Fighting Academy by Fire of Hearts (Closed)

Faye glared at the space infront of her, "No way! He threatened to mess with Myra's head and that's enough for me to burn his fu**ing eyeballs OUT OF HIS HEAD!" She yelled and blasted out a nice stream of fire down the hallway.

When Myra heard Faye yelling 'No way!' She knew it was time to stop her before the school vanished in flames, she swam over to the edge and clambered out, grabbing her sarong and wrapping it around herself as she hurried after them, she got there just in time to see Faye blast fire down the hallway, "FAYE!" She immediently followed Faye's fire with a blast of water that hit the fire and put it out right afterwards.

Faye turned to Myra, "But Myra! He---" Myra marched right up to her, staring her in the eyes, "I know. But you killing him and burning down the school isn't going to improve your relationship with Nick...or the police." Faye sighed and the heat around her died down, "Fine..but I swear if he even dares to--" "Faye..." Her voice was cautious and Faye glared at her, "Fine..." She turned around and walked off to her room, muttering to herself, "Need to calm down, need to calm down."

Myra turned to James and felt herself step closer to him, worried that Peter could show up any minute now. She could also turn invisible if she felt the need to, but she didn't want to freak James out by just vanishing.
James sighed and then looked at Myra. "Hey I'll make sure he stays away from you." He smiles a bit and then looks around. He sighed and then looked at Myra. He sighed. "Well I don't know about you but I think I'm done with swiming." (I'm going with the peter thing)

Myra nodded, smiling at James gratefully, she found herself yawning and she frowned, when was the last time she had actually slept? She looked up at James, "What time is it?" She had completely lost sense of all time thanks to amount of events that had occured today, she felt like it should have been a week already.

Faye stormed into hers and Myra's room and let out a yell as she threw herself down on her bed and screamed into her pillow, glad it covered the scream to make it sound like a muffled yell. She then sighed and rolled over so that she was looking at the ceiling. She sighed and blinked up at the ceiling, "I totally wish I could sleep." She shrugged, "Well...I could, but I don't need what's the point?" She sits up now, "Great, now I'm talking to myself. This is totally normal right?"
James nodded and then looked back at SHeena. He sighed and shrugged. "It's dark I'd say pretty late." He said and then looked at the ground. "I had fun." He smiled at her.
Myra smiles back, "Me too." Her smile increases as she thinks of the flying part, "A lot of fun." She leans up and kisses him lightly on the lips, a good night kiss that even though it was so short, meant a lot. "Good night James" She smiles at him before speeding off to her room.

She steps inside to see Faye sitting on her bed, she raises an eyebrow, "You calmed down yet?" Faye shrugs, "Yeah, kinda" She pauses and looks at her, "You going to bed?" Myra nods and shuts the door as she walks over to the wardrobe and pulls out her pj's. Faye ducks under the bed covers as Myra gets changed and once she announces she is done Faye re-surfaces and watches as Myra clambers into bed. Myra looks over at her tiredly and smiles, "We aren't in that abandoned building anymore Faye, you don't have to make sure no-one's going to kill me in my sleep." Faye shrugs, thinking of Peter, "I's just.." Myra rolls her eyes and then closes them, "Fine, you can stay if you want, just don't stare at me creepily." Faye shrugs, she gets up from the bed, and walks to the door, she looks back at Myra and mutters softly, even though she can tell by her breathing that her sister is asleep, "I'm going to get something to eat, I'll be right back." She opens the door and speds out, forgetting to shut the door even though she doesn't really need to since she is only popping to get some food, and usually that only takes a minute with vampire speed.
Peter had snuck in to the Myra's room once the door was opened by faye. He was invisible. He looked down at Myra waiting for her to go asleep. He smirks looking down at her. He stretched out not making a sound. He looked around and then watched down to Myra.
(Ok he's creepy lol)

*Slipping down into the water going completely under for a bit then comes up, sweeping my wet hair back* I think we'll stay for a bit longer, then maybe go get something to eat if I can find the kitchen in this place. *Splashes Sheena a few times* Come on babe it's time to loosen up and have some fun.
Ha! Double knots baby! *Swimming away from her laughing* Hey you gonna show me how to doggie paddle now? *Knows the Lycan Jokes are a tender spot I start swimmng as fast as I can to the other side of the pool*
Growling out loud at him, Sheena heaves herself out of the water and runs around to the other side of the pool, using the diving board to jumps straight onto his back and sink him down. "You're in for it!"
*Flips you over and holds you from behind, kissing your neck* Oh babe I've been in for it since the day I feel for you, but you've been worth it. So tell me what are the rules about students know like would we get in trouble if you stayed in my room or I stayed in yours. Cause I missed you but I don't want to get kicked out on my first day.
Sheena shrugs, completely unconcerned. "Hell, we can sleep outside for all I care." She smiles and slips one arm around his neck, turning to kiss him quickly, pressing herself back against him. "I mean, the only thing that's really gonna stop me is...I think Faith would rather not scar her eyes like that, so actually no one." (is the blog done for now or going on anymore?)
Well sounds like we should explore outside, find us a place to meet in sin. *smirks, with my hands on your waist turning you around, I lean down and kiss you then move to whisper in your ear* We need to develop a threat assessment, we need to study everyone's powers and weaknesses if we're gonna survive the year here, good intel can make up for the lack of power and experience.
Sheena nods seriously, whispering back to him. "Okay, that Faye, she's half vampire, half key holder, she does the flaming sh*t...Myra, I think she's human. Raina is a vampire and she's pretty strong...Deathwish, some f*cking name huh, vampire I think, and I think Peter and Nick are too. Hm, Ginger and Trinity, they're younger than us, one of them is a keyholder and one's human but I forget which is which. Garos is human, he's strong like Faith and he's with Flower, who's apparently WAY powerful."

(lol guess we're done with the blog :P until Grace never appears anyway)
*Hugging her tightly* I see well sounds like we have some powerful potential allies or enemies, sounds like this is gonna be way fun, I can't wait to test myself against them, I bet if I live it's gonna be a blast. *literally shaking with excitement, apparently I've spent way to much time with her father cause I'm shaking like he does when he's excited before a powerful battle the kind that even he doesn't know if he'll survive or not* Well I think I'm done here I'm gonna go change then get something to eat, you coming with?
Sheena rolls her eyes. "No, I think I'll stay here in the pool all alone. You notice how every time I come around people scatter?" Still she's smiling as she gives him a wedgie, then swims fast to the side of the pool, pulling herself out and smirking.
Deathwish was walking around now dressed. He walked into the pool area again and looked at the two. "..." He they looked around guess most had went to bed. He looked at the two new comers. "Hey." He said and walked up. "You guys don't need any help getting around do you?" He asked seeing if he could be of some help.
Sheena glances at Alex, then shrugs. "You wanting to show us around?" she asks, not unfriendly, but not entirely unsuspicious either; he is after all a vampire.
Deathwish nodded. "If you need it. Both of you...since flower is busy she won't be able to show you guys around." he chuckles. "I guess I should anyways." He said and then stretched out. "Um less you are uncomfortable." He looked down and then sighed.
*pulling myself out the pool, I walk up to Death getting really to close to be comfortable for him, staring him in the eyes* Hmmm I bet you're a big old teddy bear aren't you? Most vamps give off a bit of an arrogant stench and I'm sure you do to but I'm tired and hungry..mostly hungry soooo lead the way..Hey can I call you Fangy? *Pretty much testing the waters to see what kind of demeanor and what buttons to push to gauge him*
Deathwish looked at him. "Some say I'm about has mean as they come...but that's only if you tick me off. I hate nicknames so it's Deathwish." He said turning around. "Well the kitchen is the first stop then." He said and then stretched out. He started walking. Soon after that Nick joined him. He looked at Nick. "Got over it?" Nick nods. "Don't want to talk about how your son threw your girlfriend into a rage and then threatened Myra about her nightmares or how about how he called you a cry baby and how he things faye isn't cute." Nick looked at Deathwish. "I'm going to kill him." Nick spat. "That boy has pushed me long enough....he needs a good stern punishment." Deathwish agreed with nick. "I punched him in the mouth, still I'd say you need to take him to Flower. I heard he ticked her off and she'd probably be happy to beat him like she did us." He chuckled. Nick nodded. "Yep that girl will strighten him out then I'll see what else I can do...I mean I'm no father? What am I going to do?" Nick sighed looking up.
Sheena has been watching this exchange with more than a little interest, eyebrows raised.

"Vampires can have kids?" Shaking her head, she snickers. "And vampires...punch each other over being called a crybaby...or saying their girlfriend isn't cute? What the hell is this, vampire kindergarten? Should I bring Liza in here to tell you about how to be nice?"
Soooo when you mean father do you mean you sired him? Cause I'm not completely up on my vampire lore but doesn't that mean you have..Ummm Majesty over him? And what do you mean no nick names everyone has one I just need to think of one that suits you better. Hmmm you would think this would be easy, given the fact that I know absolutely nothing about you. *Grins*
Nick looks at Sheena. "Listen when someone mouths off you do something about it....I am is father but I don't know how to be one my dad was a demon and my mother was a vampire...both sure weren't the loving parents. I guess it is kind of silly but I'm sorry ok I don't know how to handle him I mean...He can't go around making everyone have nightmares. I could use some help you think your mom could help me?" Deathwish looks at him and sighs. He ignored him and looks at Nick. "You want someone to coach you?" He rolls his eyes. "Oh brother you are hopeless for a 100 year old man." He laughed. Nick glared. "And you are my twin you twit. Our father didn't give us the best of examples you know."
*I looks between the two then scratches my head* Twins..Hmmmm nope don't see it. Anyway have you tried to hug it out with your kid? And if that doesn't work hit him in the head with a baseball bat, it's 50/50 on one of those working for ya. Now back to the nick name thingie. I really need to focus on that.

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