Fighting the Beast Within - A Mixed DNA RP

Ophelia looked ovr at Sarah. "What's wrong?" She asked, realizing it was a stupid question.
Sarah looked at her and sighed a bit. "Oh I hope Evan, my brother isn't getting into trouble." She said rubbing her head a bit. "Not to mention it seems like there are so many weeds." She giggled a bit.
Ophelia didn't know how to comfort Sarah about her brother. "Hopefuly, we can get out of here soon." She said, even knowingthat was immpossible.And even if they were freed, where wouild they go? "They seem endless." Ophelia agreed about the weeds with a small laugh.

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@Aster Volpes @Lost_In_Paradise♥ @Heather-Konvicka [MENTION=1658]Rhi'a[/MENTION] [MENTION=573]Cide[/MENTION] [MENTION=1478]Fire of Hearts[/MENTION] [MENTION=646]Xx-Katherine-xX[/MENTION] I updated the first page so everyone could know where who is. If any of your characters are in the "other" slot, then either you have not sent them to the farm or army or I could not find out where you placed them!
Sarah smiled a bit and then looked at the weeds. She continued to pull them up one by one. "Hopefully they start numbering soon." She giggled a bit and then yawned a bit tired.
"Yeah." Ophelia agreed.

"Sarah! What are you doing out in the fields!?" The farmer's wife yelled from the house. "Get inside right now! You have laundry to wash and a meal to cook!"
Sarah jerked a bit and then got up. "Coming!" She said and then looked at Ophelia. "Sorry I have to go." She said and then ran off back into the house. When she got inside she looked at the women. "Sorry miss." She said and then ran off to start on the laundry. Her tail swayed behind her as she hummed a tune. She sighed a bit.
Aster kept his eyes shut, even though he was awake. He could sense Bael's movements through the bunks, and he seemed nervous. Finally, he sighed, and opened his eyes. He got up, stretched, then looked at the Corporal... or whatever his rank was now.

"Morning, friend. You seem to be all healed up. Sleep well?"
Ginger was sleeping and then Even got up and stepped on Ginger's tail. She jerked up yelling like a cat. She grabbed her tail. "ouch..." She eyes her eyes watering. "my tail..."

Evan looked at her. "I'm so sorry i didn't see it!" He felt bad and then looked at her tail.

Ginger swallowed. "It's just hurts....a lot." She hugged her pained tail. She got up. "Not the best way to wake up." She said looking at Even with a small smile.

Evan rubbed his head. "Yeah sorry Ginger...I'll be careful next time I know you sleep here." He chuckled a bit. "Really I hope your tail is ok."

Ginger nodded and then looked at her tail. "It's fine..." She said and then let it go.
( Let me think....Ok I'll see what i can do for you sage....Rhi'a I need to look up your characters names sorry.)

Ginger stretched out a bit and then looked around. She walked toward the bathroom....whatever it was. She tripped on her own two feet, oldly enough being part tiger now. She fell on a cot. She blinked stretched over someone's legs. She looked to see who she fell on. She blushed a bit feeling so embarrased about it. It was Edwin.
Edwin had been sleeping soundly, or as soundly as someone in his situlation could. He was suddenly woken up when he felt something on his legs. He jumped up, ready to fight off any intruder when he realized it was Ginger. He lowered his fist. "Sorry." he muttered, still half asleep. They had all been trained to take on anyone who tried to sneak up on them. Had he not realized who woke him, Ginger would have probally had to go see the medic for a broken nose or jaw.

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((Well a few people roleplay together here, its just hard to jump in))
Ginger looked at Edwin flinching a bit when it looked like he was going to hit her. She slowly got off of him and then stood there. "No I'm sorry....but thanks....I've had enough beatings." She said rubbing her ribs since she still was sore from yesterdays beating. She sighed deeply.

Evan was laughing like crazy at Ginger who only blushed even more. He turned around to see Bianca Alair's cot. He jerked back still not use to seeing her, he had tried to be nice. He only put on a smile not sure if she was awake or not.
Edwin frowned. He remembered the series of events from yesterday although they almost seemed to be a blur. he remembered not being able to help in anyway.
Bianca slowly rose from her cot, awoken by assorted voices and a few crashing noises. As she rose, she noticed Evan staring at her. Again. Sure, there was something weird about sharing a room with a half-spider. "We haven't been called for training yet?" she asked.

Aaron was still asleep.
Ginger looked at Edwin and then sighed. "It seems he's back on our side....Bael I mean." She whispered to him and then gently sat down. "Seems me just helpping him with his wounds got him to make up his mind. Of course it did help that the General betrayed him." She sighed deeply keeping her voice very low.

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Evan shook his head no. "Nope...not sure what's going on." He said and then shrugged. "Seems most of us are awake now....I'm sorry if I woke you....I just turned around from laughing at Ginger." He said and then looked at Ginger. "She tripped and fell on Edwin, maybe it was the fact I stepped on her tail. Um I didn't mean to of course."
"He never should have trusted that general in the first place." Edwin said in a quiet voice. "All we are to that b******* general is soldiers. No...not even soldiers. We are nothing more than pawns to him." He wondered what caused Bael to trust him in the first place.
Ginger looked down and sighed. She put her hands on her lap closing her eyes. "Yes.....we all know." She said and then sighed deeply again. "Apparently he can control us...because of that stupid idiot who did this to us in the frist place." She sniffled a bit thinking about it.
Edwin clutched the sheets of his bed in anger. He hated that scientist. "If we ever get out of here, I'm going to make that doctor pay for putting all of us in this situlation!"
Bianca looked from him, to Ginger, to Edwin. "It's no trouble. I would have to be up soon enough anyway."
Ginger looked at him and then set a hand on his shoulder. "Keep it down....we don't need the gaurds here us." She said and then removed her hand. "We need to keep quiet or they'll put a stop to it before we even try." She said sighing. "I'm not in a very good condition to run or fight. Thanks to sir beats me a lot." SHe said glaring at the floor. "We need to stay put for now. After yesterdays show they'd be sure to tighten things up around here." She whispered to him.

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Evan nodded and then smiled. "Ok." He said and then looked around slightly. "Well yesterday was interesting." He said looking at Ginger. "She sure fought hard." He chuckled and looked back at her. "What did you think of it?"
Bianca shook her head. "It was intersting, to say the least." She turned her head to look at Kreg. "Out of all of us...he was the last I expected to break."

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