Fighting the Beast Within - A Mixed DNA RP

Evan nodded. "He was away from everyone for a really long time....who knows what they did to him." He sighed deeply looking at her again. "I don't even want to think about it." He shuttered a bit.
Bael sighed when no one came at 0600. He began pacing, until the door opened slightly. Two canisters were thrown into the room they were occupying. When the canisters hit the ground, they began spraying out some gas and rolling around. One sniff and Bael knew instantly what it was: tear gas. It filled the room quickly, causing Bael's eyes to water and his throat and skin to burn. He grabbed both canisters quickly and threw them at the window, coughing ferociously. They simply bounced off the window. He then tried to open the door, but to no avail. He ran to the back of the room toward the latrine.

"Tear gas! Everyone, to the latrine, NOW!" Bael screamed.
Ginger and Evan got up and then grabbed the people next to them and ran to the latrine. Ginger looked at them all and then looked at Edwin. "You ok? She asked.
Edwin ran with the group to saftely. "Yeah." Edwin said, breathing hard. "What the hell were they going to do with us?"
Ginger looked at him frowning. "I...I don't know." She looked down and then at everyone else. It was alittle crowded and she didn't like the closeness to Edwin and..."Ow!" Evan eldowed her from behind. She looked at him with a glare. "You just are hurting me today." Evan looked down. "Sorry." He said and then Ginger sighed.
Edwin moved a bit away from Ginger. He could tell she was uncomfortble. Since he was turned into what he now was, he felt he was more uncomfortble being around others.
Ginger looked at Edwin and smiled a bit now that he was alittle farther she felt more comfortable, even though her soreness and now aching back was starting to get to her. She sighed and looked at Edwin and then looked down upset by this whole situation. She was bound to just brake down anytime soon. She had cryed herself to sleep the first few weeks, now she was just waiting for another overflow of emotions. Yesterday's outburst helpped though.
Aster had to keep calm.

The tear gas was painful. All the enhanced senses were picking up nothing but confusion.

"What are they trying to do?"

He thought for a bit, and considered to himself.

"It seems they're trying to get to us for something."

Aster suddenly had a sickening thought:

What if they consider us a failed experiment? Are they just going to kill us for rebelling?

Aster was so panicked, he accidentally let his thoughts fly by hormones. However, it seemed the accidental message was getting mixed with the tear gas. He worried how the rest would take it.
Ginger coughed a bit. Evan took off his shirt once everyone was in he pushed it under the door. He looked at Ginger who took off hers which left a tank top underneth to cover her. She gave it to Evan and then turned to aster. Frankly she didn't get his massage because she was holding her breath till she got in here. "Take off your shirt." she said to him and held out her hand so that he'd give it to her. She looked at him. Evan started coughing and looked at Ginger with a hurry look.
"Then don't think about it," Bianca said, with a tiny smile. She and Aaron were dragged into the latrine with the others. Aaron woke up only as he collapsed onto the floor when his bringer let go of him. He started coughing nearly immediately. "What the f*** is this..." he muttered between coughs. Bianca covered her mouth and nose with her shirt, which really wasn't that much better.
Edwin coughed as the tear gas seeked in. He put his mouth under his shirt for fresh air.
Bael wasn't able to take off anything to stuff under the door, due to him taking off his ACU and undershirt the day before. He had never retrieved them. The gas was still seeping through, however, which wasn't good. In a tiny room like this, it would fill quickly. He went up to one of the windows in the latrine and kicked it out. The glass shattered somewhat easily. The window was tiny, so none of them could fit out of it, really. It would vent the room, barely. Bael thought for a moment, and realized something. He went up to the latrine door leading to the barracks.

"Stay here. Close the door right behind me. All right?" He said.

Without another word, he opened the door after pushing the clothing out of the way and ventured into the room. He held his breath, but it still burned his skin, eyes, and nose. He looked around in all the haze, looking for a small, rectangular panel. After a few seconds, he found it on a wall right next to one of the bunks. He was in an instant and pulled the fire alarm. Sirens blared, water poured from the ceiling, and all the doors were immediately unlocked. Bael rushed to the the front door and opened it quickly, letting the tear gas out of the room. He was greeted, however, with a rifle butt to the face. He staggered a bit, and when a second one came, he reacted. He grabbed the rifle, planted an open palm strike to the adversary's chin, pulled the rifle away, and swept out the opponent's feet. Bael quickly leveled the rifle at the opponent, who he realized was just some insignificant private. Bael looked around, realizing that he was surrounded by soldiers. He sighed lightly and threw down the rifle, went back into the building, and shut the door. By this time, the room was mostly vented, so he walked up the latrine, tapped the door a few times with his knuckle, and spoke quietly, a tone of defeat in his voice.

"You can come out now."
Ginger smiled and put her shirt back over her tank top. She looked at Bael and then frowned. "You ok?" She asked and then looked at him. She looked around and then sighed deeply. She looked back at Bael and then down.
Bael coughed a few times and rubbed his eyes. He went to the sink and turned it on, splashing water onto his face, trying to flush out his eyes. He heard Ginger's question, and thought about it for a moment. HE was fine, yes, but what's going on? Were they torturing the group? They were containing them, that was for sure. He washed out his eyes completely and wiped his face off with a nearby towel. Bael leaned against the sink and twisted the towel in his hands as he thought. He then realized that he didn't answer Ginger's question.

"Y-yeah, I'm fine. They're keeping us in here for some reason. I'm not sure why." Bael said quietly.
Aster looked around.

"First things first, we need to find out why they are keeping us here. Any ideas on how we do that?"

He looked around at the rest of the group.
Bael threw the towel on the counter and crossed his arms, thinking. Several things came to mind, which he voiced his opinions on.

"We may be failed experiments and they're thinking of a way to exterminate us. They could just be testing us to see how we do under extreme stress. It could be a punishment. Hell, they could just be doing it because they're sick bastards and just want to get their kicks. Who knows." Bael prattled off.

Any of those could be the case, but he had no proof. He hadn't heard anything from General Bishop on what would happen if they had failed. Bael had assumed death, and that could be what's happening now. That means that they needed to make their escape. Bael had done some investigations on his own body, learning every new bone of his new body. He had a hardened exoskeleton, wings that were connected to his spinal cord, and something of an armor-plated helmet. But he discovered something different. A chip. It was located at the base of his neck, which he used his talon to dig into and pull out. The chip was small, roughly the size of a dime, with a dim, blinking red light. He weighed almost nothing, yet Bael had concluded that it was used to shut him down or track him. So, he always kept it in his pocket, hoping that they wouldn't notice that he took it out. So, at this time, Bael walked behind Aster and put his finger on the back of his neck, where Bael's chip was. And sure enough, he felt the small and unusual bump. Bael grinned at this and took out his own chip, showing it off.
Aster was surprised, then smiled.

"Looks like, any way this goes, we're escaping. This is gonna hurt like hell... Can you pull that sucker out of me? Don't want anyone getting to me..."

Aster braced himself.
Ginger looked at them and then showed her nails. It might be best if she did it, seeing how she took out the bullet so quickly. She looked at bael and then at aster. She looked at Edwin and then sighed a bit. "Since I pulled out the bullet so well....shall i try?" she asked looking back at Aster and bael.
Bael though for a second, then nodded. In comparison, his talons were like butcher knives and her claws were like scalpels. He motioned for her to walk over to where he was and when she was there, he took her hand and traced the outline of the chip. Her hand was soft and covered in fur. He hadn't realized how soft her skin was before, and was wondering why he was noticing it now, out of all things. He snapped himself back to reality, and focused on the matter at hand. This was no time for romance. Not like anyone could ever love him anyway. The one person who might've done that is dead now...

"Aster, this will hurt, but only slightly. Ginger, the chip is right below the skin. The tricky part, however, is that it is connected to the spinal cord. What you need to do is to cut all the connections, carefully. If you hurt his spinal cord, you could paralyze or kill him. I'll be right here, guiding you all the way. If you don't want to do it, I understand and I can." Bael explained.
Ginger looked at bael and took a deep breath. "For your sake Aster please keep still." she swallowed and then started working on Aster. She worked carefully and cleanly listening to everything bael said. She managed get the chip out and then sighed in relief as it was over. She looked at bael and smiled at him. She really liked that he could talk now and that he was back on their side. In her good nature she was trusting him.
The incisions hurt, but not too bad. Worse things happened back on the streets, like the C branded onto his right hand. He was surprised no one had noticed the discolored fur there. Nobody had questioned him. ~Guess it's a good thing~ he thought to himself.

Following Gingers instructions, he did not make a single move.
Ginger looked at him and then held out his chip to him. "Here you want it?" She chuckled a bit. "I'm just happy I got it out without any trouble." She said and then looked at Bael. She smiled, she had a slight attraction to him, but she thought it was just from the emotion in the fight they had. She looked at Aster again with a smile. She was happy he was alright, he was her best friend and her protector. She looked at her nails which had some of his blood on it. She looked at his neck thinking of how to clean that up so that it wasn't noticable.
Bianca gingerly touched the back of her neck, feeling for the slight bump revealing the location of her chip. "I won't be able to get this out..." she mumbled, looking towards Ginger. Maybe Kreg would do it, but she wasn't entirely sure about which side he was on. Perhaps there wasn't an entire conflict of interests here, but didn't they all have different desires after they escaped? She looked around at the others. What was she going to do? Would her parents even-no. She wouldn't think about that yet.

Aaron growled as he felt the bump on his neck. "The b*stards!" he grumbled.

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