Fighting Academy by Fire of Hearts (Closed)

Flower smiled and nodded. "Yes Sir, I'm Flower." She continued to listen to him. "Well, it's the strain of opening the portal, it takes alot out of me. Although i guess alittle of both." She said looking over his sword. Her eyes scanned it up and down analyzing it. She looked back at him with a small smile.
I can teach you how to use that power so that it's as natural as breathing to you, not to mention I can teach you to open more portals then just to your own world, but this training is not for the faint of heart in fact the strain could be harmful to you...That is the down side the up side is there are thousands of worlds and dimensions..maybe more I myself have never been able to visit them all. The tactical applications of your powers in combat I think is worth the risk so I'll let you think about this.
Flower looked at him crossing her arms with a smirk on her face. "Sir...I am here to train and to learn to better my powers, I would be honored if you would teach me. I need no time to think about it. Trust me I will not disapoint you." She said and then smiled. Flower was sure about this. She needed to learn to use all of her powers.
Ok if you're sure we'll begin right now, first thing you need to do is take a seat on the floor, close your eyes and open your portal for as long as possible. Ignore the pain and all the stress you feel and leave the portal open. And later tonight when you go to bed I want you to open a portal and leave it open while you sleep, I promise you'll feel like you've been hit in the head with a bat but in time it will feel natural.
Flower nodded and sat down. She took a deep breath and then closed her eyes. Imaging Crystal castle which was in the middle of Kingdom Kira her home, she opened a portal to it. As she remembered her room inside crystal the portal moved to that spot without even closing. She went the shift and then cringed a bit. She smiled remembering the large picture of her dad in her room with his crown on, next to her mother. The portal turned to show the picture again without closing. The shift made her cringe again.

Flower held it open for about 19 minutes before the portal started becoming unstable. She gasped and opened her eyes, the portal closed and Flower groaned now laying on the floor in pain.
You did well 19 minutes seems to be your limit. We'll get you to go longer. So have you ever been about to make a portal to any other place? Say from this training room to the hall way? Wait sorry I should slow down I may be moving to fast. Lets me start with a few facts. Your power is not limited to your home world, think of it as your starter world. But in reality you should be able to reach any world you choose unless it's protected, I'll explain that more later. Portal makers like yourself and I can travel at will as long as we have the knowledge of the world we're going to and believe it or not that information is hard wired into your mind, you only need to be able to access it.
Flower slowly got up. She looked at him. "I see..." She looked at the ground holding her head. "Whew..." She shook her head and then looked at him. "So...I pretty much have a star chart in my head?" She giggled and then looked at him. " shall I try going to a different place then?" She said and then slightly smiled.
That's exactly what it is people with powers like yours pretty much have the keys to the universe in their head, you can virtually go anywhere, it's all a matter of knowledge and stamina and when it because natural to you well. *Pulls my sword off my back and slashes at the air ripping a portal in front and in back sticking the tip through the front one, the blade appears out the second one* This is how you can use it in combat. But this is just the beginning.
Flower blinked and then smiled and then looked at it. She nodded and then thought about it. "I see, very useful." She said and then crossed her arms. She looked at him happily listening to him. She was quite amazed.
Liza, meanwhile, though irritated with Sheena for skipping out on her the night before, is thoroughly enjoying herself, as usual. Already this morning she has befriended all the maids and kitchen staff, as well as everyone who works outside, and now she skips down the hallway and says to the area at large, "Does anyone wanna play? Or fight. Either way."
*My eyes flash and the portals close* I'm no longer at my full power since I'm no longer a God of War so I may not be able to help you reach your most powerful self but I will teach you as much as I can with what little time I have left. *Just then my pocket starts beeping, handing you my sword to hold, although it seems like it weighs nothing to me when I hand it to you the full 1 ton of it hits you. I reach in and pull out a badge and press it.* Excuse me for a moment Flower...Director Cord. *You over hear a conversation about a woman named Viper and her organization but that's about it. Before I step back to you* Look Flower I'm gonna be straight with you. I'm looking for people to join a peace keeping organization. Right now I'd take you just with your current skills but I think if you can master your portal power you would be a great agent.
Flower looks at him and then almost drops his sword. Her eyes glow white and then she holds it up. She tapped into her key holder form power. She looked at him. "Um I'm flattered really, but do you know exackly who I am?" She asked and then looked down. She looked up at him.
Why don't you tell me. *taking the sword and placing it back into it the scabbard* I not trying to flatter you I'm trying to find the most powerful beings that want to protect those that can't protect themselves..Don't worry if you're not that person I will still teach you, that you have my word. Just think about what do you want to do with the powers you've been blessed with.
Flower looked at him. "I'm the Queen of Key holders..I may not be able to come to aid in times where Kingdom Kira needs me." She said looking down. "I do wish to do that...and it sounds's just that..." She sighed and looked at him. She rubbed her arm. "With such a rank, I am always at a danger of being killed, I may cause more trouble then help. On the other hand I may be of more help because of my rank. Still though I just want to be sure you're willing to handle such trouble."
You and I have more in common then you think. So allow me to introduce myself to you properly, I'm Macal Cord, king of the Gods of War and Valor and Ruler of the kingdom of Oberian. I'm fully aware of what it's like to protect more than one world and if it's something you want it is possible, granted I have a queen and I have trusted allies and advisors to help me but in the end it's my decision to protect both worlds I call home. But as a ruler this is not something you can just decide, I would not want someone to push me into a rushed decision either. So as a king to a queen I only ask that you think about this and talk to whoever you wish to talk to. Allying with me means you gain my army and my allies also.
Flower blinked and then wondered if she should bow like she was taught to....well if she didn't have to bow then, then why now? "I see." She smiled at him and nodded. "I will think about it, thank you." She said and then bowed slightly. "I have to take care of somethings before I consider see the only one I trust is a Guard because my advisers have tried to get rid of me by marring me off..." She growled. "And they are sooooo going to pay for going behind my back."
I'm glad you resisted that, don't let them use your heart for political gains, it took me 12,220 years to find Faith and she was worth the wait. So do you plan to make an example of them or just be rid of them? *Interested in finding out just what kind of ruler you are by the way you answer that.* Cause in my case when I had to deal with the betrayal of my own brother I choose to exile him in a crystal prism outside time and space.
Flower looked at him and sighed. "Well they have often found me and my relationship with Garos discusting. I mean he's human but I don't care." she shrugged. "They even tried to get him killed, since they are so against humans. I will turn them into humans." She said and then sighed. "They will be exiled out of the castle." She looked down a bit. "I will have to find new advisers, but I got one in mind." She said thinking of Roger one of the Guards and a trusted friend of her father when he was alive.
I like the sound of that, I've done something similar in the past to some friends but it was more of a lesson on how to treat humans. (in an old rp we have transformers and he turned both autobots and decepticons human for a week cause they were being mean to Liza :P ) Having Garos killed, I barely know the man but I bet that was an unpleasant experience for the assassins.
Flower chuckled. "No kidding." She smiled and looked down blushing a bit as she thought of Garos. She looked at him and then made sure she wasn't blushing anymore. Although just thinking about him got Flower's heart beating a bit faster. She rubbed her head. "Well I sure was ticked none the less. When I got there I must have been a horror show" She laughed.
Just be careful, most betrayers will even continue beyond the grave..I will have to meet this Garos and test his skills. I think with your portal power in combination you two could become a deadly duo almost as good as Faith and myself. *smirks*
Flower rubbed her neck and then nodded. "I see." She said and looked at him with a small smile. "Almost?" She chuckled jokingly. "Well sir I'll be sure to tell him that when I see him next." She said and then looked at him. "Thank you Sir." She said making sure he knew she was greatful.
Remember you need to flex those muscles try your best to sleep with your portal open. That should be enough for today if you have any questions feel free to seek me out, I will try to make myself available but I do have duties outside the Academy to tend to. This path is difficult but I would not start you on it if I didn't think you could handle it. I sense a well of untapped power in you.
Flower smiled and then nodded to him. "I will." She said and then looked at the ground. She looked at him and then smiled. She was indeeded powerful, mostly because her hardships had always challanged her to her limit. Always braking it, making it by. She was quite happy that he saw something in her, and was willing to train her. She looked at the door thinking she heard something.
(Sorry guys! Had a MAJOR writer's block! And kinda got addicted to my DS again, but I'm back now!)

Myra nodded at James, still sticking close but stepping so she was beside him rather than almost behind. She looked at Seeker shyly and gave him a nod,
"Hi" She spoke softly, she was nervous, Seeker seemed a a bad boy. And unless it was someone she was used to, she was intimidated by most people. She glanced up at James then back to Seeker again, her eyes resting on his cheek rather than his eyes.

Chameleon grinned as Rosa entered still in her Armour, but then he heard the whispers, his head moved in the direction of the person who had whispered it to their friend and it was almost like the invisibility he seemed to have slipped away from him and they suddenly noticed him. He glared at them and didn't have to even speak a word since their eyes widened and they looked away, seeming ashamed. Good. He shrunk back into his seat as Rosa sat down beside him and he offered her a grin, his seemingly magical power to blend into the power re-appeared but he still spoke lightly to her, "You okay Rosa?" Chameleon then looked up as two girls entered, his shock at knowing both of them broke his little invisibility thing he had going on, and when Dark Flower plonked herself on his desk, his shock was clear on his face. He had completely forgot about both girls when he met Rosa. She spoke of who he assumed to be Raina, implying he had done something with her, then mentioned Rosa beside him, he glanced to Rosa worriedly, would she get the wrong idea? He looked back to 'Bella' with a small frown, "Oh, that was Raina, we share a room but it's not like that. I'm not interested in her and she feels the same." He then noticed her leg against his and she spoke of leaving, he looked at her with conflicted eyes. Half of him was inhumanly attracted to her, as if it was fake, but the other half could only think of Rosa. He frowned, "As you planned? What do you mean?" His bright blue eyes still held the conflict and his brow was furrowed in confusion.

Faye grinned up at Nick, her eyes twinkling as she spoke,
"A chase?" She was about to speak again when she noticed Nick look at James's brother, she also looked up to catch Seeker's eye and give him a funny look before she felt Nick's grip on her tighten, not uncomfortably, more like he was being protective. She smirked and leant against him, freely accepting the hug, "Sounds like a great idea to me." She looked up at him to try and get him to look at her before he stormed over and accused Seeker of staring at her butt or something.

Raina meanwhile, had stopped training a while ago and is just about to enter her room when she hears Liza's question, she glances over to see the girl skipping in her direction, noticing the question has been addressed to all, and not just her, she opens her door, planning to slip inside before the child can see her.

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