Fighting Academy by Fire of Hearts (Closed)

Garos watched all this, not saying anything, but simply looking around and watching. At the display of Flower's abilities, he smiled a little, but lost the smile at her expression over the picture. He'd have to talk to her later about it. Now was not the time. He WAS supposed to be co-training after all.

After Nick showed off his powers and Deathwish was about to, he moved behind the other and gave a slight nod toward Faith. "Not to interrupt or anythin', but anybody that's done showin' their abilities and wants to move to some combat training while the others go, yer' welcome to spar with me for a bit. If anybody doesn't know me, I'm Garos, by the way."

Moving away from them, he stretched and readied his claymore, wondering who might step up to spar him. He wanted to go against Nick as he'd already sparred with Flower.
Faith shakes her head at Garos to indicate that no, that's fine, as she replies. "Yeah, good idea, everyone go with Garos, I'll call you over one by one...actually, is there another training room close by? It might be better if they can show me what they can do with more space around them. That way whenever one finishes up in here he can go fetch someone else to come in after him."
Flower smiled at Garos and then stood up. "Hey Nick, come here I want to see you get your butt kicked." Nick glares. "I'm sure I won't get my butt kicked...Just as long as you don't help him!" Flower chuckled and looked at Deathwish. "Face it nick....your a lover not a fighter." She chuckled and Nick sighed and nodded as he looked at Garos. "Well Garos want to show off with me?" He chuckled.
Nick looks at Flower and then crosses his arms. He glares at her and she looks at him with a questioning look. She waits for him to speak. "So Flower why don't you spar with Garos?" He asked as he let his arms fall to his sides.

Flower blinked and looked at him. She looked at the others. "Hey Follow me I will lead us to the other training room." She said smiling and then started walking Nick following her. "Well, Garos and I already spared once." She said and then smiled. "Plus I think, it would be a bit awkward for me at least." She said rubbing her head. Nick raised a brow. "Well..." Flower started. "Think of it this way, I win a spar by pinning right? So if I was to pin Garos on the ground, it would be...weird for me." She said a bit shakily hating to admit it. Nick started laughing at her.

Nick nodded. "Yeah I guess that makes sense Flower, plus it think you two would end up making out. You'd probably kiss him first though. Like it or not Flower you can be just as bad as me." Flower blushed and looked at him. "No way!" She looked away and then scratched her arm nervously. Nick chuckled some more. "I think that got you going...You’re thinking of it right now" Flower glared at him. "No!" She scratched her arm even more. She looked away but he continued to laugh. "Oh yeah that got you excited." He said and then patted Flower's head. Flower blasted him with light. "Go away." She said and then kept her head down to hide her face. Nick started laughing like crazy. "Hey Garos-" Flower covered his mouth. "Shut.....Up." She said and then kneed him between the legs. He fell to the floor. "Ouch!'re....brutal!" He said and Flower smiled as she continued to walk hoping Garos heard none of what was said.

--- Merged Double Post ---

(Yeah. lol)
Faye burst into the room before Nick and Flower could leave the room, causing the door to almost smack Nick in the face before she stopped it, "Sorry I'm late--Nick are you alright?" She looks at him with widened eyes, then she catches on considering he is holding his crotch and grins lightly, "Who kicked you?" She then looks to Faith, who doesn't look impressed, and bites her lip lightly, "Uh, sorry I'm late. There was an incident in town." Myra - who had been sitting quietly the whole time - suddenly looked over at her sister, "Faye? What incident?" She narrowed her eyes and you could hear a subtle chuckle from Raina who was at the back of the room, looking unimpressed with the whole lesson. Faye shrugged and spoke in such a quiet voice that no-one heard her, Myra glared at her, "What Faye?" She spoke a bit louder now, her eyes on the floor, "I, uh, might have, possibly...set-the-bus-stop-on-fire?" She spoke the last part incredibly fast and Myra's eyes widen as she runs over to her, "Faye!" Faye looked at her with widened eyes, "I didn't mean to, and I put it out before it could do any REAL damage!" Myra rolls her eyes, "You never mean to. How else do you set a bus stop ON FIRE?!?" Faye glared at her lightly, "There was these girls there and they kept giggling and making fun of me, so I asked them what their problem was, then they said I was a 'freak of nature' 'cause they could smell I was a halfy, so then we got into an argument and I ended up setting the bus stop and maybe their jumpers on fire." Myra's eyes widened, "FAYE! You can't go around setting all your problems on fire!" "I DIDN'T MEAN TO! Sometimes it just happens!" "But Faye--" "Hey calm down softie, she said she didn't mean to, and if those bi**hes were talking c**p about her then why not teach them a lesson?" Myra turned to her left to glare at Raina, "Nice role model you are." Raina put her hands on her hips and glared at her, "I'd rather teach her to stick for herself than to walk around with her head in the sand." She hissed her words, and Myra opened her mouth to retort but Faye, who had leant her head against the wall groaned loudly, "Meh, why do I have to have a vampire and a key-holder for sisters? Sheesh." She raised an eyebrow, "What a messed up family." Both Raina and Myra turned to look at her, slightly shocked by how causually she had said that, she rolled her eyes at them and pushed past them so she could see Faith, "Uh, can you give me my late slip please?" Faye knew how the system worked, if she was late three times in one week she got a half an hour detention, but since this was her first time being late this week, she just got a slip that needed to be signed two more times if she was late again.
Nick pointed at Flower. "Who else? Serriously?" Flower glared and then rolled her eyes. "Don't tease me then!" She said growling and then looked at Faye. She blinked and then sighed rubbing her head. Nick smirked and leaned toward Flower using shadow power to make himself looked like Garos and then put a finger up her back along her spine and smirked. Flower shivered and then grabbed him flipping him over. "Stop it!" She said looking at Fye. "Control your boyfriend...before I kill him." She said and then crossed her arms keeping her sight on the ground. Nick turned back into himself. "Aw but you're so easy." Flower growled loudly.
Rosa followed close behind the group, "I can spare next," she said quietly rolling her shoulders. "I can communicate with animals and I can control fire and ice," with each power she touched the key that related to it. Her fingers rubbed the last ice cold key that was sharp and pointed.
Macal: *Listening to this child talk about how she abused her powers was the last straw for me, despite this being Faith's class I have to speak up* Faye right, do you honestly think a bunch of mortal teenage girls whispering and giggling is just cause to use your powers on them? Listen to me child because I will only speak on this once it I ever hear of you abusing mortals again I will make you pay! The world has enough reasons to hate our kind don't feed them even more...Grow up! Words are just words they can't hurt you they don't define you...You wield powers that most people would love to have, the fact that you're here makes you an elite...a blessed being..But power doesn't give you the right to do as you wish unchecked. Do you understand me?
Faith shoots Macal a glance that tells him it's her job to handle this before turning to Faye, but she is addressing not just her, but the class at large.

"Okay, that's it. There are obviously some major issues we have here. Obviously the majority of you are not taking your powers seriously and respecting them as you should, nor your training. Like he said, you have abilities that are gifts, that you should be developing, but you shouldn't be just using them however you feel like, whenever you feel like, with no understanding or discipline, just based off emotion. that's not what they're for, and honestly that not only makes you self-centered, when your abilities are meant for self protection AND to be used for the good of others, but also? It makes you weak. It's stupid and dangerous to use your powers without keeping them in check, using them for revenge or just because instead of because they are needed or helpful."

Her eyes take in certain cases one by one as she addresses them directly. "Heather, you have no respect for yourself, your training, or anyone else by showing up dressed and acting in the manner you have. Faye, what you just described- and let's not forget, this hasn't been your first offense in just the few days I've been here- that is just unacceptable. I better not hear of anything like that happening again and if I do you'll be very sorry for it. Sheena, Raina, Myra, all of you have been using your powers against other students. How the hell do you expect to not be persecuted against by people using their powers for evil if you, who are supposed to be here to be ALLIES, can't have even civility towards each other? You're here in this school to ally species and powers and you can't even get through a DAY without everyone tryiing to kill each other. Do you realize the more you lose control of your emotions and give in to using your powers against people, the closer you are to being drawn into using your powers for only darkness? I've BEEN there, and let me tell you, no one in this school will remain here if that's what you choose."
Nick sighed and then sat down. "Not to be disrespectful Ms. Faith, do you know how we are truly like. I mean I am a relaxed person most of the time, but I do take things serriously. All you said is true, still I think you need to get to know us more then making these drawls from 20 minutes of class. I mean at First glance Flower is a mean, angry..." Flower looked at him. "And very...unrelaxed. Well she is a very responsible girl and has very good reason to be unrelaxed." Flower raised an eyebrow. "She didn't even mention're trying to make up for the fact you were teasing me all this morning?" Nick nodded slightly. Nick looked at Faye. "Although she does need to work on that, but Myra isn't exackly the time to use her powers against someone. In fact before she met James, she didn't even talk." He chuckled.
Faith raises an eyebrow, now facing Nick. "I didn't mention you or Flower, did I? But I don't have to know any of you long or your entire history to see what you're talking about and showing me right here in this classroom. I've been here three days and in those three days Faye has three times that I KNOW of used her powers against others,and she isn't the only one. This is not what you are here for. When you are presenting yourself to the world, ESPECIALLY humans without powers, you need to show them that you are heroes, or at the very least not a disgrace to the powers you have. And when you're in the classroom, it's serious business too. People can and do die in training because they let their emotions control them or they weren't concentrating. Today is easy stuff, you think because it's an evaluative lesson it will always be no challenge?"
Nick lifted a finger. 'Talking to a one hundred year old man here...I'm just here for fun really. Deathwish...I don't why he's here. I am sorry if I affended you, I was just saying, I've observed many here. Again I was just sucking up to flower because I was teasing her." Flower glared. "100 years not, You're still like an 18 year old." Nick chuckled and nodded. He looked at Faith. "But I guess that's true, I do not know what is next for this class." He said and then rubbed his head. Flower chuckled.
Heather's eyes became huge. She would of normally stormed out of the room but faith was right. She ran up to faith and hugged her. "Thank you," she said softly. "No one has ever said that to me." She turned to nick. "How dare you say that!? Shes here because she cares! She wants to help and every thing she just said was true! Do you honestly think that she would be here if she didn't?!"
(Sorry if this post is weird, trying to catch up. WAY behind on this thread.)

Garos watched all of this, frowning a little as Nick made himself look like a copy of the scarred up human. As the two bickered back and forth, he scowled and stepped forward. "Okay, enough, both've ya'!" he spat, shaking his head. "And Nick, don't do that again, turnin' into me. It's weird as hell."

Turning toward Rosa as she spoke, Garos gave a nod. "Alright, we can spar if ya' like. After all this is figured out..." he murmured, frowning a bit as he looked over the others. The man he didn't know spoke up toward Faye, then Faith began on a long-winded speech that had some good points about abilities, but seemed to drag. "Alright then, if the lot of ya' are finished, lemme' interject, okay? There's a second training room down the hall, more for one on one fightin' anyhow, so that should work for people showin' what they can do. As fer' now, if we can all stop goin' at each others throats, we might get some trainin' done today." He grinned, showing that he meant no harshness by these words, simply making a point known. They were getting nowhere fast and he was in the mood to do some sparring.
Faith stares back at Nick, replying flatly. "I'm close to 300. I was a goddess once. I age like a human now, but I've LIVED three times the life you have. How many of the rest of you are as old as me? My guess is zero."

As Heather hugs her, Faith blinks, more than a little stunned, and detaches, still staring at her. "Uh."
*Despite Faith's glare I speak up again* 100 huh? I'm over 12,000, I was born on a world were training to fight evil began as soon as I could walk. Training if possible should be fun, but there should be focus. As for Faye abusing your powers will bring uninvited attention to this academy and to herself. Remember you are no longer individuals, you're now representatives of this academy. *Moves towards the door* Respect yourselves, your powers and this academy. I sense great powers in this room and I look forward to seeing them grow...Flower please find me when class is over I'd like to help you if you're interested.
Rosa really was tired of all this nonsense but at least someone was stepping up and trying to do something about it. She nodded to the masculine voice to her side guessing it was the guy called Garos. Putting names to voices was taking sometime but Swift was helping doing her best to understand human conversation. Everything had come to stand still and there were plenty of people in the room who still needed to be evaluated. On top of all this the teacher who had been very quiet for most of the class had just left, did he not care about the other students? They didn't even have a chance, "rude," Rosa thought to herself as she continued to stretch.
Nick blinked and then rubbed his head. "Mam I did not mean to affend you! I was just saying." He looks at Flower and then rubs his head. He sighs. "Again Faith I did not mean to affend you." He shrugged. "Man I'm off today." He chuckled and then started laughing.

Flower looked at the man and then blinked. "Yes Sir..." She said and rubbed her head wondering why he wanted her. She looked at Nick and then at Faith. She blinked and then looked down at the floor. She rubbed her head again and then sighed deeply. He looked back at the picture of her dad. She stared at it.
Deathwish looks at Faith. "I have one power left to show you." He said and then Flower's eyes widen. "I won't hurt her...Just to show..." He looked at Faith and held out his hand. "If you would please, my power is called blood coffin. You don't have to come, it can be a bit dangerous." He said and then looked at the ground. He looked back at Faith.
Faith's eyebrows raise again. "How about you tell me about what happens with this power and then we'll see if a demonstration is needed?"
Faye could feel herself heating up now, she knew this only proved their point, but she had reason to. They didn't know her, and she had just got a HELL of a lot of abuse from them. "Hold on one minute." She glanced to Myra, who was staring at the ground, looking a bit upset, using her powers against others? She didn't do that. She's never done that unless it was a life threatening situation like with...that man. Faye glared at Macal and spoke before he could leave, "Those girls were vampires, not 'mortals' as you put it. I never said they were human, in fact it's extremely rare to find a human anymore in this world, so all your talk about me abusing mortals is worth nothing for I have NEVER hurt a mortal, EVER." She was fuming now and she felt a cold hand on her shoulder, she turned to see Myra looking at her gently with silent red eyes, Faye was still peed off though, they had picked on Myra and she had done nothing wrong. Faye now looked at Faith, "Yes you are right, I need to learn to control my power. But don't tell me that I'll pay if it I do it again, or act like I do it on purpose." Her eyes were black because of her anger and Myra whispered lightly, "Faye.." Faye blinked and her eyes went back to orange, her voice calmed slightly, "I'm not saying what I do is right, and not excusing it in any way. The main reason I'm at this school is to learn how to control my temper, and by you and" She looked to Macal, not knowing his name, "Him, telling me that it's stupid, reckless and unacceptable isn't going to help stop it in any way now is it?" She glared a bit more now as she looked to Myra then back to Faye, "And please get your facts straight before you begin picking on my sister, because she hasn't ever used her powers against anyone else unless they've been about to kill her or me." Myra shuddered in the tiniest and Faye glanced to her softly before looking back to Faith, her fists unclenched and her shoulders relaxed as she spoke calmly, referring to her last statement with slightly narrowed eyes, "Age doesn't define how wise you are. Some young ones are wiser than older ones. It all depends on what they've lived through."

Raina had been leant up against the wall the whole time, glaring at Faith and Macal and occasionally switching her glance to the clock, she was going to argue back on Faye's benefit, but she beat her to it. However, what Faith had said about Raina was true so she kept her mouth shut. She didn't care what the 'goddess' said, she could do whatever the f**k she wanted.
Nick chuckles and then looks at Faye and Myra. He turned to the man and then faith. He crossed his arms and then silently listened. He looked at the ground. He then looked at Deathwish who went silent again. He looked at flower who was very quiet now. Flower not talking concerned him a bit. It wasn't like her but then again this was class. Maybe it was that look her in her eyes when she looked at the picture.
Nick looks at Garos and smirks. "So Garos...did you do something to Flower's mind?" Flower's eyes widen and she growls. "Nick!" She yelled crossing her arms. Nick makes himself look like Garos again and takes out a shadow and makes it look like a pocket watch. "You will fall inlove with me." He swings it in front of Flower's angry eyes.

"Nick shut up..." She grabbed the watch and her light distroyed it. Flower growled angry. Nick looks at Garos and then at flower. "Just pointing out a fact." Nick says and then tries to count Garos's scars. Flower smacks his hand. "Nick! You're being a jerk again!" Nick shrugs.

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