Fighting Academy by Fire of Hearts (Closed)

Heather wasn't happy nor sad. She just stood there with a nuetral face. "Ok...first off, come it down. I'm going to go try and find some cloths that cover my belly button since I clearly don't have any cloths that do. Kk teacher lady?" She walked to the door as sluttish as always. She managed to find a full body, leather outfit that had armour sewed into the suit. It was skin tight so she was ok with it. She also found a pair of black leather boots with a nice amount of heel. She also grabbed her pair of sai (Japanese weapon normally used in pairs). She walked back to the room and began sprinting, going into an Arabian front punch and landed it perfectly. She smiled at faith with a face that said: shall we continue, teacher lady?
Staring at Heather's new choice of clothing, Sheena is no happier, but says nothing, simply tensing her jaw. Faith took looks at her, then shakes her head, choosing to now ignore her as she speaks to the group at large.

"Today's an evaluation more than anything. I'd like to see where you are with your powers, what they are, exactly, and what you can use improvement on. I don't even know the full extent of my own sister's, so this is something that needs to be known. One of you guys step up and we'll go one at a time, for right now. Then once I have a sense of what you already have mastered, we can pair up and work on what needs to be improved or practice what's not yet learned. Who's first?"
Nick and Deathwish point at Flower. Flower glared and got up. "You two are dead after class." She walked up and stood in front of faith. She looked at her and pulled her pony tail to tighten it. "I guess I am." She said and then looked down. "My powers are, Light, Shapeshifting, and Portals." She said and then smiled looked up. She glanced at Garos and then sighed. "What would you like me to do first?"
Looking her over, Faith gives her an acknowledging nod. "I've heard a lot about you...most powerful here, they say? Hm. Alright, show me what you've got, Flower. First off, any of those powers harmful towards anyone, because if so then we obviously need to prepare or get out of the way, or whatever."
Flower looks at her and shakes her head no. "No, i can control my light very well, and the others are pretty easily aimmed." She rubbed the back of her head chuckling. She backed off a bit. "Ok," She tilted her head a bit till it cracked and then rolled her shoulders. "Ready?"
Macal: *Watches closely as one student walks out and comes back showing what I consider to be disrespectful but I hold my tongue but I dare her to do that in my class*

Alex: *After hearing so much about how powerful Flower is, I finally get to see what all the hype is, so I watch carefully*
(no not necessarily, she's looking to see what they can actually do. However if you choose to have Flower misunderstand and spar, that's fight, Faith would roll with that)
(I hate my spelling...UGH! Makes me feel dumb...)

Flower looked at Sheena and breathed it. She looked at a punching bag in the room and then created light ball in her hands. She made it grow till it was the size of a basketball and then threw the light at the punching bag, the light melted it and then grew claws and jumpped, she tore it to peices and then her arm became engolfed in light and she blasted her fist down on the punching bag and after a bright flash there was a hole in the floor where the bag use to be. She looked Sheena. "I would love to show you more if you would light." She said her arm completly burned. She looked at it and her light slowly healed it.
Rosa made her way into the classroom surprised to feel the vibrations and voices of so many people. She stood close to the group listening as Swift relayed the information she couldn't know. Rosa immediately became fed up with this Heather chick, the fact that even Swift, an animal that had seen pretty much everything human, averted her eyes showed how little this girl must be wearing. As the instructor spoke Rosa sat down changing out of her muck boots and into her special armored footwear. The sole was as thin as moccasin but everything else was armored thus protecting Rosa.
(Faith, not Sheena, haha) Faith smiles; she hasn't seen a power like this before, and can definitely see its uses. "Yeah, sure. If you can, give me the best you can do with it. Given the circumstances of not killing anyone, of course."

As Rosa comes in Faith nods an acknowledgement to her.
Flower nodded and then looked to Nick. Nick got up and tried to run. Flowergrabbed him with her light and then pulled him back. "Come on, then me show off." Nick kept tring to run. "No no no no no no." He spoke again and again. Flower looked at him and rolled her eyes. "Fine, big baby." She said and then released him and he ran back to his seat. Flower looked at Faith. She grabbed her sword and went to a bummy. She showed of her swords menship and continued her power demstration. She opened a portal to Kingdom Kira, the key holder kingdom that as a huge wall surrounding all of it. Most key holders live here but out from the wall is all owned by key holders. Flower smiled seeing her home. There were many smaller cities and towns out from the wall, most farming is done outside the great city. She looked at Faith. "This is my weakest power..." She closed the portal and then closed her eyes. "It tires me out easly and is very hard to keep open." She said and then took her seat. She ignored all the talk around the class room, and even then flirty glances from boys. She just would keep her mind off of it.
Observing all of this with interest, Faith nods, then gives Flower a quick smile, considering. "All right. Based off that, there's a lot you've learned, obviously, and you're pretty controlled, but there's more you can learn. How old are you, and how long have you trained?"

She looks out at the others, addressing them at large. "Who's next?"
Flower blinks and then looks at Faith. She smiled lighty and then leaned back in her chair thinking. "Well I'm 18 and I've trained as far back as I can remember." She answered calmly and then looked at around the room as a random student goes up and then shows off. Once he was back in his seat Nick stood up. "I would like to go next." He said and then looked at Faith. He took a look around the room.
Macal: *Watched Flower demostrate but none of her powers peaked my interest till she opened the portal and she has the nerve to call it her weakest power, the child has no clue what potential that power can hold for her*
Flower sighs and looks out the window. She's seen Nick's powers and beat the crap out of him. She seemed a bit upset and then looked down at her desk. She yelped and falls back. "Ouch!" She got up and looked at her desk. "H-how did this get here?" She asked picking up a picture of her dad. She blinked and then stared at it. She sighed deeply and set it down off to the side of her desk. She sighed. "Dad...." She mummbled and Nick stopped. He set a hand on her shoulder.

Nick blinked. "That's your dad? You look nothing like him!" He blinked and picked up the picture. Flower sighed. "I look my mom you know that..." She sighed even deeper. "I don't want to talk about him ok?" She said and looked out the window. Nick looked at her and set the picture down and sighed. "Why to I get the feeling Peter is behind this? I'm sorry Flower, I know it pains you to think about that day." He slightly rubbed her shoulder and then continued to walk up to faith.

Rosa sat quietly know she would volunteer next. Her skills were not necessarily easy to show off in a training environment especially her communication with animals but she would do her best. Rosa began to stretch and realized the jodphurs she was wearing were a bit constricting. Sighing she slipped out of them glad she had worn a pair of brown spandex underneath.
Faith looks at Flower, confused about the picture, and asks bluntly, "Who's Peter? A student?"

Looking at Nick, not waiting for the reply, she nods towards him. "You're a vampire, right? Is that all?"
Flower looked at her. "Not really, he's visiting, but he's such a jerk." She said glaring at nick. Nick blinked. "Hey, she wanted a divorce to marry a DEMON sorry if Peter acts like one!" He looked at Faith and then sighed. "no I'm part demon so I have shadow power." He said and then rubbed the back of his neck the girls staring at him. "..." He sighed.
Not really interested in more, Faith raises an eyebrow. "God you remind me of Angel, with the sighing and brooding and shuffling about not actually getting things that just a vamp thing? You gonna get to showing me what you can do or what?"
Nick blasted a bummy with shadow and then threw it across the room. He used shadow travel and appeared behind Faith. "Don't worry I don't like to keep the ladies waiting." He chuckled and then appeared where the bummy fell and then blasted it to a wall and shadow kept it on the wall while he blasted shadow everywhere and grabbed a few people and then let go. He looked at Faith and then sat back down. "I'm guessing you've seen vampire powers before, so I guess that's it." He asked and then looked at his brother.
Alex: *I start laughing when Nick used his powers* So basically if you enemy doesn't have a decent flashlight you're useful...I'm kidding my friend Akira another kind of vampire can travel through shadows also. it's useful but limited.
Nick looked at Alex. "Well it is a bit hard to fight light holders such as flower." He said and then looked at deathwish and laughed hard. "Deathwish?" He sighed and then looked at his brother Nick. Deathwish got up and then walked up to faith. "No mam...I am also Half you can see Nick is my twin." He said with a slight smile. "May I warn you that all my powers are all deadly." He said and pointed behind him. "May all please get behind me?" He asked and smiled at Faith. "I wouldn't want you to get posion on your skin, it may burn." He said his hands turning to claws.

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