Fighting the Beast Within - A Mixed DNA RP

Rosa nodded and quit fiddling with the lock. She rand her hands across the tops of her chopped ears, they had begun to itch but she knew scratching would just make them bleed. She ran her hand through her hair which had turned a lighter shade of brown, almost blonde but still darker than the fur on her body. Her hand caught a bit in her hair because of the sleek fur on her hand. To her surprise her ears rotated of their own accord as a soft clink echoed through the cage. Of course it didn't actually echo because only the people with superior hearing caught the sound. She forced herself to look straight ahead or away from the sound.

The talk about trying to escape was uplifting for Rosa. At least she wasn't with a bunch of people who were just gonna let fate screw them over. These people planned on doing something about their entrapment.
"They probably won't send us into battle immediately. We may be injected with animal DNA, but we're definitely not the "super-weapons" they want just yet. They'll train us first. We just have to wait while they're doing that. Hopefully, once we're trained up enough, and before we get sent to do work for them, we'll strike."

Aster smiled. It was good to see that already, the group was planning together. ~Now, if we can put plans into action, we might make it. Maybe I don't need the military for a new life. Maybe it's right in front of me. A pack to be a part of; wait, PACK?. Must be the red wolf DNA...~
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Bianca raised an eyebrow. "What makes you think I'm not trained?" she asked, deadly serious. Aaron stretched his legs and stood up, knowing he would probably have to sit most of the ride to the new prison. He did not answer Bianca's question to Aster. Rather, he looked at the others. "Your sister will have to hang on. Besides, I don't believe a farmer would work a valuable asset to death. A general might," he said almost absently.

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"Yeah...but..." Marie sighed. She couldn't stand this. She didn't like sitting, waiting in a van for her fate to be decided. At least when she became a servant she could make a little bit of a life for herself. This was just as bad as the cages.
Aster glanced at Bianca: "I'm not saying you haven't, but I'm guessing you're not used to you're new body? It won't be easy to just get used to it. No, they'll wait. They wouldn't want any factors to affect the survival of their "Highly valuable super-weapons" Even if you are trained, they won't just throw money away before they're sure of what they're doing."

~At least, I hope so.~
((im going to switch it soon to the people arriving at either the military base or the farm.))
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Bianca smirked. "I suppose. At least I won't take double the time to train then, huh?" she said wryly. Aaron rolled his eyes a little. Bianca turned to face Aiden, "You know, you're very negative," she said. "I can't do anything from in here. Nothing," Aaron said, glaring at the door.

((K, Sage))
Aster chuckled a little at Bianca's comment. He didn't doubt she could easily back up her statement. He closed his eyes, leaned back, and focused on tuning his new senses... smell, hearing, and a new sense... it seemed to be like he could sense feelings.

~Must be that thing I heard animals can sense... pheremones?~

He could sense something, almost like he could tell someone's feelings just by breathing.

~Gotta focus and refine this. These senses could help me gather info later. We'll need information if we want to get out alive...~

(Go for it, Sage)
The van stopped suddenly making Edwin fly backwards a bit into the side of the truck. The door of the truck opens with twenty or more men in military uniforms pointing guns at the injected. Two men take a long rope and begin placing collars on all thos in the truck and connecting them all with the rope.

--- Merged Double Post ---

The van rolled to a stop and the farmer and a few of his other dna workers opened the door. They put collars on the new arrivals necks.
Aster glared at the soldiers, but did not resist. There was no point in it if it would just end up killed. Besides, the plans were set. Let them think him docile, compliant. It would make their surprise all the more satisfying in the end.
Rosa withheld a growl as yet another collar was placed around her neck. Each soldier took a leash and held it taught so she couldn't lunge at either of them. They were jittery around her, if she just moved her hand they yelled or jerked the leashes as if she were making a move to attack. She suddenly remembered the man with wing removing his cuffs. She rotated her chopped ears towards him wondering how he was going to react to the soldiers.
Mia stood quietly as the collar was placed around her neck. They brought her off of the van and she looked around at the location to which they'd been brought. It was a farm, just like they'd been told, so at least they hadn't been tricked into thinking they were going somewhere safe then sent into war. She followed the people who had come to retrieve them.
Kreg had anticipated this: guns. Real guns. Not the tranquilizer guns, no. But real guns. With real bullets that could really kill. He didn't give a shit about his own life anymore, but he actually cared about the lives of the others. He wanted to ensure their safety. He knew the others were expecting something from him, but he couldn't deliver. Not right now. Too many people with too many weapons. He knew that escaping would be...Problematic, but he needed to plan more. Just then, he saw the General point to him. He yelled at a soldier to untie Kreg and that he would go with the General separate from the group. As the soldiers untied him and drug him to the General, Kreg looked over his shoulder at the group, giving a look, as if saying "I'll be back for you. All of you."

Great... Kreg thought with much dissatisfaction.
As they were being led out, Aster looked around.

~Woah. That is a lot of guards. We won't be able to escape through brute force...~

Aster was upset when he saw the hawk seperated from the group, then returned the look he gave with one that seemed to say,

~We'll hold up. Just make sure you don't get killed.~

Looking around, Aster vowed to himself, ~I promise. They will be safe.~

Looking around, he saw most of the pack- ~group, not pack, group, not pack~ would definitely be able to fend for themselves. However, he glanced over at the girl called Ginger.

~You especially. You should never have been dragged into this. The rest of us can fight. If I have to, I'll be your guardian angel.~

It was a good thing she couldn't hear his thoughts. He sounded so stupid in his head.
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Aaron was yanked to his feet, a collar placed around his neck, and grabbed by a couple of guards while they connected the ropes. He knew before he looked at any others that escape would be impossible at that moment. He would wait, and then he would strike.

Bianca heard the door opening, but noticed nothing until one of the men came up behind her and put a collar on her. She molded her face into an indifferent mask of stone, the complete opposite of Aaron's blinding hatred. Undoubtedly, she would end up being used as a killing machine. Who was she even fighting for? She was roped with the others, but watched the men with an indifferent stare. Bianca still remembered her father's lessons, back to the most basic ones she learned as a child.

Know your enemy.

Watch your back.

Details can mean everything.

Never forget a thing.

Always carry a weapon. Except to school, since they aren't allowed.

Her dad had always been a stickler for the rules.

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Marie wiped her last tears away as the collar was wrapped around her neck. The men led her to the door and helped the delicate girl out of the van. She stretched her wings, and felt something change inside her. Oh, how she wanted to fly. What child hadn't dreamed of flying?

She wondered what she would be. She would certainly not be a field worker, she was a tad too fragile for that. Marie could be a cook, but she hadn't touched a stove in a while. A maid? Perhaps. It would make more sense than a cook or field worker.

((What army are we?))
Ginger was next out. SHe hissed her fur raising on end, her tail flickered nervously. She backed up. The men grabbed her and then threw her to the ground harshly. They dragged her out. She was hissing but other then that she wasn't fighting much. They pulled her the rest of the way with rope. She sniffled a bit and then looked to see Evan being loaded off.
((its going to be a special unit of the military, but it would be concidered part of the regular army.))

--- Merged Double Post ---

The men holding the rope led the new people bought by the general to a huge building (one of those base camp buildings the army uses) which was bolted up with several locks. They led the people inside, then locked the door up. It was nearly nightfall and they planned to start training at the crack of dawn. Edwin looked around at the building everyone was locked up into. There were rows of bunkbeds, where a few other people with animal dna were laying. 'There's others?' Edwin wondered. 'Just how long has this been going on? How many lives have been ruined by these experiments?'
Mia walked behind the men that were leading them around the farm, waiting to see where they were going and what they would be doing.
Ophelia and the others were taken to a brown barn on the large farm. Looking inside all Ophelia could see was hay. "We will assign you all jobs in the morning. Get to bed now." One of the workers said before closing and locking the barn door. Ophelia was shocked. The people expected them to sleep in the hay!
Mia looked around the barn and shivered. It was cold and the only thing in the barn were giant piles of hay. "They want us to sleep out here??" she asked herself quietly. She sat down in a corner away from the others, pulling her knees to her chest and wrapping her arms around them, hiding her face in her arms.
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Aaron and Bianca were shoved into the room. "Yes, hello and welcome everyone. This is your new suite. Be sure to get up very early tomorrow to start rigorous training that could very well destroy you. I hope you get lots of sleep tonight on those thin, uncomfortable mattresses! Thanks, guards," Aaron muttered. Bianca ignored him and found a bed. "Did you think there weren't going to be more, Edwin?" she asked, attepting to make herself at least slightly comfortable on the bed. But who could possibly get comfortable with spider legs?

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She was shoved into the barn. Surrounded by dull golden yellow did nothing to make her happy. "I suppose," she whispered. Marie sat gently on a pile of hay, trying to figure out how to make it more comfortable.

((I meant more....who do we fight for? What country?))
((a futuristic america)

--- Merged Double Post ---

Edwin shook his head. "No, the thought of others hadn't even crossed my mind." It was terrible that there were others. "It makes me wonder how long these experiments have been going on for."
Ginger was taken to the room and looked around. She was frightened and she ran to a corner and sat down hugging her knees as she looked at the others. Her face was bleeding slightly. One of the guards had hit her. She sniffled a bit.
Kreg was led to a large building. He was curious as to why he was separated by the group, but he had a feeling that he would soon find out. The General opened the door and walked into what looked like a large basketball gym, with the goals or stands. Just...A large, empty room. The General walked to the middle of the gym and turned on his heel to face Kreg suddenly. This startled Kreg, but he kept his composure. The General pulled out a large knife from his boot and twirled it around in his hands.

"My name is Lieutenant General Bishop. I heard that you killed a few guards back at the compound. So, I offer you a few options. You and I will fight and if you kill me, you and your friends can go free. If you can't kill me, then you will be forced to work for me and the US Army." The General said nonchalantly.

Kreg was taken aback by the offer. If he killed the General...He could go free? And the others? He felt like this was some kind of trick, but when the soldiers let loose of him and the General lunged at him with the knife. Kreg instinctually moved backwards to avoid the slash. He quickly retaliated with a slash by his claws, which the General easily ducked and drove the knife into Kreg's shoulder. Kreg grit his teeth in pain, but did not cry out. Instead, he sent his palm towards the General's jaw, which connected with much satisfaction. The General recoiled a few steps, which Kreg used this opportunity to pull the knife out and break the blade, throwing it and the hilt aside. Kreg spread his wings and lunged at the General, grabbing him and flying into the air. He loved the feeling of spreading his wings and taking flight, probably one of the only pleasures he's had since the transformation. Kreg swiped at the General's face, leaving three long slash marks across his face. The General grunted in pain and head-butted Kreg, hard, making Kreg's vision blurry. He dropped the General and fought to clear his vision. By then, the General hit the ground and pulled a pistol from somewhere, leveling it at Kreg. When his vision had cleared, he had just enough time to see the General pull the trigger, slamming a round into Kreg's abdomen. Kreg gripped his stomach and fell to the ground, coughing blood.

"Good try, but not good enough. Welcome to the Army, Private Bael." The General said, standing up and wiping the blood from his face.

Kreg dug the bullet from his abdomen, which surprisingly didn't go very deep. He just then discovered that his skin had hardened and was very thick. The bullet had barely entered Kreg, he noticed. He then heard the General's words and stood up, glaring at the General. Like it or not, if Kreg couldn't even beat one man one-on-one, he couldn't take on an entire military base. Not yet, at least.

Not yet... Kreg thought spitefully.
Rosa was led behind the others into the open room filled with cots. They didn't remove the leashes and merely left them dangling form her neck. Growling she quickly tied them behind her head trying to get them out of her face. As she sat down on a musty cot she heard the echo of a gunshot in the distance. Sitting up Rosa did a head count trying to see if anyone was missing, the hawkman was gone. "The Hawkman is gone," she said just above a whisper. Had they killed him for removing his cuffs? Where they trying to set an example for all the others?

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