Fighting Academy by Fire of Hearts (Closed)

Nick walked over to sheena and then looked at Alex and then was about to say something and then walked over to Faye and Myra. "Hey, you two ok?" He asked and smiled at them both. He looked down and then up at faye smiling. He chuckled a bit to himself seeming for no reason. He looked as Deathwish was aproached by a girl. He watched for a few moments and then his eyes seemed to widen with deathwish ran out of the room with her. He tilted his head a bit wondering what was wrong....or....was that girl? Nah deathwish? Ha!
(want to skip ahead shortly after Joboz answers? Because in a different thread, Sheena just MAULED Alex by accident haha...and it takes place at school)
(Huh? Oh anyways Mr. Grin said he wouldn't be able to post for a his character went out to search for his lost sister lol. Poor Flower.)
Faye responded briefly while she attacked Myra from all sides, using her speed and agility to her advantage. "Yup, we're fine." She was shoving away all those painful memories, which was pretty hard since she had 14 years worth of them, and just focusing on the fight. Myra was defending pretty well, that was until Faye sped behind her, slid under her legs to confuse her and elbowed her gut. Myra fell onto her butt and was about to jump up when Faye crashed down ontop of her, pinning her legs to the floor with her own, one hand to the floor with her left and the other hand with her right, which was also holding the blade which was against Myra's neck. Faye suddenly blinked, as if shaken out of a fighting trance and grinned lightly at Myra, "I win." She jumped off of her and put out her hand for Myra to grab. Myra smiled at her, seemingly ignoring that distant look Faye had had, since she knew what it was about, grabbing Faye's hand, "For the hundredth time." Faye shrugged and helped Myra up, "You just need practice is all." Myra grinned lightly and rubbed her kinda - bruised arm, "Can we not spar again? I'm tired now." Faye shrugged, "Okay." She looked to Nick with a grin, ignoring the butterflies in her tummy, "Got any plans?" She was hoping that she could spend the next few hours with him, whether it was tagging along to what he was doing or planning something right now.
(no one has to skip this far ahead with their day, just know this is how their evening winds up)

As the practice finishes up, with Faith watching the sparring as they wind down without much comment, simply noting in her head how each person tends to fight and their individual strengths and weaknesses, she dismisses the class and then heads to her next class, which is the younger children of Liza's group. Sheena meanwhile is moody, feeling as if she's in between the arguments of all, and sticks with Alex after training.

FAITH AND MACAL, post training incidents:

Coming into our room after the training disaster, Faith covers her hands with her face, sighing deeply. "F*ck, Macal, that was a ******* fiasco."

Macal: You lost control, as the teacher you can't lose control of the class, you can't let them take it away from you..You can't let me take it away, I'm sorry if I spoke out of line I promise it won't happen again.[

F: What the hell am I supposed to do? Obviously I've relied too much in the past on my reputation or something...these kids dont' know or care who we are, and look at how it turned out. I don't know if it's even worth it.

M: Faith remember this isn't an ordinary school, we're not teaching math and english we're teaching combat if you need to be hands on then so be it! Trust me after my first class they'll make you their favorite teacher.

Her eyebrows raise, and she snaps back, "There are kids walking out on me, what am I supposed to do, drag them back by the hair? If they don't want to learn, then I won't teach them."

M: First weapon I ever learned from Master stick was a bo staff, do you know for 1 year everytime I picked it up he would knock me out cold, told me I needed to bow at a stupid alter before I could pick up the staff but the alter was in a different place everyday, I hated him for that, how the hell was I suppose to learn the weapon when he wouldn't let me pick it up? He was a bastard but he was the greatest teacher I ever had and I may not liked him but I respected him.

F: Well they sure as hell don't respect me. You heard them. And I don't think beating them is gonna change that, not if all the rest of them gang up and use their powers against me in a mob. And it's not like it couln't happen. Whatever. This is fu*cking ridiculous. No wonder Sheena doesn't like it here.

M: Faith you're letting them think that you're soooo lucky to teach them when it should be the other way around they are lucky to teach you in fact they need to prove that they are worthy of being taught by you..You can't be their friends and their teacher..This isn't Glee. Take back your respect before it's to late.

Pissed off at you too now, she glares, her hands forming fists. "Thanks a lot, Macal. Did you not f*cking listen to me talk to them? I kicked them out of my classroom. I told them if they can't work hard and show respect they aren't welcome or worthy of their powers. But you know what, there are other teachers in this school who have clearly been letting them get away with murder, and it doesn't exactly hurt their feelings to hear me try to get them some discipline when they can just march one door down and go to a teacher who doesn't know what the hell he's doing. Don't talk about fuc*king Glee, I don't give a shit about being their friend and I didn't try to be. If I'm not my own sister's friend then I sure as hell aren't theirs."

(not doing Scarred tonight?)

M: Hey don't get pissed at me I've only been here half a day, and I've apologized if I was the root of any of your troubles today. All I said was you can't treat them like highschool students, this place is suppose to be hard on them cause if we're not then we might as well tell them to go kill themselves cause they won't be ready for a real fight...but Faith I'm on your side, why do you think I walked out it was to keep me from choking a brat to death.[

F: You don't act like it. *mumbling, not facing you*

M: Sorry, you're right I should be more supportive, I'm not used to training kids anymore I'm used to training soliders, knights and agents, Sheena and Liza are the closest thing I've come to this in centuries and they were easy to train cause they wanted to impress me so much....Hmmm perhaps we can give them some incentive to perform no matter how they feel about you. But what kind of incentive would work on them?

F: I don't know...I barely know them. Every time Sheena has to do anything with them she ends up in a fight, just about, and honestly? So have I.

M: *I step up to you wrapping myself around you, kissing the top of your head* I'm sorry babe but it will get easier I'm sure, you're just feeling each other out, once you know them better they'll be in your face all the time asking for help and maybe wanting to hear a few of your stories. You're gonna do amazing I'm sure babe.

F: No they won't. And I can't even kill them. Even the stupid vampires. *nevertheless Faith leans back against you, sighing* How the hell do I go from a goddess of war to a friggin' teacher who gets mouthed off at by 15 year olds?

M: Look on the bright side you're the hot teacher everyone including the girls probably want to sleep with. Watching you was really a turn on only thing that would make you even hotter is some of those librarian glasses. Look don't let them get to you they're the ones that don't know anything, haven't lived long enough to shit about life or combat.

F: I left those back at the Gates. Good riddance. *smirks, looking up at you, then says more seriously* That Raina is gonna be another me or worse. And Faye's not far behind.

M: Well then they'll have a rough beginning but in the end you turned out pretty amazing...They'd be lucky if they turned out like you.

F: Macal, it was because of Angel that I didn't get killed or kill myself. I know you hate to hear that, but when I was a kid, that was the truth. And I'm obviously not about to be their Angel.

M: No you're not Angel...You're stronger but if you think you owe him then I suggest you give those girls what he gave you, a chance to be more then they are. Don't forget Angel although briefly was my friend to. And his death was a lost to me also but Angelus was a monster and had to be put down.

F: They have to want it too. I wanted Angel to help me. I didn't want anyone to know that, but I wanted it. These kids, I don't think they have a clue that they even need anything, let alone who could give it to them. *she shakes her head, then attempts to change the subject* Well Liza has everyone eating out of her hand anyway, when people aren't trying to kill her.

M: *Hugs you tightly* I can take a hint, new subject ok..Well you know Liza's superpower is to bring people together, She's so much like Diana and I think she's inherited more of my mother's powers than my fathers. She's a goddess of war by title alone.

F: *I hug you back, nuzzling my head under your chin briefly before I look back up at you, still keeping my arms around you, seeking your physical presence around me* I would have liked to know your mother.

M: Oh she would have loved you, she always wanted a beautiful daughter that could kick me in the ass when I needed it. Makes me think how lucky I am to have Diana and Tsai around, they're the closest either of us have for a mother these days.

*Faith nods, staying close to you, and says quietly* I guess it doesn't help that we don't have any of the others from the Gates anymore. I mean...I don't know, Macal. I feel like we came here to try to put people back in their lives, the kids, and all I'm figuring out is I have nowhere to go.

M: If you want to leave just say the word and we'll be back at The Gates in a few hours but isn't the adventure of all of this is us out of our comfort zone, seriously were is the challenges for us anymore we've pretty much peaked. Besides I don't like leaving things unfinished...But on the other hand I miss them to. Who knows maybe they'll visit us soon.

She snorts, shaking her head. "Like hell they will...face it, they're no longer part of our lives." She looks away, taking in a slow breath, then shakes her head again. "I'm not giving up...I just want to feel like I'm doing something that has a I'm on my game again."

M: *Kisses the top of your head again* You'll figure something out babe you always do. But if you need help figuring it out I'll be happy to talk things through with you.

F:*smiles slightly* Yeah. I guess. I better, anyway.

Much later: Sheena and Alex

1. Sheena:

After our first day of lessons, I've had enough of being around other people and trying to get along (and keep Faith from being pi*sed and Macal from being disappointed, even though he said he couldn't be). I'm also not really in the mood to sleep in my living quarters with my sisters...I want time alone with Alex. When I suggest to him we sleep out in the woods tonight and perhaps...have a little fun by ourselves...he's all for it. I think he's already fitting in better than me but he's never turned down a chance to stay with me for the night yet, even if we're just sleeping.

Taking his hand as we enter the woods on the outside edge of the academy, I smile, swinging his hand playfully like a little kid and then suddenly dropping it and taking off, making him chase me. I know I have an unfair advantage because of my Lycan senses and reflexes but sometimes it's still fun to make him run. But we've only played for a minute or two when I stop short, the hairs on the back of my neck standing up. I know that scent by now, and it stops me cold.

Grace. Grace is somewhere nearby.

If I find her first...and I have every intention of doing so...I'm going to kill her.

Alex: *Not realizing why you'd stopped, I run behind you slipping my arms around your waist* Hey why did you stop, don't tell me you're tired already, we're barely away from the academy.

S: Every muscle is tense as I shake my head, shrugging you off as me as I turn in the direction that her scent seems strongest, barely whispering my reply through gritted teeth and clinched jaw. "Grace. She's here. She's gonna die." With that I take off in the direction after her, not even bothering to be quiet.

Alex: What? Grace here? Sheena wait don't just take off if she's here then we need to stick together...Shit! *Before I can even get off my heels you're almost out of sight, not to mention I'm pretty much unarmed out here and the woods are dark it's hard for me to make out anything since the sun is going down. but I follow you in anyway*


S: It would be easier for me if I could shift, but I'm not angry enough yet, though I'm pretty well close. Even without my Lycan speed I can move much more rapidly than most, and I zigzag in and out of the trees with impatient fury, my hair whipping out behind me and occasionally catching on branches, but I press on anyway, not caring when it rips or pulls. It doesn't cross my mind yet that even though I see well in the dark, Alex doesn't, and even if Grace can't she almost definitely has some kind of equipment that does. Also doesn't cross my mind that she has the advantage of probably already having a plan plan is find her, then kill her, and that's enough for me.

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A: *Screams for you since I've completely lost sight of you* SHEENA COME BACK I CAN'T SEE SHIT OUT HERE!

S: I ignore you, barely registering that you even spoke; my senses are entirely focused on Grace right now. If you caught up with me you would probably stop me from hurting her, you wouldn't want me to be a "murderer" even though she is, you wouldn't want to see me do what I know I have to and want I have no qualms about leaving you behind.

I know that I've come across Grace before I see her....only it turns out that I am wrong. As I start forward in triumph, a nearly Lycan snarl emerging from my throat, I realize even as I lunge that the shirt I see is not enclosing a human body, but instead is suspended, dangling from a tree branch...and Grace isn't inside it.

For a few moments I don't understand...Grace's scent is so overwhelming I know she must be there, she HAS to be here, right here in front of me...but then it dawns on me .I'm smelling her, all right...her shirt. This is her shirt...but she has left it behind.

Then where IS she for real...she set this as a trap, then where?

Meanwhile Grace trails Alex, her new cybernetic lower leg stronger and better than the one Sheena had torn off...and equipped with silent tracking sensors currently guiding her towards him. A special suit designed to neutralize any natural bodily scent with its outer covering covers the length of her body and even her throat. Her face twisting into a vicious snarl, she waits for Sheena's scream of fury to come. Night vision goggles cover her eyes, and the sharp blade in her hands glints as she steps closer to him, pausing when he does to mask her movements.

As Sheena steps closer to the shirt, her feet slips from beneath her, and she barely manages to jerk herself aside before the piles of leaves and twigs on the forest ground collapse, tumbling into an open hole so deep she would have easily broken bones, had she not managed to twist herself to the side. She is staring at the hole when a shot goes off, narrowly missing her face as she throws herself to the ground on her stomach. Her eyes wide, darting, she realizes quickly that just behind the hanging shirt, now sporting a large rip, was a trigger revolver, obviously set onto some sort of timer, as a few moments later, it shot again, then again.

What the HELL..

Alex: 1. *When I hear the shot, I start running towards the direction it came from still can't see anything but I'm worried about you, no longer able to call for you so not to get shot myself, unaware that Grace is already on my trail.* Sheena you better not be dead cause I'll kill you if you are! Why is she so damn impulsive


Sheena: Still on her stomach, as the pattern of gunshots seems to be going off on a random timer and she can't yet risk standing, Sheena screams back at him, "DON'T COME THIS WAY IT'S A TRAP!!!"

Grace chooses this moment to step in front of Alex, her eyes glinting with desperation as well as self-satisfaction; her hair is hanging limply around her face, and despite her very professional clothing, she somehow looks as though she is hanging onto herself by a thread. She manages to smile at Alex then, and though he can barely make out her form, her teeth gleam nearly as brightly in the darkness as the blade of the sharp, slim-handled sword in her grasp.

"The she b*itch is otherwise occupied, looks like it's just the two of us now. You know, the way it should have been?"

1. #10

Alex: *When I hear the shot, I start running towards the direction it came from still can't see anything but I'm worried about you, no longer able to call for you so not to get shot myself, unaware that Grace is already on my trail.* Sheena you better not be dead cause I'll kill you if you are! Why is she so damn impulsive

*Instinct is to reach to my hip for my gun but it's not there, I know if this was someplace I could see clearly I could easily handle Grace, but the situation is not one that suits me so I decide to accept my fate, I'm probably gonna get wrecked unless I can somehow see something...anything* Grace how did you get here are you stalking me? I told you I want nothing to do with you and Hydra now go away before someone gets hurt.

Sheena: "Oh someone will get hurt all right, but it won't be me," she says with utter assurance, but despite her set up with Sheena, despite her bravado-bearing words, when it comes down to it, all Grace has now is a sword and her desperation as she steps closer, taking her time. "I'll give you one more chance...for old time's sake. You can come with me and everything can be like it should be, us headed for the know you wanted me once, Alex, don't try to pretend. She'll never know you...she'll never /really/ be enough for you. Come with me, Alex. Come with me, or both of you won't go anywhere but hell."

Meanwhile Sheena has rolled herself out of range of teh shooting, although the set up adjusts, the gun swivelling on its specialized stand to follow her body heat as she takes off, shifting mid stride without hardly pausing. Now in her Lycan form, she snarls, focusing in not on Grace's scent, but on Alex's as she runs. She has a feeling that wherever he is, Grace will be too.

Alex: 1. I assume you're wearing some kind of night vision, so you can clearly see me when I say kiss my ass you traitor! I'm not going anywhere with you, unless it's me escorting you to the vault..if you're lucky cause there is a shoot on sight order on you now, they don't even want to interogate you just kill you. So if you're gonna do something you better do it right now because. *Looks at my wrist the trackers that each of us has is blinking* My girlfriend is on her way and she's even more pissed then she was the last lost a foot then I bet she'll take more then that this time. Even if I'm dead you won't get away, she can track you anywhere!

I am immortal, I have inside me blood of kings,


Sheena: At this Grace glowers, her eyebrows slanting dangerously, and she seizes you, holding you against her with the sword to your throat.

"Oh I know the little B*tch fleabag is coming, what do you think I wanted? For her to sit around and lick herself as I kill you? No, she has to have the maximum amount of suffering, she has to watch you die or it's hardly even worth it. Hopefully she got a few bullets in her by this point too, and there's a few more surprises..."

As Sheena had shifted, her changing form had not been controlled enough to shift out of the way entirely of the ever changing pattern of bullets, and she was caught in the shoulder, higher up and then lower down in her upper leg. She yelped in fury more than in pain, then fled. She should be healing already, but something about these bullets must be specially designed for her constitution, because her skin is screaming and shrieking with pain as she runs, her muscles stiff and sore. She almost doesn't see the explosion about to be triggered just a few feet in front of her, and as it is she is too late,her back paw touching the string needed to trigger. As the grenade goes off, taking down several trees, Sheena leaps forward as far as is possible to avoid it, managing only to singe her tail. Another grenade explodes after a few moments, but Sheena is ahead of this one, still gunning straight for Alex's scent. He is close now, and she is terrified that a grenade will go off near him just as she reaches him.

She will f*cking kill that Grace if it's the last thing she does.


Today, 05:45 AM#14

Alex: *I hate the sound of grenades and guns going off but it tells me that they haven't gotten you yet, you're on your way judging the distance of the explosions and your foot speed transformed which I'm sure you are by now I know I need to get some distance from Grace..slowly my eyes are adjusting to the darkness, and I do have one weapon on me, my biosuit it's gonna hurt like hell but I wait till I can see you coming and using my powers I make my suit overload sending the bulk of the charge into Grace knocking her off me but it's enough voltage to send me to my knees unable to move for a bit.*

I am immortal, I have inside me blood of kings,

Sheena: Relief floods through her as Sheena sees Alex on the ground, but then fear- why is he on the ground? Is he hurt? Dying? What the hell did she do to him?

Snarling, teeth bared, Sheena throws herself at Grace's form on the ground, even as Grace is starting to stand, heedless of her sword. She's bite her hand off too if she has to

Alex: *Unable to move at the moment, so I'm forced to watch you two fight, part of me wants you to rip her apart but I'm also want her to stand trial for her crimes, maybe understand why she turned on us, slowly I start to crawl towards you making my way to my feet.* Sheena don't kill her..please don't kill her we have to take her in..Sheena don't kill her.

Sheena being Sheena, she has no intention of listening to you. As Grace gets to her feet, holding out her sword, Sheena swipes her arm from wrist to elbow, forcing her to drop it and cradle her arm to attempt to staunch the blood flow. Nevertheless with her other hand she manages to get the sword, and Sheena starts towards her again, jaws open wide to bite.

alex: *Making my way upright, I reach for you around your waist pulling you back* Sheena stop it we need to take her alive! Calm down come on what's better killing her or letting her rot in prison.


Reacting purely on her adrenalized, raging instinct, Sheena whips around, her hair standing on end, teeth bared. With a loud snarl she swipes at Alex with the claws of both front feet, cutting through his shirt and deeply gauging into his chest.

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Alex: *Fall back letting you go grabbing my chest and I try to scramble away from you, my hands covered in blood I desperately cover my chest until my bio suit closes up sealing the wounds but it's only a temp fix I need a doctor now.*


It takes Sheena a few moments to realize what just happened. As soon as she realizes that Alex is gravely injured and that she is the one who caused it, her eyes widen even still in her Lycan form, and almost immediately whips herself around to Grace, who herself seems somewhat shocked by what just happened. Grace is already bleeding very badly from the veins of her arm, and Sheena howls now, rushing at her and biting the hand holding her sword deeply, not wanting to let go. Grace screams, finally managing to rip her hand away, tendons and bones damaged, but not before she manages to stab Sheena through the shoulder, her hand shaking too badly to pierce her chest as intended. Withdrawing it and dropping it, she runs off, already calling for the medical attention she needs.

Not even aware she is bleeding, shaking badly, Sheena begins to shift back, immediately dropping beside Alex. Even before she speaks tears are streaming down her cheeks, and she is choking on sobs, almost screaming every word. "ALEX!!! Oh my god oh my god I'm so sorry, Alex, I'm so sorry, Alex Alex oh god don't die don't die ohmygod I'm so sorry I'm so sorry!!!"

Alex: *Of course I back away again it's pure instinct, but when I realized you're human again I reach out one of my hands to you right before I pass out.*

Sheena is hyperventilating by now, still screaming, all the more horrified when you back away, and when you offer your hand she grabs it and squeezes painfully, clutching it to her face.

"Oh my god oh my god, no no no no no no...don't die don't die, I'm so sorry, NO..."

She doesn't think to call for help. Instead she stands up, still entirely unaware of her own wound as she hoists Alex, not being entirely gentle as she begins to head through the woods as fast as is possible while still carrying him. She is moving pretty much by her ability to sense objects near her because she is still crying too heavily to see well. By the time she gets back to the academy grounds and through the front entrance she is breathing so heavily she is almost passing out, but she still manages to yell for anyone nearby to hear. "HELP!!! HE'S GONNA F*CKING DIE I ALMOST KILLED HIM SOMEONE HELP ME!!!"

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Alex: *Suit's seals are holding so I'm not losing anymore blood but it's also not sealing the wounds up like it should be, there must be a malfunction or damage that's keeping it from stabalizing me the way it should, still I must not be near death cause if I were it would transport me back to base to a healing tank, but since that is a new feature I added after those Decepticons captured Faith and me it may be malfunctioning to and I could be dying after all.*

I am immortal

When no one comes to help her Sheena makes her way back to her living quarters, almost falling inside the room and nearly dropping Alex to the floor. Liza and Faith are in their living quarters (Macal too if you want) and look up in alarm even before they see Alex, just from the banging of the door and Sheena's continued frantic sobbing. Liza's eyes grow huge, and she jumps up, crying out," Oh noooo he's hurt! What happened? I gotta fix him!"

Faith too quickly gets to her feet but as Liza kneels next to Alex, touching his face before beginning to attempt to heal him, it's Sheena she goes to, catching her just before her knees buckle and struggling to hold her up, yet trying to keep her apart from her enough to see her face. "Sheena, what happened?" Looking down at her hand on Sheena's, her voice rises. "Shit, Sheena, are you BLEEDING? What the hell happened?"
Nick smiled and then nodded. "Where you want go?" He smiled and then leaned over her. "You're so beautiful when you fight." He chuckled and then looked back at Deathwish who was staring at Flower. She seemed down still. He looked back at Faye and then smiled slightly. He looked as James came in being pushed by someone that looked like his brother.

"James! Just get in there! hey who's that?!" He pointed at Myra, he tried to run over but James stopped him. "NO! That's my girl back off." His brother blinked. "Whoa man...she's hot...ok that one?" He pointed at Faye. "Nick..." "That one?" "Garos..." "Who's that?" "Someone you don't want to get between him and Flower..." James walked over to myra and then smiled at her.
1. *While Liza is busy with Alex, slowly closing his wounds I walk over to Sheena and kneel down touching her wound, a warm golden glow similar to Liza's surround her slowly the wound closes and the pain fades.

Gradually Alex's eyes open and he starts to sit up*

Alex: I'm alive, how what happened to me.

Macal:I wouldn't mind knowing what happened myself.

Sheena is unable to calm herself down or stop crying, and Faith closes her arms around her, holding her up and trying to soothe her for a short while before realizing it's going to be impossible. She looks up at Liza, meeting her eyes, and Liza immediately gets what she's wanting and goes to her, her eyes still wide with concern and empathy, and starts stroking Sheena's arm, talking to her.

"Shhhh Sheena Legs, it's okay. It's okay. I'll make you feel better, okay? Do you feel better? Sheena Legs?"

She pours her calming empathetic powers into her, and slowly Sheena stops shaking, her uncontrolled crying beginning to taper off. Faith keeps her arms around her as Sheena bows her head into her shoulder, still not trying to talk, and rubs her back as Liza pats her arm, looking up at her anxiously.

"Sheena Legs? Sheena Legs?"

Faith gives Liza a quick smile and reaches down with one hand to pat her head and squeeze her hand.

"She'll be okay, baby, thank you. Come sit down with us, okay?"

She guided Sheena down to the nearest couch and sat beside her, slipping her arm around her, and Liza climbed up to sit half straddling both their laps at once as Faith turned to look first at Alex, then Sheena.

"Okay...can you say what happened yet?"

*I lean over Alex and hold out a hand to help him up* Get up son laying there like that is unbecoming of an Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D..Now Get up and let my daughter know you're ok. *Alex takes my hand and stands, Liza's healing skills are superior then any healing tanks so besides being a bit stiff he's pretty much good as new*

Alex: Sheena I'm ok look I'm fine now so don't worry about me anymore.

Sheena shakes her head; despite Liza's influence she's still pale and wide-eyed, and she shakes her head again, harder. "Don't touch shouldn't ever touch me again!"

Faith stares at her, then looks over at Alex quickly now, half wondering if he did something to her but not understanding what that might possibly me. "Sheena, what the hell?"

Sheena shakes her head again, ignoring Liza's arm around her neck and in fact trying to shake it off, though Liza persists. "I did it, I, I hurt him, I can't...I can't be around him anymore, I can't be around ANYONE anymore." She takes in another long, shuddery breath.

Alex: NO SHEENA! That's not true it was just a stupid accident I should have known better than to grab you while you're fighting Grace, this was my fault, I shouldn't have gotten between you two.

Macal: Grace was here and you let her go? There's a standing kill on sight order on her.

*Alex looks away ashamed*

Alex: I know but I thought if we captured her we could find out why she betrayed us and maybe what Viper has planned for us in the future. I made a judgment call to take her alive.

Macal: Kid, you don't have the authority to counterman a kill order in the field...I get it she and you were close but she's betrayed everything we believe in and wouldn't waste a second killing either of you!

*All this talk about Grace Sheena is paying absolutely no attention to. She could care less about Grace at the moment. All she can think about is Alex, and how she could have killed him on simple she nearly had.*

"I bit her, I don't know where she is, she stabbed me, but I HURT him, I c-cut him, I could have killed him, and I didn't even know it. I just did it...I just d-did it."

She's starting to tremble again, and Liza lays against her chest, nuzzling herself into her. Faith looks between her and Alex, starting to get a picture of what happened, and takes Sheena's hand, looking her straight in the eye.

"So wait a minute. You and Alex see Grace, you try to kill her in Lycan form, Alex tries to stop you, you claw him, and Grace gets away wounded and you carry Alex back- and Grace wounded you too at some point? Is that right?"

When Sheena nods slightly, Faith frowns. "Okay, then it was an accident."

Sheena doesn't say anything but the word "monster" is dominant in her thoughts.

1. Today, 02:35 AM#32

Macal: *Looking at Alex's just seeing the bio suit* Well little one if your boyfriend hadn't taken precautions you could have, but you didn't so don't worry things happen in the heat of battle, it wasn't either of your faults...That's just the fog of war..Look at him Sheena he's perfectly fine and you both just learned a valuable lesson, Alex no matter what you may think when Sheena is shifted you give the woman space to fight. Now I need to call in some Sweepers to make sure Grace is out of the area and then set up a security team to keep her from getting back in to this Academy, I prefer the other students didn't know you're both being hunted by a crazy terrorist.

Sheena still doesn't say anything, and Faith frowns at her, reaching to pat Liza briefly; Liza is still anxious and concerned, soaking up Sheena's emotions.

"Sheena, whatever's going through your head, stop it right now. It was an accident, and he's perfectly fine. Liza healed him, didn't you, Pip? He had that suit on and Liza healed him, he's fine
(By the way I know very little about guns or weapon so if the info. in this post is faulty or Rosa should be using/learning with different weapons just tell me)

Rosa left the training session less sweaty and less tired then she had expected. She had spent the whole class sitting on a chair learning the parts of a gun, she had just held and inspected it with her fingers. She ran her hands over the cold piece of metal learning the names of each part and how to take it apart and put it back together again. This had taken her around thirty minutes to complete but once she finished with that gun, a glock 22, instead of heading out to the shooting range she was handed a M-16 and the process started all over again.

Swift had sat patiently beside her master the whole time but she was really antsy by now. The bobcat had expected another intense training session like the one with Leo where she could help her master or even be trained separately. All of these thoughts were sent to Rosa and she picked up her special cellphone the school had provided to her and pressed a button the side for the time. She heard a slight ding and the screen had shifted, running her fingers across the screen she could tell she had thirty minutes before her next class.

The headed out to an empty courtyard and began to play. Some might think it was childish to run around with your pet, letting her nip at your ankles and rush around you but who cares what other people think. In reality they did look like an over sized toddler in armor playing with her puppy, a comedic image. Of course this couldn't last forever and before they knew it was time to head to Literature Class. Rosa hoped to talk to Leo considering she hadn't gotten a chance earlier today.

Faye actually blushed when he told her she looked beautiful, especially when she was fighting, it was her domain, like her home. The only place where she felt herself, where she felt safe and confident. Strange considering you can die when fighting, how could you possibly feel safe? Well she did. She shrugged and looked up at him, her feet willing her to get closer to him, although she was already close enough. She followed her body's orders and wrapped her arms around the back of his neck, pulling herself up a little bit on her toes so she could whisper in his ear, "You pick."

Myra's eyes widened a little bit as someone who looked alot like James ran in with him, declared she was 'hot' and then asked about her sister. She looked to James as he smiled, her subtle shock showing in her eyes. She took an instinctive step towards James, seeking protection just in case, as she looked to the new guy, "Uh, who is he?" She looked to the guy once more, her eyes still a bit widened.

--- Merged Double Post ---

Leo sat down in his seat in Lit class. His eyes flicking to the empty seat beside him, was Rosa late? Or just not coming? He frowned and looked back to the teacher, leaning back into his chair as the chatter around him fell down slightly and he blended into the background. He was still visible. But you could only actually notice him...if you were looking for him.
James chuckles at her. "Nah he won't hurt you...this is my big brother Seeker. I told you he was like Nick. Only he put a shirt on today." He chuckles and then looks at Seeker. Seeker shrugged. "Hey it might burn by the end of the day." He said and James rolled his eyes. He looked at Myra and then at Faye and Nick. He looked back at Seeker. "You just be on your best behavior." He said with a bit of a glare. He was more comanding considering he was the younger brother. (Reply to faye later.)
Rosa rushed to her next class her ponytail thump softly against her neck. She hadn't had time to change into her uniform and was therefore still wearing her armor. She couldn't seem people's reaction so the stares didn't bother her it was the whispers of, "What is she wearing? Even the blind should know to change after training," Rosa grit her teeth and ignored it. She entered the Lit. class just before the bell rang and took her seat right next to Leo.
When Sheena doesn't respond, Faith squeezes her hand again, then sighs. "It's wayyy late, Liza shouldn't be up, I'm not even gonna ask what you two were doing out...both of you should go to bed. Alex, if you want to stay on the couch, that's fine, or you can have Sheena's bed...Liza, I think you should sleep with Sheena tonight, okay?"

Liza nods and gets up, taking Sheena's hand and pulling her up. "Come on Sheena Legs, I'll tell you a story. And you can have my friends to sleep with too, okay?"

Sheena lets her pull her up and disappear into her room; as Faith goes back with Macal to their room, glancing back for him to follow, she sighs. "Never a dull moment."
Nick smiles at her and then chuckles when she let's him choose. "Are you sure that's such a good idea?" he chuckles again and then looks up. "Hm." he thinks for a few seconds. "How about a chase in the woods?" he smiles and then smirks in a playful manor. He looks at james's brother as he was staring at Faye. He took a more protective stand and hugged Faye very protectively. He didn't like this guy for some reason, something was off about him. Not only that but even James seemed a bit edgy. Even if seeker took on nick's personality he was way more scared around seeker then he was nervous around nick.
Tiffany walked into a class and saw Leon. She got a flirty smile on her face and then went to sit down. Her gaze turned to the door when dark flower walked through. Dark flower sat on leon's desk. "Hi leon." she leaned in and looked at him. "Sorry I haven't been around I guess I was shocked by that vampire girl." she looked down looking very sad. "It appears you've been very busy. I wouldn't think you'd let that girl drag you to your room and then go off acting all sweet to another." she looked at the blind girl, her black hair covered her face so he couldn't see the wide smirk on her face. She turned towards him and rubbed her foot slightly on his leg. "Shame really I didn't think you were that kind of guy. Anyways I just wanted to say goodbye before I left, it appears things will not go as I planed." she looked at him with a sad face. She removed her leg from his and then leaned further back setting her hand behind her to keep her up right. She watched as a few boys noticed her.
(Why I let you role play my dark flower I will never know...she's more murderous then anything! Flirty yes very, will kill alot more then flirt...or seduce in this case, well she's more causing problems here...)
(lol fine shall I make her try and kill Leon? Or someone else, you told me once that you wanted to back down on bothering garos so much, ha ha falling in love with the Queen of key holders is a bad idea. Anyways I was thinking Leon, Tiffany but that would be no Fun, I guess flower is out, heather? Oh yay her for interrupting her while she was trying to get Deathwish! Or! Anyone else who wants their character to face dark flower lol.
  • Liza falls asleep easily, curling up to Sheena and resting her head against her. Sheena however remains wide awake, her eyes open. Eventually she slips out of bed, detaching Liza from her and heading out the door.
Alex:*leaning against the wall outside your room, I know it's stupid to surprise you again after what happened but I reach for your shoulder* I thought you were told to get some sleep, you know she's gonna be pissed when she sees you're gone and Liza will worry if she wakes up and she can't find you.
Ok, then I'm going with you...Where exactly are we going? Cause there is no way in hell I'm letting you go anywhere without me.
"No!" her voice is sharp now, almost panicked, and she glances quickly back at Liza's door and Faith's and Macal's before she continues to the front door, opening it and slipping outside without looking back at him. She knows very well he's going to follow so starts off fast, hoping to evade him.
*I start to move after you when I heavy hand grabs my shoulder, I've felt it enough times to know it's Macal*

Alex:I have to go after her, she needs to know I don't blame her for what happened.

Macal: No cause it's your fault, Sheena was following her orders and her instincts to kill Grace, but you tried to save her and you paid the price for showing mercy to the enemy. The next time you face Grace you plant her ass into the ground!

Alex: Yes sir, I understand I won't fail to do my duty next time but right now I need to go after Sheena.

*He takes his hands off my shoulder and places a gun in my hand*

Macal: This time be prepared in case she's still out there.

*Taking the gun I take off after Sheena*
Sheena walks with her head down; there is currently no people in the hallway but if there were, she would likely plow straight into them and keep going without barely noticing. She is holding her elbows against herself as she heads outside, weaving in and out of the halls. She knows that Alex is following but doesn't look back. She doesn't trust herself to be able to look at him again any time soon and stay in control. All she can focus on right now is the fact that she has to leave, and she has to do it right now, and he can't come with her.

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