Fighting the Beast Within - A Mixed DNA RP

(I did! Sarah gave her some water she's a maid!)

Ginger stopped and then looked at them her eyes like a cold killer the eyes of an angry Tiger. Her white fur was stained with brael's blood. She hissed still not letting go of his arm. The guard stepped up and grabbed her pulling her off. She hissed loudly again blood dripping from her face. Her fur spiked up again. Her tail wrapped around the guard's arm tightly.
Aster could only see a blur... it seemed Ginger was still fighting.

Aster sent out a pheromone message before completely blacking out.

~Please... stop.... for me... i don't want you hurt.~

A thought to himself, that only he could hear...

I Think I'm falling in love...

He then blacked out.
Ginger looked at Aster and then stopped. She calmed her eyes still tiger but looked for like a human girl then a killer. She almost fell limp in the guards arms as she could feel herself losing strength. She looked at them all knowing pain was probably coming next. She looked at the guard holding her, it was the one that enjoys pickin on her all the time. It was only a few days ago that he was ordered to clean his gun off from her blood. She looked at the general her eyes hardning.
Corporal Bael was FURIOUS. He let Private Ginger go and walked toward the General, seeming to stalk him. He had had enough. He almost had them!! He was on the verge! He could do this! Two soldiers got next to each other, only half a foot apart, in front of the General, leveling their weapons at him. They ordered him to stop, but Bael simply grabbed them both by their head and slammed them into each other, effectively knocking them out. He then walked toward General Bishop, until a shot rang out. He had heard the shot before: a sniper round. It hit home in his left shoulder, digging deep. Bael cried out in pain and gripped his shoulder. Bishop hauled off and kicked him in the face, almost as hard as Private Ginger had kicked him. He looked at Bishop, anger visible on his face.

"Corporal Bael, stand down! If you are going to act like an animal, you can stay with them!" Bishop yelled, his face growing red.

Bael was shocked by this. He was going to stay with the Privates? Just then, two soldiers walked up to Bael, picked him up by each arm, and nearly drug him to the building the Privates were staying in. His left shoulder screamed in pain, yet he did not cry out again. Bishop felt...Betrayed.

Just like the Privates felt betrayed? A tiny voice somewhere inside of him chimed.

Yeah...It was similar to that, Bael supposed. As the guards opened the door to the building, they drug Bael to an empty cot and placed him on it. Without another word, they left, closing the door behind them. Bael sighed heavily and went to work digging out the sniper round from his shoulder. The pain was terrible, yet he was too focused to feel most of it. He had let General Bishop down. Yet the looks on the Privates faces...That haunted him. Especially the sad look that Ginger had given him. That was the worst of it. Not the pheromone attacks from Private Aster. That was a small headache in comparison to the anguish he felt from Ginger.
Ginger was dragged after a few minutes. Aster was also brought in, Ginger fell to her k ees, it was oveous. She was beaten. She had a few cuts. The others would probably he brought in soon as well. Ginger looked at the soldiers as they laughed at them. Probably mostly at bael. She turned to him and out of mercy and compassion she slowly walked over to him. She loaded at his shoulder and then tore some of her clothing for him. "Try to keep still." she said and then looked at her long nails. She went to try and get the bullet out for him, she placed the cloth she made under it.
Corporal Bael was surprised, to say the least. Why was Ginger helping him? Her long nails were way more effective than his wide talons. All he had done was made the wound wider. She was able to maneuver and dig the bullet out quickly and efficiently. The round hit the floor, splattering blood in a small radius around it. Bael looked at Ginger with an inquisitive look.

"Why are you helping me?" He asked simply and bluntly.
Ginger looked at him. "I do have compassion, and I guess you are still one of us." she said and then looked at him. "Now you know how I feel, you help someone out and they praticly shoot you." she said slightly smirking. She sighed and pushed it away. She frowned again and then set the bunched up cloth on the wound packing it in. She tore more of her clothing and wrapped it around his shoulder. After that she found some new material and worked on the arm she had biten.
(I'm sorry you guys, I really liked this Rp and my character but I just can't keep up and I don't think there is really a space or need for my character so I'm out)
Aster woke up to find something strange. The corporal was with them in the private's cabin.

"So let me guess. He betrayed you?"

Aster couldn't feel any of his limbs. He tried to move, but the heavy pheromone attack had sapped his entire nervous system. He saw the sniper wound. He couldn't believe what he was doing, but he felt bad for the corporal. The bullet wound looked painful.

"That's a nasty bullet wound you have there. I've still got a few pheromones. They can help kick-start body functions... nervous system... digestion. You need anything? Might as well help you, now that you're in with us."
Ginger looked at Aster. "I've taken care of the wound...." She said pointing to the bullet on the ground. She walked over and kneeled down beside him. "Come on....let's get you off of the floor." She said and then put his arm around her neck and made him sit up. She put her arm around his back and slowly lifted him. "'re heavy." She said and then did her best to set him on a cot as gently as possible. She laid him down and then sighed deeply going back to Bael to continue on his arm wound.
"Thanks. You really are the best of us, Ginger."

He was telling the truth. It came naturally to him. He doubted he would have offered Bael help at all if he hadn't seen Ginger doing so. She was a good person by nature.

"I think we all need to talk. About... you sir." He looked directly at Bael. "First, we need to know we can trust you, if you are even interested in helping us again. What do you all think?" He looked around the room, twisting his head as much as he could. He winced. It hurt like hell. "Also, someone please remind me not to do that again unless its necessary..."
(([MENTION=1478]Fire of Hearts[/MENTION] - you said sarah gave her water right?)) "Thanks Sarah." Ophelia said grateful taking the water and drinking it. She was extremly thirsty. And covered in dirt. They were all made to bathe in the stream and she hated it.

Sarah nodded and then sighed deeply. "I better get back before he thinks I'm trying to get out again. I sware if he puts me on a leash again..." She sighed and looked down. "There's nothing I can do..." She said quietly and then looked back at the house. "When do you think you will be done?" She asked.
Ophelia shook her head. "I have no idea." She said, wiping sweat away from her forehead. "Whenever I finish pulling the weeds."
Sarah looked at her and then shrugged setting the water down, she got down and started helping her. "I'm sure he won't mind me helpping you for a few minutes." She said and then smiled at her.
Corporal Bael watched Ginger tend his wounds and help him up. He limped over to a cot and sat upon it, sighing heavily. He rubbed his temples and looked at Aster. He waved his hand away at the pheromone offer, and thought about what Aster had asked. He leaned his head against the wall. Bishop had betrayed him, at the drop of a dime. Maybe he should side with those who were just like him, stuck in the same boat as he. Maybe. His eyes fluttered, threatening unconsciousness. He sent out a very faint pheromone message, not even knowing if anyone would read it.

I'm going to help...I...Swear...
Ginger looked at him and smiled. "Good. You better rest." She said seeing as he needed to sleep. She checked his arm again and then smiled at him. She scent pheromone message. 'You better not being lying again.' She smiled at him and then stood up looking around.
Ophelia smiled. "Thanks." she said knleeing down and tugging at some weeds pulling them out by the root and tossing them aside. "What do you think happened to the others?" She asked, making sure to be quiet so no one overheard their conversation. "You don't think....they're...dead do you?" She shuttered.
Sarah looked at her and shivered. "I'd hate to think of brother was taken with them." She said tearing up. She pulled the weeds root and all out putting them in a pile. "I hope they are ok." She said looking at her and sighed.
Aster was surprised, but still a little skeptical. After all, the mental battle between him and Bael had resulted in Aster's paralysis. However... Aster was starting to trust Bael. He was surprised at how quickly the general had betrayed him.

Thing was, that is what was so suspicious.

Aster gave one last glance at Bael, then fell asleep.
Bael had a fitful sleep. Maybe it was from his demotion, maybe it was because of the pheromone attack, he didn't know. He had continuous nightmares, not letting him get a wink of restful sleep. He woke up several times, covered in sweat and his breathing harsh. He rubbed his eyes and checked his watch, pressing a button on the side, illuminating the face of the watch in a sickly green color. Almost time to wake up anyway, so he just got up, made his bunk, stretched his sore muscles, and went to the latrine to wash his face. He had none of his amenities yet, so he was unable to brush his teeth. He exited the latrine and examined his injured soldier. It had healed completely and cleanly. That was one thing he was thankful to Bishop for, at least. They had barraged him with needles full of unknown liquids. One of them must have been a rapid healing process. He stood at parade rest, waiting for the door to open. At 0400, it didn't open. Odd. At 0415, it didn't open. Neither did it open at 0430, 0445, or 0500. This made Bael furrow his brow. What was going on? He was under the impression that he was no longer leader of this platoon. And so he waited, and waited, and waited.
Ginger was curled up in her corner on the ground. She was sleeping peacefully unknowing bael was up or anything else like the time. She snuggled close to her warm fur as she slept. Although the feeling of someone up and moving was starting to wake her up. She moved her tail out and then stretched out but still was asleep.
Ophelia frowned. She hadn't thought that the people would take multiple people from the same family. 'Didn't those families already suffer enough?' she thought quietly to herself as she continued to work.
Sarah sighed and then continued to work hoping Evan was ok. He was probably getting himself into trouble. She sighed and pulled a few more weeds. She looked at the sky. "hmmm..." She got some water and took a sip and then continued on the seemingly endless weeds.

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