Fighting Academy by Fire of Hearts (Closed)

This is beyond anything that Sheena can or is willing to take, and she snarls low in her throat, then seizes Heather's wrist, twisting and squeezing until bones strain and she hears something pop. As blood trickles down her cheek, she grabs Heather's hair, yanking her head back and then throwing her to the floor. Holding her down, she begins to shift into her Lycan form, her bones cracking and popping loudly. She is nothing if not focused now, her anger and adrenaline, along with her physical shifting, driving out her tipsy state.
*Still distracted on what Macal must be thinking, cause when he found out Logan got his daughter drunk he yank a sign out the ground and played batter up with his motorcycle that was after he destroyed his jeep and Logan and Macal are like brothers..Suddenly looks down at the two girls fighting and snap out of my daze. Reaching for Sheena slipping my arm around her waist and lifting her off. Looking down at the other girl* Not to be rude miss but I'm gonna have to borrow my girlfriend for a second and then you two can finish your fight.

*Tossing Sheena over my shoulder I walk off into the hall*
Heather yells in pain from her now broken wrist. Kt would heel by tomarrow but right now it hurt. She hissed violently as her hair was pulled and she was thrown to the ground. Sheena was obviously heavier than her so it was hard to get her off. She did not have the power of super strength like most other vampires. She kicked her leg back until her toes were touching the floor next to her head. She bent at the knee and lunged the leg forward, kicking her in the face before she was dragged off. Heather stood up and popped her wrist onto place. She cracked her neck and got more blood. "What a bit*h," she said, obviously talking about sheena.
Already halfway through her shifting, Sheena is disrupted by Alex's grabbing her and twists herself, growling in a tone half human, half Lycan, but despite her anger, the fact that she knows it is Alex holding her, and even unconsciously she doesn't want to hurt him, halts her shifting, and as she begins to shift back fully human she snaps at him, "Put me down, what the hell are you DOING, did you SEE her?"
See her what? All I saw was the glowing eyes of what I assume is your pissed off Father, so sorry I didn't see whatever she did. Now you need to sober up real damn quick or the next time you see me will be at my funeral. By the way if I do live we're gonna have a conversation about you being jealous all of a sudden.
"She was all over you! And she did her eyes at me...she's a VAMPIRE, she was in my FACE and she scratched me, she made me bleed and she was going to BITE me probably!" Managing to wiggle down from you, Sheena pulls away, still scowling, completely ignoring the comment about Macal turning up. "Ever since I got here, everyone's trying to f*cking kill me!"
Ok first off you need to understand I already have a completely loco lycan girlfriend who I happen to be really damn in love with, do you think for a second that after all that chasing I'm gonna give up on you for a vampire? Who the hell do you think I am Bella Swan? Besides I'm not the type to far for vampire charms on the weak minded does that..Although she was kind of cute..But you know me I don't stray or creep or whatever other words means cheat. Not that any of this matters since I'm a dead man I'm pretty sure..I mean he'll just yell at you cause he loves you but me or I'm toast...literally toast he'll probably make me scrub the plasma reactors on Titan with a toothbrush till I'm glowing in the dark.
"I'm not even DRUNK, I never was," Sheena snaps, and although this wasn't initially true, she's pretty near sober now. "And first off he wouldn't kill you, you weren't drinking and you weren't even there when I was, and second off, damn, you care more about your own ass than the fact that that little vamp b*itch was trying to maul me, and that's like the fourth time in two days someone tried to kill me around here?!"

She pauses, then does a double take as another comment of his sinks in. "You thought she was CUTE?!"
Yep and now we're even for you hanging on that vamp Nick. *sticks my tongue out* And I pulled you off her not the other way around, so I seriously doubt you were in danger, in fact that was strange I mean Lycan's are stronger but still most vamps have more power than that..What's her deal? Oh I forgot damn right I'm worried about my ass! I like my ass it's the only one I got.
"That was because you were late, and everyone else in this entire place hates me, and he was being nice, and- we were talking about YOU, you let a VAMPIRE be on you! And she was going to try to kill me!" Sheena conveniently forgets that Nick is also a vampire in her indignation.
Heather looks at them with her eyebrows raised. Is she really intimidated by my looks, she thinks to her self. For the record, she didn't know they were dating. But man that boy was hot. She walked past sheena and the boy, smirking at sheena, her head tilted, her fangs showing. She grabbed her shoes and put them on because the floor was starting to get dirty. She leaned on a table and glared at sheena. She smiled and clawed the air twords sheena and mouthed, meow, and the claws come out. She slipped another bear and drank it.
Deathwish had to stop dancing with Faye. He grabbed heather by the back of her neck. "You are even irritating may be a vampire but I have held myself this hold time. Sheena I'm sorry. Better go talk to Alex, I will handle her if you don't mind." he glared at heather. "you know you have really been acting like a b**** this whole time, not to mention being very judgmental. From what I've seen of you, you are seductive in every way and no matter if you think sitting on a mans lap is wrong then don't seduce men. You aren't so far above it. Being a vampire doesn't give you the right to harm people. Even of it was a scratch." he let go of her. He crossed his arms. "I'm not saying what sheena did was right ether but at least she was a bit tipsy from the beer. Which my brother shouldn't have brought in the first place." he said and then sighed deeply. "So far I have had a terrible time and everyone here as done some part to ruin this party. I for one am going to bed!" he walked out pretty angry.
Sheena takes a deep breath in, trying to calm down, as it suddenly dawns on her that this is in fact Faye's party...that it is in fact her birthday. And granted, no one had acknowledged Sheena's presence through most of the party until she had her blurted remarks after the fighting started up...but then, she hadn't exactly gone out of her way to be sociable either. And after her remark it had all gone downhill, and part of it had indeed been Sheena's fault.

She /could/ have avoided most of this...and she /did/ play some part in ruining the party. And this definitely wasn't going to make Faye stop wanting to kill her, and it wasn't going to help with the fact that so far, it seemed no one else in the place could stand her, especially now that she had just alienated Nick and Heather, the only two people who had been nice to her after the confrontation with Raina and Faye...she really was gifted at screwing up having friends.

"Sorry," she mumbled, then looking over at Faye, added in a very strained tone, "Sorry...Faye."

Her eyes narrow again as she looks at Heather and stands closer to Alex; she is definitely not apologizing to her or Raina.
Garos grinned as Flower smiled, shifted, then spoke, voice bright again. "Well, I'm glad ya' do. I'm pretty fond of it m'self," he joked, winking and meeting her eyes for quite awhile. When she blushed and looked down, he couldn't help but chuckle. Looking down, he blinked, seeing the condition of his clothes. "As much as I'd love to keep holdin' ya', I really need to change into something that isn't so bloody." He smirked, softly brushing a scarred hand across her cheek.
Flower looks at him and nods, seeing his clothes were bloody. "Yeah I see that." She smiled as his hand met her cheek. She tilted er head towards it and then slowly backed away. "Better get changed, then." She said rubbing her arm a bit. She looked around and back at him. She wasn't use to being so nervous. She looked back at the school and then at him. "Oh I almost forgot, Steve wanted to ask you if you would be the co-train of a new train here at the school. Her name is Faith and she's teaching a class tomorrow. Apparently, I'm in the...same class as a student." She head her head droping down. "I'm going to be taught by you? That hurts my pride." She said jokingly and giggled a bit.
The scarred human laughed and ran a hand through his hair as she stepped back. "Yea', sorry. Ya' seemed to such a rush to hug me that I didn't have time for a warning. That guard got my shoulder pretty good," he murmured, rubbing it. It was healed, but still felt stiff. Tilting his head at her nervousness, he smiled a little, but didn't mention it.

When she spoke of him being a co-trainer, he nodded and grinned. "Yea', I'd be glad to help out. I think I met 'er briefly when I was fighting with that Vamp' lord guy." At her joking words, he blinked. "Hey now! What, ya' worried that a human's gonna' teach ya' something amazing, Miss Keyholder?" he said, joking as well and giving a wink.
Flower smiled and rolled her eyes. "No, I'm worried you are going to winking at me in class. Seeing as you can't help yourself now." She starts laughing. She looked at him and smiled. "Then I'd have a very hard time paying any attention to Faith." She smiled and then looked at the ground.
(I'm sorry if I'm interrupting anything here with this out-of RP comment but I'm an old mate of xJobozx's and I was a-wonderin' if I could latch onto your RP and, eh, yeah . . . >> It's rspkg0d btw Jobo)

(One thing I was wondering about is how this academy is set out. Is there teachers and pupils or all pupils or what? Just wanted to know before I create my character. I got a load of characters floatin' bout. Cheers)
(Sure! Um the school is set out like trainers and strudents. All of my characters are students but the character Garos, as you see Mr. Grin's post is a trainer and I have an extra less inportant one named steve who is the head trainer. There is also Faith who is not mine but she's a trainer. There is one class a day and then training or other stuff happens through out the day. There are extra classes like schooling and arts. Not to mention a game room and alot of fun stuff. It can get very confusing species wise because of Key holders who are my own creation. You'll learn as you go. lol)
(K thx. I'd like to make a teacher char, preferrably kind of high up as a teacher? If possible, of course. Sorry, I'm used to always playing one of the most powerful guys, but yeah . . . I don't RP aggressively or anything. Er, I'm getting too long-winded. Well, here's the char:)

Name: Elodin

Age: 29 (appearance); real nearing 1000

Gender: Male

Species: Human

Powers: Divine Sight (the ability to see everything in true form and essence; relatively complicated nonsense), Prolonged Life

Weapons: Sword-cane (a cane which you can draw a sword from)

Vehicle: None

Pets: None

Family: Dead

Husband/wife: None

Girlfriend/boyfriend: None

Crush: None

Looks: <Google Search: Uruhara Kisuke> I will try to get an image up
(Accepted. I don't really care I mean Flower is the most power student here because she is the Queen of Key holders. My two living vampires are Princes, Deathwish is the power powerful of the two twins. Nick and deathwish are twins and Vince is dead....well I might bring him back lol. Peter is the son of Nick lol. So most of my characters are pretty high up. xD Yeah he can be co-head trainer of Steve or I could just make Steve co-head trainer I don't really care.)
(Thx. Sorry, this character is kind of half mad. He cracked when he discovered 'Sight' which is what I call the power 'Divine Sight' on my character bio. It's a power anyone discoveres so he tries to teach it along with his mad swordfighting skills and the rest. Cheers for the accept 'n' that.


(Now that I've killed shit I'll begin to RP when everyone's up to it ...)
(cool, someone older than Faith! lol. She's 25...someone she can talk to/gripe about students with...Fire you gonna post on Street kids? lol)

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