Fighting the Beast Within - A Mixed DNA RP

Aster flashed into consciousness. He had bandages wrapped around his stomach, apparently thanks to a new ally.

He looked over at Kreg and asked, "You kill that son of a b****?"
Kreg grinned widely when Aster regained consciousness. He patted Aster's shoulder, reassuring him. This was to also show him the blood on Kreg's talons, silently answering his question. He then looked at Mabelle, who he somehow hadn't noticed before. She had saved Aster's life. Kreg closed his eyes and opened them slowly, looking around. The group of soldiers were still standing there, however, there was something new. Three cardboard boxes were stacked on top of each other, each labeled "Various MRE - 20 ct". Kreg looked confusedly at the ranking soldier, wondering what was going on.

"As per Lieutenant General Bishop's orders, if you managed to beat him, you would be allowed to leave the base with three cases of MRE's and ten gallons of water." The soldier said as he motioned towards the boxes and jugs of water Kreg had not previously seen.

Kreg looked at Mabelle, finally having an answer to her question. He gently picked up Aster and put him over his shoulder, then walked over to the MRE cases and water jugs. He lifted those with his free hand and put those on his other shoulder. The cases and water were extremely heavy, but due to Kreg's enhanced strength, it wasn't that bad. He balanced them easily and kept a firm grip on Aster at the same time.

"Now? Now we have our freedom. Now, we'll find and rescue the others. Then, we'll go to the labs and reverse whatever this is. We'll be normal again." Kreg said with the upmost confidence.
Ginger looked at Kreg and then gently grabbed some water. She looked at him and then gave them to Evan. She grabbed some more water and then carried them herself. "I really think you don't have to carry these yourself." she said with a smile and then looked at Aster. "you hang in there...and thank you." she smiled.
Edwin couldn't believe it. They were free. Finally free to find the others. Then they could change back into their own selves again and live normal lives. It almost seemed too good to be true. "I can carry one of those." Edwin offered. He glanced over suspiously at the soldiers nearby. No matter if they were claimed that everyone was free to go, they could still be trying to trick them.
Aster was a little miffed that he had to be carried, but he wasn't in a position to argue. The wound still hurt like hell.

Nevertheless, he was glad that Ginger was ok, and he blushed a little when she thanked him.

"Don't mention it" he replied.
Kreg smiled slightly at Ginger, then at the others as they grabbed the boxes. This took a huge load off of Kreg's shoulders, literally. He was still injured from the explosion and the fight with Bishop, but he still didn't let it show. In truth, he barely had the strength to carry himself and Aster to the gate, which is where he led the group. Kreg knew exactly where to go, more so on instincts than knowledge of the layout of the base. The group got several odd looks from soldiers, but they didn't do anything. They knew better. Once the group crossed the gate, Kreg breathed a deep breath. The air had never tasted so good. However, taking such a deep breath caused Kreg to cough and nearly drop Aster, but Kreg quickly caught himself. He coughed into his fist, which he quickly saw that there was blood on. He hid this from the others, though. No need to worry the group. Kreg inwardly sighed and walked along the road, wanting to get as far away from the base as possible.
Ginger walked behind Kreg and then she stopped when he coughed. She looked at him and sniffed the air. He was hiding something, she stared at him and then started walking again. Did he forget nearly everyone here had a greater sense of smell. She walked beside him and then gave out at sigh.
Aster saw the blood on Kreg's fist. After all, Kreg was carrying him.

He sent a pheromone message light enough for only Kreg to pick up. ~Hey, you ok? I don't want to get dropped here, and you seem to be almost as bad as I am~
((In a nutshell, {general's} the halfies were attacked with tear gas and a rocket launcher, and then Aster got wounded by General Bishop and Kreg killed him. And now, the halfies have been given food and water, and are allowed to leave. A few of them are wondering if there's a catch, but most are just glad that they can leave. {farmer's} nothing much has happened, but a new character has been introduced and is retaliating against the farmer's rude son. He's met Marie and Ophelia so far. Ophelia and him are out in the fields, where he just attacked the farmer's son, and Marie and Sarah are inside somewhere.

Sorry about my long bout of not typing anything, but I'll post when I come back from school. Adieu all!))
Edwin lifted up one of the boxes. They were a bit heavier than he had expected. It was no problem for him though. His arms were strong from all the training. He followed the others out of the base. Once outside he took in a deep breath. He could litery taste freedom. He turned to Evan. (Thats sarahs brother right?) "Do you remember your sister's scent?" He asked. He highly doubted they would be able to find the farm without Evan's help. "If so we need you to lead the group in the right direction to the farm." ---------------------------------------- After a long day's work Ophelia felt relived to enter the barn. The hay wasn't as bad as it had once felt. But that could be due to her exhastion. She flopped down into a pile of hay and laid there nibbling on a piece of bread. That was all the dinner she was given and she needed to eat it slowly or she would still feel hungry. The others were still outside probally getting cleaned up. Everyone, no matter if they worked on the feilds or worked inside the house, was made to sleep outside in the barn.
Evan looked at him and then smiled pulling out a necklace from his sister. "It's faded but I do remember her scent. But. It's far away and I'm afraid I can't smell her from here, but my guess is from the smell of cows that our best guess is that way." he pointed to the direction of the scent.
Edwin nodded. He didn't have a scence of smell like the rest of the group. Instead he could see at night using echos with his voice. He knew a few others could see in the dark. "I just thought of something." Edwin said to the rest of the group. "We are going to most likely walk in areas where humans are, and they will have no idea what we are." He assumed people would probally think them monsters and shoot at them. "Maybe we should find a place to camp until nightfall. That way we are undetected by humans if they happen to be nearby."
Aster, from Kreg's back, said to Edwin, "Great idea! More than one of us needs to rest up, after all!"

The pain was starting to go away. The advanced healing from the experiments must be working. The experiments that would be reversed once they got back to the lab.

He couldn't help but think to himself, however, "what if I don't want to be human again..."
Sarah was back in the barn. She slowly was eating her bread. She sighed craving some meat. She looked outside and then sighed missing Evan very deeply. Today was torment. WHile they're eating meat and good food all they ate was bread. She hated having to cook for them and getting nothing but bread.

Evan sighed and looked at Edwin. "Yeah...." He looked down missing his sister. He sighed deeply and then looked at Aster. He smiled lightly and then looked down again rubbing his head. He looked at Ginger who looked back at him. Suddenly Ginger stopped. He blinked and she smiled at him.

"We'll get to your sister don't worry." She said and then smiled at him. She saw him only look down again and Ginger sighed a bit. "We will." She said a bit more sternly at him and then looked around. "We better find a place to rest." She said and then glanced at Kreg. Aster was right, he wasn't the only one. She looked back at Evan who was smiling at least. She nodded and then looked around the area.
Mabelle had been following the group, a bit miffed that she didn't even get a 'Thank you' for helping them out, then again, they probably didn't think much of it, she was like them so they probably assumed she had no choice but to help. However though, as she listened she picked up bits of information, Evan had a sister, something about a farm, was Noah at the farm too? She spun around now, her hair spinning with her as she blocked Evan's path and looked at him, trying to ignore the voice in her head that told her he was attractive. Now is not the time. "You have a sister?" She began firing questions at him now, her own desperate need to find her baby brother tearing at her harshly, "Did she get taken with you? Is she younger? Where did you say she was?" Her voice cracked a little bit on her next question, she mentally slapped herself, "Do you think my little brother is with her?" Her eyes watered and she could have killed herself right there. Nice first impression Mabelle. They're going to think you're the crazy stalker chick who can't handle her emotions. She knew it wasn't true though, Mabelle could deal with her emotions, it was just all a bit too much right now, she was so confused.

Noah had noticed Ophelia's worried look and before he could comment he heard a screeching voice from inside the house, "OIT!" He turned to see the Farmer himself standing by the boy, his beaten son beside him, "GET OVER HERE NOW!!" The farmer's face was red with fury and Noah sighed, "C**p." He glanced at Ophelia before running off to only get dragged inside the house by the back of his neck. He found himself being pulled through the house by the furious Farmer and glanced over to see Marie cleaning, he met her eyes for a moment before he was dragged down into the basement. Sounds of fists and feet connecting with skin was soon heard from the basement, a few sounds of pain...then silence.
Evan blinked and looked at her with a light smile. "Yes, she is younger and she is at a farm. She was taken with me, she was fixed with fox DNA. I'm sure your brother is with them." He said and then patted her shoulder. "Don't worry I'll find them, I am half husky now." he said pointing to his ears and then his tail. His eyes were even two different colors. One blue one red. (I think that are the colors....I know one is red though. I'll have to check). He looked at Ginger and then back at her. "I'll track them down, I promise." He said and then took his hand away, smiling at her. It was always easier for him to hep out others and help then himself. Of course by cheering them up, it always cheered him up as well.
Marie winced at the noises from the basement, and hurried to the barn. She had no wish to remain any longer in that house, with Noah lying in a heap on the basement floor. She collapsed on her pile of straw, holding her bread to her mouth. Slowly, mechanically, she ate.

Noah had been strong enough to stand up to the farmer or his son. He was paying the price, like the girls had for either the son's amusement or not working fast enough. And there was no one to stop this. But why couldn't she?

Marie looked at her tiny hands. She was fragile. Maybe emotionally she had resolved to get through this, but there was no hope of her stopping anything with her fists. And yet why did that thought seem fainter than the others as a tear meandered down her cheek?

Well, we've finally realized what it means to take our next step. Bianca thought, making her way after the others as they began to make their way off on the general's land. And yet...there must be something else going on...

Aaron thought that when this moment came, he'd be jumping and shouting for joy. But with the distribution of pain, how could one be overjoyed. What he wanted was to rush ahead of the others and find them a place where they could be safe. But that was something he knew he couldn't do. So he shouted back at the guards, "See you never, ********!"
I'm fine, Aster. That was the message that Kreg sent back to Aster, lying through his thoughts.

Kreg nodded to Edwin's idea and walked toward the forest. Kreg needed to rest asap. His wounds kept opening up and his bones kept grinding together, causing massive amounts of pain. He could barely walk anymore. As soon as he found a suitable place in the forest, he gently placed Aster on the ground and walked deeper in the forest. He didn't want anyone to worry about him, but he needed time to heal, if he even could. He could feel that he was the closest to death than he had ever been. He looked behind him at the group of others, talking over his shoulder.

"Hey...I'm going to scope out around here. Send me a pheromone message if you need me..." Kreg said, barely able to talk.
Ginger looked at Kreg and then blinked. She was worried about him and she looked at him with her pleading eyes again. She stood there and then looked down sighing. She didn't want anyone to know she was hurt but Kreg pushed to find out what was wrong. He helpped her, wasn't it her turn?
Mabelle paused as the guy - was his name Kreg? - set down Aster, the guy she had healed, Mabelle was slowly gathering people's names through conversation, placing them in her mind, she was good with names. She frowned as Kreg began to walk off, hearing his slightly wobbly tone and noticing the very, very unnoticable way he was walking slightly oddly. She had trained herself to notice signs of injuries, considering how Noah would come home almost every day with a new bruise or cut and he'd never tell her. She glanced at the group, "I'm gonna go with him, safer in two's right?" She hurried off before they could say anything, catching up to Kreg and glancing at him, "It's safer in two's." She repeated herself to him, "You're hurt aren't you?" She asked him, glancing at him out of the corner of her eye.
Edwin began gathering sticks to build a fire. He watcjed Kreg walk off and he felt something was wrong with him. "Ginger." he said. "You should go with him." He felt that Ginger had a soft spot for Kreg and he believed Kreg felt the same way about Ginger. If anyone could help him, she could. He then turned to the others. "We need to make a fire and we need some shelter." He felt a bit weird taking charge, but Kreg had left and Aster was hurt.
Kreg saw Ginger's pleading look, in which he simply returned a reassuring smile. That's when he left the group. However, he was quickly joined by Mabelle. Kreg hadn't paid much attention to her before, but she saved Aster's life. That much, Kreg owed her. She asked the question, which Kreg smiled slightly at. He had been found out. Blood trickled out of the corner of his mouth. Before he could say anything, he doubled over, coughing up mouthfuls of blood as he coughed. When he stopped coughing, he wiped the blood from his mouth and looked at Mabelle.

"That obvious, huh?" Kreg asked, spitting out the remainder of the blood from his mouth.
After a while, a long while, Noah was shoved outside, being told he was to sleep in the barn like the 'rest of the freaks' He rolled his eyes but made sure they didn't see him, he began heading towards the barn, even stopping and tapping lightly on the door, calling out, "This may sound stupid, but since you're girls I have to ask, is everyone decent?" He grinned at his foolishness, but it still didn't hurt to be a gentleman. He had already checked out his appearance and knew he had a small gash on his forehead, a bruise on his chin and a black eye, not counting the cuts along his back and the bruises that were dotted variously over his body. He didn't seem too bothered though, but he reckoned he had built up some sort of pain tolerance over the years, of course it hurt at the time, but he was alright-ish now.
Ginger looked at Edwin and then saw the other girl went to check on him. She frowned a bit. "I think she's got it..." She said quietly and then looked at the trees. She looked at the ground and then started looking for some descent fire wood. She sighed deeply her ears going down. She picked up a few good thick stray branches. She looked at Edwin. "These any good?" She asked.

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