Fighting the Beast Within - A Mixed DNA RP

Mia was so small she slipped through one of the guards arms, running past him. She was almost out when another of the guards grabbed her by the arm and slammed her to the floor. She whimpered in pain, but managed to get turned over and push him off of her, punching him in the face and kicking his tranq gun away. She stood up and looked around at the chaos. She decided it might be better to hide from them, and maybe they wouldn't realize she had gone missing. She crawled into a well-hidden space between two cabinets, putting some taller things in front of it so she could not be seen. Hopefully they wouldn't find her, then she could release the others and escape.
Marcella's eyes gleamed with anger and she used her cat like reflexes to pounce from shoulder to shoulder on the Guard's. She dashed so fast hardly anyone could see her, but a strong man had stepped up and grabbed her tail, pulling her backwards. She yowled loudly in pain as he yanked her down to the ground and slammed her against the wall with his hands around her neck.

"You stupid cat! WHO LET HER OUT?!" He bellowed, looking around at the other guards angrily. None of them said a word, but she did.

"I did, you stupid son of a b*tch!" She spat and than kicked her foot straight up and hit him hard in the chin. He let go and stumbled backwards, gripping his face, which was bleeding. She hissed at him, but stopped when a painful sting shot into her neck, making her collapse to the ground in sleepiness. The man chuckled and flung her hard into the large cage again, making her head slam hard against the metal bar with a painful sound.
Rosa eyed the guards weighing her options, she was already hurt and she knew her reaction to Tranquilizers had lasting affects. Self preservation was kicking in and most everyone had already been pushed back into the cave. The husky guy looked the worst and she figured she might as well help. With a final snarl she slipped back into her cage, she began to shred the bedding into strips tossing them into the boy's cage so he could use them as bandages.
Azriala sits in her cage, which was quite a bit larger than the rest. She fluffed her feathers and leaned back against the metal. Azriala observed the others closely as she waited for one of the doctors to come let her out for afternoon flying lessons.
Edwin laughed from aboved as the guards ran after him. He mabaged to avoid being shot twice and he was detirmined not to ge hit. Edwin grabbed the nearest empty cage and ripped off the door. He threw the door like a frisbe at the guards below. It sliced into one of the guard's legs. The injured guard fell to the ground. His partner aimed his gun at Edwin and shot him. Edwin froze in midair and fell to the ground. Two guards carried his unconious body into his cage. Ophelia hid from the others and observed what was happening. Most of the people had already been shoved back in their cages. She was one of the only left still free. She heard footsteps behind her and quickly turned around. A guard had discovered her hiding place. She started to run but was shot and came to a halt. The guard carried her back to her cage and locked the door.

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(([MENTION=646]Xx-Katherine-xX[/MENTION] - the dna injected people are running wildly in the storeage room, most have been shot by guards with tranqilzers and put back in their cages.))
Ginger was one of the few still wake because she went back to her cage quietly. She looked around at the others, she was quiet warm because of her fur and was thirsty as well. She reatched out and tugged on a guards shirt hoping to maybe get something to drink or at least lower heat in this place. He smacked her hand but she still reatched to grab the attentions of the other gaurds.
(([MENTION=1629]Sage[/MENTION]- Azriala doesn't run wild...the doctors are her 'family'. She grew up in the lab so she won't try to escape unless it's for a good reason.))
((oh okay, just checking to see if you knew what was going on. well the doctor will probally show up after all the chaos dies down.))

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((oh and as far as npcs go, feel free to play them however you want (although some of you already know that)))
Mia peeked up from her hiding place. Almost everyone was back in their cages. She ducked back down, deciding to wait a while longer before coming out. She didn't want to risk someone seeing that she had not been caught.
Kreg awoke a short time after being tranquilized. He felt groggy, but he was still well aware of what was going on. To his dismay, he was back in his cage.

Well...It was fun while it lasted. He thought to himself, a bit of depression running through him.

Suddenly, something caught his eye. Someone was still out of their cage! He shakily stood up, his legs still wobbly. This attracted one of the guard's attention, and they ran over to the cage, tranquilizer gun at the ready.

"You! You f****** b******! You killed them! I ought to kill you, right here, right now, you maggot-eating freak!" The guard screamed.

Kreg noticed something. He seemed to be able to...Smell the guard's emotion? Sense it? Kreg's mind ran a mile a minute, trying to remember his days in high school.

Okay, I remember this from Biology...What were they called? Merimones? Pherephones? No...Ah Pheromones! He finally concluded in his mind.

Kreg decided to antagonize this guy even more by pointing to the man, then his neck, wherein he then made a slicing motion with one of his talons. He then pointed to the spot where he had ripped one of the guard's throats out. Kreg let out an audible chuckle, which seemed to mortify the guard. He ran out of the room, briefly yelling for someone else to get in there and cover for him. Kreg used this moment to whistle loudly at the girl out of the cage and motion for her to come try and free them. It was worth a shot at least, right?
Ginger started hissing and making noise. She looked at Kreg, she was sweating and her fur was causing her to over heat. She rubbed her fur around the cold cage trying to keep cool. She hissed at Kreg though, he scared away the oe person that could have helpped her. She looked down at then sat there like a cat. Her tail flickering wildly meaning she was very much irratated. She tried to keep herself cool but folding her pants up, showing even more fur and black stripes against her white fur. She looked at Kreg and then flicked her ears, they turned to the sound of another person out. She tilted her head blinking her bright blue eyes, that looked like a white tiger's well because they were. She examained him and then tried to see who he was whistling at.
Mia stood up and ran as quickly as she could over to the cages. She unlocked Kreg's first. "Help me get them out of the cages, maybe we can get out before they come back." She said, hopeful. She started to unlock the cages, glancing to the hall every few seconds to make sure they were still in the clear.
Kreg nodded and ran to each cage, breaking the lock and freeing the occupant. Just then, the door opened and a man who looked like a doctor walked in, his expression one of concern, not fear. Kreg whistled for everyone's attention, he then cracked his fingers, his talons at the ready.

Again?! Why can't we just escape peacefully?!
Mia turned around when she heard the man enter the room. All of the cages had been unlocked, but for some reason this man didn't seem concerned. He looked important. ~Is he the person that did this to us?~ She thought to herself. Kreg was obviously ready to fight again. She looked over as he was cracking his fingers. She backed up a little, in case this man had a tranquilizer gun too.
The man looked at a clipboard, then to Kreg.

"Ahhh...Yes! Your name is Kreg, right? Your DNA has been mixed with that of a Hawk's. Very nice to see that you are awake." The man said to Kreg.

Kreg was startled, to say the least. This man knew his name? This man had answers...So, Kreg decided to not to kill him.

"Ah...Ah...Ah..." Kreg tried to speak, but his tongue didn't want to work. He touched his throat, shock and a twang of sadness running through him, making him look at the man with a pleading look. "Ah..?"
"So you ARE the person that did all this." Mia said angrily. She looked sadly at Kreg, who couldn't even talk because of this person's stupid experiments. "Why? How could someone be that cruel, to kidnap people and do all these stupid experiments??" She rubbed her eyes; they were itching more now.
(Yo, I'mma wait for Sage to post and speak as the doctor. It's his RP, and I think he should advance the storyline. ^^)
Ginger was out of her cage and she was hissing and making threatening sounds like a tiger would. She looked at kreg and then tilted her head. Her ears alert and were straight towards the doctor even though her head was facing kreg. She was standing but had an feeling of wanting to be on all fours. She looked at the doctor and then her tail wagged irratingly like a cat's would. Her white fur was making her feel overly warm. She was panting a bit and she had her clothes as folded up as they could go. She could go without clothes and her fur would completely cover her, but she still was a human girl more or less. Her back and belly exposed, yet covered by white fur. Her breathing was a bit heavy.
((im a girl lol)) The doctor looked at the creatures looking at him. "Simple. I wanted to know if human and animal DNA could mix." He told them. He didn't add the reason why they were chosen. The government believed the country ws overpopulated and needed to lower the population. The families of the people kidnapped were told their loved one had died. If the experiments were a sucess, the subjects were sold as servents. ((Once everyone is back in their cages I will move the rp on))
Ginger on the other hand ignored what he had just said and walked up to him. She grabbed his hand as she was panting and put it to her forehead so he could feel just how warm she was becoming under all her fur. She looked at him hoping he would do something about it and then sat like a tiger on the ground looking up at him with her light blue eyes. They turned into slits since it was a bright room. She wagged her tail ouveously irritated from the warmth of the room.
Azriala yawned and watched as many unconscious people were dragged back to their cages. She ruffled her feathers again and pressed her back close to the vent nearby. She sighed as cool air hit her skin.
(( on terrible writers block. fire feel free to post what the doctor says, hes a npc))
(Lol greeeeaaaaattttt let me think)

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The doctor looked at her and then looked at her clothes. "hmm...Guard put her by a cooling vent before she over heats...or get her something cooler to wear, she'll be useless to us if she's dead."

Ginger was taken to a different cage and her back facing the cooling vent. She was feeling better and even got water to drink, even if it was in a bowl. She glared slightly but grabbed it and took a sip. They seemed disappointed when she didn't lap it up like a cat. She glared and then sighed.
Mariah suddenly woke, sitting up a little and blinking multiple times to clear her vision. But when her eyes focused on the familiar lab coat of the doc, she leaped up on all fours and hissed.

"Let all of them go! They don't deserve to be here!" She snapped and than lashed her tail back and forth.

Her yellow eyes gleamed threateningly as she crept towards the front of the cage.
Rosa crouched towards the back of her cage, eyeing anyone who came close to her. She had her tail tucked underneath similar to that of a scared dog; however she was more scared of them chopping it off like they did to her ears than the actual scientists themselves. Rosa ran her hand along the collar on her neck pulling on the tag until she could read it. The code said PBF1872, she decided the F stood for female and she was eighteen years old but she wasn't sure what the rest meant.

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