Fighting Academy by Fire of Hearts (Closed)

James looked at her and then put his arm around her. "You better not bite." He looked at Myra and then looked at Seeker who was checking her out. He blasted fire at Seeker. "Do that again and I will harm you." Seeker backed up and then looked at James. "Aw over protective." James walked up and punched him in tha face. Seeker backed up his nose bleeding.

Nick laughed as James punched his brother and then he looked at Faye and then smirked a bit as he leaned down. He looked at her. "Well that takes care of him, I don't like people like me around looking at my girl." He smiled and then grabbed her hand and then started leading her out.
Raina lets out an obvious sigh of exasperation, but looks at the girl anyway, "Hey Liza" She looks at her door then at Liza, she grins lightly, her mind on both that stuck-up Faith and annoying Sheena, if she were to hang around with Liza, and either of them noticed, they'd get so pi**ed off. Especially if they knew she was planning something. She pulled her door shut and turned to face the child properly, "What's up? You bored?"

Myra's eyes widened as James blasted fire at his brother, then slammed his fist into his face, she watched the blood run down Seeker's face and ran over to James, "Hey! Calm down!" She grabbed his arm and pulled him back gently, she glanced to Seeker, a hint of worry and slight fear still in her eyes. She noticed a few flicks of flame behind him where James had hit the plant behind his brother, she flicked her finger downwards and the sprinkler above Seeker let out some water and swerved in the air to avoid him and hit the flames on the plant instead, putting out the fire. It seemed she was always doing that, putting out other people's fires. She pulled James back from his brother, her gaze back on James.

Faye grinned aswell and smiled as Nick took her hand and lead her out, she kept close to him as they walked down the corridor, she smirked up at him, "You do know I'm going to be faster than you, right?" She spoke confidently and her eyes glinted mischievously.
Liza nods, smiling back at her as she comes to stand close. "Uh huh. I don't got class yet. But I'll kick ass. I always kick ass," she informs her matter-of-factly. "I bet I can teach you moves. You wanna see?"
James looks at Myra and then calmed. "it's not the flames would have harmed him." he said anger in his voice. He sighed and then pulled Myra close protectively from seeker who was just smirking. James growled at him like a dragon. He didn't like his brother one bit. He breathed smoke as he brother chuckled and clapped at Myra. "Thanks he's a bit over the top isn't he? But I don't blame him, I'm going to be after you for a while there." seeker said glaring at James. James grabbed myra's arm a bit roughly and then pulled her out of the room. "I'm going to kill him." --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Nick looked at her. "I think we're about even, neither one of us is full vampire...but I'm half demon which means I could be faster then you." he said looking at her. He chuckled and then stopped pinning her against the wall. "Plus, if I'm chasing you I'm always going to catch you." he chuckled.
Raina rose an eyebrow at the child, she wasn't one to doubt Liza's fighting skills. She didn't like it when people defined power by age, for various reasons. And was simply curious as to what Liza could actually do. "Sure, is it safe to show me here? Or should we go to the training hall?" She asks simply, using the same tone and level of language that she would to any other person, she also didn't dumb down her words or tone for kids either, she always hated it when people used to do it to her.

Myra smiled lightly as he calmed then turned her gaze to Seeker when he spoke, when he mentioned him 'being after her for a while' her heart pace picked up, fear settling inside her. She had an image of him in her mind now, and she instinctivly cling a bit closer to James, her eyes glued to Seeker like a rabbit stuck in headlights. She didn't even feel or realize that James had moved her from the room until he spoke, she glanced up at him and didn't respond, seeming to have lost her tongue again. She then slightly recovered, scolding herself, why was she being so silly about it? He was gone and Seeker couldn't possibly have the same intentions. You don't know him Myra, he could. She pushed away her thoughts and spoke finally, "I'm guessing you two hate each other?" She spoke lightly, wondering what possibly could have caused two brothers to have such anger towards each other, sure she and Faye fought sometimes, but not that badly.

Faye was about to speak when he pinned her to the wall, she grinned at him, leaning closer so she was inches away from kissing him, her amber eyes turned a glimmering black colour..and not because of anger this time. She moved her lips to his ear and whispered seductively, her chest against his, "I wouldn't be so sure, Romeo, key-holders are pretty fast too" She then slipped from his grasp and sped outside with a shout of, "Catch me if you can!" She kicked her heels off so she could run faster and her long hair whipped out behind her as she began to speed through the forest, her vampire speed and key-holder speed combining to make one freakin' fast girl. She still had no idea if Nick was faster or not of course.
James sighed. "Yes, there are a number of times he has seduced my girlfriends....not that I've had many. Then he purposly got me hooked up to Tiffany...and he knew she was insane." He sighed. "On a number of occations he has costed me many beatings on behave of defending him because he was flirting with someones girl. At least Nick left girls taken alone, not Seeker." He sighed remembering how often Seeker has given him such a reason to kill him. "When we were kids he was such a trouble maker....nothing has changed I see."

Seeker laughed hitting James on the back. "Oh give it need to let go bro." He laughed and Jmaes turned around.

James glared at Seeker with a so much anger. "Oh yeah....don't make me punch you again." He said shaking a fist. "I will to, and you leave Myra alone you hear? She's got enough to worry about...without another jerk like you constently harrasing her." He grabbed Seeker by his shirt. "And I mean it." Seeker held up his hands and James let go of him.

Nick smirked as she leaned towards him. He chuckled when she whispered in his ear and then when she sped off Nick chuckled. He ran off fast catching up to her quickly. "You know you shouldn't tease me." He laughed winking at her and then ran faster. He smiled loving to run.
"I'll do it here!" Liza announced. Never mind that she could get in trouble or whether there was rules about that; if there were, Liza didn't know and didn't particularly care.

Instead, she stepped away from Raina a few steps. It didn't seem as if she were doing anything at all one moment, and then in the next the entire hallway was filled with a strong gusts of wind blowing Raina's hair every which way but not affecting Liza's, large crackles of lightning that bounced all around off the walls, and both combined were enough to kill, had Liza not been carefully controlling them. After a few minutes she stopped them, beaming. "I can do the kung fu too. And swords. And lots of other cool stuff. And plus also I can heal."
Myra watched silently as James threatened his brother, understanding now. Seduced his girlfriends? She wasn't going to be one of them. Not only was she actually a bit scared of Seeker, she also didn't find him that attractive, maybe it was because his personality ruined her perception of him. When James let go of Seeker, she grabbed his hand and gave it a reassuring squeeze. "Come on, we've got Chemistry next." (Haha, had the image of Seeker blowing something up to annoy James in Chemistry xD ) She didn't look at Seeker at all during this, keeping her eyes on James. She hoped Faye would be back in time for Chemistry, she had a tendency to bunk if she felt like it.

When Nick winked at Faye, she almost felt her knees give in, almost. She shook her head slightly, what was she? Some Twilight fan or something? Faye grinned, glancing at her bare feet before she looked back up at his speeding form. A sudden blast of fire erupted from the base of both feet and shot her up into the air, passing her right over Nick's head before she hit the ground and carried on speeding ahead, turning her head quickly to stick her pink tongue out at him. Another blast of fire came from the back of both heels, causing her to speed up like a rocket as she looked back ahead, dodging trees like an expert. He was damn fast, she had to give him that.

Raina watched as the child stepped back, curiousity filling her. She then began to grin and her grin grew more and more as Liza's power got stronger and stronger. She barely noticed her hair whipping around her crazily, and when Liza stopped, she felt the grin fall a little bit. She beamed at Liza, "That was wicked Liza!" She looked around then, then back at the child with a genuine smile, "Hey follow me!" She began down the hallway, checking Liza was following as she began to lead her to one of the more 'secure' training rooms, particularly one that had a few training dummies inside it.
Even more excited by Raina's praise, and especially her use of one of Liza's favorite phrases, wicked, Liza follows her willingly, her smile widening. "It was, wasn't it? It's fun too. Can you do that? What are we doing in here?"
James nodded and then smiled at her. Seeker chuckled. "Hopefully not the only Chemistry I get." James glared at him. "I mean it seeker." He said and then looked at Myra. "I will kick him out at the end of the day I tell you." He smiled and then looked at Seeker glaring.

Nick blinks and looks at her. He smirks and then runs faster. He creates shadow wings and then flys up above her. He laughed and called down to her. "Two can play at that game!" He said flying faster and faster.
Raina grins at Liza, "I was wondering if you could try something for me?" She shuts the door so that none of Liza's power flies out of the room and hits someone. She points at the dummy in the corner, "Are you any good at target practice? Try and knock just one of his arms off." Raina wanted to see how good Liza was at this, and she actually enjoyed training and fighting.

Faye grins at him, he was good. She focuses on infront of her and images fly through her mind, her childhood. More and more anger builds up inside of her, huge bursts of fire leap from her feet, making her go faster and faster and faster. Not releasing she was literally leaving a blazing trail. She sped ahead of Nick a bit, still on the ground, she shouted up to him, a huge grin on her face, she loved this. "Do we have a finish line?"

Myra didn't look at Seeker at all again, but instead grinned at James. "Siblings usually tend to be a pain in the butt" She frowned, "Speaking of which, where is Faye? If she bunks lesson again I'm going to kill her." Now that her mind was thinking of Faye, she could have sworn she smelt smoke. She frowned and her eyes widened, nope, that was defiently the smell of real smoke. "James! Do you smell smoke?" She groaned, "Why does she burn things down on a daily basis?" She sped to the front door, which wasn't too far from them, and swung it open, seeing smoke rising very slowly from the forest, thankfully it wasn't too thick yet. She turned to look at the two boys, but kept her gaze on James, "Please remind me why I haven't seriously harmed her yet?" She turned her head back to look at the pillar of smoke, then back to James.
"With weapons or with my wind and stuff? Or with kung fu? 'Cause I can do all!" Liza tells her, still vastly enjoying Raina's attention. "They're all fun too. Which one should I do?"
Raina grins at her, "With your 'wind and stuff' But try to only get the arm, nothing else." She wondered how accurate Liza could be. The possibilty of Faith or Sheena finding her with Liza didn't even cross her mind right now, she was too deep in the world of training. She was actually enjoying Liza's company, something she never thought she would say...and something she would never admit to anyone else.
Nick chuckles. "How about the edge of the forest, because it's coming up!" He said flying faster again. He was keeping up with her at least. He started to slow down as soon as she crossed the line. He landed and then chuckled at her. "Oh you won." He said smiling at her.

James looked at her and then chuckled. "Because she's not nearly as bad my brother..." He said and then chuckled. "This guy burns everything in sight sometimes." He said letting his wings grow. He grabbed Myra and flew off to see what Faye was doing.
"Okay," Liza nods, then motions at her. "Stand back okay?"

Her eyes open wide, she looks directly at the arm that Raina had pointed out, and the wind and lighting from her efforts before starts up again, wild at first, but then slowly narrowing to a small concentrated vein of power that together, zooms in on the dummy's arm. The wind sways it to the point of its seams straining, and then a bolt of lightning drops it off, sizzling. Liza beams, looking up at her.

"I'm fine," Rosa whispered as she took her seat. The display being made by the girl seemed a bit seductive, at least that was how Swift was describing it. Whoever it was seemed to know quite a bit about Leo, Rosa couldn't just block out their conversation. The buzz of conversation in the classroom did not mask any sound and even if she tried to concentrate on another person's voice she could still hear them.

Swift wove between around her crossed legs, trying to distract her, it didn't work. Rosa pulled out her small computer to take notes with, the keys were in braille and thankfully the screen could read her the notes later.
(since Bella is shorter I will use that) Bella leaned towards him putting a finger under his chin. "Well I was going to see flower but she's been avoiding me." she frowned. "Also I had hoped to with you a bit more but you've been busy. It seemed." she smirked and then looked at him. She continued rubbing her leg on his.
(Grrr! So annoying, I wrote out a long response to everyone and then my laptop shut down and it didn't save what I wrote, so I had to do it all again! D: Ooo, Hey Faith, could Sheena or Faith walk in on Raina and Liza sparring or something?)

Faye stopped and spun around so she was facing him, she grinned at him, her eyes still a sparkling black as he reached her. She placed her palms on his chest because of how close he had stopped to her, "I hope you didn't let me win." She rose an eyebrow but even as she spoke she couldn't keep the grin off of her face. Her eyes then widened as she looked behind him, "Uh oh." She nodded at the direction of the thick, dark smoke that rose from the forest behind them. "I think I may have burnt down some plants..." The loud sound of a tree ripping it's roots and crashing down to the floor caused her to wince lightly, "...And some trees down."

Myra clung to James as they flew through the air, her eyes widening as she looked down at the burnt forest, the grass almost black and the trees burnt to the point of no return. Once they landed she ran over to Faye and tugged on her arm, causing her to spin around and face her. "Faye! What the heck happened?" Faye simply blinked and bit her lip lightly, "I didn't mean to!" Myra sighed angrily, "You NEVER mean to Faye! I've heard that excuse since you were able to talk!" She glared at her sister, "I heard it when you burnt down our bedroom, when you burnt down our treehouse, when you burnt down the tent, when you burnt down our first house AND when you burnt down our school! And so many times inbetween those!" Faye looked down, but you could see her fists clenched and she had a hint of anger in her tone, "I'm sorry...I just get carried away sometimes.." Myra frowned, thinking about James and his brother. If her and Faye carried on screaming and fighting to resolve their issues, would they end up like them aswell? She sighed and unexpectedly pulled her younger sister into a tight hug, resting her head on her shoulder as Faye looked on with shocked wide eyes, "I know Faye, but you need to learn to control it. That's why you should go see that teacher Faith, even if you don't want to. You need to get this sorted before you end up burning down a train with people on it or something." Faye nodded before both sisters pulled away, Faye looked at the almost non-existent forest, "Uh, so what do we do about that?" She turned her gaze to Nick while Myra looked at James, "Any ideas?"

Raina grinned and ran over to the dummy's arm, kicking it before speeding back to Liza at an inhuman pace, "That was awesome Liza!" She beamed at the girl, then her eyes caught onto two staff like weapons, her grin increased as she looked back to Liza, "Hey, do you wanna spar with me?" She walked over and picked up both staffs, offering one to Liza, "I think we could both teach each other something." She reckoned Liza was a good fighter too.

Chameleon's eyes widened a bit when she lifted his gaze to hers by lifting his chin up with her finger. He found himself lost in her gaze, thinking of how nice she was...until an image of Rosa appeared in his mind. He seemed to mentally shake himself and you could see it in his eyes as he glanced to Rosa then back at Bella, leaning away from her a bit. "Uh yeah, I've been spending time with Rosa." He smiled at Rosa, not caring if she couldn't see it or not, he looked back to Bella, "Uh Bella, this is Rosa. Rosa this is Bella." He introduced them to each-other before looking at the computer Rosa had pulled out, "Wow, that's cool." He ran his fingers over the keys lightly, not hard enough to make them appear on the screen. He accidently brushed his hand over Rosa's as he pulled away from the computer, surprising himself when a jolt of electricity ran up his hand, must have been the computer, surely.
James looked at the two and then sighed a bit he and nick stood there and then thy both chuckle a bit. Nick seeme to be iching to kiss Faye and he turned to James who seemed to be just fine. Both of them shrugged and then looked at each other. James looked at Faye. "You know Forests can take alot I'm sure it will be fine...but there is ground water." he said looking at Myra.
Rosa shifted her head so she was somewhat facing the other girl and smiled. She would do her best to be courteous, it wasn't like she was dating Leo and if she was she didn't own him. It was never her place her to say who he hung out with or sat on his desk for that matter. She forced herself to than look away and refocus on getting ready for class. It wasn't her business....It wasn't her business.... At first Rosa didn't notice that Leo had moved on to inspecting her computer but when their hands brushed she knew it was his. There was just something in his touch that immediately screamed that was Leo. "Ohh, Uh yeah the school lent it to me," she stuttered.

Swift flicked her tail angrily under the desk and was glaring at both Leo and this Bella girl, her master obviously cared for this guy. She didn't like him to begin with and now there was some other female sitting on his desk.
(I would rather not have them fight yet again lol, I wanted Faith to talk to Faye...Sheena maybe though)

Liza continues to beam, dimples flickering in and out of view in her cheeks, as she took one of the staffs Raina offered her, holding it easily though it is as long as she is tall. "I won't hurt you okay? I'll just knock you around a little probably." She gets into stance, her eyes sparkling even as her face is serious.

Meanwhile Faith is walking through an empty hallway, debating whether or not she wants to find Faye or simply let things go; she is still fairly sure as of now the girl is a lost cause. Sheena, having a class separate from Alex, is anxious to have to leave him for the day, still feeling raw and upset over having mauled him the night before, and walks slowly towards her class, dawdling.
Bella looks at Leo and then sighs as he pulled away. Her frustration over the fact she couldn't get leo's full attention she uses some on her shadow power and smacks the cat by rosa with shadow. She looked at rosa. "Interesting." she said and then leaned over looking over the computer. "Yes very interesting." she glanced at Leo and then got up behind rosa. "Seems very useful for you rosa, glad they had it on hand." she said pretending to check the computer out but as she bent over, her dress showed off her leg. She was trying to get back Leo's attention.
Rosa heard the a yelp as something smacked Swift then a shiver passed through her body. It seemed to be attached to this other girl who was now standing behind her. Rose shoved her chair back hitting her squarely in the stomach, "You got a problem with me or my pet you can take it up with me," she snarled fire blazing in her icy eyes. She could feel sparks flying out of one hand and her other hand was cold as ice and in a solid fist.
Bella fell down she held her stomach and then looked up at rosia. "What on earth did I do?" she said and then looked a leon. She rubbed her stomach and then looked down as she got up. "She's mean!" she said glaring at Leon. She put her hands on her hips.

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