Fighting the Beast Within - A Mixed DNA RP

Aster looked over at Ginger out of the corner of his eye, and gave a look saying -lets talk about this later-

Aster needed to be stronger. He couldn't let Ginger ever get in that kind of trouble again. Never.

He only wished Bael... or whatever his actual name was... hadn't betrayed them. He was too powerful.

~Protect her. Protect her. Protect her.~

It was all he could think about. It was all he could hold on to. The thought of her. His hopes for a happy life for her.

~Gotta focus. Can't put her life in danger again. Protect her.~
Ginger looked at him. She blinked and nodded understanding the look he gave her. She looked back to the one she called traider. She looked at him really with sad eyes, trying to get through to him. Her tiger eyes would be considered scary to have stare at you, but amber made them soft and kind. She continued this sort of plead stare at him. She glanced at aster seeing he was thinking about sometime and then looked back at bael.
Corporal Bael continued rubbing his temples and tried hard to focus. His vision began to blur slightly, and for some reason, he had one word continually running through his mind.


The thought of freedom was ridiculous, though. Where would he go? Where COULD he go? It's not like he would exactly fit in anywhere. His place was here, on the battlefield. No where else. He needed to defend his country. Since the death of his beacon of hope, he had given up on all thoughts of escape. What was the point? He simply sighed and looked at the Privates. Ginger was giving him a sad look, maybe trying to persuade him? Rubbish. One of the classes he had taken in the past month was all about animal psychology. Pheromones, looks, body language...All of it. And he learned it. So, he returned a glare from his hawk side, a terrifying, paralyzing look that seemed to pierce her.
Ginger's ears went down. She suddenly felt something inside her, a predator instinct. Deep within rose such a furry and will. Her ears pinned down, her eyes cold has the grave, her tail flicterin wig irritation. Her hair spiked up. Her nails which were more like claws stretched out ready to attack. Her very smell turned to that of a killer. Tigers were the greater predator here. She let out a ferce hiss.
((I just realized that this RP, played out in a certain way, could lead to a HMRP.

Btw, HI!))

Bianca had not tried to assert her thoughts of getting out. She'd studied the concept of phermones (sp?) with the others, though in less depth than Aster had. She'd learned to utilize her legs and poison to the best of her ability. She'd learned that she could be more deadly as a spider than as a human, even if she didn't have her fangs. Speaking only words that needed to be spoken, calmly making her way through exercises, and aquiesing (sp?) to the commands of her superiors could make her slightly less of a threat.

But to Corporate Kreg Bael, now that he seemed to be against them? She at least ought to still be a threat.

Aaron was...whatever the strongest word for angry was. The most rebellious guy among them, who had killed their guards...completely changed. In a month. Whatever happened to the guy must've been drastic.

Aaron didn't see it that way, though. But he had to keep it together. For the others. That was what he'd learned in the last month: he didn't realy care if he died or not. But he wasn't going to die someone's slave, and he wasn't going to allow that to happen to the others.

So far, he'd done exactly as the man instructed. He even tried to ignore Kreg's discipline to Aster and Ginger.

But soon, Aaron was going to break.
Aster saw the mental stare off between Bael and Ginger, and sent supporting pheromones to Ginger. ~If I can't attack him directly, let me help you this way.~

He made sure the pheromones were not strong enough for Bael to notice.
Corporal Bael sensed Private Ginger's anger, which he grinned at. Let her come. He would put her down with now issues, which would probably anger Private Aster. He would put him down as well. So far, the others hadn't shown any signs of rebellion except for dirty glares. Bael sensed that they were plotting against him, having more time to tune their pheromones in on each other. Bael unzipped his ACU jacket and threw it aside, as well as the tan undershirt, revealing his black abdomen. He opened his arms and continued looking at Private Ginger.

"If you want to kill me, here I am, Private." He said simply.
Ginger got down on her hands and then hissed. She ran at him and then slashed at him and then tried to get behind him, she was fast, very very fast. She let out a roar again her tiger half taking control. She looked at him with a killer instint.

Aster saw Ginger, and new for a fact he wouldn't let her fight alone. Immediately, he launched a MUCH more powerful pheromone attack against the corporal. He knew the resulting headache would be a pain for both him and Bael, but he didn't care. If it helped Ginger, then he wouldn't worry about it.

Bael was impressed by her speed. She had slashed at him, which he took a step back and grabbed her hand as she was going back down. He gripped her wrist tightly and flipped her over him, Private Ginger leaving the ground and hitting the ground. He didn't know if he snapped her wrist or not, he was hoping for the latter. If he had, she would need time to recover. That time would take away from her training. He squeezed tighter on her wrist and lifted his foot in the air and aimed it down onto her chest, hoping to make heavy contact. Just then, he felt the pheromone attack from Private Aster. He shot him a glare and growled lowly.

If you want freedom, you're going to have to go through me. Bael thought.
Ginger hissed and then growled at him. She grabbed his foot and then twisted it she bit his arm with her sharp fangs enter his skin. She looked at him and then used her legs to kick him and get back up. She attacked him from behind and then looked at him. She was holding her wrist.

Aster had to reason with him. He HAD TO.

" How about this: I cut off the pheromones, we talk. Otherwise, you're in for a nasty surprise. I haven't slept for a week, perfecting this attack. I'm only at 10% of the pheromone output. If I feel its necessary, I will produce enough to make even someone as mentally trained as you puke for an hour, with such a splitting headache you won't know up from down. Oh yes, and it's slightly possible there might be permanent nerve damage. Don't believe me? I've tried it on myself. Couldn't feel my limbs for a week at half power. "

Aster wasn't lying, but he knew the drawback. Anything at that high of a level would probably mess with not just Bael's nervous system, but his own too.

But if that meant Ginger made it out... if all of the rest of them made it out... he would do it.
Bael listened to Aster and grinned slightly. He pointed his hand at him, putting his thumb in the air and his index finger at him. He let out a loud "BANG!", sending a massive mental shock to Aster. This is one of the things the General had implanted him with: the ultimate failsafe. It was a massive mental shockwave, designed to overload the target's brain and shut it down for several minutes, making the target go into a state of unconsciousness. He then looked at Ginger and pointed his fingers at her as well.

"Well? Are you done?" He asked with a devilish grin.
Aster had seen this one coming. Obviously, the general had technology to keep them in line. However, his mental training kept him standing. Sure, it hurt like hell, what a headache. But it wasn't enough.

"Sir. I think you forgot: pheromones require a lot of concentration. I have that."

He was still standing. He gave his own little grin to the good corporal.

Ginger looked at Aster and then looked at him hissing. She looked at Aster. Her fur calmed. "If you want to chicken out of this fight that's fine with me." She said and then stood tall. Her eyes stared coldly at him as she cracked her wrist. She looked at him with slight pain. It was strained very strained. She looked up and down him. Not much damange. Dang it. At least she should her strength. "Just remember....I'm willing to fight you anytime." She hissed at him and slowly moved to check on Aster.
Bael squinted as he took in Aster's pheromones. He pointed his finger back to Aster and put his middle finger to join his index finger. He let out a loud "BANG!", sending another huge wave of a mental shutdown towards Aster. The fact that he was standing amazed Bael. Just for good measure, he let out three more loud "BANG BANG BANG!!!" sending out three more waves. This was putting a strain on Bael...He couldn't do this much more, especially if he was fighting a mental warfare as well as a physical one with Ginger. He knew he could draw his pistol and end this all now, but he refused to do that. A dead Private was useless. But these rebels...They were proving a migraine. Literally.
Ginger looked at Bael, (Oh how I love pushing people!) SHe hissed. "Stop that!" She lunged at him, her aim on his arm. She grabbed his and then bit down hard drawling blood with her tiger fangs. She refused to let go, with all her might she slashed at him and then reatched for his gun. She looked at him growling and hissing like a tiger.
"Holy **** sir... that's some serious heat you're packing. And you increased yours so fast, I'm thinking I should do the same."

He hated to do this. He was nearly blacked out from the mental shockwave. But he had to focus... for Ginger.

"Sorry corporal, but since I got a taste of your power, here's a mouthful of mine.


It was only for a second. But he knew that this kind of pheromone attack would leave the corporal on the floor, puking. Or maybe not. Maybe he'd just have the migraine to end all migraines. Whatever.

Aster was still up, but panting heavily from the exhaustion.
Bael dropped to one knee, parrying the majority of Ginger's attack. He held her in a chokehold, keeping his arm around her throat, squeezing tightly. That's when the attack came. His brain was on the verge of overloading, but he maintained consciousness. He squeezed tighter on Ginger's throat involuntarily, looking at Aster. He decided enough was enough. so, he sent out a pheromone wave of his own. He knew the General might be able to read his pheromone messages, but it was worth a shot. If he made the Privates think that he was on their side, they would let up. He sent the message loud, clear, and concise.

Let me tell you a tale for a penny. One that you cannot hear anywhere else. Not anywhere else.

I heard from a birdie it doesn’t end purdy. It doesn’t end well. No, it never ends well...

Let me spin you a yard for a cent. Lord would it not be a sin for you to deny yourself...

A taaaaaaleeeeeee...

You are all destined to die. This is all an act. This is all a show. You are going to the battlefield.

Destined for nothing but a shallow grave.

Stick with me, and I will save you. Redeem you. Salvage you. Lead you.

We will save the others. I know where the farm is. Where the others lie.

This never ends well...

Bael knew the message sent out in a sort of song, yet it was the only thing he knew to do. He hoped this ruse would work, for now. He would train them, make them stronger. He would be their leader. Then, when the time came, he would destroy their will to fight. It was only a matter of time, though.
Ginger refused to let go of his arm. She was bairly breathing. She looked at him not believing it, why why would he tell them now? When he was so weak. She looked at Aster as if demanding him to make Bael prove it. She suddenly couldn't hold on anymore. She forced herself to. She had to stay awake. She was still reatching for his gun. She grabbed it trying to pull it out now. She let out gasps of pain and breath. If he was on their side why did he not release her?
"Oh please..." Aster said...

"You don't expect me to just sit here and think you'd crack like that, huh?"

Aster coughed, blood coating the inside of his mouth. He didn't trust the corporal for a second.

"You expect us to follow a man who so simply turned to the other side? Why did you, anyway? Huh? Answer, or I go 100. And believe me. That is not pretty. Please, REMEMBER WHO YOU WERE!"

He sent the last part out as a pheromone message. He prayed it would work.
Bael growled lowly.

If you don't believe me, whatever. But if you release the full wave, she will die. She's almost there, anyway. I'm telling the truth.

Corporal Bael couldn't believe this. Both of these Privates were able to reduce him to such lows. Suddenly, he realized that Ginger was trying to grab hold of his sidearm. He used his wing to smack her hand away, and looked back to Aster. He was still waiting on his response. He didn't want to kill Ginger. So, he loosened his grip slightly, allowing her to stay conscious. Bael grit his teeth in anger, and sent out one last pheromone message.

Fine. Believe me or don't, your choice. But I assure you, you won't make it past the gate. You both will be gunned down. In fact, look atop the building behind us. Don't make it obvious. There are three snipers, watching and reporting back to Lieutenant General Bishop. He can kill all of you with a push of a button. It would literally shut down your brains. It is your call, though.
Ginger looked at Bael, biting down harder on his arm hoping to brake it. Although she knew she couldn't do it she still hoped. She looked at the gun at his side and then looked at him. He was aware now so that wouldn't work. She slashed at him this time aiming for his eyes. She started struggling to brake free. The more she moved the more she cut the flesh on his arm. She saw the gaurds starting to step forward. They were ready to kill them both, she could tell.
Aster saw Ginger. He knew that Bael was holding back, but he dare not risk it.

Fine. But let me tell you this... sir. I will never give in. I will never give up like you. And if you lay a finger on one of them... I swear to you, I will kill you in the most painful way imaginable. DO NOT take this threat lightly.

​Aster cut off the pheromones, then passed out.

((Not posting for the rest of the night. Gotta get some sleep.))
((this is sad. i made the rp and i have no idea how to jump in. and it looks like no one is posting on the farm side.))

--- Merged Double Post ---

The guards stepped forward pointing their guns at the three of them. "Carpol Bael, put down the girl. Private Ginger, Private Aster stop this rebel right away or we will shoot you dead." "That will not be nessiatry." The general came up behind the two guards. "If they do not back down now, we will simply implant something in their mind to control them. Curtisy of the scientist who made them." He looked at Bael. "I expected better from you Bael."

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