Fighting the Beast Within - A Mixed DNA RP

Aster had been wondering where they were going to be kept. The room looked like any other military installation.

Approaching his bunk, he noticed a letter laid out on his pillow.

"Dear Pvt. Volpes

I find your case to be very interesting. You, of all people, must not see this as imprisonment. No, you most likely enjoy this chance. An opportunity to escape your past, the haunting memories.... the murder convictions. I know all too well that the brand on your right hand, the letter C, indicates a criminal who got away with his crime. I hope, therefore, you won't do anything stupid and, say, cause rebellion. It would be a shame to ruin the brand new life, this, shall we say, second chance, that you have the opportunity to live.

Remember. We have eyes and ears everywhere.

Even in that truck.

Sweet dreams,

Lieutenant General Bishop"

All Aster could mutter was, "Son of a B@#$%."

He sat down, glanced around a bit, and noticed Ginger was bleeding. He immediately picked up the lone sheet off his cot, walked over to her, sat down next to her, and offered her the cloth.

"Here, dry the blood, then wrap a bit of it around your head. It'll stop the bleeding."
Ginger looked at him and then looked at the cloth. She grabbed it and gently wipped the wound. "It's just a scratch...." She lied, although because of the fur on her face he couldn't see the bruse, the guard hit her with the edge of his gun. Her ears pinned to her head. Her fur was a bit sparkly but that was because of the tears. She sighed and looked down. She didn't want to seem weak...but at this point, she was so nervous she was shaking.
Aster could see how hard Ginger was trying.

"Hey, want somebody to talk to? It's not like I'm able to do anything right now. I couldn't go to sleep if I tried."

He leaned back against the wall and looked at Ginger, waiting for an answer.
Ginger looked at him. "They'll kill me...if I prove useless right?" she said sniffling and wiping her eye, but she was careful to leave the other eye alone for it was very sensitive from the cut she had above it. She looked down and wrapped her tail around her waist. "What if I don't learn how to fight as easily as the rest of you?" she looked at him. She sighed. "I know I must be getting annoying by now." she said and then dragged her pointer fingernail along the floor. "Most people here are much stronger then me..." she closed her eyes.
Aster leaned forward, and burst out, "I won't let them hurt you."

Suddenly, he was glad he had fur. He was blushing badly. Why had he said that so suddenly?

"Listen," he said, clearing his throat. "They're not going to kill you, not if I have something to say about it. We're in this together. I'll help you. I'll do whatever it takes. I've learned a few things about fighting over the years. I could teach you some things in our free time. I can help you become stronger. You're not alone." He flashed a grin. "Oh, and definitely not annoying. Don't worry about that."

Aster held out his hand, to comfort her.
Ginger looked at him with surprise about protecting her. She gave him a smile though and then nodded. "Thanks." she said feeling a bit better and then looked at his hand. She looked at her own furry hand and gently grabbed his. "I'm glad you'd be willing to teach me." she said quietly and then looked down with a sigh. She leaned back on the wall. She was unsure about being able to survive here but at least she had a greater chance with at least him helping her.
Aster smiled. He was happy that Ginger was looking a little more comfortable.

~Sorry, general. I don't care about my life. I gave that up. I need to protect others who can't protect themselves. I need to protect Ginger. If that means I die in the process, so be it.~

Gently squeezing Ginger's hand. "We'll make it. Just wait and see. Now, its probably best you rest up. Survival never happens on no sleep! And keep whats left of the sheet. I don't need blankets, thanks to the old quack's 'experiments.' He got up, stretched, then walked over and sat on his cot. He looked over at Ginger, and then said, "I won't be able to sleep tonight. Too much to think about. Good night, nonetheless."

He gave one last smile to Ginger, then laid back, focusing on training his senses. Suddenly, he got an idea: could he send signals to others through pheromones? Like normal animals did?

He decided it was worth a shot. He focused, then thought out a message; "Good night everyone." It was simple, appropriate. If it worked, it would definitely be a good tool to use. He looked around to see if anyone reacted to the pheromone message.
Ginger sighed a bit and just curled up were she was, she was covered in fur so she didn't need blankets. She rather sleep on the floor anyhow. She sniffed the air and her ears perk up as she lifts her head. She released her own almost by instinct. It too said 'goodnight' she blinked and then set her head down on her arm. She really didn't care what the others thought. She slept in a cage for weeks for crying out loud. She had become accustom to it. Her tail wrapped around her legs as she got into alittle ball.
Aster felt Ginger's reply, and elation rose up in him.

~A secret code... a way to communicate that can't be tracked by that damned General. There is definitely still a chance.~

Looking over at Ginger, curled up on the floor, he thought to himself: ~I will protect you~

He might have thought that one too hard, because another waft of pheromones released, carrying the thought through the air.

He blushed again, and then curled up on his bunk. One last message emanated from him: ~I mean it.~

He then passed out from exhaustion.

(Going to sleep, not posting till morning, gn all.)
Ginger looked at him with his reply. She blinked and smiled a bit as he sent one last reply. She set her head down again. He seemed to feel strongly about protecting her. She felt relieved that he was going to. She yawned and closed her eyes. Still quite awake her ears twitched to every sound.
Kreg was escorted to a small room, which he was thrown into. It was late, and he was tired. But he couldn't sleep. All that went through his mind was hatred. He wanted to kill. He had never wanted this before. But before...He was human. Kreg, in his rage, punched a wall, leaving a small crack. He punched it, again and again and again. Eventually, the plaster fell off only to reveal concrete. Kreg sighed in frustration as he leaned against the wall. He rubbed his abdomen, where the bullet had entered. Surprisingly, he felt no hole there. He then rubbed his shoulder. No knife wound. He chuckled a bit and began pacing around the small room, thinking.

They want me to be a soldier. They want me to kill their enemies. They're going to train me, and the others. They're going to be in for one hell of a surprise. He thought to himself.

Kreg leaned against the wall for what seemed like hours. Not sleeping, but thinking. He looked to the door when he heard someone walk up to it. A slider in the door opened to reveal a man's face. He didn't recognize the man, so he simply watched and listened.

"Private Bael. Bravo, Alpha, Echo, Lima. Number fow-er, two, two, tree, nine-er. Follow me." The man said as the door was opened.

Kreg didn't know what any of that code had meant, but he got to his feet and walked out the door. Two guards had their guns leveled at him, so he didn't try anything now. He was led out to a yard, where a Drill Sergeant was waiting. He took one look at Kreg and smiled, his teeth yellow and crooked. For three straight hours, they made Kreg do push-ups, sit-ups, and many more exercises. When Kreg was human, all these would be difficult. Now, they were petty and easy. Tedious. Every time Kreg refused to do something, the Drill SGNT would threaten something called an Article 15. He then shook his head and struck Kreg in the face. Kreg couldn't retaliate, because during all of his exercises, there were still soldiers with guns. After the training, the sun began to rise. Another soldier, this one that looked like he was barely 18, brought Kreg a small, brown, package. It was labeled "MRE - Beef Stew". Kreg ripped it open and looked into it. He pulled out a few smaller packages and tore into them, feeling like he had never been so hungry in his life. He ate the stale, tasteless cracker, the beef mush, drank the cherry-flavor juice. The one luxury he saw, the Drill SGNT took away: a pack of Skittles. After the meal, it was back to the exercises.

((Heh, good think I have personal experience on this. ^^))
((Erm, I think nearly everybody in the military place is going to sleep, and there isn't much going on at the farmer place. Marie and Mia are trying to figure out how to sleep on the straw provided for them.))
((Other than that, on a little more person to person thing, Aster promised to help train and protect Ginger. that's pretty much it.))
((That, and Kreg was taken separate from the group by the General. He's already had a full day's worth of training.))
((ok thanks guys)) Ophelia looked at the hay laying in the barn. She really did not want to sleep on hay, but sleep was beginning to overtake her. Finally giving in, Ophelia laid down on a pile of hay. It pointed her all over the place but she knew that she wouldn't get a real bed. With a sad sigh she fell asleep. ----------------------------------------- Edwin looked at the old mattresses offered to them as beds. He sat down in one, sinking in. He laid down, sleep starting to hit him. The bed stunk bad. Ignoring the smell, he finally fell asleep.
Mia was still leaned against the wooden support pillar in the barn. She leaned back into it, having fallen asleep there. She shivered a bit in the cool night air but didn't wake up.
((Lol I meant more of like a location, I wanted to know if I should make my character too hot or too cold, or if the temperatures were nice or whatever, in case she is in the field working at some point))
Aster had a fitful sleep. Nightmares, haunting him from his past. The same nightmares. The blood. The bodies.

He kept seeing the same thing, over and over again, every night. The people he couldn't protect; the people who died because of his lapse in judgement; the people he practically murdered out of ignorance.

He woke screaming in the middle of the night: "NOOOOOO!"

Scared to death, sitting straight up, he started trying to calm down.
Bael...No! Kreg, not Bael. He needed to maintain his individuality. He couldn't break in a place like this...All day, soldiers were calling him by his last name. Kreg kept repeating his first name to him, throughout all of his training. He had done so much today, and it was his first day of training. Amazingly...He was retaining and learning it all. The phonetic alphabet, the right way to say numbers, his chain of command, all of it. He even began some of his combative's this day. He was fighting all wrong...He needed to read his opponent. In his cell that night, he practiced some of the moves he learned. Foot sweep, roundhouse, take-downs...All of them. However, something interesting happened that day. Kreg had been dehydrated and passed out. A female medic came to his aid and nursed him back to health. Something was different about her, though. She didn't look at him like the others did. She looked at him like he was a human being. She smiled at him, which was a welcoming sight. The female was small framed, blonde, and her name was "Hamer". Hamer had talked to him like she actually cared about him.

Probably only because she's a medic... Kreg thought.

But what if it wasn't? What if it meant that humanity could look at Kreg, and the others, like their own? What if Kreg could...Be normal again? This gave Kreg a glimmer of hope, if only faint and brief. So, he would focus on Hamer. She would be his ray of light. His beacon of hope. Kreg continued focusing on the present, however. He trained more in his combative's, until exhaustion overtook him. He looked at the cot with a bit of distaste. He needed to get used to it, though. So, he sat on it and slowly leaned back. Before his head hit the pillow, he was sleeping. He didn't dream.
Evan and Ginger wake up when they hear the scream. Evan looked over at him. "What's wrong dude?" he asked and then slowlys sat up. Ginger uncurls herself and then slowly walks over. "You ok?" she asked as she looked at him Evan by her side. She rubbed her eye that wasn't hurt and yawned tired. --------------------------------------Sarah who was with the farmer couldn't sleep. She was was sitting up looking around panicked. She didn't have her brother around. The whole ride here she was hiding in a corner. The others didn't seem to notice her. Her fox ears pinned back to her head and her tail was around her waist. (I wonder if I should switch Evan over here

There are no guys with the farmer.)
Panting, Aster looks over at Ginger and Evan: "Nothing. I'm fine. Just some bad memories... I'm sorry for waking you." He sits back against the wall, afraid to go to sleep.

(off to school, be back soon!)
Ginger watched Evan walk away and go back to sleep. Ginger looked at him and then sat down beside his feet. "You sure?" she asked and looked at him. "I think you need someone to talk to now." she giggled slightly and looked at him. "I'm wide awake now so no going back to sleep for me." she said quietly not wanting to wake the others.

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