Fighting the Beast Within - A Mixed DNA RP

Ophelia heard a girl crying. She looked over to see the girl with the butterfly wings sobbing. She made her way over to the girl and placed a hand on her shoulder hoping to comfort her.

--- Merged Double Post ---

Edwin watched the girl help the birdguy with the rope. He had been lucky enough to not be bounded by rope or handcuffs. Sitting in the truck he wondered what they would all be forced to do once they arrived to their destination.
Evan sighed deeply. "Hey come on, it can't be that bad." he said and then looked at everyone. "Sooo shall we intruduse ourselves? I'm Evan." he smiled trying to cheer everyone up. He looked to Ginger the tiger girl. She looked the most upset. He set a hand on he furry shoulder. Once she looked up at him he tried to dry off her face. It was kind of funny although he did not laugh, her face was covered in fur so he had a hard time drying it off. "You are ms?" he asked calmly. "Ginger." she answered quietly.
Mariah looked up when Evan said to introduce each other, but she simply unsheathed her long white claws and dragged them along the metal bars, making several CLICKING noises. She sighed and flicked her black tail back and forth in boredom. Her yellow eyes glowed brightly in the dull cage, making her look prettier than usual.

"I'm Mariah." She finally said after a long moment of silence. She snapped her gaze to Evan's and nodded at him with her ears flicking a little.
Evan looked at the other girl he smiled as she spoke her name. He nodded and then looked to the others. "Ok Mariah..." He said and then looked back at her. He was looked to the others to encourage them. While still trying to help out Ginger. He was a bit surprised to find that someone was buying so many of them. He pushed it out of his mind. It was only worring him more about the fate of his dear sister Sarah.
Two men stopped in front of Mariah's cage and smirked mischievously at her.

"This one is a very good fighter. But she's got a bad temper." One of the guards explained to the men, but it only made there grins widen.

"Just how we like em'. We'll buy her." One of the men said quickly, handing the guard a ton of cash. Mariah hissed loudly when the guard loaded her cage onto a huge truck. She looked out the end of the cage and gripped it with her claws. She made a 'Help me' face at the others with drooped ears.

She growled loudly and lashed her claws out at the men who walked past her, but they only laughed. She was completely helpless.
(Wait what? Isn't she in the tuck with the others that were bought by the general? O.o Confused Because that's were Evan is and Ginger...)
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The door to the truck opened yet again as two men shoved the black widow into it. The wolf-man barely looked up, content to carefully work his way out of his bonds. Was it working? Probably not well. Spider-girl, with her hands bound, contented herself with scuttling across the truck, trying to get used to her new body.

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Marie's body racked with yet another sob when the other girl placed her hand on her shoulder. She looked up at the older girl, raising a hand to wipe a tear away from one eye. She wasn't calm, by any means, but she was willing to chat. Or listen.

Edit: ((Well, for a summary, there is a wealthy farmer and a general, each buying people. Some people have already been tossed onto the trucks. All three of my characters are. The two whose pictures are together are in the military truck with Evan, Ginger, Cide's character {I can't remember everyone's names, sorry...I keep forgetting}, and I think Sage's boy...there may be others. Marie and Ophelia, and one or two others, are in the farmer's truck. I think Sage is moving the RP along after everyone gets bought, but that's just an assumption of someone who has roleplayed with her for years.))

Edit 2: ((Alright, Cide's character is Kreg, and Sage's boy is Edwin, both in the military truck. Mia is in the farmer's truck. I think Lacy is in the military truck. Rosa is being sold to the general, I think Sarah is being sold to the farmer.

There are other characters, to be sure, but those are the ones within the last couple of pages. Mariah has been in her cage.

Anyhoo, QED.))
Ginger looked at the other girl. Shocked by her apperence at first. Such things weren't as shocking to her anymore. She looked at the wolf dude and gently crawled beside him. "Need some help?" She asked looking at his bonds. She looked at Evan who loooked at the spider girl. He was freaked out but managed to pull out a smile for her.
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The spider's mouth twitched into a faint smile as she moved slowly, stretching her unused eight legs and trying to figure out how the rest of her body worked. Some of it would come as instinct for sure, but she liked to have background knowledge. She wasn't a spider fanatic, and didn't learn much about them in biology.

"Help would be nice," the wolf said. Legs were not useful tied, nor were hands. He knew that at least the people in the military camp would be trying to get away. They were his allies, and possibly his friends, if he got to know them well enough. Besides, he knew there was no way he was getting out of his bonds on his own.
((haha rhi'a you know me so well.)) Edwin stayed quiet while the others introduced himself. "I'm Edwin." He said finally while wrapping himself up with his bat wings. --------------------------------------------------------- Ophelia could tell the girl was still upset. She figured she wsa also terrified about where they may be going. Ophelia was too. All she knew was that she was going to be working on a farm. The farmer had mentioned that the butterfly girl could make a good maid. For the girl's sake, she hoped that was all the farmer would make the girl do.
Evan and Ginger looked to Edwin. They both nodded and Evan smiled. "And you ms?" He said referring to the spider lady. He gave a smile to her, she was still a human being, well sorta. He thought it best to act normaly around her, it would help since she probably feels like a big enough freak already.

Ginger looked back to the tied up guy. She smiled and then used her long nails to start to cut through the rope and also her sharper cat like teeth. Her tail rose from the ground with a bit of the good feeling she was getting at least helping. She looked at him hoping it didn't seem awkward to him for her using her teeth. Her ears were facing behind her to the moving girl and Evan.
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Marie was scared still, but didn't look away from the other girl. "I-can you come talk to me sometimes? I-" she whispered. At the end, her throat closed up and she couldn't say anything else. She choked out another sob. I'm so pathetic...

((Lol, I know. Waiting on the military truck post for a moment. Not ignoring Edwin :)

EDIT: Scratch that. Ugh, I hate it when that happens...))

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I don't care what happens. I'm getting us all out of here. Or at least, that was what the blond man hoped.

The spider peered at the others in the room. "I am Bianca," she said softly, "And I think the same goes for the rest of you, but I am not going to be a tool." She brushed some hair out of her face. "Since we're all introducing ourselves, I'm Aaron," the blond man said, looking up at Bianca and scrutinizing her stature. She certainly stands like she knows what she's doing.

((I just had a TotS moment...I read way too much Shakespeare in school...))
Ginger cut the rope around his hands. She looked at Bianca and smiled nodding to her. She looked at Aaron and then looked at the rope around his legs. She looked at them and the started to work on them. She looked at the knot and then started to untie it. She blushed a lot but you could only see a slight red from her cheeks since they were covered in fur. "Should have done that earlier." She rubbed her head. "Hmm maybe I'm thinking to much like a tiger." She rubbed her furry head and then grabbed a strand of hair mixed with fur and got it out of her furry face. "Anyways for those of you who did not hear my name...I am Ginger."

Evan smiled and then looked at Ginger chuckling at her. "Hm maybe Ginger." He chuckled again looking at Bianca. "Great and since you weren't here when I said my name...I'm Evan." He said with a brighter smile since Ginger quite gave him a laugh.
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Aaron nodded his head at their re-introductions, and rubbed his wrists. "We're getting out of here, Arachne. Don't you doubt that," he said grinning. Bianca raised an eyebrow. "Is everyone going to call me that?" she asked, brushing imaginary dust off of her outfit. "It is pleasant to meet you both, but these circumstances are horrid," she added. She glanced briefly at the others, not entirely freaked out by the weirdness of the situation. "Ah, the guard called you that?" Aaron asked. When she nodded, he punched the wall. "I'm going to kill every single one of them with my bare hands," he uttered.
Ginger looked down. "It must be because I'm covered in fur but is it a bit warm in here?" She asked looking around and then at Evan who shrugged. She looked down at the ground. "hmm, first I was always alittle to cold an dnow I'm alittle to warm." She sighed deeply and then looked at the ground. "..." She put her head in her lap not finding any joy in her joke. She made an angry cat hiss again.
"We can't just kill them alll though." Edwin said, joining the conversation. "The doctor injected us with the dna, he must know a way to reverse this." He looked over at Cide. The guy's dna had run so deep he couldn't even speak. -------------------------------------------------- Ophelia nodded. "Of course I will." She agreed. She didn't admit it but she was terrified and would need someone to talk to as well.
Mariah was completely silently. Not even daring to speak a word to anyone.

Her yellow eyes flicked back and forth, face to face, until they eventually settled on someone. She tilted her head and flicked her black ears quickly.

"There is no way to reverse it.." She murmured, looking up at Edwin and unsheathing her white claws.

"Believe me.. I've tried to find out a way for a cure. But there absolutely is none. We have to stay as we are." She leaned against the metal bars and curled her tail around her fingers slowly.
Ginger looked at her furry arms and legs. "It would be nice..." She said and then sighed looking at Edwin. "Since some of us here can't hide it as well as others." She looked at the ground and then sighed again. She closed her eyes and then opened them wishing it was all a nightmare, just a really ad nightmare.
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"After all the years I've spent in that little slice of hell, I'm just glad to get out," Aaron grumbled "I don't even really care if there is a way to reverse this now. I've grown rather fond of being half predator," he added with a slight, harsh layer of sarcasm. He'd rather be human, but he honestly didn't care if there was a way to reverse it. If it was reversed, it was reversed. It was that simple.

"How can you say that?" Bianca asked. "I've spent years here, not days or hours like some of you," Aaron said simply.

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Another tear fell down Marie's cheek. "T-thank you..." she whispered before gasping, as though to take in more air. "I'm Marie."
Ginger looked at them and remained silenced. She looked to them and then sighed as she set her head back. She looked at them all again and then flickered her tail. Her ears perk at the girl when she had how can you say that. Then saddly pinned down to her head again.
Mariah stared down at her feet and flicked her black hair to the side smoothly. Her eyes were somewhat lonely and sad, as if her heart no longer went at its proper pace. But somehow, she kept her mind confident, even without the help of her own heart.

If only there was a way. She thought as she racked her memory for any kind of evidence. But she found none.

She sighed in defeat and continued to play with her tail boringly.
Aster quietly looked around the truck. His greyish red fur rippled with excitement. "Finally... a new life... something I've been searching for."

He had not attempted to escape. He had not resisted. He was happy to leave his old life. His old scars. He had been a gun for hire before. Now, he was doing it legally, thanks to the general "purchasing" him. The fact that he was stronger due to the Red Wolf DNA was a bonus.

"Still," he thought, "these people had lives before. What kind of quacks are these? These poor people have been forced into this position..."

Nobody had noticed him as of yet. He didn't mind. He usually didn't have too many friends, and he wasn't expecting to gain any in this position. Hoping, maybe. Not expecting.

Might as well make my self known

"Aster. My name is Aster Volpes."
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"They've kept people in there for years?" Bianca asked. She looked around at the others in surprise, almost as if asking if they'd been there for that long too.

"Mmhm," Aaron said, drawing out the two syllables. The two heard the man make himself known. "I wish we met under better circumstances, Aster," Bianca said. Aaron said nothing.

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