Fighting the Beast Within - A Mixed DNA RP

Mabelle shook her head and held out her hand to stop him from walking anymore, "You men are so stubborn." She looked around them and noticed a convenient tree stump, "Sit." She led him to the tree stump and gently pushed him onto it, being the smart cookie she was, she had brought the medi kit with her, knowing she would need it. She pulled out some wipes and cleaned the blood from his face, she glanced him over, "Any ideas what exactly is wrong?" As she waited for a response she pulled more bottles of liquid out of the first aid kit, her long dark hair covering her face from him.
Aster sat up, wincing. He had to start moving again, he couldn't help it.

"Someone should be on watch. I would, but... well. You know."
"I'll watch," Bianca said, taking on a duty with relish. She needed something to do, anyway.

--- Merged Double Post ---

((That made no sense to me. Oh well...I think I used relish right in there....))
Kreg was surprised when Mabelle pushed him onto the stump. The sudden jolt hurt, but he showed no sign of it. She pulled out the first-aid kit and asked him what hurt, which he thought about replying "Everything". He knew that smart-ass answer probably wouldn't be the best course of action, so he thought about it for a moment. In truth, almost everything did hurt. He had a few cracked ribs on his left side, his right ankle was hurting, his shoulder was killing him, and he had a massive headache. This was too much to tell, though, so he just mentioned the most important one.

"Just...Just my ribs. I'm pretty sure I cracked a few of them. It's really not a big deal. Nothing a few hours of rest won't fix." He said as he attempted to stand back up.
"Yes. We are all dressed." Ophelia told Noah. ((writers block sorry)) --------------------------------Edwin hadn't noticed the other girl leaving to go after Kreg (honestly i didn't because i was posting edwins previous post). He looked at the branches Ginger had gathered. "Yeah." He told her, "We can use those once we get the fire going." He cleared out a spot on the ground and made a small pile of kindle wood. He then went to look through the boxes to see if there were any matches. If he couldn't fine any, he's have to try to make a fire with two rocks. He wasn't even sure if that worked.
Mabelle rolled her eyes and put her hands on his shoulder pushing him back down - still gently because she knew he was hurt. "Just your ribs my butt. What else?" She glanced up at him and chucked a small bottle thing labelled 'Pain killers' "Take some." She spoke as she prodded both his legs, frowning a bit as she touched his right ankle, "Hmm." She poked it gently and felt how it was swollen, "Well, I think you've fractured your ankle." She tugged out more bandages and wrapped them around the ankle, making a sort of cast thing, "It's the best we can do for now." She muttered, she chuckled lightly, "All I've done since I've got here is sort out injuries." She looked up briefly, realizing she hadn't told anyone her name yet, "I'm Mabelle by the way." She looked down as she finished wrapping the ankle then glanced back up to him, "Seriously, what else hurts? I don't want to lug a dead body back to your friends, they'd kill me."
Ginger nodded and then blinked watching him. She didn't know what to do, still she sighed not really focusing on it, she was really worried about Kreg. She sighed and then looked for more rocks. She sighed and then sat down watching Edwin. She didn't have anything.

Evan smiled and then pulled out a lighter. "This going to help?" He flicked open the top and then chuckled. "I use to smoke, but when I got captured I was sort of forced to give it up....not that didn't want to or anything." He smiled and then gave it to Edwin. "One thing I think Sarah would like about me now." He chuckled.
Noah, upon hearing everyone was decent, pushed open the barn doors and looked at the girls, lifting his hand and waving lightly, "What's up?" He asked rather casually and walked over to them, sitting down beside Marie but not too close, not wanting her to feel uncomfortable. He glanced at the bread but didn't say anything, despite his hunger, he didn't want the girls to go without if there wasn't enough for everyone. But his stomach betrayed him and let out a grumble of hunger, he glared down at it but still didn't say anything, hopefully they didn't notice.
Kreg sighed lightly as he was pushed back down. He hated having people fuss over him, especially when there wasn't much wrong with him. He took the painkillers dry, hoping they would help soon. He watched as Mabelle introduced herself and bandage his foot and ask what else was hurting. He sighed once more and decided that it would probably be for the best if he just told her.

"Fine, fine. My shoulder is killing me and I have a horrible migraine. By the way, my name's Kreg." He said as he examined the brace.
"N-noah?" Marie whispered as he joined the girls in the barn. Something in her let out a sigh of relief. She nibbled on her bread with some of her hair falling in her face, trying to hide the tear she wasn't going to wipe away. "You should eat..." she whispered, her eyes searching for the visible injuries on his body. She bit her lip, noting that he probably had it worse than any of the three girls did.
Mabelle nodded, glad he had been straight with her. "Thank you." She stood up so she was able to examine his shoulder, "The pain killer's should deal with the migraine, hopefully." She prodded around his shoulder carefully, frowning a bit before speaking lightly, flicking her hair to the side so she could see his face and his shoulder better, her long hair resting on his bicep, "Really? How did you manage to fracture your shoulder blade?" She glanced to him and then pulled more bandages out of the first aid kit, this time somehow making a sling type thing to help heal his shoulder blade. She grinned lightly, her eyes focused on the sling as she fixed it into place, "We're gonna run out of bandages soon" She finished and stepped back, "But that's okay for now, since I think we're done." She looked at him sternly, "Now you need to drink lots of water and sleep, got it?" She rose one of her eyebrows, her tone almost threatening him to disobey her words.

Noah looked at Marie and he frowned at hearing her almost broken tone, "Hey, it's okay Marie." His voice was soft and it was like he forget the other girls in the barn as he reached out and tucked a strand of hair behind her ear, his eyes widened at seeing the tear hidden behind the curtain of beautiful red hair, guessing she probably didn't want the other girls to know, he reached out and his thumb gently wiped away the tear as he spoke quietly, "I'm fine, honestly."
Aster was glad that Bianca volunteered. He still didn't trust the soldiers back at the base to not go and hunt after them, and Bianca was more than capable, not to mention rather attractive.

Leaning back, Aster said, "I'm going to catch some shut eye. I'm hoping I'll be well enough by tomorrow to move without Kreg carrying me like a sack of flour." Aster chuckled, then started pretending to sleep. In actuality, he was still training with pheromones, trying out new ways to use them... such as convincing his body to heal.
"Oh thanks." Edwin said, catching the lighter. He walked over to the area were he placed the twigs and after digging a hole in the ground and putting the small twigs in he started the fire. He then feed it more branches. "We are going to need to keep this going for awhile." he said .

--- Merged Double Post ---

Ophelia couldn't believe how badly beat up Noah was. She saw him sit down with Marie. She scenced she shouldn't be watching then so she turned around and walked over to Sarah. "Hey." She said sitting down.
Kreg remained silent as Mabelle slung his shoulder. He sighed lightly and stood with a bit of trouble. He smiled slightly at her, then gave her thanks. He coughed a couple more times as he headed back towards camp, tasting blood. That wasn't good. Kreg feared that one of his broken ribs had punctured his lung, which is something he quickly put out of his mind. The thought of drowning in his own blood just sent shivers down his spine. He swallowed the blood, not letting Mabelle know. As he returned to the camp, he saw the small fire and sat against a tree, getting as comfortable as possible. He examined the bandages, making a bad face as he did so. He grabbed a MRE out of the box and opened it, setting aside the matches and heater. He opened up the dry cracker and ate it slowly, realizing that they hadn't eaten anything all day. However, after eating just the cracker, he passed out from exhaustion.
Mariah walked through the forest slowly, swinging her pitch black tail. She flicked her ears when the wind ruffled her hair and than she sighed. She had been in the base for so long, that she forgot what the outside world was really like.

She continued to walk forward, being slightly cautious with her surroundings. After all, she was walking around alone.

"I wonder where everyone went.." She muttered, looking around in every direction, but saw nothing but wilderness in her path. She shrugged and wandered into a meadow, where nothing but grass and flowers was in sight. She let out a cat like purring noise and than chuckled softly as a bee sped past her head. She REALLY loved it outside.

However, she froze when a gunshot echoed in her direction. Her claws immediately unsheathed and she crouched low in the grass to hide from view.
Ginger slowly watched Kreg. She sighed deeply and then looked at the tree. She always loved climbing trees, she used her extra strength in her legs and jumpped up climbing up quickly. She sighed being on a nice thick branch. She leaned back and stared out her eyes reflecting the light. She blinked and then took a deep breath enjoying the air.
A few more gunshots rang out, and this time, she realized the guns were being shot at her. She dodged a few bullets with extreme speed and dashed off as quickly as she could. Another one rang out, and she felt a sharp pain in her stomach. She stopped dead in her tracks and trailed her hand over her stomach and than looked at her fingers. Dark scarlet blood ran down them as her eyes widened in horror.

She broke into a run again, but it was weakened from her bullet wound. She managed to get away from whoever was shooting her, but her wound was bleeding heavily. She stopped and collapsed against a tree as blood ran down her stomach and dripped to the forest floor.

"Oh no.. No.. This can't happen.. Not now." She hissed, lashing her tail and weakly dragging herself forward.
Ginger smelled blood and then jumpped down, she was on all fours when she dashed out fast. She found another one of them out in the forest, her eyes glowed like a tiger's. Her white fur was easily seem with her black stripes. She sighed. "Hello? You ok?" She asked walking out so that she could be seen. "You're bleeding...come on quickly." She said walking over.
Mariah looked up at Ginger and shook her head quickly.

"No.. I'm fine. It's just a little scratch.." She mumbled, trying to hide the wound as best as she could. She flicked her ears and tail stubbornly and than met Ginger's gaze with piercing yellow slitted eyes. She recognized the girl's face. She was at the base with her as well. She finally sighed and nodded in defeat.

"Fine.." She murmured and stumbled after her weakly.
Ginger was half white tiger. So she light blue eyes tended to be more ferce when she wanted them to be. She put her arm over her shoulder and then helpped her back to camp. "Anything in the wound? I have become quite good at pulling stuff out." She said showing her slinder nails that at the tips sort of looked like claws. It made them purfect grabbing tools without causing to much more dammage.
"No. The bullet wound went straight through me. I just need to clean it out and put a little bit of medicine on it." She muttered as she struggled to speak. She dragged herself forward until she saw the view of the barn.

"Is this where you guys have been staying?" She asked quietly, studying it slowly.
(They are sleeping in the forest.)

Ginger nodded, it was just a small camp fire. She gently set her down and then ran around the others grabing a first aid kit and then started cleaning the wound. She did lightly check for a bullet. She started packing the wound and then looked at her with a smile.
(Whoops lol :)

Mariah nodded slowly and sat down on the ground as Ginger tended her wound. She noticed the smile she had given her and she quickly returned it.

"How long have you guys been out here?" She asked, looking up at the others and raising an eyebrow. Her black tail flicked curiously back and forth.
Ginger sighed and then tied some cloth tightly in a knot on the wound. "Sorry but it needs to stop bleeding." She sighed and then looked at the others. "Only just today." She said and then looked at her.
Mabelle had kept her eyes on Kreg as he walked back to camp, she frowned, getting an odd feeling, something was still wrong with him. She shrugged it off as her paranoia and turned back to the deep forest, thinking of the others back at camp. Did they even want her with them? She sighed, oh well, they were her ticket back to Noah, and finding Noah again was more important than anything, she had raised him basically by herself for nine years now, it was like her sixth sense to want to protect him. She spun back around on her heel and walked back to camp, spotting Kreg passed out up against a tree and rolling her eyes. She looked to the MRE that Kreg had taken the cracker from and walked over, pulling out the entree - which happened to be beef stew - and going over to the fire, beginning to cook the food for everyone to eat. (I think Mabelle may be taking on the 'mum' role of this group xD ) Once she was done and the delicious smell had invaded probably everyone's noses she looked around at the others, offering the food that she had managed to split between them all, including Mariah, "Anyone hungry?"

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