Fighting Academy by Fire of Hearts (Closed)

James looked at his clothes. He picked then up and then looked around switching back puting his pants on before anyone could see him. He looked at his shirt. "Great....that was my favorite shirt." He said and went to Myra's room knocking on it. "Hey myra...just came to check on you...don't worry I got my pants on...heheheheheh....But my shirt is useless...darn it..."
Heather grinned at faith. She walked to her seat and looked at the others with a cocky smile. She walked in a way that showed off her flawless body. She sat down and crossed her legs. She looked at faith. "You know, I'm not really conserved if my breasts pop out.." she giggled and acted like she didn't say anything. She was ready to 'learn' now.
Gaurd appears behind garos. "Good glad you figured that out before I had to kill you. The queen shouldn't be with a low life like you." He said raising his sword. His face hidden by his armor. His sword was huge, key holder guards tend to be huge brutes. (Lol) His eyes were red but his face was hidden. He looked at Garos. "I really don't see what she likes in you. Scar face." He said with a chuckle. He rolled his shoulders the armor heavy.
Garos smirked, not turning around just yet. "Before ya' had to kill me? Yer' making it sound WAY too easy. Ooh, low-life too? Now ya' hurt my feelings," he said with a laugh, turning to face the other. His eyes were set and angry, despite the smile, which fell at the scar face comment. "Ya' really don't wanna' do this right now. I'm in no mood to be f#&king around with the like's of you."

Smiling again, he looked at the armor and the sword, shaking his head. "Too bad all that crap won't do ya' any good. C'mon, lets at least take this outside." Without waiting for the other, he stepped out into the hall and made his way toward the outside door, not wanting to make a scene in the school, or damage any more of the property.
The Guard followed him. He stopped quickly to see Flower standing there her eyes wide. He stood up straight. Once she started to back up. He looked at her bleeding hand. He nodded and then continued on his way. He put up a force field to keep flower away. Only it couldn't be seen. Flower stood there staring. He looked at Garos laughing coldly. "Looks like she wants you to die. Not coming to help and all." He said walking outside. He rolled his shoulders again a bit irrated.
Garos blinked, seeing Flower and her hand bleeding. "Flower, I-" he began, getting interrupted by the guard's words and cold laughter. "Yer' really tryin' too hard to piss me off. I don't expect're to come and help. This is my fight." Giving her a small nod, he stepped outside as well, stretching his shoulders. "Alright then. Let's see just what all that fancy armor does for ya'."
Faith stares Heather down, her voice not particularly amused as she responds slowly and deliberately.

"Guess what, I am. Go change your clothes, and if you can't wear something that's not gonna get a boob cut off by accident, then don't come back."

Meanwhile, Liza walks down the hallway and stops, staring; she is on her way to her own classroom and now stands, looking between Flower, Garos, and the Guard. "What are you doing?"
Flower sighed and sat down poking the magic field. "I hate that gaurd." She said sitting there poking it. She watched Garos go out. That was the second time Garos didn't get to finish what he was going to say. She looked down, this stunk.

Guard shakes his head. "I just really hate humans....stupid and annoying." He said lifting his sword. He stared down at the smaller human. He slammed his sword down as a show of his strength. The Earth cracked, flames coming up. He looked at the human and then lifted his sword. He waited for him to make a move.

--- Merged Double Post ---

Flower looked at Liza. "Just waiting here for either Garos or that Guard to die. I can't help the guy I'm um....never mind I'm stuck on the wrong side of the force field." She said annoyed.
Looking between them again, Liza says decisively, "That's bad. They shouldn't oughtta do that. I'll make them stop!" She runs forward and points towards Flower's general direction; as lightning builds up, penetrating through the force field out of the tips of her fingers, Liza turns to Garos and the Guard scowling, holding up one hand as if threatening to strike them too.

"You should stop it."
Heather sighed and stood up slowly. "Fine" she said in a whiny tone. On her way back to her room she noticed the holes in the walls from the dragon fight. "Wow. This school goes through a lot!" She looked in her unpacked luggage and found a pair of tight jeans, combat boots, a white tang top, and a cute leather jacket that was mid torso. "This should do. Lets see, my entire body is covered exept my head so were good! And I still look hot!" She walked back to class and spun around to see if her out fit was approved.
Rolling her eyes and crossing her arms, still seated on the edge of the desk, Faith looks past her to the others, repeating her earlier request. "Alright, names and powers?"
"Ill take that as a yes!" Heather took a seat and waited until it was her turn to say her name and powers. She was exited to hear who the others were.
Garos just shook his head and laughed at the guard's words and the display of his power. "Ooh, I tell ya', I'm really afraid now," he said, voice dripping with sarcasm. He was about the charge the other when he turned at a voice telling him to stop. It was a little girl, holding up a hand that sparked with electrical energy. "Ya' need to stay outta' this, kid," he said, a look of worry on his face. "I don't want ya' getting hurt, okay?" He wondered if the kid would even listen to him, looking the way he did. Having scars over so much of his body, people usually mistook him for some sort of villain.
Guard looks at the kid and then as garos stops he attacks and rushes at garos his sword swings down with flames coming from his hands. He had little regard for the child. There was a job he needed to do, and with flower unable to get to the battle be was sure he would get the job done. He kept his eyes on garos, the child of little consern for him. He glared hate in his eyes.
Dark flower walks around in a short skirt and a bit of a showy shirt. She sees a boy and walks over. He ignores her though. She sighed really wanting a boy to mess with.
(Can we pretend lessons just finished? And the party's about to start? I want Faye to pull up to the school and see Garos and the Guard fighting xD )

Chameleon had gone back to lesson a while ago and the teacher had finished up the lesson a bit early, he looked at the well-behaved students and shook his head a little. "Alright, you're dismissed." The class let out a 'woop!' and most sped from the room, Chameleon noticed he and Rosa were two of the last to leave. He stood up from his seat and smiled down at her, "Hey, I've been invited to this party thing, it starts in about 10 minutes." He pauses, rubbing the back of his neck to show his unease, although you can hear the nervous tone in his voice, "Do you wanna come with?" He was scared of being rejected.

Myra quickly opened the door and hugged him tightly, she then pulled away a little bit just to kiss him gently on the lips. She then leant her head against his shoulder and smiled gratefully, "Thank you, so much" She leant more into his warmth, muttering lightly, "I was so scared." She said it with slight shame, she was annoyed with herself, being so scared all the time.
James chuckled. " you myra I won't let anyone hurt you like that." He said unsure about the love word he put in there. He looked to see her reaction and then put his arms around her waist. He smiled happy to her close. "Yeah I'm starting to see why my brother never wears a shirt....he has a temper worse then faye." He chuckled and blushed slightly. "I think Flower has something that she uses so that her clothes shift with I don't end up naked all the time when I go into my dragon form." He said now blushing deeply. Even if he was a dragon it felt weird that she was present.

(Ask Mr. Grin....last time I cut a fight short....he said I was no fun. lol xD )
(I think that meeting with Faith is the best know, so every one can introduce them selves before the party...)
(I know, but right now no-one is in her class besides Heather. Maybe we could have a class after the fight and party where they are nearly all in Faith's class? That way Faye, Flower and Raina can be in it? And Garos as the co-trainer or something?)
Rosa loved the class, they were reading a great book and the teacher really seemed into it. However the rumbling and vibrations that filled the class were really distracting, even after Chameleon went to handle it. Swift was definitely uneasy her whole body tense trying to understand the situation going on outside the classroom. Rosa decided to ignore it because no one else was bothered and all of the whispers around the room had nothing to do with the rumbling.

When the class was finally dismissed everyone left in a flash, she decided to wait for a moment so the hallways cleared. As she started to pack her things someone, Chameleon, approached and asked about a party. "Sure, sounds fun I think," she said not completely sure. Rosa had never been to a party so this would be different.
('s like completely ignoring the fact that a scene started since she'll be doing the exact same thing all over again...and why they would have class right after a party makes no sense...but whatever)
(Flower in class with Garos? HA! I'd love to see that....if she doesn't get over the fact he is mortal she'll be so ticked off she'd brake her hand again.)
(Ok! Chill peeps. We'll have faiths class tomarrow. We can just say it was the end of the day!)

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