Fighting Academy by Fire of Hearts (Closed)

(So she likes him because he's a funny flirt? lol xD )

Nick looks down at her and smiles. "I think i fell for you pretty hard." he chuckled and looked down at her. "I'm glad." He said and then smirks. "And plus you look really hot in a bikini." He chuckled just having to add that. "Of course what pretty girl doesn't." He said now just teasing her.

James flipped over flying upside down now so the myra was laying on him. "I won't." He said smiling at her. Although spined in the air. Once he was done showing off he continued to fly on his back. He looked over to Nick and faye. Then his eyes looked around the room. He smiled quite happy as he flew around.
Faye did a fake upset gasp, "Oh really? And what guy doesn't look hot when he's showing off his chest?" She smirked and her eyes caught onto an awkward looking guy standing by the side of the pool, he had an afro style dirty blonde hair and glasses with big frames, not to mention that he didn't even have any muscles, she blinked. "Okay, I take that back." She then looks back at Nick and grins, "Feel like pulling another prank?" She asks, playing pranks on people is hilarious and she knew just the person to play one on.

Myra smiled back as he told her he wouldn't drop her and as he spun around she giggled and held on tighter, "It must be fun to have wings" She muttered, looking around them in wonder as they flew around. She looked over at Faye and narrowed her eyes lightly, she still wasn't sure about Faye and Nick's 'relationship'
James nodded and then chuckled at her. "Well feels like this." he said flipping over and grabbi g her sides his arms completely stretched out. He looked down at her laughing a bit. "Well?" he said going very fast. He took sharp turns and then did a few spins and flips. He looks at her keeping a tight grip on her slender form. He looked down circling slightly above Faye and nick then moves on.

--- Merged Double Post ---

Nick smiles and holds her a bit tighter and he leans with interest. "Yeah?" he asked he wanting more information. Although his voice was quite since if deathwish heard he'd stop them. He could help himself but look over her as he did. He got a smile on his face and then rested his eyes on hers.
*Grins at the group* Of course it should be fun, I just need to get my stuff settled and change, we'll be right back so save some fun for us and if you can find that Raina, I like to meet her...I like to meet all the strong beings here. *suddenly what little shyness or lack of confidence is gone an outsider would think I'm just acting like this because of Sheena, but it's actually something that is always there its what attracts organizations like S.H.I.E.L.D to recruit people like me and Sheena in the first place.*
Faye grinned at him as he leaned closer, seeming interested, "I was thinking a nice, big bucket of green slime ontop of James's room door. He walks inside, and bam! A slimy green surprise!" She keeps her voice low so that James cannot hear but she is grinning mischievously, she's probably just as bad as the twins when it came to being mischievous and cunning.

Myra gasps lightly as he spins her around and then as he starts to fly around she closes her eyes and imagines she is actually flying by herself, soaring through the air. She opens them and grins, "This is SO fun!" Her voice is filled with happiness and you could see the beaming smile on her face a mile away.
James chuckles and pulls her up closer to him. "glad you're having fun." He says to her in her ear then stretched his arms out again and then looks around again. He dives down towards the pool and the pulls up before myra hits the water. "YYYYAAAAAHOOOO!" He says having fun himself.

Nick chuckles and leans back away from her. "Sounds good....if you want to be burned to a crisp..." He laughs taking an arm away rubbing his back were james burned him. It had healed but he still didn't like it. "I mean I think the smell of burning vampire is well to known to me." He chuckles an watches James show off his flying skills to Myra. "Maybe not as long as he's to busy being lovey to Myra." He smirks watching them pass by.
Faye smirked at him, "Aw don't worry Nick, I'll protect you" She giggled and looked up at Myra and James as they soared around, she smiled, "It's good to see her happy..." She then looked back at Nick and raised an eyebrow playfully, "So you wanna help me or not?" She grinned, "I promise you won't get burnt as long as you hide behind me" She was almost laughing her head off right now, offering to protect Nick from James.

Myra yelled and closed her eyes as they almost hit the water, then as they swooped up she let out a happy yell much like James's. "Oh my gosh! How do you NOT do this every day!"
James laughs. "Very easily." He chuckles and then slowly lands leting go of Myra once they were on the ground. "Believe me I've been flying for so long I can use a few days on the ground." He said with a chuckle. He stretched out his arms as his dragon wings disappear. "I'm glad you enjoyed it." He said putting his hands in his wet pants pockets.

Nick nods. "Sure..." He was about to ask about where she would get the green slime but then James landed right next to them. Although he expected a scolding from James, James stayed silent. Probably because he to was keeping myra close. Nick just smiles up at the two.

Peter walked up and then watched his dad. He rolled his eyes and walked up. He stares at Myra though getting glares from James. He shrugs and then looks at his dad and the younger girl. "Dad, can we talk about mom now?"

Nick looks at Peter and suddenly the smile from nick's face is replaced by pure sadness and pain. He looks down. 'No." He said and let go of Faye.
Faye frowns as Nick's mood suddenly switches when Peter shows up, she looks up at him and frowns lightly, it was going to be hard to get used to the fact that Nick had a kid, a kid who looked about the same age as him. She pushed it away and looked up to see the pain and sadness in his eyes, she frowned and she gently put her hand on his arm, "Nick?" She looked between him and Peter, wondering what Peter's mum had done to make Nick look so upset. She looked back at Nick, her eyes silently asking him what the girl had done to make him so upset. Because annoyingly enough, seeing Nick upset was actually...hurting Faye.

Myra beamed at James, that fly was so much fun! She then frowns as she notices some boy hanging around Nick, she hears him call Nick 'dad' and her eyes widen, "Nick has a son?" She looks to James then Faye then James again, "Well..that could complicate things."
Nick looked at Faye and then at Peter. He sighed deeply nodding to his son. "What?" He asked quite harshly and then looked at the water. Memories seemed to come a go. Feeling his chest hurting for an unknown reason was very conserning for him.

Peter looks at his dad and sighs. "What really happened? I mean I know you said you cheated on her but mom has been acting strange when I mention it. Almost like She did something wrong. So let me ask you...did she do the cheating or was it really you? I know she wanted the devorce." He said his eyes narrowing at his dad.

Nick looked at Peter and sighed. "Yes...she cheated alright? I did nothing...till I found her with your step dad! Now I want no more talk about it got it!?" He said looking furious now. He got out of the water and then glared at Peter. "Happy can we put this to rest?" Peter simply nodded with a frown. So he mom cheated on nick? The pervert Nick?

James listened intently and then looked at Nick has he comfermed his son's statment. He nodded looking at Nick almost seeing him in a new light.
Faye watches silently and as Nick mentioned he had been cheated on she frowned. He had his heart broken by a girl? Maybe that was why he was always switching between girls...he was scared of getting hurt again? Her eyes widened lightly as she realized she was a player? She looked up at Nick and saw his furious glare directed at Peter...she was about to get up and go after him but she thought he might need some time to cool off, plus, she didn't want him to think she was one of those clingy girls who never left guys alone. Maybe she'd go speak to Raina or something. She frowned and looked around, where was Sheena and that guy anyway?

Myra felt some of the prejudice she had against Nick die away as she listened and found out he had been cheated on. She looked at Faye and wondered how she felt, she noticed Faye move forward a little bit but then stop. She guessed that she wanted to give Nick some space, she looked to James and spoke in a quiet voice so only they could hear, "Wow...well that's something you wouldn't expect."
Nick grabbed his shirt and put it on. He walked out no longer wanting to swim. He walked to his room and then shut the door. He went to take a shower. Turning on the water, he looked at himself in the mirror. "Stupid...aren't I?" He said pushing his hair back.

Deathwish watched his brother leave and sighed looking at Faye. "You did the right thing...he's never really got over it and I think he needs some time alone." He said knowing his brother better then anyone he wanted to tell faye that. SInce she seemed unsure. He sighed deeply sort of depressed to see his fun loving brother suddenly get upset. He looked at Peter. "You are doing this on purpose aren't you?" Peter looked at him like he didn't know what deathwish was talking about but Deathwish didn't believe him. "You shouldn't punish my brother....see a father get that upset from his son is not something to be proud of boy. My name is deathwish and I can make people wish for death." He said glaring. "You may have some of nick's personality but for the most part nick wants other to have fun and doesn't take pleassure in making them that upset." He said his eyes narrowing on peter. He gave out a scary apperence to get his point across.

James sighed and nodded to Myra and listened to Deathwish. "Yeah...seems nick has had his share of pain from girls. I'm just worried that means he's going to hurt faye because of it." He said pushing his fingers through his wet hair. He looked to faye and then to myra.
Faye nodded, seeming reassured by Deathwish's words about her doing the right thing, she swims over to the edge and pulls herself up out of the water, she listens to Deathwish and notices the scary aura he is giving off, although she isn't scared herself. But as he accuses Peter of making Nick upset on purpose she turns to look at Peter, her skin begins to heat up and all the water evaporates until her hair looks like it has just been freshly blow dried and her skin is no longer wet. Her eyes harden as she looks at Peter, "Are you?" She asks him, referring to Deathwish's question of Peter doing this on purpose. She could once again feel like the fire underneath her skin and mentally cursed herself for being able to recharge her fire so fast AND for having a bad temper. She could try to control it though, she was getting better at it.

Myra frowned as James spoke of Faye getting hurt by Nick. She narrowed her eyes, "If Nick hurts Faye....." She trailed off as she began to think of many things to do...but not mentioning them in case any of them sounded a bit too mean. "I'll do SOMETHING creative with water to make him regret it."
James nodded and then looked at Faye. He suddenly backed up a few steps as he saw her heating up. He sighed deeply thinking things over. He looked at Peter who got a smug smile on his face. He raised an eyebrow. The answer was yes based on that smile.

Peter shrugged chuckling to himself. "I guess in a way I did do that on purpose but i have a right to know who cheated on who. I mean dad not cheating on mom would giveme more reason to want to get to know my dad. I already hate my step dad and I was curious at how my mom always acted guilty of something." He said with a smug smile. "I just wanted to know...although it is weird to know my real dad is a cry baby."

Deathwish hissed at Peter's harsh words. "He is not a cry baby." He said showing his fangs. "I really should pop you in the mouth, I don't care how old you are." He said defending his brother. No one called Nick names in front of Deathwish. If they did, they would regret it.

Peter looked at Faye. "Well I guess I have loss some respect for my dad going out with a girl younger then me. You're not even all that pretty either." Deathwish suddenly punched the boy right in the mouth. Peter fell to the ground his mouth bleeding.

Deathwish glared wipping his hand off. "That's enough, peter." He said cracking his knuckles. James looked at Deathwish and nodded agreeing with what he did. The boy shouldn't be mouthing off about his father. Deathwish looked at faye. "Please pay no mind to the boy...he's as messed up as anyone here. He means no real harm." He said hoping to calm her down.
Going with Alex, Sheena changes into her bikini and helps him find his room and set down his stuff; it's a while before they head down to join the others. Making her way to the water's edge, Sheena holds a very confident posture, but she eyes each of them quickly, as though assessing how much damage was caused between them earlier in the hallway. View attachment 1941
Faye glared at Peter, despite Deathwish's words she stormed right up to him and with surprising vampire strength she managed to pick him right up off the floor by his t-shirt collar as she glared at him, her eyes were as black as coal and she spoke in a dangerous voice, "Number one, Nick is not a cry baby. Your mother broke his heart and he didn't even shed a tear so shut up. Number two, you never, EVER tell a girl she isn't pretty." As she spoke her hand was heating up and smoke was coming off of Peter's t-shirt where she was holding it. "And lastly, number three, I have a fu**ed up family aswell, but you don't see me going around making people upset for the hell of it." She gave him a glare and his t-shirt set on fire, she let go off him and let him drop to the ground as she stood back. She looked up at Deathwish then over to Myra who was glaring at her, she shrugged, "Hey, at least I didn't almost set the school on fire this time." Her eyes flicked to Peter's rapidly burning t-shirt, "Just his top." She folded her arms and the air around her was wavy with the heat she was giving off, a spark flew out from her hand and hit the water, she glared at it before looking back over at Peter.

Myra watched silently as all of this happened, sticking close to James. She had no idea why, but this kid of Nick's frightened her a little bit. But Myra was easily frightened anyway.
(WHOA! That pic was WAY bigger than I thought!)

Seeing that Faye is yet again pissed off, not to mention flaming, literally, Sheena stops short, blinking, and then glances back fast at Alex, as if to make sure he caught that. She's already wondering if maybe she should simply turn around and find their own fun, elsewhere from the flaming fury girl.
Peter patted his shirt till the flames were out. "I'm sure you do Faye....just make sure you keep your room door closed, or i'll go digging for nightmares." He said smiling as he got up. "I bet I could find quite a few nightmares in you." He chuckled a bit his mouth all bloody and his shirt now burned slightly. He put his hands in his pockets and then walked towards the door. He glances at Myra and winked at her. "Hmm wonder what nightmares I could bring up in you." He said mostly to himself as he walked out. Soon making himself invisible. So faye couldn't find him.

James saw Peter wink at Myra and then hissed angrly holding myra protectivly. Once he was gone he let go and looked at myra. He sighed deeply and then looked at Sheena. "Oh hey." He said with a slight smile.
"Flames and water don't usually go together that great, you know," she remarked mildly to Faye, still eyeing her, before turning to James. (it's him remaining?) "Hi? This is Alex?" she said almost like a question more than a greeting, nodding back towards Alex just behind her.
*I notice the tension but try not to act like it's bothering me, instead I take Sheena's hand and sit at the edge of the pool* Hey Sheena do you remember that time you I set up that outdoor movie for us and Liza showed up and sat between us then ate all our junk food? If tho things were tense between us moments like that make me happy, so lets try to do that here, sure things are tense but we can still be happy here.

(Sorry that's all the post I can do till I get off work tonight)
(Yeah just restating the fact that peter left lol.)

James nodded to Alex and then stretched out yawning a bit. He looked at Myra and smiled. He still sighed though soaking in all that has happened. It's been a long day hasn't it? He leaned away from myra for a moment standing behind her as he thought.
Not entirely convinced, but much more willing to at least try now that Alex is here, Sheena shrugs, then nods, sticking her feet in the pool beside him, then bumps her shoulder against his, giving a teasing smile. "You look like you need to be much more wet."
As Peter winks at her sister and mentions nightmares Faye instantly thinks of what her dad did to Myra, "Oh that's it! I don't give a damn if he hides!" She walks past Sheena and Alex, muttering lightly, "Hey guys, sorry, in the middle of something here." Before she storms out of the pool room and looks around angrily, "PETER! Where the f**k are you!" She growls and her hands begin to heat up, "I'm seriously willing to blast this whole hallway with fire until it hits you!" Her hands begin to glow slightly red and small sparks jump from them, her promise is deadly and serious. She is willing to burn the school down.

When Peter winks and mentions her nightmares Myra flinches and hides behind James's body, her nightmares? No...he can't go near her nightmares. She shudders, they are all of him, and what he did. She keeps her eyes closed until she hears Faye's yell, "PETER! Where the f**k are you!" Myra's eyes shoot open and she looks over at the door where Faye went through, "James! She's going to kill him!" She knew Faye was mad because Peter mentioned her nightmares, it probably reminded her of what Faye's dad did to Myra. She doesn't move though, afraid to follow Faye in case Peter is with her.
James sighs. "Oh darn it he's much worse then Nick." He said looking down and Myra. He sighs and then looks at Deathwish. "I'll be back...make sure peter doesn't sneak in." He said running out He looked at Faye. "Faye clam down now! I highly dout it would make Nick any happier if his girlfriend murdered his son!' He yelled getting near her. He could stand the heat.
Looking over at Alex with raised eyebrows, then back at Faye, Sheena half smirks. "You know me and how good I am at NOT having people pissed off about me...I hope you'll still think I'm hot when I'm covered with burns. 'Cause the chances of me getting through the year without being covered with them aren't exactly excellent."

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