Fighting the Beast Within - A Mixed DNA RP

Kreg's depression quickly turned to anger, in which he tried not to act upon. The doctor saw this, and smiled.

"Listen...Don't do anything rash. You've already killed a couple of guards, one more and we'll have to put you down. You are going to be used as a weapon, yes, but we can't have you killing EVERYONE. So, just go back to your cage." The doctor seemed to chide.

The doctor pressed a button hidden in his coat and a jolt of pain was sent through Kreg's body. He screeched in pain and fell to one knee, pain flooding through his body.
At the sudden sound of anguish Rosa shot to her feet, "Stop, please, just stop give him a chance to go back," she said her voice ending in whimper. The screech was painful even for her and she just needed it too stop. She longed to protect those in pain and she hoped the guards would listen. Rosa knew she had to get out of here but for now she saw the best route as the one where they all cooperated.
Evan growled and then attacked the doctor. "WHAT KIND OF SICK DOCTOR ARE YOU!? Doctors are sappose to help not make things worse! You rat *****!!!!!" He ran at the doctor and then jumpped up his leg out to kick him. His tail up and his growled his one red eye gives him a creepy looke along with his bright blue eye. He continued to growl while his worried fox sister tries to open her cage.
Ophelia woke up again in her cage. She arched her back and strenched, just as a cat would have done. She sighed, her ears hanging down and her tail limp. She had failed and was recaptured. She peered out of her cage to see what was happening. She saw someone attacking a man in a white lab coat. "Stop!" She yelled out of her cage. "If you attack him, you could get hurt!" The doctor fumbled backwards when Evan attacked him. Two guards came to his aide and helped him up. "You should listen to that cat." One of the guards snickered. "Get back in your cage now or you will be sorry!" Ophelia watched helpless. ------------------------------------- Edwin awoke to a loud screeching sound in his ears. "Ah!" He yelled, covering his ears. His hearing had improved tremebliously, making the high pitch sound that much more painful.
(bats aren't blind....they see just fine. O.o ')

Evan growled loudly and then stood tall. "Why should I?! Just so you can do more harm? Go ahead you just see what happens if you even try it!" he said and then pointed his finger at the guards. However sarah was screaming at Evan. "no stop! Evan just get back In The cage." Evan looked at his sister. "Why?!!!"
After the shock, Kreg laid on the ground, twitching slightly. His eyes were wide from pain, as well as from all of his senses overloading. Two guards picked him up and threw him back into his cage and securely locked it. Kreg set his eyes to the doctor, and managed to growl out a few words.

"I'll...K-killlll...Yooooouuuuuu..." He managed to growl with great effort before his head hit the floor again.

The doctor only grinned maliciously and pressed the button again briefly, causing white hot searing pain to flood through Kreg's body again. He grit his teeth as hard as he could, letting out the faintest of whimpers instead of a shriek again. The pain, however, was less intense this time, like Kreg's body was seeming to reject the pain. Numbing it. Somewhere, in the back of Kreg's mind, he made a note of this. But right now, all he felt was pain and misery.
Mariah gripped the metal bars with long claws and she growled.

"Are you even listening to me?! You f***ing b*tch!" She snarled and stuck her hand out the cage and slashed a guard across the face.

"BE QUIET YOU STUPID CAT!" The docter spat, motioning for the guard to take her out and torture her if needed. The guard gave him a slight nod and than quickly swung open the cage door and grabbed her neck. He slammed his foot on her neck and brought out a device used for shocking things.

The guard placed the shock bracelet around her wrist and pressed a red switch, immediately shocking her badly. The shock was so powerful that you could see yellow electricity strands bouncing off her skin.

She shook uncontrollably, than screamed incredibly loud as it became extremely painful.
Mia hadn't moved since she had first seen the scientist. She looked around in fear as people and halfbreeds alike shouted and argued. Some of the caged animals were even hurt. One of the guards motioned her back to her cage, and instead of taking the chance of getting hurt, she sadly walked back. The guard checked her collar before he closed the door, attaching a small device to it that was probably going to be used to shock her if she tried to escape again.
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A girl dressed in black was just awakening to her newest nightmare. She was trapped in a cage surrounded by cages. Why a cage? Couldn't her captors be more...classic? Bind her hands and legs, or something like that? Speaking of her legs...what happened to them? She opened her eyes fully, and peered around. She didn't scream as she saw the guards and doctor, she didn't scream when she saw the prisoners who had been injected with animal dna. Then she remembered ler legs. Come to think of it...the bottom half of her body felt different. Besides, her cage was a bit large for a human.

Then she saw her legs. Her spider legs. That was when she screamed. But only for a moment. She clapped her hands over her mouth as a guard came over. "Hello, Arachne," he snickered. The girl bit her lip, surprised to see she drew blood. Wih her tongue, she found a pair of fangs in her mouth. "If only you were smaller, you could have been our greatest success...alas, you are a bit too noticeable for assasination..." the guard sighed. Almost by instinct, the girl bared her fangs and hissed at the guard. The guard chuckled at her meaningless display, and left her cage. The girl squeezed her eyes shut. I'm going to get everyone out of here. I swear.

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A small girl with red hair crouched in the center of her cage. She wasn't going to be much help to the people who had kidnapped her, she figured. But she was scared. Who wouldn't be? Randomly kidnapped from your neighborhood by some random guy who happened to work for a crazy doctor? The girl was startled into standing by the scream. Looking towards the source of the scream, she discovered a girl who had been injected with spider dna. She nearly screamed herself. The other shrieking that was occuring around her nearly made her cry. She sat back on the ground, and drew her knees up to her chest.

She flexed her delicate wings experimentally. What idiot would inject someone with butterfly dna?

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The blond man couldn't take all the screaming anymore. He'd been fighting the guards and doctor for awhile, and still had a few scars and some bruises to prove it. He'd been pacing back and forth on his four paws withing his cage while he'd watch the others try to escape. He was strong, but the others were a bit focused on themselves at the moment. They'd been returned to their cages, of course. He'd tried to escape a few times, but it never worked. And of course, he was tortured after. It hurt, of course, but he'd never shrieked, screamed, or whimpered. He would never give them that benefit.

His hands grabbed the bars of his cage and he growled at the nearest guard. That was instinct now. "Hey, pick on people your own size, ********!" he yelled. A couple of the guards crossed the room. "Uh-huh, coming back to me? Of course you are, sons of *******." The two guards just stood in front of his cage glaring at him. "What, you afraid to fight me now?" he growled, "Didn't think any of the big bad guards would be so afraid of one lowly prisoner!" "Shut it!" one of the guards shouted and attempted to punch him. He danced out of the way and sunk his wolf's teeth into the man's arm. The guard yelled and backed up enough to get his wounded arm out of the way. The man clawed at the other guard with his wolven paws.
((are they? hm, guess i have been misinformed. going to edit out that last part then.))

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"That's enough." The doctor told the one guard shocking Mariah. "If you damage her too much she will be of no use to anyone and we will not make any profit." He turned to leave. "The rest of you, get them back in their cages right away. Some potiental buyers should be here any moment." He left the room to conduct more experiements. -------------------------------------------- 'Potiental buyers?' Ophelia wondered, 'What did he mean by that?' She looked around the outside of her cage at the others. She remembered hearing something about slaves. 'Were we being sold as slaves?' she believed this was what was to happen. She could only wonder why and to whom. ------------------------------------------- Edwin glared at the doctor as he left. It seemed to him that all the caged people were nothing more than income to them. He watched the guards putting the final escapes back in their cages.

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((as far as being sold goes there is going to be two groups. Soldiers and workers. The soldiers are the ones injected with animal dna which will help out in the battlefield. The workers will be those with little fighting abilities in their dna. Personality comes into play here too. If they are more aggestive, the soldiers group could be the better fit, if they are more quiet and nice, then they will do better as workers.
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"B-buyers?" The word tumbled out of the red-haired girl's mouth before she could stop it. She bit her tongue before she could start sobbing. What she couldn't stop was her first tear. She was already fragile, never mind the fact that her wings were also fragile. Stay calm, Marie...maybe you'll have a nice master...

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The guards left the blond man. "Cowards!" He yelled after them. Shaking his head, he looked at the girl who had originally asked the question about them being slaves. "What, you thought these ******** were just experimenting on us for no apparent reason? They're in it for the money," he said, disgusted. He grabbed the bars of his cage again, looking around at the others.

((Are we playing masters also, or are the masters NPCs? Also, which group do you suppose my little Arachne person will end up in? She has fighting skills and venom, but she's nice, too...))
"What do you mean, 'potential buyers'?" Mia asked. "You're SELLING us?!" This was getting ridiculous. Not only had they been taken away from their families who now believed them to be dead, they'd been experimented on and now were going to be sold away as property. "Sorry, I'm not going to be someone's 'pet'!!" she yelled, and retreated to the back of her cage, sitting down and crossing her arms in disgust.
Mariah crawled back into her cage, still twitching uncontrollably from the shock. She lay in her cage for a moment, than she sat up in a struggle and looked around. Her yellow eyes had a weakened glint in them as she sat up on wobbly legs. She didn't say anything, she just flicked her tail back and forth and than sighed.
(Are they in just regular street clothes or what?)

Rosa snarled viciously as two guards entered her cage. They were each holding a metal pole with a snare hanging from the top.

"Hey pretty pitty," one sneered the other laughed.

"You know I heard pit bulls were vicious killers but your kind cute," he added. "Now don't try anything stupid," he said stepping forward menacingly.

Rosa was already on the defensive but now she bared her teeth, she wasn't a killer. She was a loyal companion... no she was a loyal person, she wasn't a dog or a beast. But she wasn't a human anymore either. "Don't touch me," she said.

They just smiled, "We don't need to," one said and he lifted a remote. He clicked a button and suddenly there was a great tearing pull around Rosa's neck and her wrists. She was slammed to the floor unable to move. They laughed watching her write around. The bracelets on her wrist and her collar were magnetized and now she was tuck to the ground. They simply walked over slipping the noose over her head standing on either side of her body. They turned off the magnet, making her stand.

dog catcher snare:
Ginger started hissing and then started chewing on the bars. She hissed and then started at the others with her Bright blue eyes. Her white and black striped fur covered her whole body. She hated it. She looked at the boy that was yelling her Tiger ears flicking to the noise. She hissed at the guards. Staring her tail flickered with her iratation.
(( [MENTION=1658]Rhi'a[/MENTION] - the masters are npcs and its up to you what job she is given. and [MENTION=1136]14hca14[/MENTION] - they are wearing medical gowns
Two more guards walked in, looking around. "That one?" One asked the other, pointing at Mia. She looked around when she heard the cage doors open. "You have a potential buyer. Might want to make a good impression if you want to get out of this cage." One of the guards said. "I'm not going. I've already said, I'm not property. You can't just 'sell' me."
Kreg finally fully recovered from the shock. He sat up, rubbing his head and looking around. He heard something about a buyer...Well, he figured that his only way of getting out of here was to be bought, then killing the buyer, then escaping that way. He already knew his wings worked, so he could fly away fairly easily.

Maybe I'll live in a forest, or the mountains or something. Can't return to modern life. I guess I could eat little woodland creatures, like a real hawk... He thought to himself, which only flared his anger more.
((Btw what do you mean 'workers'. I mean obviously Mia would be a worker not a soldier but I don't exactly know where to go from this point :/ ))
(( [MENTION=1807]KaitWink[/MENTION] what I mean by workers is like working on farms or as house servants (like maids or cooks) and the buyers are going to be coming into the storeage room. Is everyone in their cages? ))
((I came in a bit late for my characters ot escape, so yes.

I know where my characters are going once they're bought ;) ))

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