Fighting Academy by Fire of Hearts (Closed)

Nick glared at Raina. "If she doesn't want to talk fine...I guess I'll let her sulk here with you...she's just a child anyways, why should I be involved with her. At least the teacher was in her 20s." He said glaring at them both. He put his hands in his pockets. "I'm 100 years old why should I feelings for a child?" he spat and then walked away.
Rosa tensed at the touch, bumping into someone had startled her enough but than this guiding hand really made her tense. Taking a deep breath she relaxed shaking her head, "Its fine, I uh well I won't turn the corners so tightly next time," she said not realizing he had extended his hand until Swift sent her the message. She raised her hand and slowly with Swift's direction she found it. Now she needed to figure out where the person's face was but she might as well just give up, he had probably figure it out by now. "I'm Rosa and this Swift," she said deciding not to gesture at something she couldn't see. In most cases she ended up gesturing to the floor instead of what she was actually supposed to be pointing at.
Raina glared after Nick, "Well you fell for that 'child' What does that make you then Nick?!?" She hissed and left her question hanging in the air before turning around to face Faye. Faye stared after Nick, her eyes wide and confused. Raina clenched her fists, she hated seeing her like this. "I'm not a child.." Faye muttered, she shook her head and her eyes watered, "Oh great, NOW I'm crying." Tears began to drip down her cheeks and Raina pulled her into a hug, "Come on Faye, he's so not worth it." Faye leaned on her shoulder, she was facing Nick but she kept her eyes closed in case he turned around, tears were slowly dripping down her cheeks and she muttered fiercely, "I'm not a child..I'm 15 tommorrow." She paused and pulled back from the hug, wiping her eyes, "Oh god! I'm 15 tommorrow!" Raina blinked, "You are?" Faye nodded, "How could I have forgotten my own damn birthday?" Raina shrugged, "A lot's been going on lately." She then looked back over her shoulder at the school then looked back at Faye, she smirked lightly, "Come on Faye, we're going to town." Faye blinked, "Why?" Raina smirked and grabbed her hand, "Well, firstly, you look like you need some cheering up, and secondly. We're going to get your early birthday present!" Before Faye could respond Raina had sped off and pulled her to her bike, chucking the spare helmet at her and making her get on the motorbike before they sped off, heading for town.

--- Merged Double Post ---

Chameleon nodded, then noticing her slight trouble with finding his hand he frowned lightly, he looked closer at her eyes and noticed they were slightly diluted, "Uh..not to be rude or anything...but is your vision alright?" He paused, rubbing his neck awkwardly, "I mean, are you blind?" He asked, looking at her, slowly noticing she was exactly looking back at his own eyes.
Nick walked through the halls past Rosa and Leon. He wanted to go to his room, but he went to the swiming pool. He sat down looking at the water. He didn't really want to be bothered. However the girl teacher had joined him. He looked at her. Then looked down. She soon decided to leave him alone.
Rosa blushed, "Is it really that noticeable?" she asked as Swift brushed between her legs soothingly. Her voice was quiet but it was still strong, yes she was embarrassed by her disability but she had come to terms with it. She just hated people making a fuss over it, just because she couldn't see didn't mean she was an invalid. She could hit target with her dagger just using the vibrations in the air but that was because of the adrenaline and magic that pulsed through her veins. On a daily basis simple tasks became hard because they weren't life or death.
Nick got up and went to Faye's room. He knocked on the door. " in there? I stinken messed up...please can I come in? It's nick" He asked hoping maybe faye would be in there too. Yet he knew she probably wasn't. Hopfully myra would let him in. He sighed looking down waiting for her to answer. If not maybe he'd get james.
Chameleon shrugged and noticed her blush, was she embarrassed, "It depends on whether you're the kind of person who notices things" He smiled gently at her, he didn't care if she couldn't see his smiles, he still felt it important. Plus, he was smiling rather naturally, he wasn't doing it on purpose, "Are you embarrassed? You shouldn't be. It's what makes you different. And I'm sure it gave you a chance to pratice seeing in...other through sound and touch" He grins, "I've always wished I had the ability to be able to hear a punch coming through the air before it hit me"

--- Merged Double Post ---

Myra jumped at the voice, she debated on whether or not to get up and answer it. She didn't want to speak to anyone really, maybe James. The nightmare had really shaken her up, and even though she knew it was only a nightmare, it felt real. As if it was happening all over again. In the end she didn't move, the door wasn't locked, but she was hoping he wouldn't just barge in.
Watching the two, Garos relaxed a bit finally, not thinking about anything horribly serious, just enjoying being close to the girl he had his arm around. At the kiss on his cheek, he grinned and returned one, trying to be sneaking. If he was caught, he was sure the younger girls would never let him live it down.

(Sorry I got behind again. I didn't even notice that you'd posted as Flower at all, Fire. -_- Thankfully, I was reading up on the whole thread again.)
Rosa could feel her face curling into a smile but she forced her face to stop. She had no idea what she looked like, what if it was exaggerated or stupid. She couldn't trust her actions to be normal, "I"m glad you think it is cool," Rosa paused, "You I know I could teach you how to hear a punch, I could at least try," she said quietly. As the words left her lips the blush deepened, everything she said felt odd. It had been weeks since her last real conversation with a person, she only talked to Swift and Leader on the road.
(lol sorry.)

Flower smiled as he returned the kiss. She looked at the two girls who didn't notice. She smiled and then looked at Trinity. She watched carefully. "Keep a good stance....a weak one will get you knocked down." She said and then watched as they were to busy to notice was plaining on messing with Garos. She made a fox tail and then swished it in front of his nose. She smirked as she did and then giggled a bit covering her mouth.
Chameleon smiled as she did, he thought she looked really pretty when she smiled. All too soon though the smile left her lips and he felt slight disappointment but her next words quickly diminished that feeling, "You could?" He grinned, "We can go to the training room if you'd like?" He then frowned, "Has anyone shown you around yet?" He knew that she obviously couldn't see the places, but he was sure she'd be able to remember it via touch or sounds, he wasn't going to treat her like an invalid.
Rosa nodded realizing she really didn't have anything to do for a few hours."Swift and I have wandered the school but she doesn't have a very good grasp of what each room is," she replied extending her hand. To her holding hands wasn't anything romantic it was just a means of getting around. She could get around faster if someone led her, also she needed to concentrate on counting steps so she could get back here again.
Nick sighed and then smelled peter's scent. He hissed. "Myra did something happen. Please tell me Peter wasn't in there! Myra!" he looked down and then sighed. "I'm getting James!" He said running to James' room. He slammed on the door. "James! Peter got to myra! James!"

James was sleeping when he was awoke to hear Nick yelling at him. He sat up looking over the dark room. His eyes widened when he heard that peter got to Myra and jumped up running out. "MYRA!" He didn't bother to put a shirt on. He just wanted to get to myra. When he got to her room he knocked. "Myra! Myra are you alright?!" He sounded panicked.
Myra felt her eyes watering as Nick asked if Peter had done something. Peter? Peter gave her that nightmare? She was too scared to be mad now, if he could give her that nightmare? Then he could do it every night? When she heard James pounding on her door relief filled her, she ran over and flung open the door, immediently wrapping her arms around him, she shook lightly and she realized it was because she was sobbing lightly, " was awful!" She tightened her weak grip on him, her long white hair was for once not hidden underneath her cloak and you could see that it stretched all the way down to her butt. "I h-had a night-nightmare..." She paused, her voice quiet, "About him.." She had buried her face against his chest and didn't seem to mind that it was bare. She was scared.

--- Merged Double Post ---

Chameleon nodded and took her hand, it felt a bit strange at first, holding a girl's hand in a non-romantic way, but he shrugged it off, knowing she obviously needed to because it was easier to be led, he showed her to practically every room that she needed to know - obviously besides the student's room - he paused outside his room for a bit longer, "Uh, this is my room, but if you ever need anything then just come find me" He gave her a smile, and then led her to the last room of all, the training room. "Well, this is the training room. You can probably tell 'cause of the.." He paused as the sound of two swords clashing sped over to their ears, "Yeah, the sounds." He then let go off her hand and grinned at her, "So, do you mind trying teach me how to hear a punch now?"
James looked down at her and then hugged her tightly. "'s was only a dream he's gone now." He said on hand stroking her hair. He sighed deeply and kissed the top of her head. "I'm here now." He whispered in her ear. He was just happy she was safe. He looked down at her with worried eyes. A nightmare, yep it was peter alright. He couldn't worry about kill peter right now. He had to calm myra.
Rosa nodded noting each and every room they passed. She was surprised he showed her his room, it was kind of nice and friendly she had not expected that. When they eventually reached the training room the swell of sounds was shocking but also exhilarating. Her body tingled a bit and she was ready to move, She moved into the room swiftly easily avoiding the fights, they were so loud and their vibrations were like eletric tendrils running up and down her legs. She was in the center of the room where everything seemed to be loudest. "First I want you to just listen, pick out each sound and remember them. Name them if you have too," she said pausing to do the same. After a few moments she continued. "Now I want you to make those sounds go away and when everything has faded pick out one sound to hear. Listen for that sound and associate a movement whenever you hear it." Rosa began to do the same, every time someone exhaled she shifted away from the sound darting around at each sound, she was quite graceful about it tossing in a few turns here and there to mix things up. "Now I want you to listen for this sound," and with that she stepped forward resting one hand on his chest to steady herself then bring her balled hand back and punching through the air beside his ear.
Myra sniffed, she had stopped crying as he spoke, as he muttered it was only a nightmare she nodded, she pulled away the slightest, not enough to cause James to let go, just enough to look up at him, "But what if he does it again?" Her eyes were big and worried, she blinked and looked down, "Faye might have killed him by now, she ran out of here in flames. But she hasn't come back yet, and I can't hear Peter's screaming, so maybe she got distracted?" She frowns lightly, having no idea of what happened between Nick and Faye.

--- Merged Double Post ---

Chameleon nodded and followed her, as she mentioned picking out sounds he actually found himself closing his eyes. It was easier to focus on sounds when his sight was cut off. It was hard, but he managed to just about clear the other sounds, a faint murmur of them all was there, but he picked out one sound and did what Rosa said, associating movements with it. When she rested her hand against his chest he felt slight shock at the sudden contact, but also a tingle ran through him, he ignored it however and as she punched the air next to him, he heard a very subtle sound and felt the air on his skin. He opened his eyes and looked at her, "I heard something, but it was very subtle." He frowned, "What makes that sound? The air particles hitting against each other or something?"
James sighs and nods. "Maybe you could-" He stopped no that wouldn't be proper. He sighed and then looked up. "I guess...we could have Peter....stay with a teacher. That way they could watch him. I've heard there is a way to make his powers be gone for a while. The teachers call it grounding." He chuckles and then looked at her. "Don't worry he wont do this again...I'll make sure of it."
Grinning, Garos watched the two younger ones train, listening to Flower's teachings. He felt as if he should add something, but with the strange type of weaponry and stances, he had no idea where he'd even begin. He didn't even notice the fox tail that Flower had made until it brushed his nose. Laughing, he gave her a fake-stern look. "Hmm... I wonder if you're ticklish..." he said with a devilish glint in his eyes.
Flower studdenly looked at him. She tried to smile, but seeing the look in his eyes she pulled away. "Oh no you don't." She said looking at him. She was very ticklish although she really rather not. She started to think of the tickle attacks her father gave her. She looked at Garos and then at Trinity and Ginger as they stopped to watch. Flower blushed slightly.
Rosa nodded, "Maybe, once you know that sound you can react to it...You just have to listen for it all the time," she said taking a step back. "Now do you think you can pick that sound out of the cacophony around us?" she asked circling him slowly. "Just block my punches, I promise to be gentle," she said teasingly as she began to loosen up. Swift weaved between her legs with each step eyeing the man her master was circling. She knew that Rosa was playing a game but she needed to help.
He grinned, "Alright, I'll keep my eyes closed so I can only hear them and not see them" He copied her movement with his eyes closed, circling as well. He heard the first one, and blocked it with his palm, he also heard the second one, and ducked to the side. But the third one landed on his shoulder and he muttered, "Dammit, I was on a roll there aswell."

Myra nodded and snuggled in closer to James, "Thank you" She murmured lightly, she then blinked, "Hey wait a's Faye's birthday tomorrow!" Her eyes widened and she looked up at him, "How could I forget my own sister's birthday!" She blinked, "James? Could you help me plan a surprise party for her?" Myra didn't want to admit to herself that she wanted to distract herself from the nightmare by throwing Faye a party, she tried to tell herself that it was because the nightmare hadn't scared her that much, but you could tell it had.

(Sorry, writers block! And I gotta go to bed! Night night! When I get back can we time skip or something? I want it to be Faye's birthday! :D )
(Kk night! Yeah we could do that.)

James looked down at her and smiled. "Alright!' He said and then slowly let go of her. "Well then I guess I should get a room invite Flower and Garos. Nick and deathwish." He smiled thinking of it. "Also a nice big cake." He said and then chuckled. "Maybe play alittle choke on her and make the whole place fire proof." He laughed thinking about it.
(finding this hard to follow lol)

As all this is going on Sheena stands back with Alex, looking over at him with a sigh. "So...unpack and find a sin-site?"
(Byes Night)

Rosa smiled, "Focus but don't get jumpy. You have to hear the sound and you only feel the wind of the punch as a last resort,"she said stepping from foot to foot. After a few more attempted hits where he caught almost all of them Rosa stopped. "Why don't we have a little fun and spare, I could use some training," she continued suddenly glad she had put on a pair of shorts underneath her skirt.

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