but then Ginger couldn't take it anymore and woke up.

Ginger gasped and jumpped up as she awoke. She was crying, she wipped her tears but they just kept coming. This was the worse dream she ever had. Her tail was between her legs and she was sweating although her fur hid it. Her ears pinned back. She turned around and then tried to creep off to calm down.
Kreg awoke slowly from the deep sleep, the dream ending peacefully. He yawned slightly and stretched, feeling good. He checked his wounds and noticed that they were already healed, and he could feel his pierced lung slowly mending itself. Maybe he wouldn't need a hospital after all. Kreg looked around and saw Ginger slowly walking off. Something was definitely wrong. He slowly stood and slipped his bandages off as he walked after her, being very silent as he did so. After following her for a bit, he gently placed his hand on her shoulder, trying his best not to scare her.

"Ginger..." Kreg said in a soft voice, getting her attention.
Ginger yelpped and then looked behind her. She calmed and then looked down. "Sorry..." She wipped her eyes. "I thought you were sleeping?" She said looking at him. She was slightly frightened by her nightmare. it was only a nightmare so she wouldn't let it effect her trust towards him. She looked down.
Illya was standing, just staring at the boy who had noticed her. She was a little nervous, and couldn't get the courage to speak.

(Sorry for the lack of posting. >.>)
((its fine. i havent posted much lately either. i just got a job and its late at night so i am asleep during the day. and im waiting for someone else to notice your girl. edwin annouced she was there so.... yeah....))
Kreg saw that she was upset. It was clear on her face and by the fact that she kept wiping her eyes. So, he wiped away a tear on her face with one of his fingers, taking care not to injure her with his talon. He kept his hand there for a moment, looking deep into her eyes, almost transfixed. He then took his hand away from her face and embraced her in a hug, holding her gently. He laid his head against the side of her neck, enjoying her warmth. Kreg then decided to answer her question.

"I don't need much sleep. What about you, hm?" Kreg asked, the words almost a whisper.
Ginger looked at him when he wiped her tear off and then her eyes widen when he hugs her. She relaxes and then hugs him back. She relaxed in his arms and then sighed deeply. "Yeah, but I haven't been getting as much." she sighed and then closed her eyes enjoying his embrace. She started feeling better although the nightmare still bothered her.
(Hm? Oh sorry!)

Evan looked at the new girl and then smiled lightly. "Oh new huh?" He asked and then got up walking over. "Hi I'm Evan." He said holding out his hand for her to shake. "I haven't seen you before...." She said tilting his head his dog ears tilting towards the ground in a silly way.
Illya shuffled her feet, using her hand to cover the right side of her face. She smiled a little at Evan, with his comical look and everything. All she did was nod and say, "I've been... watching you all... I'm Illya."
Kreg looked at Ginger and smiled slightly. He kissed her on the cheek, close to her lips. He hugged her tightly again and led her back to the campsite by the hand. He looked over his shoulder and spoke in a warm and calming voice as he led her. He didn't care anymore what the others thought. Let them think what they want. Kreg had feelings for Ginger.

"C'mon, I'll lay with you. Would that help you sleep?" He asked a bit playfully.
Ginger looked at him blushing a bit. "Maybe..." She said looking down. She quite liked that he sholwed his feelings for her. She looked at the ground. She looked at him and then down again. "Sorry I'm still a bit shaken...." She said looking down again.

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