Fighting Academy by Fire of Hearts (Closed)

(Ah sorry, didn't see your post, just ignore the Faye and Myra bit)

Myra suddenly stopped as Sheena walked up and spoke to Faye, she looked down nervously and looked over to Raina. She looked almost lost in her own little world as she shot bullet after bullet at the wall. Faye looked to Sheena, surprised, she listened to her little story and shrugged, she didn't think killing someone's mother was such a bad thing, "I sorta killed Raina's father, who is also my father, but he did rape my sister, so I kinda had a reason to." She mentally hit herself, she just said that aloud didn't she? She's never done that before, and she always read those books and thought, how the hell could you say your thoughts aloud and not know about it, but she just did it, what an idiot. She sighed and looked to Sheena, frowning a bit, "Uh, so what's your point anyway?" She looked to Myra, glad she hadn't heard what she had just thought aloud to Sheena. She seemed distracted by Raina's target practice anyway.

--- Merged Double Post ---

Chameleon shrugged, "I don't know really. I'm not sure I'd be able to. And I'd get worried that I might not be able to switch back. Inanimate things don't live" He nods at her telling him to go train, "Okay." He heads for the training room, seeing Raina shooting the f**k out of the target and wondering whether to frown or smile. Smile that she listened to him and showed up, or frown that she seems so peed off and...dangerous.
Nick and Deathwish were training already. Nick stopped and looked at faye. He blinked and then looked at SHeena. He smiled and waved at them both then continued his fight. He tried to beat his brother but deathwish was just to fast and to strong for Nick. Nick spent to much time making out with girls then training, deathwish on the other hand was here to train.
Heather was technically already presenting. She did many contortion poses. She arched her back and stood on her hands, he'd legs going over her head. She kicked her legs back and fourth, seeing the bottom of her feet. She then applied the flex to her battle. She pulled out her sai, twirling them expertly, twirling, kicking, showing grace and leathal.
Sheena blinks, uncomfortable at Faye's words, then lifts her chin, continuing determinedly. "My point is...I'm not even really Faith's sister. We aren't related at all. She calls me her sister though. She let her husband adopt me. After all I did to her. She loved her mother, and I didn't even know her mother. I didn't know anything about her, I just...did it. And she still learned to love me, after I hurt her like that. And she still wants to protect me...she loves me enough to call me her sister. And...she comes off as really harsh and stuff, but that's because she wants to make sure everything that happened to her won't happen to other girls. So...I don't think you should write her off. I mean, I know she doesn't know you. But you don't know her either. And she does know what she's talking about."
(I am really confused, who is leading the class and who does Rosa need to talk to in order to get involved?)

As the room quieted and people exited Rosa returned to the trainer who she assumed was called Faith. "I am Rosa and I can communicate with animals, and control both fire and ice," she said deciding she might as well step forward while no one was demonstrating. She had heard Chameleon's voice but ignored it considering she was training and had had sounded busy.
Faith nods, giving her a brief smile. "I watched you earlier, experimenting with your keys. It's a useful power to have. How long have you had control?"
"It's hard to say, I'm currently focusing on seeing through my animal companion's," she said flicking her hand towards the ground where Swift sat. "I can also fight with my hands and a dagger but I have never worked with a sword relying more on my powers in the past," she added blushing a bit.
"I see. Well that's something that will be changed, Rosa. There may be circumstances in the future, for any one of you, where your powers are stripped or become faulty. It's happened to me, and it could happen to you too, for tons of different reasons. So for that, it's very important you all have your bodies as toned and in shape as possible for physical fighting without powers, and that you all know how to use many different weapons too."
"Yeah I figured that would come up," Rosa said not particularly excited. To be truthfully she had always been nervous about using a sword, worried she would do more damage than actual good. A sword was an extension of her arm that was sharp on both sides and pointed on the end, in other words something you didn't really pass out to the blind. "I am assuming swordsmanship is my first lesson?" she asked
"Depends. You say you've used a dagger. What about a crossbow, scythe, battle ax, guns of any kind? Explosives?" Faith asks, then addresses the question to the others still in the room with her too. "What weapons have you trained with so far?"
Rosa had a general distaste for guns or explosives preferring weapons a bit more hands. "Aside from my dagger I have been free of weapons," she said deciding it was nothing to be ashamed of. In reality it just meant she had strong enough survival instincts to do without but it also made her bland. She needed options.
Alex: *turns towards Rosa* I understand how you feel Rosa about guns, even tho I do use them as my primary weapon but that's because I'm not as strong as the rest of you with close combat, I prefer long distance fighting. But my master Jirro would punish me whenever I used a gun in training, guns run out of ammo he said but a sword is always sharp as long as the wielder's wits are just as sharp.
Faye didn't really understand what was going on. Why was Sheena telling her all this? It changed nothing. Faye wasn't really mad at Faith that much, of course she thought a lot of things Faith had said was wrong, and she got annoyed about how Faith seemed to use her status over the others. She frowned at Sheena, "Uh, ok? I still don't understand why you're telling me all this. I haven't written her off." Of course Faye had no idea what had happened when she had left. The way she saw it, she corrected Faith's errors, had a small argument then went and did what Faith said, train. She didn't see it as a big deal. Maybe Sheena was trying to apologize for Faith? She didn't know, she shrugged, "Look, if Faith wants to talk to me about earlier, then she can." She looked to Myra who was now looking back in her direction, she gave Sheena a small grin, not a sarcastic one though, "But right now I need to work on my self-control." She blinked, working on her self control...she wasn't quite sure how to actually do that. She looked back to Sheena, "Uh, is your sister, like, really mad at me?" She was hoping Faith - yes Faith of all people - would help her with her self control.

--- Merged Double Post ---

(Hey Macal? Is it possible that Macal's master 'Jirro' is still alive? I've got a background for Chameleon and was wondering if Jirro could have been his master aswell? (He's much younger so of course Macal wouldn't know about it or have seen him there))
(Jirro is still alive, he is actually the cousin in law of Sheena)

Sheena looks away, her shoulders rounding in slightly in awkwardness before she replies. "Um. Well, she...kinda said she's not gonna teach anyone who doesn't want to learn, and like, work hard and show respect and all that kind of stuff. So...yeah, I guess she is. And um, it didn't help when Raina said she would splatter her blood all over the walls. She kinda doesn't take that kind of thing lightly." She pauses, then can't resist bursting out with, "Why is Raina even HERE, she doesnt' want to do anything but kill people and that's not exactly what this school is for."
Faye listens and her eyes widen, "She said what?" She looks to Raina as she shot madly at the wall and she frowned lightly, she began speaking her thoughts, almost forgetting Sheena was there, "Well..she came here at first because her dad made her, he wanted her to find Myra so that he could come back and 'finish what he started'" Her fists clenched and heat radiated from her as she muttered, "Stupid bast**d." The heat then died down to normal body level and she carried on, "But then she found out we're sisters..." She shrugged and her arms wrapped around her stomach as she looked at Raina. "And now...I think she's sticking around 'cause of me." She bit her lip, "I think, maybe...something bad happened to her when she was younger, and now, for some reason, she's scared of losing me. She feels like she needs to protect me and if she's not around, how can she do that?" Faye had pieced most of this together, but of course she didn't know what had actually happened to Raina or why she was so scared to lose Faye.

Chameleon had been watching Raina, and thinking about what she said earlier. She had defiently said sisterS and on purpose. Raina had another sister? Where was she now then? He looked over at her, furiously attacking the targets with that gun, and sighed. Then, as if she could feel his eyes on her, she turned, rose an eyebrow and then motioned for him to go over to her. He rolled his eyes and strolled over to her, she moved quickly and pointed the gun at his throat, she grabbed the back of his neck with her other hand and pulled herself closer to him so that she could whisper without being heard. "First of all, I want my keys back. Got it?" She hissed her words at him, he rose an eyebrow but reached into his pocket and tugged the keys out, she then carried on, "Secondly..." She got closer, whispering fiercely so defiently no-one could hear besides them, "You ever mention that little slip up earlier." She paused and glared at him, "You know what I'm talking about." She pushed the gun against his throat even more, "Then I'll kill you." Chameleon chuckled lightly and looked at her, he reached out and grabbed the gun's barrell, holding it also, "You don't scare me Rai." She glared at him and pulled the gun away from his throat, snatching her keys, "Oh I know I don't Leo. But that doesn't really matter now does it? I can still kill you whether you fear me or not." She turned back around and shot another bullet, hitting the target dead in the center, he smirked lightly, "Is that supposed to prove anything? Everyone can do that." She shoved the gun at him, "Everyone? How about you? Secret skills boy." He frowned down at the gun in his hand, he shoved it back at her but she didn't take it, "Go on Leo, prove me wrong. Do it." He glared lightly at her now, "No." She rolled her eyes, "Why not? Can't do it." He still glared at her, "I don't need to prove you wrong Rai, 'cause I know you're wrong. I'm not shooting that god-damned thing." She rolled her eyes, "You're at a FIGHTING academy Leo, you're gonna have to fight sometime." He made a 'pfft' sound and walked off, dropping the gun on the floor. Raina frowned at him before picking up the gun and carrying on shooting.

(Could Jirro have turned evil since Sheena and Macal last saw him? Or would that mess up anything with your characters?)
(have to ask Macal...Jirro is Sheena's cousin by marriage and likely would never turn evil, but then again, Jirro and Sheena's cousin Izzy, who is married to him, did sort of have nothing to do with Sheena despite her being their blood, eventually, and they are not the ones who took her in to support her lol)

Sheena shakes her head, no less endeared towards Raina for any of that. "Well I don't want to lose my sisters either but I don't just walk around threatening everyone I see over it. Everyone here has had bad stuff happen, me and Faith too. Faith more than anyone probably because she's had like centuries to have stuff happen."
Faye bristled now, the mention of age was really beginning to irritate her. Just because Faith was older, didn't mean she was any more experienced or better than ANY of them. She looked away from Sheena, gripping her sword a bit tighter, "Some people can go through an average human lifetime and have nothing bad happened to them. A lot of humans used to be able to." She kept her eyes away from Sheena, her comment had annoyed her, "Whereas other's can have their whole life ruined and go through enough s**t to break them in the simple space of a decade." (Decade's aren't that long to immortals xD ) She then looked to the ground after that statement, "Age doesn't really matter to be honest." She looked up as she heard gentle footsteps, seeing Myra standing infront of her but looking to Sheena, "Sorry Sheena, but we need to train. You guys can talk later." She gave Faye a meaningful look before Faye nodded quickly, "Yeah." She seemed to recover from whatever had beene bugging her and she looked to Sheena, her eyes blank, "If Faith wants to talk to me about anything, she can do it herself." Myra looked to Faith, "Ready?" Faye smirked at her big sister, "Do you even have to a--" She was cut off as she blocked Myra's first attack with her sword and then sliding underneath her legs and her blade hitting Myra's as Myra spun around just as quick, they grinned at each other and carried on sparring, their super quick reactions and complex moves making it look like a dance. Although you could see Faye knew more than Myra about it, which was odd considering you would think Myra - being the older sister - would be better.
"She didn't ASK me to say anything. I'm doing it ANYWAY because you are both stubborn and hardheaded," Sheena snaps back, not stepping aside very much at all, crossing her arms. "I didn't say AGE, I said shit she's gone through. The only thing about age was that she's had more time to go through shit than anyone else here. Doesn't mean she's better. Means she's had more shit."
Faye was ignoring Sheena by this point, biting her tongue as she so desperately wanted to snap at her. And as she lunged at Myra for another attack, Myra froze and turned her gaze to Sheena. So Faye stopped mid-attack, Myra looked to Faye, then Sheena. Faye didn't seem like she was about to freak out, but Myra knew that was because she was upset. Her fire only goes when she's sad. She spoke, wanting to stand up for her sister without being rude, "Faye's point is, Sheena. Is that just because she's had more time to go through bad stuff, doesn't mean she's actually had more bad stuff than other people here." Myra was speaking normally, without a mean tone and one of her hands was wrapped around her arm, just above her elbow. A sign of low confidence. Before Sheena could retort she quickly spoke, "And she's not saying she hasn't. Because we don't know that. But she is saying that we may have had as much bad stuff happen to us as Faith." She turned her gaze to Faye now, "Although it is more possible that Faith had more, but not certain." Faye looked at Myra with a slightly hardened gaze, though it was not directed at Myra, she always felt bad when topics like this came up. She always felt like she failed Myra. She could see just in simple little things how much her past had changed her sister. Even in the way Myra stood, she was holding holding herself or hiding her face, and even in her eyes you could tell, how she didn't like to directly look at people or even how she often held her gaze on the ground. Right now Myra wasn't looking Faye in the eye.

Faye looked to Sheena now, you could see she was controlling herself quite well by not snapping, self control right? "Yeah, that's what I mean, it's just hard to put it into words."
Sheena shrugs, looking between them, her face stiff; she's frustrated too by now, because to her, it seems that no one listens to what she is trying to say and instead just chooses to believe what they want.

"Whatever. I'm TRYING to be a friggin' peacemaker and that doesn't come naturally to me, so it would be nice if people actually like appreciated it. I'm sick of having to explain myself to people over and over without having to explain everyone else too." She turns away, heading over to Alex and grabbing up a sword to parry with him.

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