Fighting Academy by Fire of Hearts (Closed)

Deathwish looks at sheena and wonders why she was near the door and looking at him. He looked away though, not wanting to creep her out. He wasn't exactly the best guy to try and even talk to. Deathwish wasn't the bests of names, he kinda got a reputation of being a cold blooded killer. He really wasn't but sometimes he just seems that way. He looked around his foot still tapping to the beat of the music.
Garos nodded grimly at the other's words, frown deepening at the 'stupid human' bit. As the other rushed him, he moved back to avoid the blows, the heat from the fire only causing his shoulder to draw more of his attention.

"Enough!" roared the scarred human, eyes beginning to glow red. "I'm sorry," he began, the blood on the guard's beginning to pulse with a white light. "But, it's time to end this." Garos had began to mumble low and foreign words, seeking to detonate the blood on his opponent's body.
(yeah you can kill him just making sure you know.) Guard looks at the human. "What trickery is this?!" he said with a worried look on his face. He looked around a d then at the blood on his armor. He blinked an then looked at garos. He sensed flower's sudden uneasyness. He closed his eyes for a second. "Beter get back here." he said outloud but he was really speaking to flower's mind. He sensed his own death, it was something he was feeling for a while now.
(Ah, alright then.)

Garos smirked a little at the mention of trickery, stopping his words for a moment to speak. "Like I said before, blood magick. I warned ya'." Ignoring the second words, he began to chant again for a moment quickening his pace. Stopping, he jumped backwards and shouted, eyes flaring a bright red and runes tearing into the earth beneath the guard. "Zah'th sunnom tet!" he roared and the blood gave one final flash of white before it exploded.
(Guessing that killed him? O.o ? xD )

Flower felt something was going on, with the suddenly flash of need to get back to Garos her worry spiked. She was already trying to deal with it and was quite worried the whole time. Now she was completely in a state of panic. She rushed back finding the force field was gone and headed out to Garos. Her eyes widened in more worry seeing he was injurd. She bolted to his side and checked the gaurd. She looked back to Garos conserned and started to use her light to heal his shoulder. She looked up at him and then down to the ground. Her hands were a bit shaky.
After the blast settled, Garos eyed the guard, who looked completely out of it, then slumped to the ground, dragging himself over toward something to lean against. Both his shoulder and head pounded with pain, but still he smiled as Flower approached, beginning to heal him. "Hey there," he mumbled looking up at her, then over toward the guard. "I'm gonna' assume that he called ya' here? Hope that blast didn't kill him off."
Guard gets up. "Nope....but...that hurt...." He said now sitting up. "Ouch..." He looked at Flower and bowed down but she didn't seem to respond. He looked at her and then looked at Garos. He spit out blood. "Ugh made me bite my tongue." He looked back to flower now standing up tall.

Flower didn't say anything for a while. The wound on Garos's shoulder was taking some time. She looked at the Guard and then looked back to the wound. "Leave....and tell the others, bother me again and they'll find themselves human and out of a job. Get to it!" She said commandingly and didn't look up at Garos. She felt like she couldn't. She was still confused about the whole mortal thing and wasn't to sure about all this. She was close to Garos because she had to be.

The guard was taken back and then nodded taking his orders. He looked at Garos and sighed. Once he was gone Flower slightly relaxed, still though she was pretty tense and a bit shaky.
Myra and Raina both heard Sheena's outburst and Raina is the first to rush over, blocking her path as she smirks in a fakely sweet manner, "You leaving already? What a shame." She then goes back to her usual cocky tone, "No-one is trying to cut each-other's heads off at this party right now Sheena." At her comment on older people trying to 'get it on' with younger people she knows Sheena is on about her sister, she narrows her eyes, "Nick only looks 18, I'm sure you've known worse." By her comment she doesn't mean anything, she is simply suggesting that Sheena had probably heard of 50 year old men dating 20 year old women. But her sentence could be interpreted in different ways.

Faye leant closer to him, smiling after him saying he loved her. She knew that was a big step for a player like him. She pressed her lips against his and then heard Sheena's outburst. About Nick being ancient, and Faye being younger than her. She pulled away, shaking her head lightly, she was beginning to heat up and she grinned lightly, "Woop! I got my fire back!" She left out how she lost it after she saw him kiss that teacher, she then looked to Sheena, "Gimme a second." She smiled at him and kissed his cheek, whispering in his ear lightly, "I think I love you too." She understood now. At least better than she did before. The teacher had kissed him first, and even though he should have stopped her, he may have been just about to, she didn't know. And he seemed pretty upset over what happened, she knew that if he did it again he wouldn't have another chance though. She stormed over to Sheena and glared at her, heat steaming off of her, her fire was coming back with a vengeance. "Look Sheena, I'm sorry that I almost burnt your pretty little eyebrows off, but I apologized and tried to be nice to you. We don't have fights going on all the time at this school...and when we do, so what?!? It's a fighting academy! We always have good reasons to fight, we don't do it for no reason! So can you please just leave other people's relationships and love life's alone?" She paused and took a deep breath, you could see it was hard for her. She opened her eyes and spoke calmly, "I don't want to fight about it. I don't want you to leave and go sit in your room by yourself, but if that's you want to do I'm not going to be rude and try to stop you either." She grabbed Raina's arm and moved her out of Sheena's way. Raina rolled her eyes, "Great, you're sounding more and more like Myra every day." Myra suddenly appeared beside Raina, "That's better than sounding like you." Raina snarled, "At least I have fun and enjoy life!" Myra opened her mouth to retort and Faye pushed them away from eachother, "Guys! What did I JUST say about fighting?" Raina shrugs, glaring at Myra, "She's a key-holder, it comes naturally." Myra made a 'pfft' sound, walking off as she muttered, "Stupid parasite." Faye rolled her eyes, "Thanks for helping my case guys." And then looked to Sheena, waiting for her to decide whether to stay or leave.
James looked at Raina. "Hey the Queen of Key holders just danced with the Prince of vampires. SO GET OVER IT! It seems royalty on both sides have gotten over it and you two should follow." He said glaring at BOTH myra and Raina. They were starting to tick him off. He crossed his arms and then sighed looking at how happy nick was looking.

Nick was over joyed and right now nothing was going to ruin his happy mood. Not even to two moody jerks. He looked at Sheena and smiled. "Come on I'm sure it's not that bad." He said shrugging. "If you were back at my home things would be MUCH worse. This is a school for fighting and right now there are quite a few touble makers. It's hard not to defend yourself. Why don't you just enjoy the party it seems all has calmed down." He said still widely smiling. He felt almost like he could fly.
"Wait so is this Demon King? Wait you know what we can talk about that later all I want to do now is have a little fun," Rosa as the bass line pumped. The vibrations reverberated in her chest and her body tingled with the electricity in the air. She felt so comfortable around him and right now all she wanted was to dance. She heard the slight flick of Chameleon's head as he looked around the room, maybe he was here with another girl and had just invited her here to be polite. She loosened her grip on his hand but didn't pull out of his fully, she was giving him the opportunity to leave if he needed or wanted to. She could find her way around here and she knew how to dance in the crowd of people.
Heather shook her head with confusion. She walked over to Sheena. She stared angrily at the others. "Why are we talking to her like that? She did nothing wrong. That's her opinion!" She looked at her. She didn't really know her but felt liberal. Heather patted Sheena on the shoulder and gave her a reasuring smile. She walked back and sat back at her seat. She chugged her fleshy drink and danced on the stage.
Deathwish looked to heather and then watch her defend Sheena and then dance. He sighed and got up. He walked over to Heather. "Want to dance?" He asked and sighed. "I'm slightly bored....and you seem to be the only girl here now that doesn't want her lips on mine." He said looking back at Sheena, Faye, and Myra. "Well besides them." He said looking back at Heather.
Chameleon felt her hand loosen and thought it was a sign of worry, he gave it a small squeeze and looked down to her, smiling lightly, "I don't really know anyone here that well," He stumbled on his words a little bit, his nerves getting to him, "I you want to dance? With me?" He looked around at the dancing people and the loud music, dancing seemed to be the thing to do right now, and he was hoping Rosa would like dancing, since he was pretty alright at it.
Garos smirked, standing himself and eyeing the guard. "I tried warning ya'," he said with a pained chuckle as the girl's healing light pulled his shoulder back together. It didn't exactly feel good, but he tried to ignore it. At Flower's words, however, he blinked, looking a little shocked for a second. His face quickly turned to a frown as Flower wouldn't even meet his eyes.

Once the guard was gone, Garos looked past Flower for a moment, then at her again. "Can't even stand lookin' at me?" he said with a bit of a chuckle, but not a happy one. "I know this is a lot to take in, and I understand whatever decision yer' gonna' make on... well, on us." Giving a half-shrug with his good shoulder, he waiting for her response, if there was even going to be one.
Flower closed her eyes and sighed deeply. "I..." She sighed again and opened her eyes. "I....don't know Garos...I'm confused and I really like you....I just don't know..." She said as she kept healing the wound. Once she was finished she let her hands fall to her sides and she looked straight down. She was scared if she looked him in the eye she would make her mind up on impulse. She couldn't do that to Garos or herself. She had to keep thinking clearly.
Heather was extatic when death asked her to dance. She smiled wide and played it cool. "I would love to," she said in a polite, conserved voice. "You lead the way!" she said brushing her long hair around her face, looking shaggy and long, but modern and cute. She took off her flip flops since they were hard to dance in.
Deathwish held out his hand. "Alright then." He said slowly backing to the dance floor. Either someone was teasing him or it was just weird timing a love song started to play. (By the way Deathwish has no intention of getting a girl right now and I haven't picked any favorites for deathwish. So don't take the love song thing wrong way I just thought it would make him uncomfortable and funny.) He sighed deeply but kept his hand out looking at Heather.
Rosa tried to stop the smile from spreading across her face but couldn't, she wasn't one to play things cool. "Let's do it," she said tightening her grip on his hand and moving quickly through the mess of people. Everyone's body temperature was so high it was easy to find a place that was empty just by the absence of heat. Rosa began to sway to the beat moving her hips enticing as she released Chameleon's hand.
Chameleon smiled as she agreed to dance and when she actually began dancing he felt himself being almost drawn closer to her. Boy did she know how to dance. He began to dance beside her when the song suddenly changed to a romantic one. (Thanks a lot Deathwish and your bad luck! xD ) He wasn't sure whether or not Rosa would be comfortable dancing to a love song with him, but he took her hand anyway and did a small mini bow, "May I have this dance?" He grinned at her foolishly.

Raina shrugged and walked off, she spotted Chameleon dancing with the girl and pushed herself against the wall, watching them. Then as he bowed like an idiot she rolled her eyes, "Oh pur-lease Leo. What a cheesy move."
Myra looked to James as he glared at her, you could see she was slightly shocked and didn't really know what to say. She thought about it, she didn't particularly like the twins, but she got along with them and wasn't rude to them. Plus, she encouraged Nick to talk to Faye, so there must be something inside her that told her vampires weren't all that bad. But Raina, Raina was something entirely different. A main reason Myra hated vampires is because one killed her parents and even raped her. And that one was Raina's dad. Whenever she looked at Raina, it just reminded her of him. Of course Faye was his offspring aswell, but Faye was different, she had grown up with Faye and she was related to Faye, plus Faye had their mum in her and she didn't look like Raina's dad at all except from the hair colour. Plus, Raina was a bi**h to her so she saw no point in trying to be nice to someone who was rude to her and came from the thing that tore her family and her innocence away from her. "It's hard to be nice to something that would just laugh in your face if you showed kindness." Raina was back beside them both now, her sharp ears having picked that up, "Ouch, Something?" She faked pain and put her hand on her heart, "Oh gosh, that hurt so bad." She then glared at Myra, "Why don't you take another shot bi**h?" Myra tried not to flinch at that word and glared back as she called her a bi**h. "You're defiently your father's daughter alright." She spoke bitterly with a small, almost hidden tinge of pain and Raina felt hurt for a second at what her father had done to this girl and at being called similar to him. Sure she was a key-holder, but not even they deserved what he had done. She then hissed at Myra, trying to cover up the feelings she felt, "Don't ever compare me to that bast**d." Myra rose an eyebrow, "Why? What did he do to you that's so bad?" Raina snarled at her and took a step closer, "Don't you dare try and delve into my past bi**h." Myra folded her arms, seeming a bit intimdated by the closeness because she took a small step back, "Why not? You know mine, pretty much." Raina quickly spoke, trying to get her off topic, "Pretty much? You mean there's more to your interesting little tale?" Myra 'pffted' once more and looked away, "Maybe, but even if there was, you wouldn't be hearing any of it." Raina glared at her, "Maybe I'll just ask Faye, she is my sister afterall." Myra glared at her, "She wouldn't tell you." "Oh really? She's told me a lot of stuff so far." Myra growled at her, "Like what?" Raina tapped her nose with a smirk on her face.
Heather couldn't help gut laugh at the song. She took his hand and tilted her head with a red face."great song choice right?" She walked happily to the dance floor with him. She set her arms on his shoulders leting her hands dangle. She was strictly friendly. She kept her distance. Was she atrackted to him? Yes. Was she a crazed psycho path who clung to him. No where close. She was slightly uncomfortable. He could probably feel her bones due to being slightly under weight.

(Bad luck!? With me?! Lol, jk)
Nick saw them and then got between them. "Raina that's enough...So far you have been a nasty to Myra....if I straight out asked faye what she thought of you spitting harsh words at her sister...I'm sure she'd not like it. So far I am ticked off at this argument you two are having. Myra doesn't deserve your words. She doesn't deserve any hostility towards her. She did nothing wrong....You don't have to be nice but at least hold your tounge." He said and looked at Myra. "That goes for you as well." He sighed and then looked at Faye. "If you have to argue then don't do it today...this is faye's birthday and she doesn't deserve this nice party ruined by you two. At least contain yourselves for your sister." He said as James followed in and nodded agreeing with nick. "At least for today stop it." James added and then looked at Myra.

Deathwish danced with her. He was a great dancer and her twirled her around making sure to keep the distance between them that she had set up. He watched his brother for a second then looked at Heather. He kept his gaze on her as they danced. No emotion was on his face though.
Heather smiled and looked around, avoiding deaths blank face. She pulled away before the song was over. She hated awkwardness. She waved at him saying bye and sat at her table. She loved seeing others dance in love. She felt happy for the others who were dancing. She went over to the food table and picked up a bagel. She sat on the edge of the stage and sung to herself acording to the music.
After the confrontation by Raina and Faye, Sheena has every desire if not to fight back, to go to her room exactly as Faye had said she would. She hates it here...all these people don't seem to even notice she exists until she steps on their nerves. No one wants her here, no one likes her here, no one is ever going to give a shit about her or even talk to her without screaming in her face...that's it. She's not staying here another second, not another day, not just this party, in this school. She'll leave tonight. She doesn't care what Faith says or Alex, Alex's ass isn't even HERE, she'll just take this stupid place and go somewhere else where no one would ever-

But then Nick speaks to her kindly, and Heather, and Sheena falters, no longer quite so upset. In the end she remains standing, trying to pretend that she's not trying to come up with a decision, and goes back to the dance floor, giving Nick a deliberately insinuative eye as she does so, as though nonverbally asking him to join her.

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