Fighting Academy by Fire of Hearts (Closed)

When Nick enters Myra instantly turns to face him, her eyes harsh, "Nick!" She glares at him, placing her hands on her hips, she is suddenly right infront of him, her shy and nervous appearance gone. He had messed with her baby sister. "Why the hell did you kiss another girl! You jerk!" She shoves his chest, glaring at him the sink tap and the sprinkles above them shake violently then stop, she can control her anger unlike Faye.
Nick glares at her and then crosses his arms. "I don't know maybe because she was hot and older. Incase you didn't know you sister is a little girl! Why should I be inlove with alittle girl!" He said glaring. He put a hand to his head and then sighed deeply. He looked down. "No no that won't work!"
Myra growled now, one of the sprinklers behind her burst and a stream of water poured down near the door, "If you weren't 'in love' with her, then why did you kiss her Nick! Why did you tell her you were falling for her!" Myra flips her hand and all the water in Nick's tummy flips over violently, probably causing him the same feeling you get when you have butterflies or nausea. She steps closer, glaring at him, her protective sister mood is almost on full now, a side that rarely came out.
Nick backs up and falls on the floor. He looks at her and then gets up. "Ouch....I....I don't know!" He said grabbing the side of his head. "Ugh! I don't know what I am doing! I was ok with it before but now...Now that I think about it it's insane! I....really do love faye....but she's only 14 or 15." He said looking down on the ground.
(I also have no idea where to jump in, do these people have class? could we set that up, since Faith is a trainer? Her working with some people?)
After Realizing no one is coming, Heather got up and started to walk around again. She finds her self out back in a beautiful garden. She notices a pool. "Yay! A pool!" She ran back inside and put on a tiny, skimpy bathing suit. She dive in. She swims to the edge and puts her arms over the edge. Its a good thing its cloudy or she would be dead because of the sun. "Maybe a teacher will come looking for me."
(Vampires in my role play don't burn up because of the sun....just saying.)

Deathwish was out and about after he heard of what his idiot brother did. He sighed walking around. He was unsure of what to do today. Nothing much he had to do. He looked around in a garden and saw a girl in the pool. He sighed and then looked around a bit.
Seeing the boy, heather jumped out of the pool. "Hey! I'm glad I found you! I have no clue where I'm going!" It felt akward but what else was she supposed to do. She brushed the wet hair from her face and smiled at him. "Is something wrong?"
Deathwish looked at her and then looked away. "I see a new student." He said and then shrugged. "No, but their are maps everywhere if you get lost. I guess I can answer your questions though." He said puting his hands in his pockets. He looked back at her keeping his eyes on her face.
She smiled. "Thanks! First question. What's our schedule? Second question. Is it all combat or are there academic classes to? Last question. What's your name?" She blushed. She didn't know a lot about the school like she probably should have.
Deathwish stood there listening and when she was finished he spoke. "Classes start a 8:00 am everyday. If you train with trainers you can get out eairly. The classes are about 2-3 hours long depending on what type of weapon or style you are doing. Most is combat but some teachers do few other things, like school or art. My name is Deathwish." He said crossing his arms waiting to hear if she thought his name was stupid or just weird.
The next day Faith heads to one of the training rooms to meet some of her students and get a sense of how they work and what their strengths are. Like wise, Liza and Sheena head to class.
Garos sighed, leaning back against the wall and looking at her. "Ya'... live forever?" he asked, mind spinning over the possibilities of that. It was crazy to the human, knowing there was something out there that his race could never have. His own mortality crushed his thoughts and he began feeling almost ill. "Unfair?" he spat, a bit more coldly than he'd intended. "Ya' think I choose this lifespan? Ya' don't think that dying in such a short time scares the hell outta' me?" Until now, he hadn't understood why the other 'Holders didn't want Flower with a human. Now, he was beginning to.
Flower growled at him. "..." she suddenly started to look for a reason to stop talking about it. She relized that it was already tomorrow and that she had class. She crossed her arms. "I got to get to class." she said feeling like she wanted to spit poison. Which she could if she wanted to. She held herself and then walked swiftly pass him. She surly didn't know of garos mortality. She never thought it would be so hard to just to be with someone.
She smiled as her vine connected but it suddenly went slack as if his hand...he had shifted his hand. While Rosa came to this realization she wasn't as focused on the vibrations and movements and she just managed to avoid his kick but she only jumped with one leg. The other was knocked out from under her but she managed to land in a push up position. She quickly jumped into a pike and stood up and tried for a nice shot at his stomach. Rosa wasn't punching for impact or pain so it wouldn't hurt if she connected.
As she fell slightly he felt something shock through him, he knew she wasn't, but he was worried he had hurt her. As he moved forward to help he realized his mistake too late and her punch landed on his stomach, it didn't hurt or anything so he gripped her hand before she pulled it back and pulled her so she was a bit closer to him and standing up properly, he grinned lightly, "I'd love to carry on, but we got class." He let go off her hand and smiled again, he couldn't help it. "Do you know what class you have?" He was secretly hoping it would be the same as his.

Myra was about to break another sprinkler when he mentioned he loved Faye, her fists unclenched and she smiled the tiniest bit, "Well then, tell her that!" She frowns, "When of course she gets back." She sighs, "Right now she's who knows where with that annoying Raina girl." When he spoke of age she raised an eyebrow, "Age shouldn't matter Nick, plus, you look 18 anyway. And she's half vampire and key-holder, she'll soon look the same age as you anyway." At the end of her sentence her voice wavered and turned a bit croaky, the way it had been when she first started speaking again, "Ouch. Talking so much hurts.."
Nick looks at her. "15 with a 100 year old man...." He rolls his eyes. "Get use to it Myra." He said and then sniffed. "Hm...whatever she didn't want to talk when I ran after her and raina didn't want me near her...well I guess I could should raina why I'm a prince...and then force faye to talk to me." He sighs and just walks out.
Myra rolls her eyes, "Force Faye to talk to you?" She is following him when she speaks, knowing they have the same lesson now. "I don't think that would work too well, if she doesn't want to do something, she burn down whatever was in her way to get away." Myra has a vague memory of her Mum asking Faye to eat her broccoli, then Faye threw a hissy fit and the broccoli when up in flames. She smiled at the memory and looks back up to Nick and shrugs, "You sure don't act 100, or look it, so why not?" She had no idea why she was trying to convince him to talk to Faye about it. She didn't want her sister going out with Nick...but she also wanted her to be happy.
Rosa was forced to take the step forward, she could hear the beat of his heart beating in sync with hers and for that second that is all she could hear. She gave a small shake of her head realigning her thoughts, she took a step back once her hand was released. "Yeah I have a literature class first," she replied walking to the side of the mat where her bag and shoes were sitting. Some people thought a literature class for the blind was pointless but that was what braille was for.
Nick looks at her. "If she going all up in flames I'll kiss her again. Hopefully it works a second time." He said looking at her. "I don't act like it because I don't want to. Most vampires don't act their age..." He sighed. "I don't know how to handle this. I bairly know how to be a father, thanks to my own the way you'll be happy to know I got peter a one way ticket to punishment. He's cleaning up those halls that faye burned...and his powers were taken away." He said looking down.
Myra looked away as Nick mentioned Peter, her heart beat sped up instantly and she got a flash of the nightmare again, on instinct she fell silent. It was how she dealt with it. She just nodded and carried on walking.

Chameleon smiled, "Really? I've got literature too" He was thrilled that they had the same class, he wanted to get to know Rosa even more, and he had to admit he was slightly worried that people might pick on her for her blindness, "Do you know you're way or..?" He put his hand near hers, suggesting he should lead her again or not.
Rosa heard Swift give a slight growl behind her as if she didn't like the situation but she ignored it. Once she had pulled her socks and shoes she stood up hiking her canvas backpack over her shoulder. "I think I know the way but it wouldn't hurt to have a guide," she said beginning to reach for his hand but stopping. She really didn't need it but she wanted to hold his hand anyways.
Nick looked at her and shrugged. He looked around and then grabbed his wine bottle. "Well...can't get drunk but this isn't going to be drank anytime soon." He said pooring a glass and drinking it. He sighed and then looked around the kitchen. "I guess I should look for her just incase." He said meaning faye and put the wine away and walked out looking for faye.

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