Fighting Academy by Fire of Hearts (Closed)

"Death wish? I like that name! Bye thanks for the help." She ran and dove back into the pool, showing off her flawless body.
(Just a heads-up, Faye won't show up 'till the party. She's gonna make a big dramatic entrance and all xD )

Chameleon smiled and gently took her hand, "Okay." He started to lead her to lesson, he also heard the growl and almost chuckled. He found it rather funny and slightly sweet.

Myra watched him until he left then headed for lesson on her own, still a bit nervous and jumpy as she walked alone.

(Sorry, writer's block)
Deathwish nodded and smiled a bit. He watched her and then walked away. He glanced back and then walked back inside. He looked around unsure of what to do now. He sighed and then stretched out. He sighed thinking of how she liked his name. Hopefully she wouldn't try to give him a nickname.
Rosa's heartbeat peaked when he grabbed her hand, what was wrong with her. She knew better than this, boys meant trouble and pain and she was just opening herself up to that. At the same time though she didn't want to let go it was nice having someone to talk to who didn't walk around on four legs and have a tail...or at least that wasn't Chameleon's natural form. "So what is the teacher like?" she asked pushing those thoughts away.
Chameleon grinned and rubbed the back of his neck with his other hand, "I, um, actually only got here yesterday, so I have no idea." They carried on walking, he smiled lightly as he realized her hand was in his. He managed to lead her to the classroom and he paused at the door, he peeked in through the window part of it and grimaced, "I think we're late." He knocked lightly on the door and opened it, not noticing that he was still holding onto her hand as the teacher and students look up at them. The teacher raised an eyebrow, "Sorry we're late sir...we, um, got a bit lost." The teacher's eyes dropped down to look at their intertwined hands, "Are you sure that you didn't get distracted by each other?" The class let out a snigger and Chameleon's eyes involuntarily turned hard and cold as he looked at the teacher, causing them to look slightly surprised, he wanted to tell them it was because she was blind, that would shut them up. But he didn't want to just announce it to the whole class without Rosa's permission to do so.
Rosa nodded surprised that he already knew his way around so well. "I can't believe we are late I didn't even hear a bell," she commented nervously as they entered the room. She was about to apologize for their tardiness but Chameleon beat her to the punch, the teacher's comment made her blush deepily. Rosa released his hand on instinct. The snide commented followed by the snickers of the other students stung. The teacher had basically cornered her and she could either let him continue to believe they were fooling around or just get it out in the open now. By letting everyone know she would embarrass herself but at least Chameleon would look good, "Um, he was showing me the way...I'm blind," Rosa finally said awkwardly. She hated just saying it aloud, she would rather people figure it out on their own.
Ginger and Trinity were sitting down and they both looked at leon. They looked at Eachother. Was everyone paring off? Trinity slunched in her chair annoyed. No boys ever asked her if she wanted to go out or anything. She looked at Ginger who didn't seem to mind. Ginger wasn't the type of girl to be looking for boys. Trinity sighed again and then heard she was blind. She looked at Leon and then at Rosa. She smiled feeling better now and nodded. "Yeah so everyone shut up!" She said glaring at the other students.
Chameleon grinned lightly at Trinity, and then looked to Rosa, seeing her embarrassment, "You alright?" He muttered to her quietly enough for only them to both hear. The teacher looked at them both and then looked at the classroom for spare seats, ironically enough there were two empty seats next to each other, one of them was next to Trinity. "You can both take those seats for now." Chameleon nodded and - thinking of the way Rosa had pulled away - he took her by the wrist gently instead and lead her to one of the chairs, then sitting himself down in the one beside Trinity and now Rosa aswell. His name stayed true to him as he began to blend in to the class, the teacher asking people questions and not him, as if he hadn't noticed him since he sat down.
Frowning at the growl, Garos just shook his head, eyes trying to meet hers as she just looked at the ground. "Flower I-" he began, but stopped as she mentioned getting to class. "Fine." He scowled and watched her go, smashing his fist into the wall. "Can't anything go right for just a damned second?!" he shouted at the empty room, the only answer being more silence. Shaking his head again, he left as well, heading back to his room. He was supposed to be helping with a training class today, but was in no mood to be helpful.
Flower quickly was walking down the hall. She looked back hearing Garos. She stopped and then watched as he headed off to his room. "..." She looked down and then ran to class. She looked at the teacher who smiled as she entered but the frowned seeing flower was destressed. All she could think about was garos. How he looked when she left. She sighed deeply as she regreted it. She hit a wall with such force she put a clear hole in it. The other students gaspped see her hand was now bleeding badly. Not bothering to heal it again the teacher looked worried. Flower swallowed down the pain. She looked at the teacher with a glare that said I need to go now. Since Flower trains hard and even helps in training other studens he let her go.
As Faith walks into the classroom, late, as the co-trainer and teacher, she gives a careless wave when the students and the other teacher look up at her, sauntering up to the front and straddling the desk, swinging her leg idly as she surveys the students. "Alright, for those of you who don't know, I'm Faith, yeah I'm human, but I haven't always been, I'm a Slayer and a warrior and I used to be a goddess, but you know how that goes. Not to be all elementary school, but who's who, what do you do, and what have you guys gone up to with your training so far?"
Rosa nodded, "Yeah I'm fine," she whispered before smiling as a random voice defended her. Chameleon took her wrist and led her to the two open seats the teacher had mentioned, Rosa slowed to count her steps getting the general area of her desk. The action of holding her wrist was so much less personal which bothered her despite the fact that she was the one who had pulled away. Swift was beside her glaring at the students who had snickered before sitting dutifully beside her master. As the class progressed Rosa tried to keep up taking notes on her tablet. She just wrote and later it would read them back to her. Chameleon seemed to fade away but she knew he was here.
Heather finally got out of the pool. She dried off and decided to go to class now. She didn't bother to change out of her bathing suit. Instead she just put a pair of skinny jeans over her bikini bottom and left the top bare and just wore her bikini top. "I wonder if they allow this clothing? I don't know many people who go to school in bikinis...oh well!" She walked into the class room with up most confidence. "Sorry I'm late! I kinda got lost..." she looked at the other student's. She was very nervous. She took a seat and crossed her legs.
Garos shoved open his door, then slammed it with equal force, getting lucky that it didn't splinter. His anger had cost him a few doors in his time at the academy and it always earned him a talking to when one had to be replaced. Sitting down on the bed, he put one hand on his head and sighed. What the hell was he going to do? "If 'Holders mate fer' life... this ain't ever gonna' work," he mumbled, cursing, his eyes flickering red.
Faith looks at Heather with eyebrows raised, her eyes deliberately dropping to her mostly exposed chest. "Hey, I don't know your name or your abilities, kid, but let's get things straight here. I"m all for skimpy clothes and dancing on table tops as much as the next girl...but this is class, understand? This is is where you learn to fight, and if you're busy trying to keep your boobs from popping out and getting nailed by someone's fist or knife, then you're not being a freakin' warrior."
Flower was walking around her hand causing much pain. Still though, she didn't heal it. She looked at her hand, it was broken. She let it hand by her side and then leaned on a wall. She closed her eyes and then slid down till she was sitting. She had one leg stretched out flat on the floor and the other bent up. She put her head on the knee the was up. She still had her eyes closed. Since classes had started she couldn't be bothered to do this in her room. She really didn't want a scolding from Hunter. Not to mention SKy might peck her head till she did heal her hand. Her mind went to Garos. As she lifted her head and set it back on the wall, she frowned. She created light in her hand in the shape of a ball and then played with it as she thought about what to do. Were there just to many problems for a key holder to love a human? Wait love? As flower thought about this her head hit the wall behind her. Did she really care for garos that much already? Well he has stuck by her all this time, with annoying clones, evil vampires, even more annoying kings trying to marry her. She got up. "Ah darn it all!" She looked around getting her surroundings right and then headed off running. Where she wasn't to sure. Then it hit her, she stopped herself. "No not to garos's room." She sighed and took a few steps back. She was thinking about saying sorry. At least she shouldn't be running. She let out a frustrated growl. She'd have to walk like she was going no where. SHe'd kill herselfif she got caught. Or at least explain and hope they believe her. She headed off to Garos's room hoping he was there.
(Okay guys, can Faye's party be after this lesson? Flower, Garos, Myra, James, Nick, Deathwish, Chameleon, Raina, Sheena and Alex are invited. Heather can show up if she wants xD She seems like that kind of character, and I'm sure Chameleon will ask Rosa if she wants to come with.)
Peter stopped Myra in the hall way. He smirked and then oushed her against the wall. "You have an interesting nightmare." He chuckled and looked at her. "Hey I wonder why James is with you? I mean does he even know?" He said chuckling to himself. His eyes were cold and dark. He smile was like a snake's poison. He was having fun messing with her. He put his hands on her shoulders. Suddenly he felt a fire on his hands. "AH!" He backed up to see a furious James. "Oh crap."

James breathed smoke and then ran up punching Peter. "YOU SONOFA*****!!!!!" He breathed fire at peter. His anger was turning him into his dragon form. He eyes were thoughs of a snake, his hands dragon claws. Scales were appearing on his growing neck. His wings ripped through his shirt.
When Myra was pushed against the wall she flinched away from Peter, trying to push herself further against the wall. Her heat beat sped up to impossible speeds. She closed her eyes, feeling absolute terror run through her as it caused more flashes of that night.

Her eyes shot open at James's roar and relief ran through her, seeing him there, to help her, protect her. When he however changed into a dragon type form, she wasn't disgusted nor scared. She still felt that relief, and she watched with big eyes as the rest of the scene unfolded.
James slashed his claws at Peter. "Don't you dare touch her again!" He roared a tail appeared slaming against the walls. (The damage this poor castle goes through.) Peter seemed terrified but that didn't stop james. He stretched out his wings as he goes on all fours changing into a dragon. He was blue dragon with golden wings and claws. His scales shiny and sharp. The bottom of his neck down to his belly was gold scales. He spit fire at peter. Peter tried to run but James grabbed him with his mouth and flung him around.
Myra's eyes widened, she took a step forward to stop James but then she remembered the enjoyment on Peter's face when he had spoke to her, he enjoyed seeing her nightmare? Who could enjoy something as disgusting and vile as that? Someone who deserved what James was doing to Peter right now, that's who.

Chameleon was sitting in lesson when the school shook a little bit and the sounds of a fight occurred. The teacher looked at the door and frowned, he looked back to the class who were obviously distracted, "Can one of you run and check that that isn't anything serious?" The teacher was used to many fights going on by now, but needed to know it wasn't anything serious anyway. Chameleon got up and people seemed to be reminded of his presence, "I'll go check, Sir." He bolted from the classroom before the teacher could respond and found his way to the scene of the fight, his eyes widened lightly as he looked at the dragon, then the guy he was trying to kill and the frightened girl against the wall. Chameleon stepped forward, "Hey! Calm down before you break the school!" Seeing how angry the dragon was, and realizing that may not work, his eyes scanned over the dragon's form and then his own bones shifted and snapped into place until he was the same dragon but he was green rather than blue. He roared at James to try and tell him to stop.
James looked at the other dragon he spoke his voice ruff and full of anger. "He was hurting Myra....he touched her, got into her nightmares....He deserves to die." He looked at myra. He backed away from the slightly burned peter. He looked at Myra. "Great I can't change back....stupid clothes." He laid down though watcing peter run away. "I WILL GET YOU PETER!" He roared.
Once the guy named Peter had ran off, and the dragon seemed to have calmed, Chameleon switched back, his clothes switching with him, Chameleon shrugged, "I didn't say you couldn't kill him outside, just don't break the building" When the boy mentioned not being able to switch back, he also looked at the girl - Myra, "Oh yeah right."

Myra blushed when James mentioned not being able to change back, "I'll um...I should go to my room." She walked off then paused, looking back at him, "Thank you" Her voice was full of pure gratefulness and she turned around and hurried off, thankfully her room was just down the hall so you could see her enter it before the door closed.

Chameleon looked back at the dragon, "Yeah, I should go too. Sorry, just had to make sure you didn't knock the building down or nothing." He turned around and started heading back to class, even though it was almost over anyway.

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