Fighting the Beast Within - A Mixed DNA RP

Aster wasn't paying attention to the conversation in the room. He was still focused on the general. So far, he hadn't moved, but his pheromones seemed... agitated. As if something wasn't working as he thought. Then he realized he could sense small waves coming from the chips they were holding.

"Our dear general is trying to do something with the chips. He seems upset. Must not be working" he said sarcastically.

Then he noticed Ginger. He could read through the pheromones both that she was in pain and that she was lying. However, he didn't say anything. He knew that she needed to tell the truth herself, and not be forced to. She needed to be confident enough to trust them with her pains.

The soldier's pheromones were nervous, the general's furious. Things were about to get ugly, soon. It was only a matter of time.
Ginger looks at Edwin and then glares. She looked at Aster and then at kreg and Edwin. "No." she said worried that she'd be the reason to wait. She couldn't be, she had to be picked on and now it really was catching up to her. She sighed deeply and then looked at the ground.
Kreg sighed heavily and nodded to Aster. If the General was pissed, good. Kreg was happy that he got the chips out of everyone when he did, or else they may have all been vegetables. He looked at Aster and gave him a thumbs-up. It seemed that this team was a specialized team, which he was happy for. He then looked at Ginger.

"Listen, we have time. Just let someone examine you. You'll be more useful to us if you're in fighting condition compared to crippled in pain. Please, Ginger."
Ginger looks at him and then hissed. "Fine...." she looked at him and then sighed lightly touching her side. She looked at the ground. "Good ahead and take a look at it....I don't care who does it." she said looking down as she let out another sigh bit it was a bit choppy. She hated that she had to be looked at or taken care of. She didn't want to be a burden and she could handle he pain to a point. At the same time he was right.
Kreg nodded, happy that Ginger let him examine her. He knelt down next to her, like before, after asking her to remove her ACU jacket. She could leave on her olive drab undershirt, but he couldn't tell anything from the thick jacket of the ACU. He gently pressed on her side with his index and middle fingers, observing her reaction as he did so. The bones that made up her ribs were definitely fractured, if not broken. This sent a wave of anger through Kreg. How could the soldiers have treated her so badly? What had she done to deserve this?

Why did I do this to her?

The thought was brief, but it lingered in his mind like the gas that still lingered in the room. It pained him now to think of hurting her. How could he have been so cold the day before? Well, the day before he was Bael. Now, he was Kreg. He stood up and walked over to a nearby medical station, opening the front of it and pulling out tape. Good thing there was a lot of it, because he needed to wrap her torso at least a few times. The compression would help her bones heal more quickly and reduce the chance of the bones settling wrong. He handed her the wrap and asked her if she wanted to wrap herself, or if she wanted Kreg to do so. Kreg thought that he was more qualified, but it was Ginger's decision.
Ginger looked at him, she tried not to move to much at the touch to her side. She blinked as she watched him. She looked at him, she looked at the tape. She gently grabbed it and then started to wrap it herself but was having some trouble. She looked at him for some help. She looked down muttering a bit. "Sorry....." She whispered thinking she must be useless. She looked at him. She needed comfort in this most stressing time....not just in this moment, but all of the time she spends here in this horrible place. Her attraction to him was quite seductive, she wanted to be comforted. Then again it was no time. Still he was right there….no. She then looked at the tape deciding she had to do it on her own. She tried again to wrap it herself.
Kreg watched Ginger try, apologize, and try again. He gently grabbed her hand and helped her with the tape. He wrapped it around her five times, starting right above her bellybutton and moving up to below her breasts. He was cautious about the area, but he was professional about it as well. He could see that she needed support, so as he wrapped the tape around her, he whispered in her ear, quiet enough to where only she could hear.

"You are not weak. You are strong. I believe in you, for what it's worth. You helped bring me back from my darkness. I want to help you, too."
Ginger looked at him and then smiled brightly. "I just reminded you of someone I knew for a short time once..." She whispered setting a hand on his chest where his heart would be. "And thanks." She was careful not to move to much and seemed to stiffen a bit as he moved up with the tape, still though it didn't bother her, this was medical nothing more. She smiled at him really having a trust in him. He was her hope of getting out of here. She removed her hand from him and then let out a sigh as he helpped her finish. She tried to keep her mind on the plain and what to do for the time being.
Kreg flushed slightly as Ginger put her hand on his chest. His heart seemed to skip a beat, then quickly slow back to it's normal rhythm as she moved it away. He smiled at her and nodded. Kreg was happy that he could help now. Deep down, Bael continuously beat at the door he was trapped behind, wanting Kreg to betray them and stay with Bishop. But, Kreg concluded, that Bael was locked up tightly enough to where he would never see the light of day again. Sure, Kreg may call upon Bael when he had to kill someone, but Bael would be on a leash, ready to be thrown back into the cage and locked away at a moment's notice. As Kreg finished up taping Ginger, he put his hand on her uninjured side, leaving it there for a brief moment. Her touch seemed to bring a sort of serenity to Kreg and stifle Bael's shouting. But, this moment was short-lived. He removed his hand and looked to Aster, walking over to him.

"Are you injured at all?" Kreg asked, regaining his composure.
Ginger looked at him with a smile as he put a hand on her side, she quite liked his touch. As he touched her side though it seemed her wounds stop hurting or she put her mind off them for a second. She looked off to the side and then gently sat down in her little corner looking at them. She looked at Kreg a lot more then the others.
Aster heard Kreg's question, and shook his head.

"Not too bad. My nerves are still a little weird. Nothing other than--"

Aster perked up, sensing movement outside. It was the general.

"Hold on. He's moving. Seems he's tired of waiting. Wait a sec... he's holding something...oh no."

Rocket Launcher.

The message flew out faster than he screamed: "GET DOWN!"
Aster screamed to get down, which Kreg knew that if Aster gave an order, especially a split second one, follow it. However, Kreg didn't heed the warning. He instead grabbed a mattress and raced over to the window where the other mattress was located. He propped it against the other one and braced his body behind both mattresses, ready to take whatever was coming. He knew that he should probably be taking cover, but he couldn't take the chance in anyone getting hurt. He'd rather sacrifice himself before that happened. Just then, he heard something of a whoosh, then a deafening explosion from the other side of the mattresses. He was rocketed backward and slammed into the wall, feeling several bones breaking. Blood flew out of his mouth when he impacted, the taste of copper welling in his throat. He grit his teeth in pain, happy that he decided to grab the other mattress, as well as happy for his thick exo-skeleton. Otherwise, he would have been blown to bits, most likely.

"Corporal Bael," Bishop suddenly called out, "Come out here! We need to talk!"

Kreg shakily managed to stand and limp towards the door, looking at the others as he went. He gave them all a look as if to say "Are you ready?". However, Kreg wasn't sure if he was ready. He assessed that he had several broken ribs, at least a fractured ankle, fractured shoulder blade, internal bleeding, possibly a concussion, several lacerations, and maybe a broken wing. He didn't know about the last part, considering he had never experienced that before. Kreg sent a brief pheromone message to the others.

I'll send the message when the time is right. If...Something happens to me, Aster, you're in charge.
Ginger stood up and then looked at kreg. Her eyes widen and she seemed to be in toldal shock. She looked at him over and over feeling her own pain increase but not from her wounds. She gently walked over and then lightly touched his arm. She looked at him shaking her head no. He was hurt bad he couldn't go out there, he shouldn't. She looked at him and then looked down.
When Aster yelled for everyone to duck, Edwin did just that. The explosion caused him to slam into the side of one of the beds. Luckily all Edwin had suffered was a bunch of brusies and a dislocated shoulder. He had been more fortunite that Kreg had been. "Ginger he has to go out there. They will make things worst if he doesn't." He knew what she was afraid of. It was very likely they were planning on killing Kreg.
(Ah! I have no idea how to jump into the RP xD Since the army guys are in the middle of an ambush...and I have no idea what's happening with the farm people. Where's Marie at the farm?)
((I actually never posted anything for Marie ^_^ " mostly because, well, I couldn't decide what job to have for her.

I'll just make her a maid...))

Becoming a slave made for long days and longer nights, especially in that old barn. Marie just bit her lip, pulled her chin up (metaphorically, since if she actually did put her chin up, she could be beaten), and tried to make it through one day at a time.

Marie brushed her bangs out of her face after she finished polishing the silverware, and was promptly given a broom to sweep the floor with. She nearly sighed, but stood up and immediately went back to her work. That was how they wanted it done. Although, she had to be careful of her wings. They had nearly knocked over an expensive vase once, and that would not have gotten her any points.

--- Merged Double Post ---

((Quick army note...sorry for lameness and no dialogue or thoguhts.))

Aaron had no trouble throwing himself onto the ground. Bianca had a little more trouble, between her assorted legs and her wider lower body.
(Cool thanks, just gonna throw Noah in there xD He would have been put on the army, but right now they felt he was a bit too young and not too sure of his powers yet. Oh heads up, he might just have a crush on Marie, you know what they say, love at first sight ^.^)

The door near where Marie was sweeping burst open, only to reveal one of the Farmer's men holding a boy around the age of 14 by the neck, he was struggling fiercely and had elongated claws where his fingernails should be, "Stop damn struggling boy!" He shook the boy viciously and Noah looked up at the filthy old man, he growled and spat in his face as a response. THUMP. The man struck Noah across the face with his fist, making him hit the floor. "You better behave yourself or else---" He noticed the timid butterfly girl and glared at her, he looked back at the boy, annoyed he had been interrupted, "Wait here. And don't even THINK of running." He stormed off, bashing into the side of Marie roughly as he passed her.

Noah looked up from his spot on the floor and his eyes widen slightly as he looked at Marie. Great, finally meet a pretty girl and I look like a freak. Noah hated waking up in that cage to see that his blue eyes had turned black and that where his normal, human skin used to be, was now some sort of soft, brown fur, worst of all was the tail that flicked around behind him. At least now he had the ability to kill someone with one bite, that part was fun. He leapt up from his spot on the floor, still looking at her, he then coughed, realizing how creepy he was being. "Uh, hey. You ok?" He looked at her with worry for a moment, considering how that stupid d**k had just bashed right into her. His claws went back in as to not hurt the girl as he held out his hand to shake, "I'm Noah...what's your name?"
((Haha, don't worry about that. I've gotten the 'has a crush on...' in the other section in different rps for two of my characters already...besides, things like that are cute ^_~ ))

Marie tried to pay as little notice as possible when the door crashed open, but it was hard not to at least glance at what was goingon when there was yelling. Besides, Marie hadn't seen much of the other girls that had come with her, and was hoping they weren't hurt.

Instead, she saw a boy around her age being roughly handled by one of the farmer's men. He wasn't unlike her, either. He had fur, like some of those who had gone to the general's did. Why send him here? she wondered absently, trying to focus on what she was doing instead of staring. That was especially hard when the man crashed through Marie as he left. A flutter of her wings was all that saved her from falling onto the ground. She let out a breath she hadn't quite realized she'd been holding when he was gone. Then she realized the boy was staring at her.

Of course, being a timid girl, this made her somewhat uncomfortable. Under his gaze she hadn't even realized she was flying still until her wings began to ache a little. Marie landed on the floor to answer the questions of the boy called Noah. "Um, well... I've had worse things happen..." she whispered, reaching out just enough to shake his hand, holding her left hand, still holding the broom, close to her person. "I'm Marie."
He smiled at her, watching with amazement as she flew. He hadn't seen another 'animal-person' besides his sister. He felt a pain in his chest, he had only seen her for a second or two before he was dragged off to the farm. Where was she going? Would she be alright? He had no idea. He then realized the girl had spoken her name and was seeming quite uncomfortable by now. When he realized she said she had worse things happen, he felt an unexplainable urge to seriously harm whoever had hurt her, he then looked around, wondering if they were any more animal-people around, he looked back to her, feeling butterflies in his tummy. (Ha! Pun not intended but rather funny anyway ^.^) "Is anyone else here?" He asked her quietly, not wanting that stupid man to hear, "Anyone else like us?" He added quickly, wanting to make sure she understood.
((Unintended puns are the best, after all :) ))

Marie bit her lip at the mention of others. "I came with two or three other girls," she answered in a similarly hushed tone. She remembered the other maid, Sarah, whose brother had gone to the general's, and Ophelia, who worked in the fields. Had there been another? Marie's days blurred into the next, the thought of escape infinitely far from her mind. After all, how was a fragile girl like herself supposed to leave? Not to mention there were probably tracking devices, or worse, in her body.

She took her hand back and laid it gently across her stomach, trying not to wince as her bruises started to protest. They had begun to fade from blue-ish black to yellow, but that didn't matter to her sore body.
He nodded, two or three other girls. No boys then. It was probably better that way actually, back before him and his sister were taken, the only boys he had ever known were the ones who he got into fights with. When she placed her hand on her stomach he noticed something flitter though her eyes, pain? He frowns, "Hey you ok?" He takes a step closer, "Hey boy!" He looked up with a death glare to see the Farmer's wife heading towards him, "You, out on the fields!" Noah expected as much, to be doing manual labour, she turned to look at Marie, "And you! What are you doing standing around? Get back to work!" She snapped her words at Marie and Noah felt his blood boil, "Don't speak to her like that." He growled his words at the Farmer's wife and she glared at him. SMACK. She whipped her hand across his cheek sharply, making him turn his head but that was it as he glared back at her. "Fields! Now!" She pointed behind her and if looks could kill, she'd be dead from the glare Noah was giving her. He walked off in the direction she had pointed, glancing back just once to look at Marie. He hoped he would be able to see her again.
((O.M.G. I. Hate. My. Internet. >.< Good thing I copied this post before it killed the site on me...))

Marie shook her head, blushing somewhat, since he'd noticed her pain. "Just a few bruises..." she managed to squeak out before the farmer's wife came back. Marie cringed as the woman yelled and slapped Noah. "Yes ma'am." she whispered meekly, beginning to sweep the floor once more, just as Noah started walking off.

"Don't speak to her like that." He had said. No one stood up for her - at least, not in her life thus far. Marie had been treated kindly by so few, but even then all she received was gentle words, treatment of a few scrapes and scratches, and food and shelter. But this...this was new. She let her hair fall around her face as her mouth twitched into her first smile since arriving at the farm. It was a mere ghost of a smile, but it was the beginnings of some form of happiness.
Aster immediately stood up, sending a pheromone message: ~Got it. You need me to knock out any snipers? Make it easier for you?~

He knew Bael was hurt, but there was no time to help him. All they could do was lend support in whatever ways they can. They needed to escape, NOW.
(Any ideas on how Mabelle can get into the army side of things? It would be a bit weird if she just ran in like, 'Hey guys! You're getting attacked but what the heck! I'm here! :D ' xD )

Noah was shoved outside to pull up some weeds or something - whatever it was she said. When he spotted someone else doing the same job he was supposed to be doing. He guessed it was a girl from her long brown hair and noticed she was like him and Marie because she had a tiger tail and tiger ears poking out of her long hair. He walked over beside her and glanced at her before pulling up a few weeds, "Hey, what's your name?" He asked lightly, thinking it would be good to know all the animal-people's names aswell. They needed to stick together on this place. (He's speaking to Ophelia by the way xD )
Kreg shook his head at Aster's message. He needed to do this, alone. He thought he knew what what Bishop had in mind, and it was time to test it. Kreg stepped out of the freshly made hole of the barracks, acting uninjured, even though almost everything hurt. Bishop threw down the rocket launcher and pulled out a long baton, clicking a button and making it spark at the end. He touched it to the ground and made a line, taking a few steps back and issuing a challenge.

"Same deal as before, Corporal Bael! Kill me and you and your 'friends' get your freedom. Lose, and die. Your choi-" Bishop yelled, suddenly being cut off.

Kreg had the idea that Bishop would do this. So, as soon as he got confirmation, he spread his wings and covered a distance of around 15 feet within half a second. Kreg's taloned hand was inside of Bishop's stomach, which he quickly pulled his hand out quickly. However, instead of Bishop crumpling like Kreg expected, he only grinned and swung at Kreg with the baton. Kreg was caught off-guard, but he had enough time to duck. Bishop leapt back, making a 10 foot jump like it was nothing. The wound in Bishop's stomach instantly closed, leaving nothing but ripped clothing.

"You think you're the only one with modifications, Corporal Bael?" Bishop asked, grinning from ear to ear.

Bishop suddenly lunged at Kreg, swinging his baton in a wide arc. Kreg swiftly blocked, but his ribs cracked even more, causing intense pain. He tried his best to ignore it, though, as he swung at Bishop's head with his talons. Bishop moved backwards and walked around Kreg, chuckling as he did so. He knew that Kreg was injured, and Kreg was sure that Bishop was planning on taking full advantage of that.

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