Fighting the Beast Within - A Mixed DNA RP

Aster could already tell, it was hopeless. The "corporal" as he was now called was completely and utterly brainwashed. Worse, it seemed he somewhat understood the pheromone message. Luckily, he hadn't done the nightly focusing like Aster had. Aster could feel each emotion among the group. He could sense Ginger's pain most of all. He had become very in tune to when she was hurting, reacting out of instinct to help her when he could.

~I hope my little trick works as well as I hope, when the time comes.~ he thought to himself.

Of course, he followed through and did every exercise as asked, by the book.

He released the thought quietly, subdued enough that the hawk wouldn't read it, but those whom he'd helped trained for pheromones could.

Ophelia worked in the field, pulling weeds out. The work wasn't any different than what she did when she lived at home. The only difference was that she was forced to do the work without any rewards. Her parents used to give her money or give her something whenever she helped out. She sighed. She wondered how her family was doing. She missed them.
Ginger could sense the word traitor had spread faintly through the air. Her fur begain to stick up with anger. She looked at Aster, yes he had started it. Her tail swayed slightly, she raised her tail up high. Signaling she had sensed it. She looked up at the sky and then down as she continued to do what Bael asked or more like commanded.

--- Merged Double Post ---

Sarah looked at Ophelia. "You doing ok?" She asked having brought water out. She was a maid here. She offered the water. "Here...." She said and then then sighed slightly. "I have other duties to attend to but I thought you might need it." She said and then looked down. She missed her brother Evan. She looked back at Ophelia.
Aster realized that if there was any way to make sure Bael got any kind of message, it was to take a risk.

Aster stopped his exercises and stared right at the Corporal.

He sent out one last pheromone message, so powerful it was almost a shout.

~We are not your squad. We are not part of the military. They think us weapons, you think us soldiers. We are neither; we are PEOPLE. We should aspire to be free, and you, who was the most rebellious, the most powerful of us all... you BETRAYED US.~

He knew he would be punished. He didn't care. He needed the corporal to listen. Otherwise, they would have one hell of an enemy on their hands.

Besides... he had a trick up his sleeve.
Ginger looked at Aster feeling his message and then looked at Bael. She stopped and then looked at Aster. She wasn't sure of this, but she'd back him up. She walked so she was beside Aster for saport. She looked at Bael and she raised her tail high and it wagged. Her ears pinned back in a threatening way. She didn't hiss though.

Ginger released a small amount of pheromone to Aster. 'You sure about this?' the message said and then looked at Aster in question.
Aster released a response: ~Thank you for your support, but you might want to step back. Remember that night I woke up with the headache? Too much pheromones? I think I can use it on others... it might just break Bael, maybe even back to our side. Of course, if i mess up, I end up with a splitting headache like that night... but I think I can do it.~

He kept on staring at the Corporal, wondering if he even heard the shout.

(During the timeskip, Aster accidentally released too many pheromones out of fear of his nightmares, and overpowered his own senses. He's been working on it for some time now, thinking it might come in handy if they came upon an enemy. The attack has got to be focused on one person, and if it works it causes Nausea, headaches, and total sensory overload, and if it goes wrong it backfires and gives a headache to the sender. It's possible it can work on humans, although Aster has to test it to find out. I got approval from Sage.)
Ginger looked at him and then backed up a bit, she looked at Aster and then released a responce as well. 'Ok....' She said and then looked down a bit. She didn't want to give Aster away but he did say to step back. She looked at Aster and then down.
Corporal Bael had gotten both of the Private's messages. He looked at them both and squinted his eyes. Before they could open their eyes from a blink, Bael had them both in the air, holding them by their throats. He squeezed lightly, his thumb on the wolf's carotid artery, cutting off blood flow to his brain. If he kept pressure on this, the wolf would die within twelve seconds. He waited only five seconds before letting off. He had a minor headache from the pheromones the wolf was releasing, but Bael had been warned about this and mentally prepared. The fact that this Private was trying to injure his superior...Just pissed Bael off.

"I don't give a shit what you think, Private. I AM YOUR SUPERIOR!" Bael yelled at him.

After yelling, he threw them both to the ground and glared at them. He breathed in through his nose and out through his mouth, calming himself down. He pulled out his sidearm, a .9 millimeter pistol and pointed it at the tiger girl's head. He sent his own pheromone message to the wolf.

Try it again, wolfie, and I'll kill her. Then the others. And I will make you watch.
Aster coughed up blood.

To himself, and only in his thoughts:

~This bastard is fast. I don't stand a chance against him... not in combat. I'm not fast enough... not strong enough...~

"You win, you win... Just don't hurt them."

Aster, to himself thought:

~How in the hell am I supposed to beat that? Is there any hope at all?~

((Just a reminder, it says in rules no character killing w/o permission from owner. Lol. I also hadn't even tried the pheromone attack, and the message to Ginger was a subdued one.))
Ginger looked at the gun and then her heart was pounding. She looked at him, her eyes got teary eyed and then she dropped her tail and she looked at him. She helpped him and this is how he repays her. She looked at Aster and then was shaking. SHe was always picked on, beaten it didn't seem far. She was rubing her neck looking up at Bael, how could he? WHy would he? Her face was now streaming in tears.

--- Merged Double Post ---

(He can shoot her just not kill her.)
Rosa had been one of the more obedient of the group only coming to people's aid when they were hurt. It was her way, darting in and out trying to defend those she was loyal to without stirring trouble. She followed the group into the training yard and began pumping out the exercises. Physical activity had not caused her much of a problem what with her enhanced lung capacity. As the pheromones flew she kept quiet, she could only say goodnight and it never really got a response because it got lost in everyone else's messages. But when the Corporal actually attacked the others, Rosa paused mid push up watching the scene unfold. She resisted the urge to growl but her eyes darted between those being threatened. If the Corporal made one more move she was going to take action.
Corporal Bael put the pistol back into it's holster and looked at the two Privates. He inwardly sighed and closed his eyes. His threat had worked, and he knew he could muscle his way through this group, but...But nothing. He shoved the thought away and returned to his present state. The sight of the tiger crying triggered something small in him, a promise he had made long ago. But again, he shoved it down. He was a soldier now. And so were they. They were going to learn that. He picked up the tiger soldier by the scruff of her neck and looked her up and down. She was definitely better than what she had been. He sat her down and looked at the group. He then looked at his watch. It was 0400. Time for combatives.

"All right, Privates. Time for you to show me your worth. Private Aster, Private Ginger. One on one combatives. Go." Bael said coldly.

((I wasn't planning on shooting Ginger, just intimidating.))
Aster knew that this was the corporals punishment towards him; having to fight the one he needed to protect. He spat in the ground, clearing the blood from his mouth, then moved into a defensive position.

((Just seems a little over the top that Bael is so powerful, although I'm not complaining. Makes for an interesting plot twist. If Sage doesn't think its godmodding, I'm not complaining. ;) ))
((Sage knows of my plans, however, doesn't know the details. However, if you think I'm GM'ing, then I will edit my post a bit. I'm flexible. ^^))
Ginger helpped in surprise when he picked her up by the scruff of her neck. She looked at him her cheeks wet with tears. She rubbed her neck when he set her down. She looked at aster, why was he forcing her to fight him. She rubbed her eyes and took a deep breath. She stood up and then looked at him. "I'm sorry..." she sniffled and then took a defensive pasition. She threw a powerful punch.
Aster took the punch, but kept a defensive position. He knew he had to fight, and he was doing so.

~Rule number one in the street~ he thought to himself, ~wait for an opening. Maybe I can end the fight without hurting my pack mate- GINGER! GINGER! Gah, stupid wolf DNA!~

It was happening more and more frequently, thinking of the others more as pack members. He was even starting to have other feelings, although he wasn't sure if they were animal or human... or both.

((Aster has back-talked corporal Bael, and Ginger stood up for him. Kreg, faster than some would think physically possible, charged forward and grabbed them both by the throat. He then dropped both, and threatened to shoot Ginger if Aster tried anything. Aster acquiesced, since his number one goal is to make sure Ginger gets out alive. Bael is now forcing Ginger and Aster to do combat training against each other, recognizing the alliance. I think that sums it up, Sage.))
Ginger pulled back and then looked at him. "I'm sorry..." She said and then looked at him. She dived down and rolled behind him and then tried to kick him down. (You can stop her...that's why I said try.) She looked at him hoping not to hurt him much. She slowly had anger rising deep within her.
Aster had not seen that kick coming. He took it full force in the back, and though it would probably leave a bruise, it nonetheless wouldn't be serious. He jumped to his feet and aimed a shot at her lower kidney, hoping to knock the wind out of her.
Ginger looked at him and then fell to the ground trying to breath. She looked at Aster and then slowly tried to get up but she still couldn't breath. She looked at Bael hoping this would be over. She looked at Aster, as if begging to finish the fight. She got her breath back and then looked at him thinking. She let out a tiger roar and then tried to get behind him again. Tigers prefered to attack from behind.
Bael watched the fight intently, studying their moves carefully. He crossed his arms and saw that Private Ginger was getting tired. She was definitely the underdog here, however, she had...Potential. Private Aster was impressive. He may prove a useful asset, when the proper time came. He continued studying the moves and closed his eyes for a moment. For some reason, he was reminded of a day, about two weeks ago, in his own combatives.

The day began like any normal day. Kreg was rebellious as ever, yet he kept focusing on the female medic. She kept him going. Kreg was continuing to use her as his beacon of light, a ray of hope that would lead to his and the other's freedom. His Drill Sergeant, named Correira, led him to a level plat of land. He hadn't said a word to him all day. DS Correira simply looked at him and hit him in the gut, hard. Kreg dropped to one knee, however, quickly stood once more. Correira saw this as a sign of defiance. He whistled loudly, and here came the female medic, led by two other soldiers, one on each side of her. She looked scared, confused. Kreg had the same look on his face as she did. Correira threw her at him, and told Kreg to defend himself. The medic was told that if she didn't fight Kreg, then she would be killed. So, she fought. Kreg won easily, his size, strength, and speed easily overpowering the small female. Correira simply stood and watched as Kreg was forced to strike her to the ground until she was too exhausted to move. Lieutenant General Bishop walked up to them, wherein Correira whispered something in his ear, too faint for Kreg to hear. Bishop nodded and looked at Kreg.

"Kill her. She is your enemy. She has fallen to you in battle. Finish it." Bishop said, his voice as smooth and sharp as a knife.

Kreg couldn't do it, he wouldn't! How could he kill his beacon of hope? So, he refused. Kreg spat in Bishop's face, and if he could've talked then, he would've told Bishop where he could go and how he could get there. Bishop simply wiped the saliva from his face, pulled out his sidearm, and shot the female medic in the head. Kreg couldn't believe it. He fell to his knees and looked at the medic, staring at her blankly. He felt tears well in his eyes, which soon trickled down his face. It was as if someone had just come put out the candle that was his beacon of light, his hope. He felt...Dead inside, like Bishop had just shot him instead.

"You'll learn, Private. You'll learn." Bishop said before holstering the sidearm and walking away.

That day, Kreg became Private Bael.

The roar that Private Ginger emitted brought Bael back to the present. He rubbed his temple, trying to rub away a headache. Maybe Private Aster's pheromones had gotten to him after all. He looked to Private Rosa and saw her in a half push-up position, watching the two spar. He hadn't met her personally, like he had met Aster and Ginger. But no matter. He still needed to know her strengths and weaknesses. So, in a hoarse voice, he ordered her to spar with Private Edwin. He hadn't really met Edwin either, so he would get a two-for-one deal with this one. A thought rose in his mind, however.

What if they rebel? All at once?

The thought had entered his mind before, but he was confident in his abilities. He had managed to detain Privates Ginger and Aster at the same time, he was sure he could do the same with Privates Edwin and Rosa. And if all else failed, he had a failsafe. He didn't want to use it, however, because even though they were below him and he was stone cold, he still felt pity upon them. Corporal Bael continued rubbing his temple, his headache slowly becoming worse. Lieutenant General Bishop had warned him about this. They injected him with some sort of implant, something to make him even faster and stronger. But it was also something, Bael concluded, that they could probably track him with or even shut him down. That thought scared him in some remote section of him, but he soon quelled it. There was no room for fear here. None. At. All.
Aster was a impressed. Ginger had been able to land a few good hits on him. He was more and more devoted to helping her with each passing day.

But another feeling was starting to creep up on him...

~Am I?.... no... gotta focus on Bael right now. Can't make any mistakes. I'll focus on my feelings later.~
Edwin watched Ginger and Aster spar. He could see it pained them to fight each other and he bet Bael knew so. He heard his name be called by Bael and stood up. He looked over at Rosa, who he was supposed to spar with.
Ginger looked at him and then looked at the ground. She stood there and put a hand to her head. She sighed deeply she had a headache from her crying. She shivered a bit at the idea that he pointed a gun at her. She found that scary, so much that she couldn't control herself. Somehow she would have to stop that, she had to think straight if she was going to service constantly being pointed at. She looked up. She was was one of the weakest here, how she servived was surprising. Now that the once hope she helped within bael was gone, she had no choice but to think of someone else. Back on the truck, she helpped free him like most of the others, what happened to him? She looked down.

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