Fighting Academy by Fire of Hearts (Closed)

(Rspkg! :D Yay! You joined this RP! Oh shiznicks, I'm going to have to get used to calling you 'One' now, right? xD )

Faye stopped dancing when Deathwish walked off, she had watched the two girls fight and thought Heather was more to blame than Sheena. Although she may have had a bias opinion since of the whole Nick kissing another girl thing. However, when Sheena apologized to her, her eyes widened lightly, "There's no need to apologize Sheena." She walks over to her, and flicks her eyes to Heather in a light glare then back to Sheena with the annoyance gone from her gaze. "I still had a blast tonight, and I know I would have done the same as you if Heather had done that to Nick and me." She bit her lip lightly, "Probably worse actually." She looked around the room, "And I'm sure I'd get into trouble if I set this room alight." She smiled at Sheena, her anger at her from earlier gone.

Chameleon grinned, then as she whispered into his ear and slipped her hand into his he felt a shiver run down his spine and back up, as if someone was tracing their fingers lightly up and down his back. He nodded, "Sure." His voice sounded much more husky than he wanted it to and he shook himself mentally, "Uh, I mean sure." He looked around, "I honestly have no idea who to introduce you to first." He grinned at her, sure people knew his name, but he barely knew them. Seems his Chameleon trait wasn't working too well if people already knew of him.

Raina rolled her eyes at them all, the only decent person at this party was Faye. And maybe Leo. She grabbed a cup of blood and watched as people began saying bye to Faye and leaving, since it was around about the end of the party and everyone was heading to bed. She sipped her drink slowly and looked to Heather; she decided that this girl was alright. If she could piss of the fleabag Sheena and be a badass, then she might be some fun.
Nick walked over to faye. "James told me he made this room fire proof...." He chuckled and looked at Sheena, he nodded to her and smiled. He set his hands on Faye's shoulders being behind her. SInce he had too lost his dance partner, he rather stick close to faye. He chuckled and looked down at Faye. He looked back to sheena. "It was nice to talk to you at least. I do hope you will stay....but...things have been getting worse for you. I guess I can no longer blame you." He smiled and leaned down his arms now around faye's neck loosly. He set his head on hers.

James looked at Nick and Faye. He sighed a bit as he walked forward as well. "Well Sheena isn't so bad after all." He chuckled and sat down thinking to himself. This was a bit of a mess now....and he'd have to clean it up. He looked around. The games had to be moved back, food put away. Everything was going to take some time.
*I feel totally stupid for being the cause of the tension between Sheena and Heather. I decide to make it up to Faye and step in front of her* I'm truly sorry also, I should have arrived sooner and then Sheena wouldn't have had to see any cause to worry..She actually never did but anyway would you please indulge me for one more moment? *Looks around and sees the balcony and steps onto it. Touching my key a large rocket launcher takes shape in the air, I reach out and grab it, steadying myself I fire into the night sky. My shots travel high above the academy and explode into burst of colors and shapes* Can't have a true birthday without some fireworks...Happy Birthday!
Sheena smiles tentatively back at Faye and Nick, then turns to Alex, suddenly thinking again about his mention of Macal with more attention than she had before. "So...Macal saw us? Shit."
Faye grinned at them all, her heart rate picking up as Nick placed his head on hers and draped his arms around her. She leant into his touch and her eyes and face lit up as Alex blasted fireworks into the night, "Okay, this is the BEST birthday I have ever had." And strangely enough, she wasn't lying. This was the first birthday where she had had people around her who truly cared for her and made her happy, and she actually had a party aswell, she had never had one especially for her before. She closed her eyes and leant further against Nick, murmuring lightly, "You guys are awesome..." She wondered what to do until class, since sleep wasn't an option.

Myra smiled as her sister looked so happy, everyone had cleared out now except their small group, including Sheena, Alex and Heather and two people standing on the dance floor together. She noticed James looking around and she smiled at him, "It won't take that long" She sat down beside him and rested her head on his bicep, closing her eyes tiredly, "It'll take about a minute if I use my speed."

Nick smiled as she leaned into him. "Yep...sure was a nice show." He said slightly nodding to alex. Only a bit since he had his head on faye's. He smiled and lightly kissed the top of faye's head. He set his head back down on hers. He smiled and then chuckled. "Good, I would hope that you'd enjoy it." He smiled at Sheena and Alex and then focussed on faye. He loved snuggling with her. He was pretty happy to have her back in his arms. He isghed happily closing his eyes for a bit. He'd never hurt her again. He promised this to himself.

James smiled as Myra laid her head on his arm. He moved his arm and let her head fall underneath it whil he reset his arm around her. e smiled and nodded. "Alright." He said smiling down at her. "That's great to hear faye. It has been a good party for the most part." He said and leaned back on his chair, his head hitting the wall behind him. "Ugh but I'm beat." He chuckled a bit.
*I turn to the group after I fire a few more shots* I'm glad I could make tonight something you'll remember. Consider it a parting gift cause surely I'm a dead man but that's my problem not yours..Well goodnight everyone. *The weapon in my hand vanishes as I lean over and kiss Sheena* I'm going to bed now would you do me a favor and take care of my guitar for me?
Rosa smiled but before Leo could really introduce her to anyone a fight broke out. Based on the conversation it was on a silly matter but it was still obnoxious. "Some people really can't handle their liquor," she whispered holding back a yawn. Her legs felt a bit like jello from all of the dancing and she figured she had better head back to her room soon. "Listen, I have to catch up on some literature homework I'm gonna head back to my room," Rosa said realizing it was a total buzz kill but very true. She could not risk getting too far behind.
Sheena frowns, part of her still suspecting that Alex is pissed at her, or at the very least not very happy to be around her, even as he kisses her. "Take care of your guitar? What do you mean? It's not like it needs fed or something."
Name: Danielle Kingston

Age: 19

Gender: Female

Species: Shape-shifter :)

Powers: She can turn invisible, but she doesn't usually use this power.

Weapons: A pink and white handgun that she carries in the back pocket of her jeans.

Vehicle: An expensive car called a Saleen s5s Raptor:

Pets: A Great Dane named Baron

Family: They disappeared when she was 10 years-old, so she doesn't have any.

Husband/wife: No...

Girlfriend/boyfriend: None..

Crush: None.. Yet :P

Looks: View attachment 2130

(Is it too late to join??
:P )
Danielle sped down the street in her expensive sports car. People turned and looked at her car as she passed them slowly. She really loved getting attention. She suddenly sped up to 150 MPH, zipping down the road with a loud VROOOM noise coming from her engine. She shouldn't be going at this speed, it could be dangerous. But she went at the same speed and grinned as people watched her car in shock.

She slowed down a bit and parked smoothly in front of a building. She opened her door up and stepped out. She was wearing a Fuchsia One Shoulder mini dress that was black, pink, and white.

She walked down the sidewalk, her heels clapping against the ground as she went forward.
Heather was 100% ticked off. But she didn't dare show it. She grinned, showing her fangs. And chuckled lightly when death graved her tiny neck. She looked at her soaked cloths and shrugged. She was only getting started. She walked twords the door, sluttish as ever. She grabbed her cup of blood and flicked her wrist, sending it to the ground. It shattered and blood went all over, getting a few drops on her legs. She shrugged and smiled. As soon as she exited the party, her head went down, her eyes slits, and a devilish grin. She walked back to her room and slept, ready for the next day.
Garos couldn't help but laugh. "Yea', ya' have quite the point there. I'll have to try'n restrain myself from constantly eyeballin' ya'," he joked, leaning forward to kiss her forehead softly, then looking down at his clothes again. "But, for now, I really need to change... and really need to stop ruining clothes." He gave an overly exasperated sigh, then grinned again.
Danielle glanced around as if someone were going to pop out and grab her at any second. But than she just shrugged and continued to walk down the sidewalk.

"Hmm.. What should I do.?" She asked herself quietly as she looked around at the shops and malls around her.

Flower nodded and then kissed his cheek as she pulled away completly. "Then I will have to be extra cute just to get you into trouble." She said and then gave out a long purr. She giggled and then walked back inside the castle. She walked through the halls slowly ploting against Garos just for some fun. She looked down thinking a bit. She chuckled to herself. She decided against it.
She sighed, deciding to go to the Fighting Academy. She suddenly disappeared into thin air, and than reappeared at the entrance. She walked in slowly, trying to make her high-heels not so loud on the hard floor, but it wasn't easy. Her high-heels clacked noisily against the ground as she walked down the hallway with a frown on her face.

"Oh no.. Please tell me Baron didn't get out.." She muttered angrily as she walked up to her room and noticed the door wide open. She looked everywhere, calling out his name.

"Baron! Where are you?" She exclaimed in the hallway. She heard dog nails clacking against the floor and the black and white Great Dane burst out from around the corner, heading straight for her. Her eyes widened in horror as the dog tried to stop, but ended up sliding across the floor.

"NO! BARON STOP!" She screeched, but the massive dog had already knocked her over and was wagging his tail when she lay on the ground with an angered expression.
Watching as she pulled away and kissed his cheek, he gave a playful glare at her words. "Now that's just mean, Flower," he said with a grin, blinking at the purr. "That too." As she walked back inside, he followed, but headed toward his room, quickly trashing the bloodied clothing and going to shower. Afterward, he caught a quick nap, wanting to help as much as he could at the next class. He didn't need to be showing up acting like an unrested zombie.
Flower giggled at his words and then entered her own room and jumps on her bed, hunter and sky joining her. She petted them both. Sky rested in her little clift like cage and slowly fell asleep. Flower smiled as hunter sleeps on the end of the bed. Flower got up slowly and made sure her door was shut. She got her pajamas on and got into her bed. She fell asleep easily since she hadn't slept in a Long while.
I lean back against one of the school's many great arched rooftops, perched between a set of fixed flat tiles; my shirt flapping about me in the wind, I gaze up at the moon, hair brushed to the side to keep out of my eyes. Eyes distant, I dwell on the past. My morose expression reflects every inch of the last 400 years of my life. "Hm," I say to myself, "Tommorow'll be my first full day straight out the crockery. And I've gotta go teach some kiddies how to hold a sword properly." I sigh, getting up and retreating to the lower rooftops, my form fading to all but a dark silhouette and then vanishing completely.
Chameleon grinned and opened his mouth to agree with her about the alcohol thing. Then she mentions she has to leave. He frowns a little bit, but then realizes she has a life too. Plus, it would be kind of...freaky, if he started begging her to stay, they're just friends...right? He nods, trying to hide the disappointment in his voice but failing, "Oh yeah, the lit teacher seems like one to be hard on homework" He grins, then smiles gently at her, "Want me to walk you back to your room?" He asks not because he thinks she is incapable, but because it seems like the polite thing to do, and because this school is full of the kind of people who'd ambush you when you're alone.

Faye smiled as he kissed the top of her head and sighed contently, she had missed him so much. But she also knew that if he hurt her again; there would be no third chance. She looked up at him, looking slightly sad, "So now no more bad boy Nick?" She pouted lightly, her lips just begging to be kissed.

Myra smiled and snuggled into him further, nodding in agreement, "Me too." She even yawned afterwards and smiled lightly, "Thanks for proving my point Yawn." She kept her eyes closed, and within a few minutes had fallen asleep there and then on James.
As Sheena goes back towards her bedroom, it is very late, and Faith has already returned from Slaying. She slips inside the room, looking around furtively and hoping like hell that Macal isn't already there waiting for her, or worse, Faith.
Nick looked at her and chuckled. "Oh I wouldn't say that...I just can't go around flirting with other girls now. That was basicly my bad boy act right there. Wish I could but I can't." He said laughing at it. He loved the feel and warmth of her in his arms. He had missed it. He turned her around, so that she was facing him. "Well I could use all I know on you, my dear." He said with a princly like tone. He leaned further into her staring right into her eyes. He seemed so calm doing this. He put his head right next to hers. "And I know alot," He whispered into her ear. His arms moved tightly around her waist. He chuckled softly giving a kiss behind her ear and pulled his head away.

"So I know you don't sleep, what should we do till then?" He almost enjoyed this to much. He smiled looking at her face to see her reaction to his little show. He loved to make a girl blush, it was very amuzing to him and faye was no exeption. He glanced down to her lips not yet going to kiss them. He would though probably, most likely. This was Nick.


James looked at Myra and chuckled. He didn't move for a while because he saw what nick was doing. The rest of the girls in here (Besides sheena) were feeling the effects of Nick's little act. They were probably melting on the inside. He rolled his eyes and then gently picked up Myra. He held her close in a princess carry as he slowly got up. He looked at Faye and if she was able to listen, seeing as nick was being nick, he spoke. "Myra fell asleep, I'm going to take her to her room so she can sleep." He said and then walked out carring Myra carefull so she doesn't wake up.
Danielle groaned angrily at her dog and gave him an irritated glare.

"Bad dog! How did you even get out of my room anyways?!" She snapped, standing up and briskly dusting off her dress. The Great Dane wagged it's tail and gave out several loud barks that rang out in the hallway.

"Shh!" She hissed and than grabbed his blue collar and tried to drag him down to her room, but he was to heavy and stayed where he was.

"C'mon, Baron! I don't have time for this!" She gave another yank at his collar, but he didn't budge. She sighed and let go of him.
Rosa felt kinda bad about leaving him at the party. "I can fine my way back but you can come along if you want?" she said shifting her "gaze" downward. It was odd how though she couldn't see she picked up on the habits of the non-blind. Why did she shift her gaze when she couldn't see or purposefully avert her eyes when she got nervous? She wondered if by leaving if Leo would be completely alone? How stupid a question he had a life that didn't revolve around leading her everywhere. "You've probably got some people you want to catch up with," she added as an afterthought. Rosa knew Swift was probably waiting for her and she needed to check on Leader tomorrow before classes so being tired wasn't a great option.

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