Fighting the Beast Within - A Mixed DNA RP

Ginger looked at the others and then blinks. "I got Aster's out just fine....would you like me to try and get them out? I understand if you don't want me to though." She said looking at them and then looked at Evan who walked up and turned around. She smiled and then felt where the chip is. She repeated what Bael said to do and then got the chip out just fine. She gave Evan the chip.

Evan smiled at her and put the chip in his pocket. "Thanks Ginger." He said and then went to wash up his neck. He looked at the others and then Let Ginger wash her hands as soon as he was done.

Ginger smiled feeling useful, she was happy to help.
Ginger looked at Aaron and then frowned a bit. "Oh um ok hold on!" She said and walked over to him. "I'll do you next Bianca...." She said and then found the chip. She worked carefully and got it out. She looked at Aaron and then showed him the chip. She smiled and then looked at Bianca. She walked over and then got her chip out. "I'd keep te chips in your pockets ok?" She said and then gave Bianca her chip. She slowly gathered cloths and then cleaned up everyones that she worked on wounds. She cleaned them up so they were less noticable. She smiled. "Done with you two." She looked at them proud of herself.
Nothing had happened when 'corporal' Bael had taken his chip nothing would be wrong, right? Well, Bianca knew they'd find out soon enough. Aaron made a face, but stuck the chip in his pocket. Bianca had no such grievances, and slipped it into her pocket solemnly.

"Now then, are they going to use us like they intended to, or lock us away for the rest of our lives? Thinking from their perspective, leaving us in here only gives the army the satisfaction of torture, and it has cost them a lot of money they didn't need to spend..." Bianca said. Why not just pick some random people off the street to tortue, in that case? Or perhaps they were going for mind control.
Bael smiled warmly as Ginger removed the chips with precision. All that was left was hers. He laid a hand on her shoulder and used the tip of his claw to make a small cut into her skin. He removed the chip quickly and easily, being as gentle as he could. As he put the chip on the countertop, he grabbed a piece of toilet paper, wet it with the sink, and placed it on the back of her neck. He then handed her the chip and looked out of the broken window. He sighed lightly. Was he really betraying General Bishop? He had simply thrown Bael away at the drop of a dime, plus killed that medic without a second thought. He had used Bael. He snapped himself back to reality, though, focusing on their endeavor at hand. He tapped his chin and paced around the small latrine. He knew there was most likely a roof access, but that would only do him good. By the time he had taken someone to safety, the others would be dead. But, he hatched an idea. Being the gloater he was, Bishop would most likely be making an appearance. He could take Bishop hostage, lead the group past the gate and release Bishop once they were in safety. A haphazard plan, but a plan nevertheless. So, he told the group. After he spoke, he waited for their replies.
Ginger tired to leave her neck alone. It was bothering her but she was fine. She smiled at Bael and then nodded. "Sounds like a good idea." She said smiling at him. She looked at Evan and he nodded and then looked at everyone else. She looked at Bael happy as ever with the plan.
Aaron grinned for the first time since he'd arrived at the general's camp. "Sounds perfect to me!" he said. Bianca looked around at the others, but bit her tongue and said nothing. If they failed, that could be it for them. They could end up dead, or even worse, mind controlled. And then what?

But it could be their only chance. Bianca knew it was perfect, if they all attacked at once. Although, that was a bit self-explanatory. But could they work that well as a group? Not to mention Kreg, who might decide he didn't want to betray the general after all.

It was a huge gamble, but then again, that was life. Bianca wanted to hear other opinions first.
Aster was definitely suspicious, but he didn't voice his thoughts.

"I think its the only plan we've got. If it works, we're out of here. If not, we're dead. I don't think we have better chances than that."
"Um I still have a chip...." Edwin said quietly not knowing if they realized he was still there. He listened to the others plan. He agreed with Aster, this could be their only chance. He just hope they succeded. If not, they would pay big time.

--- Merged Double Post ---

((Sorry I havent really been on today. been busy))
Ginger looked at him and walked over going behind him. "Keep still." She said and worked on his neck. She finished and then gave him the chip. She smiled. "All done." She said cleaning his wound.
"Thanks." Edwin thanked Ginger while she cleaned his wound. It hurt a lot more than he had been expecting it to. He looked around at everyone else. "So what's our plan?" He asked quietly while putting the chip in his pocket.
(Oh i got an Idea to make the Farmer side more interesting! Jerk of a son anyone? I thought we might add another character like the Farmer's son or something. Like he would do this. *The farmers son went outside and saw one of the animal workers in the feild. He smirks at the girl and then sees a glass of water beside her. His grin widened and he walked over grabbing the water silently and pouring it on her with a cruel laugh.* What do you think?)

Ginger smiled loving to be so helpful. She looked at her claws and then went to wash them again. Once she was finished she looked at Bael and then smiled waiting for him to answer. She looked around and then back at Bael. She trusted him, although Evan wasn't so sure of him yet. Ginger saw the others didn't trust him yet either.
Bael nodded in approval to Ginger, then leaned against the wall, crossing his arms. He looked at the group and sighed heavily. He had no idea how trained they were, but he needed them in peek condition before they tried this escape. Bael had already scoped out any hidden cameras and surprisingly saw none. So, he decided to give them a crash course on everything else. BRM, ARM, BC, AC, everything. He explained to them, using an imaginary rifle, how to fix a jam, how to aim down the sights properly, how to breathe properly, all within 30 minutes. He spoke quickly, then looked at the group.

"That's the basics. I can teach you as we go about more advanced tactics."
Ginger looked at him and then blinked listening. She leaned back on a wall looking off to the side thinking. "I could use some more training...." She said putting her hand to her mouth as she thought. "Yes, much more." She said and then looked at Bael. She smiled slightly at him and then looked at the ground. "Most of the others....were already taught how to fight....well let's face it I'm the weakest one here." She said sighing deeply.
Bael nodded and walked up to her. She was physically strong, yes, but she lacked style. He taught her as best and fast as he could about basic hand-to-hand, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu style. He showed her where all of the important arteries were located, mainly the carotid and femoral. He then showed her vital pressure points, and how to incapacitate the enemy with a simply poke on the back of the neck, close to where the chip was located on them. He then quickly taught her about different blocks and parries and how to successfully disarm an opponent without harming the weapon or the attacker, as well as harm the attacker.

"The tide of a battle can quickly be turned by who has the bigger weapon. No matter how powerful you may be, a simple thug with a gun is infinitely more powerful than you. In showing you these techniques, I've taught you how to disarm the thug and become a trained killer with a gun. You've done very well thus far. Do you have any questions?"
Kira looked at him and then smiled and shook her head no. "Thanks...Bael." She said looking down slightly. She looked back at him and then smiled a bit wider. She took in all the information and even a bit from the fight they had. She wanted to hug him. She just held herself and then held her hands behind her back.
Bael...He had gone by that long enough. That was what he went by for the military. Sure it was his last name, but he despised it now. He hated it. That wasn't who he was. He was a man who helped his brethren. He was a man who put himself last. He wasn't Bael anymore...

"Kreg. You can call me Kreg from now on." Kreg said, a feeling of warmth spreading through him.
Ginger smiled and nodded. "I that your real name then, Kreg?" She looked at him and smiled sweatly. She was happy he had told her his real name, if it was. Still it made her feel good. She had helpped the others, learned new things and got Kreg back on there side. Well that was the General's fault really.
Kreg nodded when she asked if that was his real name. It was. Kreg had always hated his name, but now he loved it. He kept repeating it in his head. His name was Kreg. Not Bael. Kreg. Bael was dead. Kreg was resurrected. Kreg looked at the group and thought for a moment. It was a ragtag group, but it was a group nevertheless. A group of misfits. But this group of misfits were going to have their freedom. Kreg walked back into the main room. It still smelled of the tear gas, but it was bearable. He looked out the main window and saw five soldiers guarding the door. he looked at his wristwatch, noting that it was 0800 hours. He walked away from the window and paced around the room, thinking.
Ginger looked at Kreg and then watched him, she looked at Evan who slowly walked out of the room. Ginger on the other hand stayed by the door post covering her nose. She looked around and then sighed deeply. She watched Kreg who was thinking, he seemed to want to be alone now she stood there in silence. She watched him carefully though looking for the slightest hint of insperation of a plan.
Aster was calmly sitting, focusing, preparing what pheromone defenses he could for the group. He needed to be ready in case the general used psychic warfare on them.

Sitting in lotus position, he focused. And waited.
Kreg put his hand to his head, thinking of a more detailed plan. He didn't want to put anyone in harm's way, but he was afraid that he would have to. The plan was to wait for General Bishop to show up, go out there, disarm one of the soldiers and take their weapon, and take Bishop hostage. But what about the snipers? He could have Aster send out a massive pheromone wave, crippling the humans for a short time. Kreg could then fly to the roofs of the surrounding buildings and take them out while the rest of the group secure Bishop. That could work as well. He looked at Ginger, who he noticed was staring at him. He smiled warmly at her and sent her a faint pheromone message, so only she could feel.

You've come so far, in such a short time. I'm proud of you. When we get out of here and rescue the others, I promise I'll find a way to change us back to the way we were before.
Ginger smiled at him as she got his message. She scent out her own using her tail to make sure no one else gets it. 'Thanks kreg....I'm believing in you.' she smiled and nodded at him. She looked at Evan who was staring at her wiu a brow raised. She rolled her eyes and then crossed her arms.
Kreg got her message and nodded slightly. She seemed like the only one to believe him, though. He had expected this, though. Not only did he follow Bishop's orders, he hurt her and Aster. He nearly killed her. He nearly put a bullet in her head, just like Bishop had done with the medic. This pained Kreg. How could she trust him, let alone look at him anymore, after what he had done to her? Just yesterday they were enemies, and now she seemed like the only friend that he had. He quickly got up and walked toward the window, acting like he was planning. In reality, however, he was hiding a tear that was trickling down his face.

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