Fighting Academy by Fire of Hearts (Closed)

Sheena smiles, then looks around quickly behind herself to make sure Faith didn't come in when she wasn't looking to watchdog her. She hadn't actually expected that someone who was both older and obviously straightlaced would provide her seventeen-year-old self with alcohol, but now that it's been presented she isn't about to turn it down. Taking a beer in each hand, she opens one quickly and takes a swallow, glancing again towards the doorway to make sure Faith isn't coming in.

"Hm, maybe this school doesn't suck TOO much." She takes another long swallow, her posture relaxing already.

Meanwhile, Faith is in her bedroom, planning her lesson for the next day, or rather, trying to. She hasn't had a chance yet to assess the ability and weaknesses of any of the students, or even learn their names and personalities, and she is finding herself more nervous about this than she expects or wants. Finally she gives up in disgust, deciding that when the time comes she'll just go with the flow. Going to Liza's bedroom to check on her, she finds her actually asleep with her teddy bear like she's supposed to be, for once, and after making sure she's sleeping well, she locks the door behind her and heads out into the surrounding woods, intending to slay, if needed.
Nick rolled his eyes and took the other one. "Yeah but I will limit you, I have no idea how these effect a Lycan such as yourself." He said opening the one he had up. "I don't have these to often but I keep plently around incase I am in need of one. He said drinking it down quickly and then throwing the can away. He grabbed a mint and put that in his mouth. "I don't want you drunk." He said chuckling.
As soon as Heather saw the alcohol, her eyes got wide. She threw her glass cup of blood at the wall causing it to shatter. She ran over to the table and squeezed in between the two already there. She grabbed a whine bottle and stared at it like her life depended on it. "Boy have I been looking for you!" She started chugging the bottle and didn't even get dizzy. One of the many benefits of being vampire.
Nick laughed at the girl. "I know right?" He looked as Deathwish came over giving Nick a glare. "Hide them before others see them and then start getting everyone drunk." He glared at his brother and then looked at Heather and sighed. He grabbed the alcohol and then hide it back under the table. Nick sighed knowing deathwish would keep them from coming out again.
"Hey, I won't get drunk off two beers," Sheena said, somewhat offended, one hand on her hip as she finishes off the first and ducks under his arm, reaching for another. "I'm like, 5'9, it would take more than ONE beer to get me drunk, jeez." Of course, the fact that she's also only 119 pounds at that height soaking wet means that it's easier to intoxicate her than she wants to admit, but she figures he doesn't know that part.

As Heather freaks out over the wine, Sheena stares at her, then snickers, shaking her head. "Now THERE is someone who doesn't need to get drunk."
Nick grabbed her and then pushed her away. "Now now, wait for a while and then I'll let you have another. Get some food into your belly as well it helps." He said chuckling between the two girls and deathwish's death glare. He shrugged and then looked at Sheena. "I'm a smart boy remember?" He laughed.
Garos looked at the girl, his bloodshot eyes trying to meet hers. Still, she looked to the ground, even as she spoke. He let out a sigh, shaking his head. "Flower, I know yer' confused and I dunno' what to tell ya'. No matter what ya' decide, I'll be here. Ya' have my word on that," he said, smiling lightly. He didn't know what else to say. "Just know that I'll be around when ya' do figure this all out." Reaching toward her, he lightly touched her arm and gave it a gentle squeeze, then stepped away, heading toward the building and his room. He needed to get all this blood off of him.
Heather laughed as sheena said she wasn't to get drunk. She liked sheena. She was fun. Then she looked at death and saw his seriousness. She put her head down. "Sorry, Death," she said ashamed. Death was a good friend to and he probably knew what was best for her. Heather snatched a beer from under the table and looked at death with puppy dog eyes. "Please death? Just one?"
"Yeah, well, you're also not my dad or my big sister," she rolls her eyes, pulling away from him with a glare, her voice almost snappish to the point of a snarl. "And you can't /touch/ me like that!"

Spinning out of his grasp, she snatches up another beer and then backs out of his reach, raising her eyebrows. "What are you gonna do, chase me? Why would you show me all that and then snatch it away and go oops, nope, can't have it, anyway? You just want to make this some kind of game, and I'd need more than one beer to be willing to play."
(He just grabbed her and then pushed her away he didn't hold her lol)

Nick rolled his eyes. He lifted the table cover and then made all the drinks under there disappear in shadow. "They are my drinks sheena. I control how much you have because they are MINE. You could have had more if you just would have waited a bit." He said looking at the can in her hands. "You can keep that one."

Deathwish sighed and looked at Nick. "No sheena might snatch it away from you." He said and then looked at his twin brother nick. "Shouldn't have brought thses here at all Nick." He said glaring.

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Flower looked up at him and then dashed towards him. She hugged him tightly and ket very close. "I'm sorry.....I...I know how loyal you've been and how stupid this whole thing is." She looked at the back of his head since she hugged him from behind. "I want to be with you...I don't care...I shouldn't care." She said and then held him even tighter. She relaxed slowly though just being close to him.
Heather poutidly said, "ok...fine." she popped it open and took a drink before seting it on the table. She hugged Death and laughed at Sheenas foolishness. "Oh! What game?," she said, playing along.
"What, are you the official alcohol dispenser around here?" she mutters, but she drinks her second beer more slowly, leaning back against the wall and watching everyone else. "Did you bring ALL of that for you? Why even drink it, you don't get drunk and it's not like it tastes so great."
Garos blinked as she hugged his back, then turned as she relaxed, pulling his arms around her and returning the hug. "Hey, don't be sorry..." he said with a small smile, holding her tight. "I know first hand just how hard it can be to accept mortality, but this situation is somethin' entirely different. I wanna' be with ya' too, Flower, but if it means it'll be bad for ya' in the long run, I don't wanna' be the cause've that." Leaning down, he kissed her forehead softly. He'd missed the feeling of having her in his arms more than he'd like to admit.
Nick shrugs. "I guess it's more in hopes that I can get drunk...I don't drink it that often remember?" He sighed. "I'm sorry Sheena....I shouldn't have even showed you..." He looked at Deathwish. "Now he's mad at me too." He sighed. "A bad boy has to do something bad...right now I've been extra good for faye....I mean I love her and all but serriously...I've been WAY to good latly and now my flirting with other girls has been taken away. WHat am I going to do?" He chuckled.

Deathwish looked at Heather and then sighed. He kept his arms at his sides. "You've adapted Nick...that's all. This place isn't exackly the place for all that stuff now." He sighed. "I bet we still can do our twin thing though! Only I guess we're restricked to messing with Faye flirting wise...But we could always do the other long as flower doesn't catch us." He said flinching back as he said flower.

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Flower closed her eyes as he kissed her forehead. SHe smiled a real smile for the first time since this whole problem happened. She set her head on his chest. "I don't think I care anymore...I mean it's not like we're getting married..." She said the idea made her giggle a bit. She then sighed. "I don't think I could stay here at this school knowing you were here to and stay away. I get pretty upset, just asked my still unhealed hand." She said looking at her broken hand, she looked at him and started healing it now.
"Adapted nick?," she became serious. "What does that mean?" She picked the bear back up and glared at him angrily. She chugged it while still glaring at him. She rested the drink back on the table and waited for a response. She brushed the hair from her face and stood there dead serious.
*Walked in expecting Sheena to be off in a corner alone, to my surprise she actually seems to be socializing and having fun, I decide to find myself a seat within sight of her, more for me to see her then her see me. While in my little corner I pull out my guitar that I was carrying in it's case and start playing. mostly loud enough that only someone right next to me could hear..I figure tonight is our last chance to have fun sense my boss who's turns out to be Sheena and Liza's father and Faith's husband is coming to the academy tomorrow to check on our progress. I tell myself it won't be to bad for a 12,000 plus former God of War, Macal is pretty mellow and usually fun to be around unless he's concern about his family then it's smart of me to tread lightly.*
Heather ignores the conversation she had been engaged in and was mezmerised by the guitar. She walked over slow and graceful. She sat in a chair next to him and watched him play. He was a sight to see. As was Heather herself.
Sheena smirks at Nick, raising an eyebrow. "Bad boy, looking for bad to do, and he won't even let me or anyone else drink? Now how the hell do you expect to be so bad when you won't even let me drink, huh?"

She steps closer, taking his arm. "I could so teach you how to be bad, vampire wannabe."
Nick looks at her. "Wanna be? Girl I've kissed almost every girl in this school. I could spin your world upside down...I'm just being nice because this is faye's party." He said chuckling. "I do think however I am on the edge with faye. For her sake I'm holding myself back for a bit." He said standing up. "I've played this game longer then you've been alive missy." He smirks.

--- Merged Double Post ---

Deathwish sighed. "We can't kill that much anymore,I haven't drank one drop of blood in years, and Nick doing more good then normal. I'd say we've changed almost everything about us like we've done before. I wasn't always this nice. I woiuldn't hesitate to kill anyone. Of course I still don't but I've been holding back alot." He said to her before she walked away.
Sheena snorts, disbelieving, and then laughs outright, shaking her head as she smirks over at him. "Kiss? Whoopdeedoo, I could go around kissing every person in this room in under sixty seconds if I wanted to. You think you're a badass world spinner...prove it! Give it your best shot, Fangy! We could always go out to the hall. As of now though my world looks pretty un-spinning."

She has yet to notice Alex in the corner.
Nick shakes his head. "Nah you don't get it." He said grabbing her and then spinning her till where she was in a dance pose leaning on his arm. "You don't get it at all." He said putting on his charming smile, his act was good. He could put a normal girl into a faint if he wanted. He stared down at her. His eyes had mixed feelings, worry, happiness, and sadness. His fell fell into place slightly over his eyes. Normal bad boy look, but he was also giving off a sensitive vibe. He pulled her up and spined her out. He crossed his arms looking at her. "Well if you didn't like that I'm afraid that's all I will do for faye's sake." He said his face now dead serrious.
A little dizzy, Sheena stumbles, then staggers slightly the side; still a little unsteady and lightheaded, both from the couple of drinks and from the spinning, she starts to walk away, then almost trips over someone sitting to the side. Grabbing onto his shoulders, she gasps when she realizes it's Alex, then laughs out loud. "'re so LATE..."
Nick chuckles and walks over. "Wow I did that?" He chuckled and looked at Alex. "Well I'm not sure if I should say sorry or say your welcome." He chuckled and then looked back at Sheena. "Well I thing I've spinned ya....right to another guy, but maybe not your world. I guess love has changed me more then I would like to admit." He said looking at Faye with a smile.
"You're not my world," Sheena declares to Nick, shaking her head, "you aren't even my plastic globe..."

She moves Alex's guitar a little clumsily and then sits in his lap, leaning back against him as she exhales. "I would totally leave this place except I'm a fighter...or something," she mutters, still appearing a little disoriented. "How come I always f*ck up anyone liking me for like, the first six months they know me..."
Nick chuckles. "I never said I was your world...I said I didn't spin it." he looked at her and crossed his arms. "Now what do you mean by that?" he said and then looked back to Faye. He smiled at her and then looked at James who was eyeing him but he relaxed hearing all he said about Faye to sheena. Nick looked sheena and put his hands into his pockets.

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