Fighting Academy by Fire of Hearts (Closed)

*Running a full speed I catch you, reaching out for your wrist and spin you around* Where you seriously gonna just take off on me? Are you that big of a coward and that selfish? You can't take all the blame for what happened tonight it was my fault too. So stop running from me just stop I can't do this without you Sheena.
Sheena snatches her wrist back and backs up, but she's backed into a wall without realizing it. Looking around herself, she tries to duck beneath his arm.

"I'm not selfish, I'm not a coward, I'm...I'm doing what's right. So just...let me do it." She swallows, her eyes darting away, and her voice shakes when she speaks again. "You see what being here's done to me. I almost killed you. I won't do it again, I can't do that to anyone again."
*Grabs her by the waist and pulls here against my chest and kisses her.* Sheena you and I are forever, nothing will ever come between us. What happened was an accident and in the heat of battle accidents happened...And you know why I know this was just an accident, cause if I was anyone else they'd be dead. Don't leave I need you Sheena I'm not strong enough without you.
"I could have killed you." She turns her face away, but makes no real effort beyond a not-too-strong shove at his chest to back him off, still working desperately to stay in control. "Alex, I'll do it again. I can't stay here, I can't be around you, I always said you can't be around me when I'm Lycan but I could be Lycan ANY TIME, any time I get mad or scared enough and then...I can''s hard to control myself, and Izzy was supposed to have taught me everything I need to know and if I STILL can't then I never will, and...I saw it was you...and I...I st-still did it."
Name: Byao(Bee-yah-oh)

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Species: Elemental/Key Holder (I just want her to have control of the elements xD )

Powers: Able to manipulate purple, aura-like substances. Resemble fire, but damage mentally and physically.

Weapons: Small, hand crafted daggers and a large spear.

Vehicle: N/A


View attachment 2343 Azure

Family: Deceased/Unknown

Husband/wife: N/A

Girlfriend/boyfriend: N/A

Crush: N/A

Looks: View attachment 2344
Flower was fighting with deathwish, hand to hand combat. Flower ducks and grabs his hand and threws him to the side. She jumps and then punched down at his head. Deathwish ducks and kicks her out of the air. Flower straightened herself out and then both her feet hit the wall and she jumpped off. She landed in front of Deathwish and then attacked him with viper strikes. Deathwish blocked them all and grabbed ahold of her wrist. He swung her around and flower grabbed his arm and twisted it till he let go. She became unballanced and fell to the ground. Deathwish swung at her and hit the ground breaking it with all the force he had put into it. He was unconserned for Flower since she was a pretty good match. Flower had rolled out of the way before he hit her and then jumpped up. She grabbed his head and shoved it into her knee making his forehead bleed. He grabbed her hair and flipped her to the ground. Flower kicked him in the stomach and then did a roll under him hitting him with viper strikes. He fell down in pain. Flower had won the match. She got up and then rubbed her head, it really did hurt when he grabbed her by the hair.
Trinity and Ginger are....well no where really. Um...Peter...I highly doubt you would your character want to meet Hunter probably walking around in dog form. Uhhh....That's it.
Amidst the realm of wars and scrimages for pupils entertainment and education, Byao remains in the West Garden, which was surrounded by rarities that caught the eye of many a pupils. Though this was an Academy, she didn't really treat it as typical school, only using the place to enhance her intelligence and physical stamina. As a substance became noticed by her highly-tuned senses, even her heritage tracing back to hybrid-canine creatures, she commanded her companion, a jet-black fox referred to as Azure, to slither into a nearby shrub. Even though this was most likely a fellow student, she wasn't trustworthy of anyone, only putting on a professional front. She pulled a red, silken cloth over her nose and mouth to disguise her identity. If the dog/human approached her, she'd be able to escape if hostility was in the atmosphere.
(Hunter I'm guess? She's a key dog.)

Hunter was walking around. Her wolfish look also had a few German shepherd characteristics. Her brown eyes scanned the nearby area as a smell hit her nose. She sniffed, her nose twitching as she looked around for the person. Her eyes set on the place this person was hiding. She sat down and stared before she spoke. "You need not fear me." She said and then looked up as a large Eagle flew pass and gave out a shreek. Hunter in understanment of the large birds sound nodded.

Sky was the Eagle's name as she landed on the ground. The blood on her large claws and beak indicated she had made a kill for herself. She looked and then blinked. She was large enough to even kill a fox, she was large enough to carry a full grown ram. (WHich has happened before lol I've seen pictures of Eagles carring rams off the ground.) She however would never attack another person pet. Being a pet herself, both her and Hunter belonged to Queen Flower.

Another animal was in the area, Crist a large white tiger male that belonged to James. Of course James being off with Myra his girlfriend Crist had been left to walk around outside till James returned. He was laying in the grass licking his paws as he too had been hunting in the forest not so far off. He didn't get anything but from the blood on his paw it looked like he may have gotten a thorn in it.

Hunter turned human, she was a dark skined human much like her fur in her wolf form. She was a key dog so markings on her arms told. She looked to Sky and then looked back at the one hiding.
Drawing in a sharp intake of oxygen, she revealed herself to the girl, more closely clutching the cloth and securing it around her mouth and nose. "I'm.. Sorry," she murmured, unable really to respond to such a statement. Nonetheless, she nimbly leapt up a nearby tree, climbing up the bark with slightly extended claws. Ever since she could remember, she recalled stumbling up tiny shrubs to accomplish this spectacular feat of escape. Azure awaited below, wary of the tiger and eagle. His own, brilliant sense of smell had detected them from meters away. His lips were taut and forced to surpress an instinctive snarl. Byao gave him a nonchalant swipe of her index and middle finger to signify unmoving silence. Her eyes were locked on the other girl, however, somewhat of fear in her dialated eyes.
Hunter tilted her head. "I asure you mis, I will not hurt you, I am Hunter a Key dog...and this is sky, she will not harm you or your pet. She is purfectly tame as am I. If you are new here at school, you should head inside and get signed in, the lady at the desk will give you your key." She smiled and then turned back into her dog form. "I hope to see you around then." She finished and then slowly started to walk down the path with Sky swiftly landing on her back. Sky sat there staring at the girl.
Considering this as a useful tip, Byoa, with clandestine precision, glissaded into the school, murmuring to the woman at the desk that she'd like to sign in. The cloth remained over her mouth and nose as she spoke, her breath shortened to avoid too much noise. Every movement had to be planned, as if she felt eyes prying upon her appearance in the open. The traditional, assassin designed clothes she chose may be odd to some's perspectives, yet she wore them as an old, rooted memories of way back when. She hoped not to encounter too many a students, and wondered briefly what classes she'd take up. Azure was perched upon her shoulder, his yellow iris' gleaming.
Flower was walking down the hall with Hunter who was telling her of the new student. Flower looked down at Hunter and then stopped. Hunter had came through the side door. Sky was pearched on her shoulder, although Sky was rather large and heavy Flower was use to it. She stopped and looked at the new key holder. She turned to Hunter who was in dog form and then hunter nodded.
Alex: Sheena! *Grabs you and wrapping myself around you* Stop it right now god dammit! I'm not gonna lose you over this, it was a stupid accident..Look I'll think of something to fix this, I could improve my armor so you can't get through it or I could make something that lets you have better control when you're changed..I don't know but just give me a chance! I can fix this cause if you leave me I might as well be dead cause I don't want to live without you...You gave me your heart YOU JUST CAN'T DO THAT THEN RUN AWAY! We have to stay together and work this out...And you might as well give up right now cause I'll chase you where ever you run to and at night when you've think that you've shaken me and decide to go to sleep I'll crawl in to what ever hole you're in and lay next to you wrapping myself around you..So just give up cause the only way you'll get rid of me is to kill me and you've said you don't want to do that so just stay with me please. *Starts rapidly kissing her* I need you...I love you!

Sheena freezes; she has never in her life heard someone speak about her so passionately, and with such determination to stay with her through every moment, no matter what, to hold her no matter how hard she tries to force them to let go. Of course Faith, Macal, even Liza had stated similar words before, each had made it clear they had no intention of giving up on her or letting her go...but somehow this is different. Somehow this hits her harder and more deeply than anything they could have said...because she had never attacked them while in her "monstrous" Lycan form. To her this is beyond anything she could have done as a human...and Alex still wants her. She had shown Alex the worst she could be, the most inhuman, and he was still here...He still wanted her.

He still saw her as Sheena.

She shoves at his chest one more time but it's much less forceful now, and when she starts to cry again she lets her head come to rest on his shoulder. "You shouldn't..." but she doesn't try to convince him anymore.

Alex: Don't tell me who to love you big dummy..Macal is always saying how Faith is his world...Well you're my world and I need you, cause without you I'm empty...cause I'll have no heart, see you big dummy you're my heart too. And a person can't live without a heart. So if you want to leave this place that's fine but we leave together. Cause I could live a thousand lifetimes and I'll never find another heart.

She keeps her face against his shoulder, finally closing her arms around him, lightly at first, then very tight. "I'm sorry. I never wanted...I don't want to hurt you. I thought...I never did that before, I never hurt anyone I wasn't supposed to."

alex: I think you were just in a rage because of Grace and what she did to me, you just didn't want her to hurt me again and it blinded you for a second..I'm so sorry I put you in that position, next time we'll take her together and put an end to this..Your dad was were right we've should have killed her. I failed you both but I promise I won't fail you again. Truth be told you saved my life again. And I'm forever grateful.

"You're gonna have a scar." She sniffs, taking in a slow breath, then nuzzles her nose slightly against your neck. "I'm gonna hate that scar." She can't quite accept that what she did is understandable, and she certainly doesn't accept that she saved your life, but she's willing to not argue.

Alex: It's no big deal, I could get it removed if I like but I'll keep it as a reminder of the woman I love and not to get between her and the dumbass that pissed her off. *smiles at you* Really Sheena I'm fine, I don't hate you or anything like that...I could never do that...In fact I want to be closer to you..Hell I want to hold you in my arms like this till we can't stand anymore. I need to feel your body against mine so I know that everything is ok..As crazy as the world is I still have you and your warmth and sweet smell to make me feel like all is right in the world.

Sheena sniffs again, not moving away from him, but her lips twitch into a very faint smile as she mumbles her reply. "I don't smell sweet. I smell like blood...weirdo."

Alex: I'm not weird I'm a genius and you know what I meant. *Lifts her chin up and gently kisses her lips, after brief few seconds I pull back* Do you love me Sheena? Stay with me tonight..I just want to fall asleep and feel you next to me.

She kisses you back, then nods slightly, whispering, "Okay," taking another breath and finishing composing herself before kissing you again. "Where are we gonna stay...not out here. She might come back and you' aren't ready."

Alex: We can go to my room and bar ourselves in if you like.

She nods, then says reluctantly, "I have to leave a note for Liza or Faith. Liza will get all worried if she wakes up."

Sheena smiles and leans against you a little for a while, but then pulls away, gesturing in the direction of her own living quarters. "Note, remember?"

After she's left the scrawled note for Liza, slipped under the door, she sneaks back out and heads back with Alex to his room. Still in her bloodied clothes, she slips out of them and borrows one of his shirts, leaving the clothes in a pile in the corner as she slips into bed with him and burrows close, her hand covering his heart unconsciously.
Flower after train was looking around for someone. She wasn't sure who, maybe it was Macal...maybe it was Garos. She turned around when a hand lightly touched her shoulder. It was Deathwish, he had seen her consern for something and wanted to know what was bothering her. Yet she did not give an answer. Really Peter had threatened her by leaving the picture of her father on her desk. SHe knew exackly what he ment by doing that. She sighed deeply trying to walk away but Deathwish was conserned and didn't let her move, his grip tightened,
With a furtive glance at the two humans nearby, Byoa remained silent as she was accepted into the Academy, her stealthy eyes fixating themselves on the students. A muffled growl emanated from Azure as he too studied the humans with deep interest and barrier formed across his mind. The teenager securely fastened the cloth around her mouth and nose to ensure secrecy, before stroking Azure's ears and calming the vixen down. The sight of such care and passion gave Byoa a wistful film of tears over her eyes, her parents and brother's images flashing briefly in the recesses of her memories. They were gone... No need to mourn them any longer. However, she still spotted them through an expanding cloud of tears, gradually beginning to walk by them to explore, perhaps vacate her mind from gruesome memories.

James chuckles at her. "Nah he won't hurt you...this is my big brother Seeker. I told you he was like Nick. Only he put a shirt on today." He chuckles and then looks at Seeker. Seeker shrugged. "Hey it might burn by the end of the day." He said and James rolled his eyes. He looked at Myra and then at Faye and Nick. He looked back at Seeker. "You just be on your best behavior." He said with a bit of a glare. He was more comanding considering he was the younger brother.

Nick smiles at her and then chuckles when she let's him choose. "Are you sure that's such a good idea?" he chuckles again and then looks up. "Hm." he thinks for a few seconds. "How about a chase in the woods?" he smiles and then smirks in a playful manor. He looks at james's brother as he was staring at Faye. He took a more protective stand and hugged Faye very protectively. He didn't like this guy for some reason, something was off about him. Not only that but even James seemed a bit edgy. Even if seeker took on nick's personality he was way more scared around seeker then he was nervous around nick.

*This one is from Eagle Heart to xJobxz!*

Tiffany walked into a class and saw Leon. She got a flirty smile on her face and then went to sit down. Her gaze turned to the door when dark flower walked through. Dark flower sat on leon's desk. "Hi leon." she leaned in and looked at him. "Sorry I haven't been around I guess I was shocked by that vampire girl." she looked down looking very sad. "It appears you've been very busy. I wouldn't think you'd let that girl drag you to your room and then go off acting all sweet to another." she looked at the blind girl, her black hair covered her face so he couldn't see the wide smirk on her face. She turned towards him and rubbed her foot slightly on his leg. "Shame really I didn't think you were that kind of guy. Anyways I just wanted to say goodbye before I left, it appears things will not go as I planed." she looked at him with a sad face. She removed her leg from his and then leaned further back setting her hand behind her to keep her up right. She watched as a few boys noticed her.

(Oh and Grin it would be nice if you posted.)
Flower managed to get Deathwish off her back. She headed to one of the training halls, hearing that man from eariler was there. He wanted to see her, but why? She entered and took a look around. She pushed her bangs out of her greens eyes as she took a look around.

Flower spotted him and then slowly walked over. She looked up at him, he was alittle taller then her, of course most of the guys here were. "You wanted to see me Sir?" She asked and then waited for him to respond. She stood tall like she always did.
*Finishes working through my sword kata, turns to you and smirks* Flower right? Yeah I wanted to talk to you cause your power to open a portal to your home world interest me. You seem to under value such a power, tell me why. Is it the strain on your body and mind or do you just don't understand just what potential it has?

*Sliding the massive sword I was working with into it's scabbard on my back*
The day after Sheena had mauled Alex, she is very subdued and a little more insecure than usual, definitely not in the mood for confrontations from anyone. She sticks close to Alex's side and doesn't talk often, keeping to herself.

Faith too is somewhat bothered, both by Sheena's slightly regressed behavior and by how her class had gone the day before. After her first few classes she decides to take it upon herself as a responsible adult that she's supposed to be- NOT a mother figure like Macal claims- to look for Faye and Myra herself to try to make herself more understood to them.

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