Fighting Academy by Fire of Hearts (Closed)

As the force field rose around him, Garos slammed against it, cursing. There was no way he'd be able to dodge an attack now. As the sword came down, he growled, lifting up his hands and trying his best to catch the blade at the sides, holding it away from him as best he could. As he struggled, he fell to a knee, trying to push up against the blade as his opponent tried to drive it down through him. As he struggled, and from the corner of his eye, he watched Flower walk away, a look of rage on her face. In surprise, his hands fell from the blade and it drove into his shoulder.

Stifling a scream through gritted teeth, the scarred human fell back from the blade, face red as he tried to keep from yelling out. The wound was not as deep as it could have been, but it was deep enough, blood spattering the ground beneath him. "Shit..." he murmured shakily, shoving the weapon away and scrambling to a knee again.
Faye's song ended after Heather's fake announcement that Deathwish was hers, a huge applause greeted her and Raina jumped onto the stage, grabbing the Mic from Faye as Faye's eyes latched onto Nick, they widened in the slightest but you could see she appreciated his subtle change of appearance. Raina spoke with a smirk to the audience, "Nice way to start the party Faye! Who's up next?" Two girls from the audience leapt up with confidence and after Raina handed them the mic she pushed Faye lightly off the stage, causing her to fall...right into Nick's arms. Faye turned her head to glare at Raina and she grinned, mouthing to her, 'Talk to him!' She ran off into the crowd and Faye turned her head to look back at Nick, only just remembering that he was holding her. She put her feet back on the ground and took a step back, looking up at him not as much as she had to before because of the heels, "Hey." She muttered, her eyes on his chin rather than his eyes.

Chameleon shrugged as she asked about the fight that happened, "Oh not much, a dragon trying to kill a vampire because he scared his key-holder girlfriend" He grinned, "Well, it's not that much around here anyway." When he entered her room he looked around, feeling a bit nervous until she opened her wardrobe and asked him if any of those clothes would be alright. He walked over and pulled out some jeans and a really pretty top that complimented Rosa's skin tone, "Here, put these on." He gave her a smile - not caring if she couldn't see it or not - and left her room, shutting the door so that she could get changed.
Seeing Raina on the stage, Sheena's eyes narrow, and she turns away deliberately, pouring herself a drink. She has no desire to call any attention to herself, or indeed, to even be in the same room anymore.
Deathwish eyes widened as yet another girl sits on his lap. What was he a chick magnet chair?! He looked at her as she asked him to play along. He reluctantly put his arms around heather. He leaned away from her though. He looked at Dark Flower his eyes still pretty wide. Why did girls have to sit on him? At least a few he didn't know well. He wanted a girl friend but this was rediculas.

Nick eyes widened as she fell in her arms. "F-faye..." He looked at her and then looked down. "You look nice..." He felt cold suddenly as she backed up. "Um faye...." He wasn't sure what to say, for the first time in his life to a girl. He sighed and looked to the side crossing his arms. "..."

Flower grabbed dark flower. "Sorry girl...but NO! I am so tired of you!" She said dragging her out. "..." She looked at deathwish. "I'm so sorry Deathwish." She said growling at deathwish.

--- Merged Double Post ---

Guard laughs and pulls his sword out. "That ought to hurt." He laughed and put the force field down. 'Ready to give up yet? Or do I have to cut off your arm?" He said looking at the injury. He smiled widely. As he looked back at the pained human he laughed even more.
Heather put on a smile as dark flower was dragged out. She stood up and looked at death with a face of impression. "Your welcome!" she said pleased with her self. "Man, am I good!" She walked over to the food table again and got another cup of blood. She leaned on the table and nodded her head to the music while looking around plainly.
Faye sighed, and looked up into his eyes, she froze. She felt a very strong desire to kiss him but held back, thinking of that Teacher's lips over all his. She looked away with a frown, not really sure what to say either. You could say that there was an extremely awkward silence between them both right now. She could tell Nick was maybe regretting what he had done because he was for once lost for words and he wasn't off kissing another girl right now. She decided to finally break the silence by responding to his comment on her appearance, "Thanks, so do you." She still didn't look at him as she spoke, and was glad to hear that everyone else besides her and Nick seemed to be having a good time by the way they were laughing, chatting and dancing with smiles on their faces.

Raina notices Sheena glance at her and she smirks, should she be a bi**h and go speak to her? She flickered her eyes to Faye. No...not at Faye's party. Plus, she seemed to be having a hard time right now trying to talk to Nick. She was now off the stage and was leant up against the wall, she rolled at her eyes at Faye and Nick and muttered to herself, "They are so clueless."
Deathwish relaxes. He looks at Heather as he gets up. "Girls! I sware you're not looking for one and then they just plop into your lap. What do i have to do, start looking for a girl? Maybe they'd leave me alone then...." He said mostly talking to himself. He sighs and then gets some food.

--- Merged Double Post ---

Nick looks at her and then sighs. "Faye....just to let you know...that teacher kissed me...I know I should have stopped it....and I'm sorry for that, but...Faye I've been kicking myself ever since I called you a child. You are much more to me then the other girls." He said looking down. "I've been pretty miserable lately." He said and then sighed looking up. "Not to mention I've been pounded by Deathwish, James, Myra, and even Raina. I'm just glad Flower doesn't know or I'd be dead about now." Flower put her elbow on Nick's shoulders smirking evilly. "Know about what?" Nick glares at her. "I'll tell you later...right now I'm talking to Faye so back off ms. Scary!" Flower chuckled. "Happy birthday Faye...excuse me...I'll kill him later." She said glaring at nick. She walked away.
Looking over at Nick and Faye, Sheena's eyes widen, and she openly stares...isn't Faye like, fifteen...JUST TURNED fifteen...and isn't Nick, like...twice her age? What the hell are they doing together?

Then again, she slept with people three times her age when she was sixteen, so maybe she shouldn't be one to judge.

Looking away again, she moves towards the dance floor, feeling very self-conscious and isolated from everyone else; she has yet to feel as if she fits in, and she seeks to mask this by dancing as if she doesn't notice or care about any of them at all.
Heather laughed at deaths comment on girls in his lap. She smirked at him and said playfully, "Well if you weren't so hot. You wouldn't have to worry!" Heather took a sip of blood while smiling, causing a drop yo fall down her chin, halfway. She left it there as a symbol of her vampiress attitude. She slowly moved her hips to the music until she was off the table and working it on the dance floor. She wanted to ask death to dance but figured he had enough of girls for one night. Instead she went around dancing with random guys.
Rosa tried to hide her shock at the comment about a dragon and vampire fight but before she could say anything Chameleon had already picked the clothes out for her and left the room. She quickly changed, the shirt felt wonderful against her skin. It was loose and flowy but when she stretched her arms her midriff was revealed. The fabric was thin but it was layered with sequins, Swift had already lept and laid down on her bed so Rosa figured she wouldn't be coming. Before the bobcat fell asleep she asked her to find a pair of heels in the closet, the cat sighed and pointed her in the general direction with her mind. Rosa searched the ground finally finding a pair of strappy heels.She tossed them on and slipped out of the room while she undid her braid. "Ready, hey you said that thing about the fight so calmly is it normal?"

Faye felt her eyes watered but she quickly made them vanish before they could fall. She didn't know what to say or do. She knew that she wanted to be with Nick, especially after him telling her that she meant so much more to him than any other girl. But she didn't want to be so easy, she couldn't just say, 'yeah I totally forgive you!' and act like nothing had ever happened. As much as she wanted to. She finally spoke, looking slightly nervous, "If you ever upset me like that again boy, I swear I'll..." She trailed off as she finally met his gaze, finding that she had lost her words. Although they seemed to a subtle way of saying she forgives him.

--- Merged Double Post ---

Chameleon couldn't help but stare a little bit at her as she exited the room, of course he had picked the top, but it really showed it's potential when she was wearing it. Combined with the heels and her hair loose around her face...she looked beautiful. He realized she had asked a question and stuttered a bit, "U-Uh ye-yeah. It kinda is." He slowly took her hand and started leading her to the party, "I mean...the other day the demon king came by and fought a human because they both wanted the same key-holder girl. So a dragon and a vampire fighting over that key-holder girl didn't seem to be such a big deal." He shrugged lightly and they reached the room, stepping inside as he quickly looked around at the people inside. He spotted Faye locking eyes with that guy she seemed to like, the dragon guy and the key-holder girl basically being all couple-y and chatting with each-other, and everyone else dancing around and laughing. He looked over and spotted Raina smirking at him, he frowned lightly and her eyes flickered to Rosa, his and Rosa's hands and then back to him, she raised an eyebrow suggestively and he glared lightly at her.
Garos scowled at the guard's words, but nodded. "Yeah... it did hurt, but no way in hell would I give up against somebody as weak as you," he said with a pained grin. "A better guard would'a tore me in half right then." Laughing a little, Garos stood again, then quickly spun, flicking the blood that had fallen onto his arm at the guard to distract him. Rushing forward he scooped his dagger from the floor and used his speed against the armored foe, driving the blade deep toward an opening in the chestpiece of the armor.
Sheena dances alone with sensual movements, her loose, wild hair whipping around her as she ignores everyone else, yet she is giving out an aura that is enticing nevertheless.
Heather just got dancing with a boy when she decided she would go back to her room. She didn't say by to anyone. She walked down the hall ways with a smile on her face. She had a great time. She opened her door, undressed, and took a cold shower, suited for her cold skin. She put on short shorts and a tight, light pink, long sleeved shirt. She sat on her bed and read a map of the school.
Nick looked at her and nodded. He leaned in to kiss her. "Faye....I....I think....I" He said opening his arms ready to grab her yet he held himself. He wasn't sure about any of this. He loved her, that was true however he was scared that she didn't feel the same. He looked into her eyes loving the color. He looked at her hair and then her lips. He stared at her lips. (lol) He still held himself many things going through his head. 'Does she feel the same way? Is she going to give me another chance? DOes she hate me? will she push away or kiss me?'

Guard looked at him. He got him in the chest and he fell to his knees. He looked at the him in anger. He looked up and slowly tried to stand up. "How? how could so fast and strong?" He yelled out in anger. "I will not fail my Queen!" He said grabbing his sword and slashing it at Garos.
Garos grinned as his blade hit home, piercing the chestplate of the guard and stabbing flesh. The guard falling, the human moved backwards, readying himself as the other spoke and stood. He laughed shakily, trying his best to ignore the searing fire that was his gored shoulder. "How? Ya' 'Holders are always so quick to forget that humans weren't always weak and powerless. There're still a few warriors left in our race!" he roared, moving and hoping to avoid the second slash. It grazed his chest, hardly breaking the skin there and only faintly showing blood.
Guard looks at him and creates a fire ball. He coughed up blood. "Why do you even fight for her? I sense her feelings of confustion towards you....she doesn't know what she wants. She's scared about you being mortal. A human and a Key holder won't work, or at least that's what I read in her mind." He swung his sword at him again.
At this point Sheena can't focus on dancing anymore or try to ignore the others and she stops, backing off quickly as she says out loud without bothering to hide her disgust, "This place is so f***ed up, even a PARTY ends up just people trying to cut each other's heads off and ancient people wanting to get it on with people way younger than me...." Her voice drops to a whisper as she heads towards teh door. "God I hate it here."
Eyeing the fireball cautiously, Garos stepped around the guard slowly, circling the other. "Why? Hell... I don't even know. I care for 'er, whether or not she feels the same doesn't really matter... if she doesn't wanna' be with me in the long run, I can live with that too. I gotta' fight for what I care about... always have." He winced a little, gritting his teeth, then continued, frowning at the words. "Yea', tell me about it. Yer' about the 10th fuggin' person to say that. I'm getting sick've it." Looking at the blood he'd sprayed on the other's armor, Garos' eyes flickered red. "Now... I don't wanna' kill ya'. So I'm going to give one last chance for ya' to give up and we can both walk away. With all that blood on ya', you're just asking to be the target of blood magick," he explained, hoping the other would back down.
The Guard looks at him. "I can't...I rather you kill me then fail at my duty. I admire you're loyalty athough it is useless. Stupid human!" He said getting up and rushing at him. He roars swinging his sword at the human ready to die for his work. He slammed his sword down at the ground and then fire blowing out of his hands. He was furious that this human was beating him.
There was no way Heather could sit in her room with the apending fight going on somewhere in the castle. She slipped on a pair of black, platform flip flops and keeps on her short shorts and long sleeve shirt. She looks in the mirror. She looked hot and simple. "Its missing something," she said. She took off her shirt and ripped it at the neck hole. She put it back on and the shirt became a one sleeve, the other dangling off her shoulder. She walked back to the party, hoping it would drown out the fight. She danced seductively to the music, showing of her lengthy, skinny body. Her long hair whipping wildly.
Deathwish was on the dance floor. He sighed dancing with Flower a bit as friends only. Flower was a great dancer which got her some attention. Deathwish looked like a great partner. He was but flower was much better then him. He listened as the song ended and Flower walked back to her seat. She sat back thinking of how Garos said he had two left feet. She seemed alittle upset she wouldn't be able to dance with him. Deathwish watched Flower noding to her after their dance. They were friends, well sorta flower scared him. He looked at Heather and watched for a while. He looked away though soon enough.
Heather was happy and giddy now that she was back at the party. She danced over to death. "Like the new outfit?" She said happily. She wanted to finally be able to dance with him but last time he seemed so uncomfortable with it. Plus he just danced with flower. Instead she sat beside him and nodded her head to the music, occasionally swerving her hips around. She sipped from her blood cup. "This is good blood," she said trying to start conversation. She crossed her legs and nodded to the music some more.
Deathwish looks at everyone else. "I Really don't pay attention to that stuff." he sighed and then tapped his foot to the music. He looked at heather. "I don't drink blood." he said looking around. He sighed again looking for another dance partner. He looked at heather. She might still want to dance. He looked away.
Near the door, Sheena pauses, cutting her eyes to Deathwish. She doesn't really want to leave the party to go brood in her room, but she's still feeling ill at ease.

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