Fighting the Beast Within - A Mixed DNA RP

Ginger eyes widen and she she looked down. She was ignored, he went out there anyways. She looked back and then looked through the hole. She watched Kreg and then the Bishop. She was extreamly worried now. She hide behind the wall while she looked out. She clenched her fists wanting to help. She glanced at her side and then back out.
Kreg growled in anger and lunged at Bishop, swinging ferociously at him. However, Bishop somehow managed to block and dodge every attack. He was incredibly fast, faster than Kreg. He knew that this was going nowhere fast, so he had to change his strategy. But Bishop changed the strategy first. He rushed over to the building and grabbed Ginger, holding the baton around her throat as he stood behind her, using her for cover. Bishop walked with her away from the building. Kreg's anger flared, seeing that Bishop was holding her hostage. He had already killed someone close to Kreg, and he sure as hell wouldn't let it happen again.
Ginger eyes widen and then she looked up at him. She looked at Kreg with fear clear in her eyes. She couldn't let this happen, but how to get out of it? She had no idea. Her heart was racing, her mind trying to come up with a way to get out of this, even her breath quickened in fear. She had to calm down. She looked at Kreg, not even the sight of him calmed her much. Her ears pinned back, her tail hit at his legs, desperately hitting him with her tail from side to side.
Aster couldn't believe it. The idiot general had put his back to the door of the building. Plus, he was holding Ginger hostage.

Big no-no.

Taking a shard of glass from a broken window from the rocket blast, he jumped over and plunged it into the general's neck.


The general was forced to let go of his grip on Ginger, seeing as he had a piece of glass jammed through his windpipe.

Of course, Aster didn't realize the general would comply with the boast.

Bishop pulled the glass out of his neck, and faster than Aster could react, jammed it right into Aster's stomach.

All Aster could feel was pain.

Pain. Only pain.

Aster fell to the ground, gasping for breath. Things were going blurry. He saw the general, smirking. He saw Ginger, the one he had vowed to protect. He saw Kreg.

Through the pain, he sent one last message to him:

Get her out of here. Take care of her. Protect her where I can't. Then you will have gained my trust.

Aster looked down and saw he was bleeding. He coughed up a bit of blood. The world was spinning. Everything hurt. He saw his life flash before his eyes: living on the streets, his old girlfriend, his friends climbing a fence, which they didn't know was electrified... them falling to the ground, dead from the electricity.

His capture.

His new friends.

Then, everything went black.
(Meh, I'm going to throw Mabelle in there now anyway.)

Mabelle had somehow managed to escape from the army men's 'watch' but was still stuck in this place with no way of getting home or finding out what had happened to Noah. Noah...was he ok? She sighed, it wasn't the time to think of it now, now was time to take action. She had been watching the small group from the cover of a large rock, and now, seeing them all so injuried and hopeless. She had to help. It was in her nature to help those who she thought deserved it, and these people did. The last straw was seeing the fox like man black out. She felt a deep growl start in her throat and her sharp vision locked in on Bishop, on all fours she leapt the long distance between her and Bishop. She landed on his back and wrapped her legs around his waist, wrapping her hands around his neck and squeezing, hard, as her claws broke out of her skin and dug into his neck also. She let out a mix of a cat hiss and a lion growl, her long tail wrapping itself around his ankle and tugging hard enough to make him crash to the ground, she felt her sharp cat fangs come out and she bit his shoulder, digging her fangs in and tearing a chunk of his flesh right out from his shoulder, spitting the lump of flesh, blood and who knows what else onto the floor as she hissed her words, "F**k off or die." Oddly enough, just looking at Mabelle you would think she was the most human (or second most human) looking out of all of them, put some contacts in and hid her tail, and she would look completely normal, besides the fact that she was naturally attractive.
Ginger suddenly was released, when she turned around she saw Aster, then she saw him fall. Her eyes widen and she ran over. She ignored the girl for now and just fell to her knees grabbed Aster. "ASTER!" she yelled his name. She looked at the wound and then at kreg her eyes tearing up. She looked at then girl and the bishop anger rose up in her. She couldn't do anything at the moment, she could see well with all her tears.
Ophelia yanked the last of the weeds out of the field and tossed them in a pile. She began gathering up the pile, to throw into the compost when she saw a young boy approuch. "I'm Ophelia." She introduced herself when he asked her name. "Did you get sent out here to work the fields too?" She had been sent to the farm with two other girls but she was the only one doing farmwork. The other two girls were made to work as maids. Ophelia felt a bit uneasy about them working as maids in the house. The girls were really pretty and the farmer seemed untrusting.

--- Merged Double Post ---

Edwin stayed back and watched the events in front of him take place. He had no idea what to do. ((mainly saying this because i am stuck with him))
Kreg couldn't believe what just happened...Aster was severely wounded, if not dead. Receiving Aster's message, Kreg shivered for a moment, then crouched low to the ground. He then rocketed towards Bishop, screaming a guttural and primal shriek as he did so. Something had snapped within him. He felt rage, hatred, fear, loathing, all of those emotions boiling within him at once. Once he reached Bishop, Kreg grabbed him and flew upwards at breakneck speeds. He ripped into the General faster than he could block and deflect. Blood sprayed everywhere as Bishop screamed in agony, which only pleased Kreg. His talons sank deep into Bishop's flesh, ripping at vital organs and arteries. Kreg watched, however, as the first of the wounds Kreg inflicted began to heal. He needed to end this now and check on Aster. Kreg swung in a wide arc, taking off the General's head with ease. He let the body drop to the ground and flew towards Aster quickly, throwing the head toward the group of soldiers. Kreg raced toward Aster's side and knelt down.

"Aster! ASTER! He's dead, we can leave now! We'll leave and get you turned back to normal. We'll get all of us returned to normal!" Kreg pleaded, trying to keep Aster in this world.
Mabelle had seen the furious Kreg heading for her and the Bishop, so she rocketed herself off of him just in time for Kreg to grab him and vanish from sight. She landed on her butt and hands, watching as the girl cried over the wolf guy. She got up from her spot on the floor and her claws went back into her fingers, vanishing as easily as they had came. She calmly walked over to Aster and Ginger, kneeling down beside the wolf guy and inspecting his wounds. It looked bad, really bad. She looked up to the others, not caring that they didn't know her and that she didn't know them...that well. "Is there anywhere around here we can get medical help?" She asked quickly, turning back to Aster's body and moving the pieces of clothing to keep them away from the wound, major cause of infections. "I can't tell if he's hit any major organs or not." She placed her hand ontop of the wound and pressed down, applying pressure. "If we can't get a doctor, we at least need something to clean the wound." She spoke professionally and glanced at the others, waiting for them to get a doctor or reply.

--- Merged Double Post ---

Noah nodded, "Yeah, manual labour and all." He tugged a few weeds with ease, glancing to her, "I've met Marie already, but are you the only other person?" Usually Noah wouldn't be so talkative, but in the situation he had been put in, he found it in himself to get over his stubbornness. Hopefully he'd get a chance at night to meet anyone else who was here and check everyone was ok, unless of course there was already another 'leader' here.
"There's no way we could find a doctor." Edwin said. He thought for a moment. "If we can get some sheets we could wrap his injuries."------------------------------- "There's another girl. Sarah. She works with Marie as a maid in the house." Ophelia told him.
Mabelle nodded, obviously dissapointed with his answer, what chance did this guy have without medical help? It was slim. It is possible though, he could survive. Still applying pressure, her hands now coated in sticky, crimson liquid she looked at the others once more, mostly the one who had answered her as she spoke once more, "I have little idea of where we are, but do the soldier's cabins have any medication in them?" Her long dark hair with the sandy highlights draped down onto Aster's unmoving body, getting in the way, so she flicked it over to one side, her facial features now exposed to those around her, her ear - although human - was pointed at the end like a cat. She was hoping someone would be smart and get some sheets or something so she could wrap the wound, she obviously couldn't move right now, considering if pressure wasn't applied right now his chances of living would be much slimmer than they were already were.

Noah nodded, "Alright." He tugged up another bunch of weeds before looking around, spotting the compost bin and dumping them in there. Walking back over and pulling up a few more weeds before he spoke once more, "How long have you guys all been here?" He looked at her curiously, thinking of Marie. If she had been hurt, on her tummy, how long had it been going on for?

(Thinking we could use Fire's idea and throw in a mean Farmer's son? Should we?)
((yeah i really liked the mean son idea fire suggested.)) ----------------------------------------- Edwin thought for a moment. "I think on the way to one of our training setions I saw a first aid kit outside the training area." He said finally, "However if the other soldiers see us outside this building, they could kill us." He looked around at the others hoping someone had a plan. -------------------------- "I believe I have been working here for over a month." Ophelia told Noah. "Sarah and Marie were in the same shipment as me." She hated using the word 'shipment' but that was the best way to describe what they were; items. "We should be careful not to talk too much." Ophelia warned him in a low voice. "If we are caught talking instead of working we get beaten." Ophelia had brusies covering her arms and legs. Most of the occurances had happened when she went to comfort Marie after she got in trouble. "Try to pick up as much of the weeds in your arms as you can and I'll show you where to put them." She saiod changing the subject. She grabbed an armful of weeds and waited for Noah.
((yes, yes we should. I'm gunna type a quick blurb, since I'm on my phone and it isn't great for typing purposes... Sorry about there only being one character in it))

Bianca wasn't entirely sure what the others wanted to do until she heard someone call for sheets. She grabbed what meager ones they had on their beds, and ran out to give them to the one who'd called. She almost stopped when she saw the mangled form of Bishop. What had the others done? She rushed to give the sheets to the girl over Aster, who was badly injured. Without staying to chat, she ran back to the ruined bunks to see if the little medical pack was intact
(Okay, you can make him appear whenever you want to xD )

Noah listened at first, one month? That was a long time. Why was it him and his sister were taken so late...? He had no idea how any of it worked. All he knew now was he had freaky mutant powers and he was stuck on a farm with three girls - one of which gave him a funny feeling near his heart. His expression darkened as she spoke quietly about being beaten. So his suspicions about Marie being hit were true, and it wasn't just Marie, the other girls apparently did aswell. He shook his head as he swept up a huge bunch of weeds in his arms, looking at her, "They hit you? They hit girls?"

Noah didn't really notice how sexist that sounded, he was just how he was raised, he always got into fights with boys, but had never once in his life so much as shoved a girl. Maybe it was because he had mostly been raised by Mabelle. He felt his blood boil as he imagined the Farmer or one of his men hitting the girls, hitting Marie. He promised himself that if he was around when they tried to hurt one of the girls, he wasn't going to stand by and watch it.

--- Merged Double Post ---

Mabelle took the sheets and without hesitating began ripping them to make them the right size to wrap around his wound, although she waited before actually wrapping up the wound, looking over her shoulder, "If someone is able to get a medi kit, I suggest they get it now. It would be pointless to wrap the wound if someone is getting a medical kit." She looked at them all, reading each emotion in their eyes. Were they peed off she was jumping in like this? It didn't matter if they were anyway, she was trying to save a life, that was how she saw it.
Aster's body twitched. He was still alive, but going fast. The shard was still buried in his stomach.

His mind was emitting allot of pheromones.

They were of pain, sorrow, anguish... and trust. Love. All the things he'd ever felt.

How he envied Kreg, who could fight like no one else.

How he loved Ginger, more like a sister than a crush.

How he had promised that they would get out.

How he trusted them all.
After no one spoke up Edwin sighed. "I'll get the first aide kit." He volenteered then snuck out of their building through the window in the bathroom. It was extremley small and he had trouble squeezing through. Luckily his wings didn't get in the way too much. Finally out of the window he crawled slowly across the ground hidding behind the grass. He made it to the building, thankful only two guards were there and they had their guns laying on the ground. Edwin slipped sliently into the building and creeped up on the two guys. "Hey!" One soldier yelled startled. "What are you doing out here?" 'Cr*p' Edwin thought as the two soldiers grabbed their guns and fired. Edwin flapped his wings, avoiding the bullets. "Haha! You'll have to do better than that!" Edwin tauted avoiding a few more shots before being shot in the leg. "Okay, that's it. Playtimes over." He said through his teeth and flew down smashing the soldiers' heads together. He then spotted the first aide kit and grabbed it before rushing back to the building where they all slept. He stumbled back into the room where everyone else was at, his leg bleeding heavily. He handed Mabelle the kit. He then flopped to the ground, his adrenaline dying and the pain seaking in.

--- Merged Double Post ---

"They hit anyone who makes them angry." Ophelia told Noah. Just then Ophelia saw the farmer's eldest son approch. "Hey kitty kitty!" The son said mockingly to Ophelia and knocked the weeds out of her hands. "Kitty! You made a huge mess again! Looks like I'll have to tell father!" He grinned evily at Ophelia. "N-no, i-it slipped!" Ophelia hurried to clean up the mess and ran towards the compost pile. The farmer's son laughed as she ran off. He then looked at Noah. "So dad bought a boy?" He asked, surprise in his voice. "I thought he was just going to have girls here." ((feel free to play the son if you wish whenever you need to))

--- Merged Double Post ---

"They hit anyone who makes them angry." Ophelia told Noah. Just then Ophelia saw the farmer's eldest son approch. "Hey kitty kitty!" The son said mockingly to Ophelia and knocked the weeds out of her hands. "Kitty! You made a huge mess again! Looks like I'll have to tell father!" He grinned evily at Ophelia. "N-no, i-it slipped!" Ophelia hurried to clean up the mess and ran towards the compost pile. The farmer's son laughed as she ran off. He then looked at Noah. "So dad bought a boy?" He asked, surprise in his voice. "I thought he was just going to have girls here." ((feel free to play the son if you wish whenever you need to))
Kreg stayed by Aster's side the entire time. When Edwin brought the first aid kit, Kreg looked at it, then back to Aster. Some of the soldiers had begun to walk toward them, which Kreg somehow sensed. He stood up quickly and turned on his heel, facing the soldiers. This startled them, causing them to level their weapons at him. One of the higher ranking soldiers ordered the others to stand down, as per General Bishop's orders. Kreg had remembered what Bishop's deal was. And Kreg won. However, at what cost? Aster was critically wounded. Kreg was severely injured, but he wouldn't let anyone else know the extent of his injuries. Especially Ginger. He knew that she would worry the most, which isn't what they needed at this moment in time.
Ginger looked at Kreg and then looked down backing up from Aster. She looked at Kreg and then looked over him. She suddenly started looking over him. She wipped her eyes and then sniffled a bit. "Kreg....You're ok right?" She asked him and then looked up at him. She rubbed her one eye. She gently placed her hand on his shoulder and then gently felt around for injuries. She looked up at him and then sighed, he was pretty badly beat up. So much that it deeply worried her.
Kreg winced slightly at Ginger's touch. He didn't realized that he was that badly beat up, but that wasn't what was on his mind at that point. What was on his mind was Aster. Kreg placed his hand on Ginger's, hoping that it would reassure her. He would tend to his own wounds later, once they stabilized Aster. Aster was giving off tons of pheromones, causing Kreg to feel even more concerned. He envied Aster. Kreg wished that he could be as calm and caring as Aster. He brought himself back to reality, though, as he looked at Ginger.

"Don't worry about me. I'll be fine." He said in a calming voice, hoping it would work.
Ginger looked at his hand and then at him. "I'm sorry....I'm just, I'm not handling this to well....I'm scared." She whispered not wanting the others to hear of her emotional weakness right now. She was pretty shaken up, right now she would no help to Aster or anyone at this point. She looked at all of them. She looked down, why her? Why did she have to be the one who could barly control her emotions. She sighed trying to calm down. She looked at Aster, then looked away.
Ginger looked around again and then noticed Edwin. She sighed being slightly calm once again. She swallowed and then walked over kneeling beside him working on the bullet wound. She pulled it out quickly and then grabbed some cloth which was in the first aid kit and cleaned the wound before covering it and wrapping it tight. She looked at Edwin still very much frowning. There was just so much around her going on. Her hands were shaking a bit. She didn't speak, just stared at her hands as she slowly got up. She looked around and then blinked looking at Edwin. "Any other bullet wounds?" She asked trying to sound calm. She wasn't quite there yet but she needed to clear her head if she was to be of more help.
((I have no idea what to say yet...but I have an idea that sounds like it'll be fun where it's going....))
Mabelle focused on Aster as everyone around her let off a ton of emotions, only responding to them as much as catching the first aid kit and opening it, working at a fast pace, he was still there, she could feel it, but he was slipping away fast. Pulling out various bottles of liquid and anti septic wipes, she then sighed, she would need to pull out the glass. "Great" She muttered to herself as she wrapped her hands around the glass, ignoring the sting as the sharp edges cut into her palms, Aster was the focus right now. She quickly pulled it out, knowing that was the best method, and then immediently got closer to inspect it. Already having put the gloves in the kit on, she checked the wound farther, not seeing any punctured organs or major internal damage, she plucked out the few tiny bits of glass that were around the gash, she then got one of the bottles of liquid and dashed it onto the wound. "Risk of Infection gone, check." She muttered almost silently to herself, working even faster as she grabbed the bandages from the kit and began to wrap the wound up tightly, once she was done she looked at the others, taking off the gloves and glancing at them all. "Well, his wound is sorted, so what's next?" She asked them all, having no idea what their plans were or what was really going on. She glanced back to Aster, hoping he would make it, if he didn't...she knew she would feel responsible now.

Noah's fists clenched as he watched the son taunt Ophelia, then knock her weeds out of her hand. He felt his adrenaline rise as she responded with fear. Noah had no idea why he was on the farm, he was a fighter, it was in his blood. He growled at the farmer's son, "Do that again and I'll kill you." The boy raised his eyebrows, "Oh really? Just 'cause you're a freak doesn't mean you can beat me." Noah took a step closer to the boy, "A freak?" The boy looked slightly worried now, but kept his confident tone, "You touch me and my dad will beat the c**p outta you!" Noah rolled his eyes, "Pu**y." The boy's nostrils flared and he glared at Noah, "What did you call me?" Noah got closer again, "A pu**y. You're a p**sy." The boy let out a yell of fury and leapt at Noah, his fist connecting with Noah's jaw, Noah stumbled back then swung a punch at the boy's cheek, his claws making a nice gash in the boy's skin. He let out a yell of pain and fell back, Noah didn't stop there. He was too involved now, he jumped at the boy, pinning him to the ground as his fists began raining down on him, hitting his face, arms and ribs, "You better fu**ing leave the girls alone and pick on someone who can handle it!" The boy managed to push Noah off of him somehow and glared at him, spitting out a bit of blood, "That's it freak! I'm getting my dad!" The boy ran off in the direction of his house, clutching his chest, Noah grinned slightly. He had probably hit a rib or two, and he knew he had messed up the boy's face. Pretty good considering the boy looked about four years older than Noah. He glanced at Ophelia now, the only bruise he had from the fight was the one forming on his chin.
"T-thanks." Edwin said as Ginger treated his wound. "No that's the only one." Edwin waited for the others to respond to Mabelle. ---------------------------------------- Ophelia returned from the compost pile. She watched the fight not sure what to do. When the boy ran off she felt a bit nervous.

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