Fighting Academy by Fire of Hearts (Closed)

(Okay :D Sorry Eliza, it would just be easier to do the scene if you had more than two people in it, that way you could get to work with all the student characters)

Chameleon heard the uncertainty in her voice and frowned a little bit, moving his feet slightly because of his anxious feeling he was getting, "You don't have to if you don't want to..." He muttered, "If parties aren't your thing or whatever" He looked down at Swift, wondering whether or not the animal approved of this or not. Strangely enough Chameleon found it's protective side rather funny.
(that was what I WANTED, for everyone to come in...only no one followed through. You all said you were going to class, I said she came in late, I figured you guys would say that she WAS the class...but then somehow I end up with one student and everyone else is elsewhere and then skips it entirely)
"No it sounds fun, interesting," she said slipping her pack over her shoulder. "Do I need to change?" Rosa asked knowing she wouldn't have a clue what to wear if her uniform didn't work. Her clothing had never been high on her priority but Swift sometimes projected her image into her mind. Her hair was swept to the side in a long braid that tickled her shoulder every now and than.
Leaving class, heather herd the talk of this 'party'. She licked the inside of her mouth while thinking. 'Maybe ill go. It will be a good way to meet people.' She walked back to her room and pulled out a cute, short light blue dress that was tight at the waist and loose at the chest and elbow lendth sleeve. She stood out side her door and waited to see what people say about the party. She waited for someone to say where it was and then she would walk there.
Garos' gaze snapped away from the child as the guard attacked, hate in his eyes and flames licking his blade and hands. Stepping just out of the way, Garos growled and jumped forward, pulling a knife from his boot and lunging it quickly at the guard's neck, seeking an open spot in the armor.
Guard jerks back as he slight cuts his throat. He swung his arm at him. He looked at the human, he growled and then jumped back. Making sure to put some distance between them. This human was quick, he blasted fire out keeping himself at a distance. He looked to see with it worked, armor heavy and nosey. He rolled his shoulders.
Smirking at the guard's pained reaction, he landed, jumping back as the guard did the same. Distance was good, until he could get that sword away from the guard and use it himself. His smirk faded, though, when the guard sent fire at him, the flames licking his flesh. He growled, pulling away and readying his knife for another attack that was sure to come.
The guard put up a force field around Garos and then rushed at him. His sword cut through the field easily as he aimed to end the fight. He had been sensing flowers agitation by the way she was fighting the field he set up in the hall way. As he looked down at the human to see what outcome his blow will do, he thought he might just win in this clever trap. His throat still bleeding from the armor rubbing the cut area he looked agitated. His neck though healed soon enough and the blood on his armor stopped dripping down. He was ready to blast out fire again with this attack didn't work. His force field faltered though because of the force on the other one. Yes flower was beginning to get ticked off. He had no choice but to do this quickly. Yet at the same time he wanted the human to suffer.
(Oh, it was because Faye and Raina left school and truanted, and Chameleon already said he was in literature class with Rosa before, not training class, and Myra got ambushed by Peter on her way. I don't know about anyone else's characters, but that's why mine didn't go to Faith's class)

--- Merged Double Post ---

Myra smiled at James as he said the word love, she hugged him even tighter - but not enough to hurt or anything - and spoke back happily, "I love you too." When he mentioned not letting anyone hurt her, her heart warmed and her eyes watered. "I really do" She spoke with complete honesty, no-one had ever been so sweet to her before. She nodded lightly when he spoke of Flower's clothes shifting with her, "Yeah, could come in handy." She let go off the hug and stepped back slightly, smiling at him, "Ready to attend the party we planned?" She places her hand inside his as she smiles up at him, joy in her eyes.
(Flower was too ticked off. She and Garos are having a guess a lovers quarrel. Since she trains with the head trainer Steve she gets out of her classes early.)

Flower gives up and then heads to the training hall. She was furious with the guard that had showed up, even more so since Garos agreed to fight him. She was very confused about things between her and Garos. She liked him alot, still though it was almost inpossible to comit herself to someone who would die in 78 years. While she lived on, it was unbarible to think of it. She saw steve and while he was busy cleaning up the hall. She walked over grabbing her sword out. "Hey mind if we train?" As steve agreed he saw the troubled look on her face.

Steve was making plans to see the knew trainer here. Faith was her name, he needed to see her and her abilities before she has her next class. He was thinking of asigning Garos to be her co-trainer. Flower would be in that class though. Hmmm how would she handle being in the same class as Garos? What's worse he'd be helping to train her and Flower tended to like being the 'Alpha dog.' she never liked taking orders. He chuckled to himself seeing it now. Flower having Garos pinned to the floor in her frustration of him telling her what to do. Then again it could go the other way and Flower would be to busy making out to listen to class. He shook his head. No Flower would never be like that. She's always been edgy about relationships, the type she has with Garos anyway. When he saw Flower's troubled look his mind thought of what could be wrong. Her and Garos had an argument, or worse. Flower could have done something that might make the relationship unstable.

Flower sighed putting her sword back. She looked at him and then crossed her arms. " are we going to train or are you going to stand there with the look on you're face." She said harshly. She was to ticked off right now to really give him to muc respect.

Steve looked at her and shook his head no. "I know that tone....something is bothering you." He said wondering what it could be. SHe seemed pretty angry to him. Surprised she would speak so harshly to him. He leaned over her glaring down. "SO Flower what's up?"

Flower growled loudly as he leaned closer to see what was wrong. Why should she tell him? All he would do would probably laugh. Her eyes glared back as coldy as possible. "It's Garos ok?" She said and then looked away. "This isn't going to never will a human and Key holder aren't compadible." She said her eyes burning with anger at the thought.

Steve backed off seeing as he was only making her anger worse. "I see, learned he was mortal didn't you? COme on Flower I'm sure you are over reacting, from what I have seen Garos surly doesn't want to give up on you. He's been pretty loyal and tolerant if you ask me. I've seen the way you two look at each other. I think you could make it work." He said crossing his own arms. "Flower I'm pretty old and in my time I';ve learned about love. I think you got a pretty good chance here."

Flower growled and then looked at him. "Key holders mate for life, I'm only going to have 78 years, maybe less. That is a very short time for key holders you know." She said glaring, even her hair seemed a bit darker then normal. She looked at the ground. "Yeah I know he has, but..." She tailed off not know what to say.

Steve nodded. "Ha you can't come up with anything now can you? Yes I know that's short for your kind, but what does it matter?" Flower jerk forward to him fury now rising till he could smell it. "IT MATTERS ALOT!" She yelled and then held up her still not healed hand in anger. Steve sighed. "You know you really show stop hurting yourself like that..." He sighed deeply.

--- Merged Double Post ---

James nodded and then sighed happily as she said she loved him too. He nodded and gave her a tight sqeeze before she backed off. He looked at himself. "Well I beter change clothes first. Oh and...Well it seems Flower and Garos are a bit busy from what I heard from Trinity and Ginger they are in a bit of a stand still in their relationship. I'd say they might be late or not show up at all. Flower hurt her hand and when she does that it seems she's pretty angry. As far as I know everyone else is coming." He said and smiled.
Myra nodded and as they walked to the 'party room' she frowned, "Busy? Flower's angry? Did they have an argument?" She looked up at James, her hand still in his. She couldn't imagine being mad at James, she couldn't even try to imagine it.

When they reached the room she switched on the music and laid out the food that was already prepared, the cake being in the middle of the table. Her eyes breezed over the various games in the room - since it was the games room afterall - and they caught onto the mini stage, her smile widened at the karaoke set up beside it. Faye loved singing, but she had never done it in public before. She looked around, waiting for people to start showing up to the party. Pratically everyone had been invited. Even Sheena and Alex.

Chameleon smiled at Rosa as she confirmed that she wanted to come, at her question of uniform however, he nodded lightly, then spoke, remembering she couldn't see him. "Uh, maybe." He gently took her hand once more so he could lead her again, being nervous to hold it because of how she had pulled away earlier, "I don't think anyone will be wearing uniform there." To be honest, no-one really wore uniform clothes anyway, he knew that Faye girl walked around in shorts and tank-tops because of her natural heat.
James sighed and then rubbed the back of his head. When nick came in and Deathwish he glanced at them then lowered his voice. "Trinity said, she's unsure about being with him because humans are mortal. Since key holders basicly live forever and are mates for life. If he died on her she could never take another to be with." He sighed and then rubbed looked as Deathwish offered him a shirt. He smiled and then put it on. "Better, now with that fact flower has been pretty upset."
Heather sneakily followed a group of people to the party. When the entered, instead of going into, she gripped the edge of the entrance. She contorted her body through the top of the door way and climbed backwards twords the ceiling. She clung to the ceiling. She didn't want to barge into some party she wasn't invited to. She would lower herself when the time was right.
Myra bit her lip and watched as Nick and Deathwish came in, she looked away from them so that she wouldn't glare at Nick, she didn't want him to think that he should leave because that's exactly what glaring at him might make him do. But he had cheated on her baby sister. "Really?" She looked at James, she was a bit embarrassed to admit that she didn't the life-span of a human. Poor Flower...Poor Garos. Her eyes widened lightly and she looked to James, "James, how long do you live for?" She felt worry grow inside her, what if he didn't live for that long either? She knew she loved him already. She noticed other people slowly appearing and beginning to dance around and have fun.
Deathwish sniffed and then looked up. He smiled slightly and chuckled. He waved at her and then looked at Nick. Nick was a bit scared to be here. Deathwish sighed at his brother and then looked up at the girl. He chuckled and then stretched out. He looked around wondering why she was up there.

--- Merged Double Post ---

James looked at her and thought about it. "ABout 10,000 years. Dragon's live a long time." He said with a smile. He rubbed the back of his head. He looked at her thinking of how she might react. He blinks waiting to see her reaction.
Myra smiled now, her worry going. She had actually only been alive for 16 years, and a lot had happened in those years. So to her, 10,000 years was A LOT. "Good, because if I lost you so quickly..I don't know what I'd do" She spoke softly and smiled at him, in the back of her head thinking about Flower and Garos, what were they to do? She grabbed his hand and pulled him to the dance floor bit, wanting to encourage people to have fun, "Come on!" She grinned at him and was about to start dancing when she heard Raina's voice at the doorway, "Everyone hide! The birthday girl's coming!" Nearly everyone squealed and hid in various places, Myra pulled James behind the table and they ducked down, even Raina hid and the lights went off.

The sound of the door opening combined with Faye's voice and the light turning on caused everyone to jump up, "Raina, where the hell did you g---" "SURPRISE!" Myra shouted along with everyone else and her eyes widened at the girl who was standing at the door. She had the same fiery orange hair that Faye had, but it was professionally styled now, thinner at the ends and bigger at the top, it had gentle waves throughout it and her side fringe had been re-cut and looked better, it also had very subtle lighter highlights throughout it. She had on white high heels that she could walk freakishly perfect in, designer denim shorts and a white, baggy style top with the word 'Love' on it in gold letters, it was cut diagonally and just showed her belly button, the sleeves ending just below her shoulders. You could tell that she had the right brand of make-up on and it wasn't over the top at all. She looked like a 17 year old.

A wolf whistle was heard and Myra looked to see it had come from a mixed group of boys and girls, she turned to look back at her younger? sister. She looked older than Myra now. Faye walked over to Myra and hugged her, Myra hugged her back tightly, "Thanks a lot Faye, everyone's going to think your the big sister now." Faye laughed lightly, "Everyone thought I was before." She pulled back from the hug and smirked at Myra jokingly, Myra's eyes flittered to Nick and then back to Faye, Faye caught on, looked to Nick very briefly and then back to Myra, acting like she didn't care. She shrugged, "It's a free party right?" She then strolled over to the group that had seeming made the wolf whistle and hugged one of the girls there, a fast-paced song came on and people started to dance. One of the boys in the group came over to Faye and they started to dance together, Faye with a huge smile on her face.

Myra looked to James, "Wow..she seems...confident?" Of course Faye was confident before, but because of the whole Nick kissing another girl thing, she thought she wouldn't be so self-assured. She looked back to her sister who seemed to actually be having fun.
Nick mouth dropped as he saw faye. His brother quickly closed his mouth. Of course when Faye glanced at him he cringed back a bit. He hissed at the boys a bit and then went to sit down. He crossed his arms looking pretty mad. Deathwish smacked himself in the forehead. Nick sat there sulking.

James looked at Nick and then back at Myra. He smiles and holds out his hand to her. "Come on, lets dance." He said with a smile. He looked at Faye and then tipped her a wink. "She looks good." He chuckled and looked at Myra. "Not that I would ever want to leave you." He said leaning over her and giving her a wink. "You're hotter then her to me." He chuckles having a good time so far.
Heather looked at deathwish with a bumed out face. "There goes my cover," she said sadly. She was acrobaticaly coming down when the red head came through the door. She backed into the wall and hoped no one saw her exept for death wish who knew she was there. After the loud surprise, she lowered her self to the floor and walked to the dance floor, her 10 inch heels clicking away. She smiled at deathwish and walked past him. She worked it on the dance floor with her seductive, hip shaking dancing.
Nick sees Heather. Although he didn't want to make things worse between him and Faye. Yet she was dancing with another boy. He ignores it and then keeps sitting. He didn't even look at the other girls. Just sits with his brother deathwish. He seemed way to upset for deathwish to leave his twin alone.
Raina was watching Nick rather closely as he reacted to Faye's transformation, she smirked at his mouth dropping, that was her plan. To make Faye over and show Nick that she wasn't just some kid and she was pleased with her job, Faye actually had a lot of hot potential. Figures, her having the power of fire, of course she was gonna be able to pull of the hot look. She strolled over and sat down beside Nick, smirking lightly as she watched Faye dance with that other guy, he seemed to be enjoying himself as well. "What's wrong Nick? You look pretty mad." She flicked her eyes to him, then Faye, then him, "Are you jealous of the guy who's dancing with that 'child'?" She purposely changed her tone to empthasize that she was quoting Nick himself.

Myra blushed when he winked at her and she smiled at him, "I better be Mr, or else you're not getting any of this." She leant up and kissed him, her arms wrapping around his neck, her lips moving with his as she leant against him further. She wasn't a very good dancer....not like she was trying to distract him or anything.

Faye laughed as the guy she was dancing with leant in closer and told her a joke, an actual funny one aswell. She wasn't one of those silly girls who laughed and pretended to have fun for a guy's benefit or in Nick's case, annoyance. She grinned at him, "So what do you think of my look?" He grabbed her hand and spun her around, "You look amazing." She grinned lightly, sure it made her happier...but she couldn't help but wish that it was Nick saying that instead. She felt a pang in her heart, seeing him kiss that teacher again. She quickly snapped from it before the guy could notice and giggled as he spun her in the opposite direction, causing her to spin in and end up against his side, "Thanks." She spun herself back out, feeling a little bit uncomfortable being that close for too long as she carried on dancing with him.
Nick looked at her and hissed. "Go away before I get ticked off." He said looked at Faye saddly. He looked down. "That's it...I'm not going to torment myself...Deathwish....if that guy kisses her...Kill him." He said putting his hands into his pockets. He quickly left.

Deathwish looked at his brother and sighed. "Yep...he's inlove alright...the poor guy." He looked at Raina and glared. "You know he's done all but kill himself, you didn't need to rub it in." He said looking at faye. "Yes he messed up badly, but Nick is a loyal guy. It was completly out of his character when I found out. I mean I was shocked. Yet I questioned the teacher....she kissed him, he didn't kiss her. Even though he should have stopped it."

James kissed back and put his arms around her. He closed his eyes loving it. He cupped her face and slightly tilted her head deepening the kiss a bit. He smiled under the kiss. He slowly moved back though towards the dance floor keeping her close. (ha ha lol)
Heather was at the food table, putting a cup underneath a blood fountain. She sipped it seductively and noticed deathwish and the appending situation. Her eyes narrowed as she walked over to him, her long legs looking graceful. "Hey Death!" she said confidently. "What's goon on?" She brushed her long hair over her shoulder and sipped from the cup of blood.
Deathwish looked at her. He smiled a bit. "Oh nothing brother is being a love sick idiot." He said chuckling to himself. He looked around. He was also keeping an eye out for peter who might crash the party. He looked back at heather and then back at Raina. He sighed and then leaned back on his chair.

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