Fighting the Beast Within - A Mixed DNA RP

Evan nodded and then smiled at her. "I see..." He straightened out his head and then looked up at the sky. "Well are you going to stay with us then? I mean it's better then being alone." He shrugged and then smiled at her.
((hey sorry i wasn't on yesterday. what did i miss? oh and im thinking of switching to the morning soon.))
Looking at Ginger once more, Kreg gave her another hug. He sat down on the ground and patted the spot next to him, indicating for her to sit down. He wondered what kind of nightmare she had, if it had shaken her up this badly. He had had some bad nightmares before, but had simply shrugged them off. Kreg, however, didn't really know how others reacted to nightmares. No one was ever that close to him to talk about them.

"Do you wanna talk about it?" Kreg asked in a sympathetic voice.
Ginger looked at him and then looked as he sat down. When he patted the spit next to she sat down. She sighed and hen looked at her lap. "I don't think you will like it...but..." she sighed looking up at the sky. "It started off like I was running away from something, I heard someone calling my name and it was your voice. Then I heard my mother's but as I ran to her...she became afraid. She screamed and cried and just wanted me gone." she said closing her eyes. "I heard the others and since my mother didn't want me I followed them but as I got there...." she stopped trying to keep her emotions down. "It was terrible....they were all looked so real. As I took a closer look they were.....all cut up." she looked at him. "Tou came and as I called you kreg you said no and tried to kill me. I can only guess you killed the others in my dream to." she looked away. "I know you would never do that but the dream just hit me so was just terrible." she said sounding as of she was going to cry again. "I'm sorry." she said her voice muffled as she put her head in her lap.
Illya nodded at Evan. He seemed really nice... She sat down next to him and stared at the campfire.

(Yikes, sorry I've been off since forever. >.> Past few days have been busy, but I hope to get on more... Can't gaurantee it tho.)
Kreg listened to what Ginger's nightmare was, keeping silent the entire time. He stared at the ground when she told him that he was the one who had killed everyone in her dream and was about to take her life. A shiver ran up his spine when he thought about even injuring any of them. They were his family and he wanted to protect them all, not hurt them. He eventually looked at Ginger with plaintive eyes, then leaned in close to her ear, only mere centimeters away.

"I'll never hurt any of you."
Ginger felt his breath on her ear which gave her a shiver up her spin. She looked at him and then smiled. "I know you won't." She said and then leaned on him. "I know...I don't why that was in my dream." She said looking at him. She looked down at the ground.
Aster was starting to wake up. What he saw was a little surprising. A new member of the group had shown up, and she hadn't been in the fort with them. However, he simply accepted her presence and went back to sleep.


Illya looked over at Evan. She was glad he didn't ask questions. She didn't want to talk. She was scared, and worried, and all manners of nervous.
Evan looks at her and then pokes the fire trying to keep it going. He looked at Ginger and Kreg snickering at them. He looked at Illya. "You hungry, you got food and water." He said and then smiled.
((ok this may sound completely unheard of but im just going to quit this rp since no matter what i cant get my people in the rp. im not closing it but im out.))
((Sage, noooooooooo!!! D8 ))

Kreg sighed lightly when Ginger told him that she didn't know why she had dreamt that. Kreg knew that it was most likely he had betrayed them before. He wanted to make sure that they knew that he would never do anything again to hurt any of them. He put his arm around Ginger's shoulder, reassuring her. Just then, he heard a gunshot and a branch next to his head exploded into splinters. He quickly grabbed a log within arm's reach and brought it in front of he and Ginger, just in enough time to hear another gunshot and feel a round bury itself into the thick log. He used the log to cover Ginger so she could escape.

"Go now! I'll take care of 'em." He said to her.
(( :( ))

Aster snapped awake when he heard the gunshot. Immediately, he jumped up, and went into action, wincing at the pain.

"Looks like we're leaving, everyone! GO!" He then ran off to combat whatever was firing.


Illya immediately moved toward the trees, to start escaping. However, she stopped and looked back at Evan, second guessing herself and wondering if she should stay behind to help.
(Sage! Come on I'll role play with you!)

Evan got up and then growled rasing his tail up high. He looked around and then looked at Ginger who was furious. 'Um Ginger?" She looked back at him and he swallowed. "Um...Kreg....I don't think she's leaving." He said and then ran to Edwin. "Come on! Someone is shooting at us!"

Ginger roared like a tiger and then looked at Kreg. She wasn't leaving, she was going to stay as long as Kreg was here. She looked at the where the shots were coming from and then her fur stuck up on end. She extended her nails a bit and then hissed very loudly. "We'll hold them off." She said looking at him.
Kreg grit his teeth when Ginger and the rest of the group refused to flee. He continued holding the log steady as more and more gunshots went off and more and more rounds were pumped into the log. The people shooting started whooping and hollering, indicating that they weren't military. Probably just a couple of rednecks. When the firing ceased momentarily, Kreg took this as a sign that they were reloading. He quickly ripped the already weakened log in half and threw it, finally seeing that it was two men wearing plaid shirts and jeans. One part of the log struck one of the men, knocking him out cold. However, the other log missed and before Kreg could reach the other man, he had already reloaded and leveled the shotgun he was using. Kreg took cover behind a tree as a slug splintered same tree, inches from his head.

"Dammit!!" Kreg yelled as a splinter flew into his eye.
Ginger looked at Kreg. "That's it..." She ran out at them and then jumpped up turning as she kicked him. She landed and then ducked down swinging her leg and knocking him down. She grabbed his gun and then pinned hims restling for the gun. She showed her fangs at the guy hissing loudly. He hit her on the head with his gun. Ginger hissed her head bleeding. She pushed the gun to his neck. He kicked her off and she landed on her injured side. She yelled out and then grabbed her ribs in pain. He reloaded his gun and pointed it at her.
Kreg witnessed Ginger rush towards the other hunter with his one good eye. He rounded the tree to see her attack him, him retaliate, finish reloading his weapon, and aim it at her. By the time he leveled it at her, Kreg was already right next to him. Kreg grabbed the weapon from the man and planted an open-palmed strike to the man's chin. As the man staggered back, Kreg swept out the man's leg and aimed the shotgun at the downed hunter, pumping it and readying a round, his finger resting on the trigger. Kreg looked over his shoulder at Ginger.

"You all right, Ginger?" Kreg asked, he beginning to feel blood trickle down his cheek from the splinter in his eye.
Ginger looked to be in a lot of pain. She got up on her knees holding her side. "I'll be fine." She said her voice strained from pain. She swallowed it down and got up. She looked around and sniffed the air trying to make sure there were no other hunters. She looked at the guy Kreg had his gun pointed at. WHy were they out here. She slowly walked over trying to push back the pain, the fall only made her ribs worse then they already were.
Aster was focusing as best he could, making sure no other hunters were present, then wondered why the hell they had been here in the first place.


Illya looked down from the trees at the deceased hunters. She recognized them both... they were not hunters.

They were scientists.

Obviously, they had managed to track her back from the lab. This was not good. She jumped down to talk to the others, but then felt her throat stiffen. She was too nervous. What if they killed her to get the hunters off their back? She was afraid, and waited for someone... anyone... to react.
Kreg saw that Ginger was obviously lying. She was favoring her side. He would check her out later, but for now, he was going to deal with the hunters. He hadn't pulled the trigger yet, but he was still deciding what to do. Suddenly, he felt a small pain in his side. He looked down in enough time to see a familiar object...A tranquilizer dart. He staggered for a moment, the shotgun becoming quite heavy. Whatever happened, he couldn't let the hunters have an actual weapon, so with his remaining strength, he broke the shotgun against a tree. He then fell to the ground, his vision fading from the sedatives. He looked at Ginger with a pleading look.

"Go...Now...Take them...To safety..." Kreg said before he completely blacked out.
Ginger looked around and then looked at kreg. She looked at him worried, how could she leave him? She hissed very loudly and hen jumped into a roll to avoid being hit by darts. That about killed her side. Nervemind he pain she had to get everyone away. She ran and grabbed Evans arm. He nodded and took he new girl by the hand and started running. Ginger looked at Kreg. "Ticking me off...just ticking off." she said and then looked at he others. "Come on let's move it!" she yelled out and then watched Evan lead the new girl out. Ginger looked at Aster. "We have to hurry." she said grabbed a man's arm and thenflippjg his over and grabbing his gun. She knocked Him out and then ran out of there. She had to find a place to hid and then go back for kreg. However she was stopped dead in her tracks when she to was hit with a dart. "Oh crap." she fell to her knees. She looked at the gun and then threw it away.

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