Fighting the Beast Within - A Mixed DNA RP

Aster chuckled quietly as well, relieved somewhat.

"It's things that have happened in my past. Things I regret. Accidents... Terrible, terrible accidents that cost my best friends their lives. I didn't pay attention... It's hard for me to think about, what happened. It's hard to believe it was 5 years ago... it seems so much closer than that."

Aster winced. He couldn't bring the memory back. Not of that night.

"I was only fourteen... How could I have known the wires were touching the water when I turned the power back on?"

He couldn't stand it anymore. He buried his face in his arms and broke down.

"I'm sorry... I'm so sorry..."
Ginger looked at him and then set a hand on his shoulder. She looked at him and then pulled him into a hug. "Hey it was an accident..." She sighed and then looked at him. "I don't think I can comfort you or make it ok for you...but...sometimes you just have to let go." She sighed.
Aster was very surprised when Ginger hugged him.

"Thank you... thank you so much. You have no idea how much this means to me. Thank you."

He smiled, stretched, and looked out the barred excuse for a window.

"Well, looks like I won't get anymore sleep. Call it animal's sixth sense, but I have a feeling it's almost daybreak."

Then, he grinned and sent a pheromone message. -Well, let's put on a good show out there. I've got your back. And thanks again.-

(Go for it Sage.)
Ginger smiled and then chuckled. "I see and ok" She said and then stood up. She looked around and then back at him. "By the way your welcome." She said with a smile.
Aster grinned. He was ready to face the day. Ready to protect Ginger at any cost. He had no doubt he could easily give his life for her.

~Don't worry. You will get out, and be all the stronger for it. If I get out with you, that's just a bonus for me.~
((ok next day, it's early in the morning.))

--- Merged Double Post ---

At the crack of dawn the general and two of his armed soidiers walked into the building where the people inject with animal dna where sleeping. "GET UP!" The general spoke loudly, "TIME TO START YOUR TRAINING!"

--- Merged Double Post ---

The door to the barn opened, letting in the first rays of sun of the day. "Time to wake up!" The farmer called while his workers shook awake the people inside.

--- Merged Double Post ---

Edwin groaned not wanting to be up yet. One of the soldiers kicked his side and with a sigh Edwin sat up in bed. His entire body was stiff. The mattress was so uncomfortble. He slowly ate the meal the soldiers gave him, although he had no idea what it was.

--- Merged Double Post ---

The sun's ray hit Ophelia right in the face and she tried hiding it in the hay. A worker came over to her and shook her awake. She sighed sadly having to wake up. The hay seemed more inviting than it had before. The worker who woke her handed her some bread. "Finish eating then I will assign you jobs." The farmer told them.
Sarah awoke and looked at the farmer. she sighed deeply and then slowly sat up her tail was on her face, so it slide down as she got up. She nibbled on the bread, staying very quiet. She looked around. Her brother still wasn't there. She looked down, her fox ears pines back and her tail dropped sadly.
((Hey sorry I think I am going to drop this RP, I'm working on like 6 others and it's just getting hard to keep up with all of them ;-; ))
Aster was already up, and made sure to be standing just so that he would be standing next to Ginger. He would not let her get hit again.

((Off to school, hopefully get a comp there.))
Ginger looked at Aster and then slightly smiled. She looked at the others including Evan who was up and slightly growling. Ginger looked at one of the of the men who was glaring at Evan. Ginger hissed loudly at him to get his attention off of Evan. The man looked at her. "You want another wack In the face?" he said holding up his gun which still had some of Gingers dried blood on it. Ginger's tail flickered with anger at him. Evan got up and then looked at Ginger. "Just forget it Ginger...he's only wanting to get you to attack so he can smack you again. Got to smack a girl to be proud." he laughed cruelly at the man. The man looked at Evan and pointed his gun at Evan. Another guy stopped him. Evan just smiled.
((these are just a couple of quick blurbs so you can move the RP along with or without me, since today I probably won't be on too much...))


Marie awoke to being rudely shaken by one of the farmer's men. She'd been dreaming about being in a home, where there was a gentle mother with her hair and a cool father who cared about her, and helped her bend the rules a little sometimes. She wished her home had been like that.

She slowly stood, quickly eating her portion of bread and waiting calmly for her assignment.


"...I came to your name from a book I once read. I knew you would be so innocent, so pure, just like Bianca Minola." Bianca's mother looked wistful, almost as though she was remembering the years she was growing up, though her mother had forgotten most of them. Her father rolled his eyes, but Bianca just looked curious. "Why, mother?" she asked. "God told me, dear."

It was the general's booming baritone that shook Bianca out of her false memories. Sure, something like that had happened, but her mother had never truly believed in God, so that couldn't have been her response.

Was her captivity all she was going to ever know?

She ate what was given to her with little shown distaste, and combed her fingers through her knotted hair. She stretched her ten appendages and waited to be escorted into the field.

Aaron was angry, but he would wait to strike. He ate quickly, too sore and tired to pick a fight with the soldiers. He barely even managed to get himself off of the cot, but he did. He glared at the soldiers while he waited.
Aster focused his eyes on the soldier with Ginger's Blood on his gun.

~when we break out, you're the first to die, asshole.~
Ginger looked at Him and then blinked she smiled at Evan who just chuckled. She looked at the other soldiers hoping they wouldn't come near. She looked down and then looked up.

Okay, I'm going to post this in all my RPs, but it needs to be said, though I feel a bit odd reiterating it in each rp.

I will not be on a lot this week. My sister is going in for surgery, and I can't stay home, so I'm going to a friend's. I'm going to be at school, plus my iPhone gets crappy service at her house, and I won't have my own computer to use most of the time. I feel really bad about saying this, but I'm not too worried about my sister. She's always going in for surgery...

Anyhow, I won't be on for a day or two, except for perhaps a quick post here and there. If I'm not on, Sage can control my characters for something that needs a response if you guys don't wanna wait for me. I feel really bad about leaving you guys hanging, though. I'll hopefully be on Thursday night, bu if not, I will definitely be on on Friday night. Sorry again :( ))
((I have approval from Sage for this: I am going on a time-skip of training for one month. When you decide to do the time-skip, post it. I will then post when everyone in the Army part posts. I will now post after the one month time-skip.))

Corporal Bael awoke in his cot at 3:50 a.m., 10 minutes before he was assigned to. He jumped out of the cot and quickly made it with efficiency, then stood at attention, awaiting the door to open. The General entered, in which Bael saluted and yelled "Atten-shun!". He had reacquired his voice after about 15 days, his full vocabulary back. The General saluted him back and mumbled an "At ease, soldier.". Bael quickly shifted to the at-ease position and stared forward blankly. The General walked around Bael, looking him up and down, his scarred face as stern as ever.

"My, my, Corporal! It's been one month today. How do you feel?" General Bishop asked.

"I feel amazing, sir!" Bael responded quickly.

"Perfect. We have a new assignment for you, soldier. Do you remember the group of misfits you entered with?" Bishop asked.

"Yes, sir." Bael answered.

"Good...Well, you will be reunited with them." Bishop said before exiting the room.

Corporal Bael simply stood there, however, his mind was questing. What did General Bishop mean by that? They were still here? A feeling of happiness arose in him, which he quickly quelled. There was no room for emotion in the Army, especially the Special Forces. Bael walked out of the room when his Drill Sergeant had come for him. They did the morning exercises as usual, went to chow as usual, however, what was unusual, was that Bael was briefed by General Bishop as to what his current assignment was after lunch chow. After the briefing, the General left and Bael's DS (Drill Sergeant) told him to report to Alpha building 2-13. He marched towards the building, following the directions the DS had given him. He saluted each Officer he encountered, and after the response, continued marching at a steady pace. He saw the building and stopped in front of it, looking it over. He knew this building...He had seen it when he first arrived, one month ago. He kept his wings behind him, straightened his ACU (Army Combat Uniform), and walked up to the door. He opened the door and stepped through the threshold, and saw the faces of those he had almost forgotten. The faces of the misfits, like him.
Rosa groaned as the glaring sun hit her face. She had slept curled up on her cot alone; people had already started to group together into cliques and somehow she had missed the memo. The General's harsh words were of no surprise to her, they were freaks in their eyes. Basically Rosa wasn't expecting much. She stood warily as one of the soldiers tossed a uniform at her. She looked about for some privacy.

"Ya can change here, we don't mind," he snickered. Rosa had kept herself together but that is when she snapped. He had been stupid enough not to restrain her before insulting her and now he was gonna get hit. A low growl escaped her throat and Rosa lept forward using that momentum to sock him. She hit him directly between the eyes. He staggered back a few steps cursing. His friends laughed nervously making comments about getting hit by a girl. The soldier looked around making sure the general was still preoccupied then grabbed her chopped ears on top of her head effectively reopening the wounds. Rosa bit back a whimper and focused on how swollen his nose was getting. But before he could do anything else the General barked an order and he released. He mouthed the words later then turned around distributing more uniforms.

Rosa quickly changed in a corner of the room away from most glances then stood waiting for the next orders.

(Time skip below)

It was early, earlier than usual for there to be a disturbance. Rosa was permanently on the defensive and hadn't gotten a full night's sleep in days. The scientist or Doctors or Vets, whatever they were supposed to be called had started supplementing her diet with anxiety pills in hopes of mellowing her out. The General liked how aware she was but he hated her shifty eyes, he was constantly worried about rebellion and Rosa seemed flighty and smart. So far the pills weren't working and the noise of someone approaching their sleeping quarters had woken her.
(time skip...)

Ginger was sitting down, she was stronger now with a will to fight. She looked as someone entered the room. She stood up remembering him. She blinked and then looked around. She looked stronger has well, though she had gone through some pretty rough beatings. She took a deep breath looking at him. She wondered what had happened to him.

Evan looked over and then his dog ears perked up with alertness. He was back, he thought he was dead. He looked down and sighed a bit.
((With the skip.

Remember again, I'm not going to be on for a day or two.))

It had been a month of rigorous training. However, it was nothing that Bianca hadn't been through before. Aaron had resolved not to break, no matter what. Through the training he received, he was going to be stronger and be able to kill or defeat that many more soldiers.

The general had, of course, noticed Bianca's aptitude with knives and guns, not to mention that the few times she'd bit something, she injected her spider venom. Her footwork needed a bit of work still, but she was a lot better on her eight legs.

Aaron stretched as the door opened. He figured it was simply time for training, or maybe even a battle. Bianca was already awake, distracting herself from nightmares with a few exercises.
((timeskip here))Edwin woke up, before anyone came in to wake him up. He was used to waking up early and his body knew when to wake up now. He also wasn't sore when he woke up anymore. He was used to the mattress by now that he didn't feel any indifference to it. His muscles were a lot fuller than they had been. The training had, although been tough, had made his very strong. He also was used to flying around with his wings and was used as an airal attack method.

--- Merged Double Post ---

((im going to have the farm skip a month too, will post after school since im nearly there now.))

Aster knew he'd gotten stronger. He was also elated to see that Ginger had gotten stronger as well. Over the course of the month, he had not only been training physically under the general; he had trained mentally, being able to send pheromone messages sometimes paragraphs in length, each of them almost gramatically coherent.

What Aster hadn't learned physically on the street, he learned through training. His new body was already almost at it's peak. Sure, he had been given an article 15 a few times; protecting Ginger, fighting dirty like he had in the streets; serious enough to get him known as the trouble-maker, but not a threat. The general thought he had given up on his ideas of rebellion. Quite to the contrary, he had been gathering information every night, reading pheromones, watching guard patrols out of the corner of his eye, and he was planning his escape.

But what he saw today discouraged him. The hawk, the one they had taken away, so powerful, so ready to rebel... he had been completely conformed. He seemed to be the perfect soldier.

This was not part of his plan. He needed to find out covertly if this "Corporal Bael" as he was now called was still willing to escape. Jumping to conclusions as always, he had a feeling he was to brainwashed to think of escape now..

Whats worse, it might be that Corporal Bael would turn against them if they tried to escape. He knew that would end up bloody for all involved. And, Bael could probably read pheromones.

He sent out a test pheromone message. ~We never got your full name, you know.~
Corporal Bael sniffed the air and a thought popped into his mind. A question, really. He looked around, wondering if someone had sent the message telepathically. Could they do that? Bael wondered if they could read his mind as well. He inwardly shuddered at the thought, but his face remained, as if it were chiseled out of stone. He walked up and down the single aisle, looking each one over, taking in features. He remembered most of them. There were a few new additions, but Bael didn't mind. More hands, more aptitude. And now they were his squad.

"My name is Corporal Bael. Lieutenant General Bishop has assigned me to be your new platoon leader. From here on in, we are the 1st Platoon Hybrids. Now, I will be as your new Drill Sergeant. I expect the same respect as one. When I enter the room, you will call an "at-ease" just as you would with an NCO. You will stand at parade rest at all times. If you do not abide by my rules, I will smoke you. If you continue to rebel against my rules, I will continue to smoke you. If that does not work, then may God have mercy on your soul. Now it's time for a little PT. Follow me." Bael said in length, his voice hoarse.

Corporal Bael led them to an exercise yard, wherein he began to call out exercises and observe them all. First, the push-up. Then, the sit-up. Then, mountain climber. He kept going on and on, waiting to see who would fall out. He wanted to gauge his new soldiers, see just how well they would do under stress. He wanted to push them. Make them better. He wanted to see his soldiers excel.
Ginger was disappointed, she did all he commanded through she was a bit slow. She was one of the disliked, often picked on and hit when she tried to fight back. Her ears were alert and her tail flicker violently from irratiation. She looked straight at him a few times with anger in her eyes. She looked back in front of her trying not to hiss at who she now called traider. She gripped her side, once because of some pain, probably from yesterdays hand to hand combat went alittle to far.
Edwin looked at Carporal Bael with a expression full of hate and disbelief. He had thought that the guy had been put out into the battle field or something. He never expected what happened. 'Traitor' Edwin thought to himself as he worked through the exercises.

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