Fighting Academy by Fire of Hearts (Closed)

At Flower's wide smile, the scarred human smiled as well, tugging her closer as she rested her head on his chest. At the words of marriage, he blinked a little raising a brow. At her giggles, however, he relaxed, listening to her words and nodding. His eyes went to her hand as she started healing it and he frowned. "Don't go hurtin' yourself on my account," he joked.
Flower looks at him. "Don't get me mad." She said laughing to herself. She sighed deeply and then let herself completely relax in his arms. She smiled, this was a good feeling. She looked at her fully healed hand. "One of these days hurting my hand so many times is going to come back and haunt me. I think I've lost over half of feeling in this hand." She said and then closed her eyes. "Just think, If i'm willing to do that to my hand think of all the things I will do to you if you dare brake my heart." She said her eyes still closed as she smirked teasing him.
*Was about to talk to the girl that just sat next to me when Sheena drops into my lap, the next thing I know there's more people standing around me. Adjusting her so I can see clearly* Are you seriously drunk already, for god sakes Sheena, I won't take the blame for this when you have to face Macal tomorrow morning, you better hope you shake this off pretty damn quick.
"I am not DRUNK," she says, indignant, though this may not in fact be entirely true, and she turns her head away deliberately. "We should make our own academy...that's all..."
Heather rolled her eyes at Sheena and stood up. She couldn't even talk or flirt with a guy without another girl falling into there lap. Heather laughed at that because un like those classless girls, she knew was hot and could work it. She wanted to tell the guitar man that he was good but instead she got yet another cup o blood and drank it quick, blood running down her lips. She set her cup down and watched people dance, contentedly. She popped her body to the now fast paced song, not Realizing her hips going crazed in seductive motion.
Rosa laughed as she felt the air swosh of air, it flowed downward and she figured Chameleon was bowing to her. "Yes you may," she said stepping forward into his arms. She guided his hands down to her hips before wrapping her hands around his shoulders. Her eyes looked up at his face seeing nothing but still knowing he was there. Her heart fluttered with the bass line and she moved in time with the slow beat. It really was a beautiful song capturing love perfectly. The scent of alcohol burned her nostrils, she couldn't say she was surprised by the rowdiness of the people definitely escalated.
Deathwish's eyes followed heather and then looked at Nick and sighed. He sat down in a chair watching the others dance. He looked back up feeling like the only one that would keep this party from going to wild. It was fun yes, well for the others. He wasn't having such a good time. He looked at the ground moaning a bit. "Ugh..."
(Woh I missed a hell of a lot of stuff xD )

Faye was rather busy having fun to notice much of what was going on with Nick and Sheena, but she did glance over briefly and see them. She paused for a moment, getting an awful feeling in her stomach as Sheena blatantly flirted with him. She clenched her fists lightly and she watched them for a moment, was he going to kiss her too? She then smiled lightly and her hands relaxed as he twirled her away, "Well if you didn't like that I'm afraid that's all I will do for faye's sake." She smiled even more now, she then looked over at Deathy and grinned, she bounded over to him, before when she had done that it looked childish, but now with her butt being shown off and her legs looking longer with the stunning heels, it looked rather sexy, "Wanna dance Deathy? The party's almost over" Her tone wasn't at all seductive, she was of course saying she wanted to dance with him as friends, she really did honestly see Deathwish as a friend, maybe even like a brother. She grinned at him, "I'm probably one of the few girls here who you can dance with and not having worry about them trying to make a move."

Chameleon smiled as she laughed; it was a beautiful sound. As she guided his hands he felt nervousness creeping up on him and he tried to relax, her placing her arms around him didn't help. He smiled down at her as they began to move in time with the song, slow and steady yet enchanting. When they got a bit more into the sound he grabbed her hand and twirled her like an expert, grinning and keeping one hand linked with hers and the other moved around and rested on her lower back as they danced, he smiled, "I'm glad you came with me." He chuckled lightly, "You're probably the only person here who I actually know well enough to talk to." He left out Raina, since whenever speaking to her it ended up with her trying to find out more about his unexpected fighting skills or with her trying to bite him.

Raina glared at Nick and growled lightly at James, "Whatever, but only because it's Faye's party." She didn't move from her spot and remained beside them as she flickered her eyes to Chameleon and chuckled lightly, talking to herself, "Leo needs some serious tips." She frowned as she watched them closer, noticing the girls eyes as he spun her and having remembered from the rest of the night how her vision seemed a bit off. "Is she blind?" She flicked her eyes to the others then back to the couple.

Myra smiled as Nick defended her, maybe he wasn't so bad after all. She stood beside James and then frowned as Raina spoke, "Blind?" She also looked at the girl and shrugged, she looked at James, "What do you think?"
Nick looks at Faye and crosses his arms. "Great she's dancing with everyone but me..." He looked at at james and walked over to him. He sighed and watched Faye carefully noticing everything about her. He was smirking as he did and then was hit by James. He glared at James. "WHat?!" James didn't answer him. "Oh like you weren't almost drooling when you saw Myra in a swim suit." He chuckled as James growled at him.

James sighed Nick annoying him. He looked at Myra and then looked at the girl that Leon was dancing with. "I don't know...i can't tell." He said and then looked a raina. "What's it to you anyways?" He asked and then looked at Myra. He sighed and stood there looking around. A few girls were waving at him but he ignored them seeing as their intentions were to flirt. He rubbed the back of his head.
(Deathy gonna answer Faye?)

Myra noticed the girls and shifted uncomfortably, she looked up to James and smiled, "Come on! Even if I can't dance, this is our last chance to!" She grabbed his hand and pulled him onto the dance floor, her nerves about messing up still there, but hidden. She wanted to show the other girls she was his, and maybe it would be fun to dance with him. She smiled up at him and wrapped both of her hands around the back of his neck after placing his hands on her lower back, "If I step on your toes, I'm sorry" She grinned lightly, the lights from the room reflected in her eyes.

Raina glared at James, speaking just before Myra pulled him away, "Just curiosity." She looked back over at Leo, frowning a little bit.
Deathwish nodded and got up. He chuckled. "My brother is drooling over you faye..." He chuckled and then grabbed her hand. "I don't blame him, you are a very pretty girl. Please don't take that the wrong way." He looked at her and nodded agreeing with her. He lean her to the dance floor and then waited for her to decide how to do this.

--- Merged Double Post ---

James blinks as he is pulled to the dance for before he could answer Raina. He smiled and then nodded. "I think you will do fine." He said starting to dance a bit. He was better then he let myra in on. He didn't want her to feel bad about noting dancing with him. He smiled down at her happily.

Nick hissed and crossed his arms. "Of course...Faye dances with my twin, Myra gets James. I who am Faye's REAL boyfriend get no one." he looked at Raina wondering about dancing with her. He sighed thinking she'd never want to dance with him. He looked at the dance floor though. It was is last chance but he had no partner.
Faye smiled and managed to not blush as he said about Nick drooling over her, she laughed lightly as he asked her not to take that in the wrong way, "I won't." She kept the 'friend' distance between them and put her hands on the backs of his shoulders, waiting for him to place his hands on her waist before actually starting to dance. Faye was an alright dancer. She grinned at him, making conversation as they danced, "Haven't you had a girlfriend before Deathwish? You've been around for like, a hundred years, I thought you'd be the 'find-that-special-girl-and-settle' type." She was obviously curious, even Nick had stayed around a girl long enough to have a kid with her, and he probably only left because she cheated on him.

Raina noted the glance and rolled her eyes, "Since my sister is dancing with your brother, feel like dancing Nick?" She grabbed his hand and pulled him to the dance floor, basically doing the same thing as Faye with the hand placement and keeping the friend distance..although it was slightly closer than Faye and Deathwish were. Now Raina was actually a good dancer, she could do the complicated things and Nick could probably just tell this by the way she danced with him.
Nick nodded, he was a great dancer and showed it to Raina. He smiled happy he got a good dance partner. He looked at her. "Your a good dancer Raina." He said and glanced at Faye. He smiled and then looked at raina and then chuckles and he continued to dance. He did a few skilled moves. He saw his brother was keeping it simple for Faye. He smiled a bit at least he could dance alittle with faye.

Deathwish looked at her thinking about it as he danced. He looked at Nick and then at faye. "Well...I've had a girlfriend but she was.....well I um...she was killed." He said looking at his feet suddenly. (Writers block!)
"Well aren't you the dancer," Rosa said in surprise following his movements expertly. She blushed at his comment and her first instinct was to move away, why was she setting herself up for pain. She kept telling herself to back off but she felt so safe with him. Rosa after a pause replied in a whisper of a voice, "I'm glad you brought me too." Why was she so conflicted, everything was so clear in her past life so uncomplicated but now she was mash up of contrasting feelings. She heard a few murmurs about her being blind but what really interested her was the nicknames for Chameleon. "Do you like being called Leo or Leon?" she asked quietly.
He grinned at her as she complimented his dancing and then listened as she spoke quietly, he frowned a little bit. He could tell she was conflicted about something, but had no idea what on earth that thing could be. However, when she asked about nicknames he shrugged, thinking about it. He hated to admit it, since he had questioned it at first, but he did prefer being called Leo. "Uh, dunno, Leo I guess." He smiled at her, "You're a good dancer too."

Raina shrugged, being easily able to keep up with his skill level, "Thanks, you too." She noticed him looking at Faye and she grinned, "You really like her eh?" She looked to him now, an eyebrow raised but an almost happy smirk on her face. If happy was a possible emotion for her to have.

Faye looked at him, killed? That must be awful. "How?" She asked it gently, but not gently enough to make it sound fake or annoying. She looked up at him as they danced, hoping he already knew that he didn't have to tell her if he didn't want to.
Deathwish looked at her and looked up quickly giving her a spin not wanting to answer(He killed her with his blood lust....poor poor deathwish.) He pulled her back keeping the distance between them. He continued to dance ignoring the question. He looked away from her and sighed deeply as they danced. He looked down.

Nick nodded smiling. "Yes I do." He said looking at Faye. He looked at raina and kept his dance level. He smiled looking at her. He smiled and then looked over at her. He smirked and then laughed a bit. "Oh sorry I was just thinking of someone.
Garos laughed as well, smile widening as she relaxed in his arms. He held her for quite awhile before she spoke again, looking at her hand and shaking his head at the explanation. "I'd tell ya' to be more careful, but I'm one to talk, eh?" he said, obviously talking about his scars. Over the years, he had done quite a bit of damage to his body with all of the fighting and training. There were a few times where he'd gotten attacked and not even felt the cuts until later. Shaking off the though, he grinned at her words. "Now I see why Nick'n Deathwish are so scared of ya'. I dunno, though. I think I could hold my own if ya' tried to kill me." Laughing again, he leaned down a cupped her chin, giving her a light kiss.
(Macal Enters)*Usually I make a splashy entrance when I arrive and want to assert myself, my favorite is to have 20 of my Sweepers (Armored Troopers) suddenly just appear in the room and I casually stroll in this is pretty effective especially when my troopers shove assault rifles in my enemies faces. But these are just kids, sure highly gifted but still kids I mean the oldest is like a 100. I decide to make a more subtle entrance and quietly enter the academy.

My first thought is to find my wife Faith and my daughter Liza but the sounds of a party catch my attention. As I walk into the room I catch my first glimpse of what are to be my new students in Combat Tactics...They all look strong this will be interesting. Suddenly I catch Alex and Sheena in the corner of my eye. I know Alex wasn't expecting me till the morning but my business in Bolivia was settled sooner then expected. Suddenly my eyes flash with blue lighting catching his attention, he quickly stands up dropping Sheena off his lap and onto the floor. This makes me grin as I turn to leave the room to go find my wife and other daughter*

Alex: *When I see Macal in the room my heart about jumps into my throat, I'm sitting here with his oldest daughter in my lap and she's pretty drunk, my life flashes before my eyes and the first thought that pops into my mind is coffee I need lots and lots of coffee..Suddenly I realize Sheena's a lycan she should burn this off with a simple run or something she just needs to get her blood flowing and maybe he didn't see her..Ok that's just crazy thinking of course he saw her she's loud enough Ray Charles could see her. I'm so so so dead.* Screw it hey give me a beer and keep them coming after all it's probably my last day on Earth.

Name: Macal Cord

Alias: Hunter/ God of War and Valor

Place of Birth: Laredo, Tx/ Oberian Citadel (Home Realm)

Date of Birth: May 8, 1973-current reincarnation

Age: Apparent age 35/ Actual age est 12,000

Marital Status: Married to Faith Eliza Cord (second wife) Taikem Arno Stark (divorced)

Military Rank: Lt. Commander-United States Navy

Group Afiliations: S.H.I.E.L.D. Tracker Divison/Freelance Bounty Hunter, Desperados (along with brother Ethen), United States Navy-Seals Team 9, Travelling Hit Crew, White Lotus Ninja Clan, Paladin of the First Order

Current Afiliation: Current Executive Director of S.H.I.E.L.D.
Flower looked at him and relaxed loving the kiss. Her heart almost skipped a bit when he did. She smiled and then shifted a bit. "I love it when you do that." She said giggling a bit. She quickly gave him a squeezed, loving to be held by him. She looked him in the eye and kept her gaze there. She looked down after a long while a slight blush.
Heather laughed when Liza was thrown off Alex. "Finally," she says while walking over to him. She stands next to him, her hips waving around, hoping he would notice her. If he didn't then she would lure him onto the floor. She looked at every one else. Almost all were dancing with a partner. Heather's dance with Death was disastrous and she hated being so close to someone with a stone cold, non moving face. She sipped from her bloody beverage, sending a drip of blood down her neck. She had drinking problems. She was so used to drinking alcohol, that when she drank blood her mouth twitched. People didn't know that though. It added to her mysterious vampiress.
"Then from now on I will call you Leo," she replied smiling as he complimented her dancing but the song began to fade and another one started. "I can't possibly be the only one you know at this party, some people already know your name. I gotta work on being a social butterfly, why don't you help me?" she whispered in his ear slipping her hand into his.
Sheena hadn't noticed Macal come in and so was totally thrown off guard when Alex threw her to the ground. Not yet connecting in her mind that she needs to stand, she gawks up at him, stunned and hurt, and more sensitive than usual in her current state. Hurt in her eyes, she points up at him, her voice much louder than usual.

"You don't like me either now! Just threw me off you like...I wasn't even kissing him, that was...totally one in this whole f*ckin' place likes me, f*ck!" She tries to stand up and grabs his arm to try to pull herself up, but is having some trouble with it. "I don't like it THAT rough!"
Heather stared at Sheena with a wide eyed, disgusted face. "What the hell is wrong with you?" She didn't want to leave guitar dudes side but was repulsed by sheena. She just kept moving her hips. She blocked out the alcohol smelling, obnoxious sheena. She was hoping guitar would focus on her.
Her eyes narrowing slowly, Sheena looks up at Heather, then over at Alex, then back at Heather again and how close she is standing to him, the suddenly hateful tone she has with her. She looks back at Alex, dimly remembering Heather had been next to him talking to him when Sheena sat on him, and even in her current state she immediately jumps to conclusions.

"It's her! She got you, or something...and that's why you threw me off...because she wants to be there...and now you don't like me anymore, or something...damn it, you didn't give him a heart, you can't just play his guitar!"

Of course the last bit makes absolutely no sense, but fueled by adrenaline now, Sheena gets to her feet, almost in Heather's face.
Heather's eyes became slits, her eyes turning black. She walked slowly and eerily twords sheena until there foreheads were touching. No one had seen her dark, vampiress side but she was ready to show it. "," she said in a low, slow tone, yet still feminine. "You cant tell an apple from an orange at this point, you drunk..." she raised her hand eerily, her long fingers stretched out, her nails nice and long. She backed up her face and waved her hand past Sheenas face, her finger moving up and down. Just as her hand passed her face she flicked her hand and cut Sheenas cheek with her nails. She smiled with evil.

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