Fighting the Beast Within - A Mixed DNA RP

Ginger looked at him and then smiled, it looked like he was still trying to figure things out. She looked at the ceiling as she thought to herself. She did however fear having a gun put her head, but really that fight she considered good practice. Also, she was awake and up front to see what happened to Kreg. She also was very forgiving and full of heart. She trusted him alot more then the others. He saved her life with that gass and did get that chip out of her neck. Also helpped her to be useful around here.
Aster was focusing, pinpointing each guard outside by their pheromones. After all, above all else in the wild, pheromones were used for location. Aster suddenly had an idea.

"What if I send a concentrated attack at prime targets? You think you could handle the rest, Bael? I can sense all the locations. I know where the snipers are. They can hide from vision, even from scent; they can't stop their pheromones, however faintly a normal human produces them. I can definitely use enough pheromones to knock them out without getting a migraine. I can't take them all out, though. Mostly just the snipers. Otherwise, I'll need a couple dozen bottles of Advil."
Kreg continued looking out the window, listening to Aster's words. He spoke without looking at him, wondering if Aster had somehow read his mind. He walked back towards the middle of the room, speaking as he walked.

"I was thinking about the same thing, Aster. While you do that, I'll rush in and grab Bishop. Ginger, I want you to disarm the soldiers, giving their weapons to everyone else. Once Bishop is secured, we'll proceed to the gate, wherein we'll cross and gain our freedom. Any questions?"
Ginger smiled and nodded. "Ok and no." she said and then looked at Aster and then back at kreg. She sat down stretching out her arms. She also stretched out her tail and legs. She yawned slightly and hen shook off her fur and stood once more. "If you think I can do it." she smiled.
Kreg nodded his head and sat down on his cot. He leaned his head against the wall, waiting for Bishop to show up. He wondered if Aster was capable of spotting distinct people, or if it was just limited to humans in general. A thought then came to him: what if Bishop didn't show up? What if they were just holding them there? They hadn't had food yet, what if they were just trying to starve the group? Kreg knew that unless they took someone important hostage, this plan wouldn't work. So, he decided to come up with a back-up plan, just in case.

"I know you can do it, Ginger. Aster, can you target specific people? Or just people in general? I need you to try and focus on General Bishop and tell me where he is, or when he gets here."
Ginger hers flickers and then she looked up at ceiling thinking to herself. She looked at who she knew as Kreg now and then leaned back a bit. She sighed a bit thinking of what to do when they get out there. She laid down her legs hanging over the edge of the bed. She thought about the plan.
"I could probably do a blanket pheromone attack, but its much more effective if I attack one at a time. Of course, one at a time, i could take down 10 in half a minute, depending on mental strength. As for the general... I can sense his position. He's in one of the higher watch towers. He hasn't come out yet."

Aster was hoping with all his might this would work. Otherwise, they were royally screwed.

"Want info on snipers, or you good?"
Kreg listened to Aster intently and nodded at his words. It was good that he knew where the General was. That meant that they could surprise attack the soldiers. Good. Kreg suddenly thought of something and stood up quickly. He grabbed his mattress and went up to the window next to the door. He leaned the mattress against the window, obscuring the soldier's vision and preventing another tear gas attack. Or worse. Kreg looked back to Aster and walked back towards the center of the room.

"Yeah...I need to know everything. Every little detail."
Ginger looked at them and got up going to say something and then, Evan stuck out his foot as he was stretching. Ginger tripped and then stubbled a bit. "AH! You big je-" She fell back on someone but who was it. She looked at Evan with a glare who was quite serprised. She blinked and then looked back at the person she was now leaning on. (This is open to
Kreg was immediately alerted when Ginger tripped. His instinctual reaction was to catch her, so he did. He then looked at Edwin, then back to her. She seemed to be all right, but with the beating that she took yesterday, Kreg couldn't be sure.

"You okay?" He asked, concern in his voice.
Ginger looked at him and blushed, her fur hide most of it but not all. "um yeah...nothing from the trip anyways." she said her tail swaying only slight before wrapping around her waist. Her ears turned back towards kreg flickering slightly. She did have a few sore spots from yesterday. Also the cut on the back of her neck was killing her bit she wouldn't tell him that. She didn't want to complain or anything, although she had plenty of reason to. She glanced at Evan for a second who looked like he had just stepped on a kitten, she sighed, this was pick on Ginger day for Evan although he did not mean to. She looked back at kreg standing up straight now, she wasn't sure to move away or wait for him to let go of her. She just stared up at him.
Kreg kept his hand on Ginger for a moment, enjoying the warmth of her. He then quickly took his hand off her and snapped himself back to reality. This was no time for romance, Kreg understood. There would be time for that once they got out of there. He gave her a look that said that, hoping she would understand it, if she even felt the same way. A thought then dawned on him: he was a hawk. She was a tiger. Would that even work..? Kreg blinked at that thought, an image popping into his mind. He quickly dismissed the thought, not wanting to release too many pheromones. Even releasing a few right now would be wildly inappropriate, given the situation they were in. So, he decided to do something different, thought not that different. He knew that he seriously injured Ginger the previous day, probably Aster as well. So, he looked at them both.

"Mind if I do a quick physical examination of both of you? I want to see if I hurt either of you yesterday." Kreg said, keeping his voice level, considering the things that just went through his mind.
Ginger liked his warmth. She felt something go through her and then it disappeared when he took his hand off of her. She looked at Kreg with a plescent confusion. They when he gave her that look she looked away blushing pretty badly. She hopped he didn't know, she held herself and then manage to look at him with the blush gone from her face. She blinked when he asked for a phystical examination. Oh great, she was no in the greatest of shapes. She had cuts and bruises that she has been ignoring, not to mention the soreness by her ribs and back. Ok that really was from Kreg from yesterday. She looked of to the side. "Ok." she said thinking about if he finds her many hidden pained spots. Stupid guards always picking on her, because she was the weakest.
((sorry I havent been keeping up with the rp as much. life has been busy). anyways so the plan is a surprise attack? edwin has wings so he could do something in the air? And im assuming by cides post gingr tripped over edwin) Edwin had been laying down when Ginger tripped over him. He yelped in pain as she fell onto his wings. Once she got up he movd them slightly to see if they were okay. They hurt, but they didn't seem to be broken.
(Ginger fell on Kreg...but poor ginger could be a bit out of it today.)

Ginger looked at Edwin and then looked down. Something was wrong today. She looked down and then glanced at Kreg and then looked away. She bit her lip and then sighed. "Sorry....Edwin I didn't hurt you did I?" She said slowly putting a hand on her side. She rather not admit it but she was hurt worse then just a few cuts. She was in fact in no shape to be fighting, but she had no choice. She looked at the ground trying to hide her cleared pained eyes. She looked up once it past looking over Edwin.
((Sorry if I missed an important post, guys...))

"It sounds like the only plan we've got left," was all Bianca had to say. She said it with a sigh, as though she wasn't looking forward to the carrying-out of the plan.

Honestly, she wasn't entirely sure about its success. But she would go along with it, for what else could they do? There were way too many 'what ifs'.
Aster relayed the information to Bael via pheromone. All the locations of snipers, troops. He even managed to track the thoughts to get equipment info.
Kreg was pleased with Aster's info, but there was something wrong. Ginger was holding her side and acting strangely. He looked at her and knelt down next to her, looking at the area. He couldn't see anything through her ACU, of course. He was given basic field medical training, and further training by the medic. He gently touched her side, pushing in on it ever so slightly. The area felt hard, not like it should be. His brow furrowed as he examined it further.

"Ginger, what happened to your side?"
"Yeah I'm fine." Edwin reinsurred her. He noticed her holding her side. "What's wrong with your side?" He echoed Kreg.
Ginger looked at them and then blinked. She flinched a bit as Kreg touched it. "Um some rough hitting, it's nothing." she said in a shaky voice. She couldn't stop them from fighting. She looked at Kreg. "They weren't very nice about yesterday...." she said and then slowly moved away from Kreg. She couldn't let him know about her injuries or the extent of them anyways.
Kreg's eyes narrowed as Ginger moved away. It was obvious that she was lying, and Kreg needed the team in peak condition for what was going to happen. He needed to see what was wrong with her. However, seeing as how she was a female, she understood if she was being shy around Kreg poking around on her. So, Kreg looked at Bianca, then back to Ginger.

"Listen, someone needs to examine your side. If you don't feel comfortable with me doing so, Bianca can and I can just tell her what to do. You'll have the privacy of the latrine."
Ginger looks down and then looks at him. She didn't answer him pretty upset by the whole thing. She looked away from them her ears pinned back to her head. Her tail flickered with aggravation. She knew her ribs were probably cracked.
Kreg crossed his arms as he awaited a reply. She was obviously upset, but that still didn't change fact that she was injured. She needed to be examined. If she were to have something happen to her, Kreg needed to know what was going on. If it was anything fixable now, Kreg could do it, and it may not be a problem later. So, he simply waited for a response from her.
Ginger looked at him and let out a deep sigh. "Really Kreg I'll be fine. It's not like we can afford to wait...I've suffered enough, it's just a fracture nothing more." she said harshly as she looked at him. She managed to stand straight up as she glared at him.
"You should at leat have someone look at it." Edwin remarked. ((sorry writers block))

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