Fighting Academy by Fire of Hearts (Closed)

Name: Alex Sage

Age: Making him 18 for this, in my current rp he's 20

Gender: Male

Species: Key Holder

Powers:Technokinesis: Technokinesis is the mental manipulation of electronic and digital technology so that they can be controlled without the need for physical contact, and can be made to move and function like controlled puppets (or even be made to simply function or malfunction according to the user's will). This ability by many is considered identical to Technopathy, however whereas Technopathy directly controls the technology Technokinesis controls the wavelenghts that control the technology, therefore they are just a medium for that control. Technopathy and Cyberkinesis can encompass this ability into their own.

Electrokinesis: Electrokinesis is the power of the mind to manipulate energies,electrical currents and generate static electricity. One with this power could even summon lightning, or convert one’s own body into an entity of electrons, the other side of this possible power is to create and manipulate energies into solid waves or blasts. and thus travel through electrical appliances or outlets. This power can even be used to take control of the electrons in objects, allowing motion control. if you had advanced in this then it should come to being able to generate forcefields and develop technopathy as well as manipulating any energy . The advanced version of this is called Quintekinesis. the ability to manipulate the 5th element of absolute quintessent energies. with this you could create astral drops, weild absolute energy, control electricity element, project forcefields of any shape, travel through dimension, and do loads more. This power is undeveloped and very unstable when he tries to use it, much much more training is needed for him to try using it unless he's pushed into a no win life or death situation.

Reflex: Speeds up his reaction time and enhances his agility, speed and stamina.

Weapons:Sniper Rifle that fires Nano-munitions (rounds have different effects that Alex chooses when fired) PeaceKeeper Nano Pistol (fires the same kind of ammo as the sniper rifle only for short to medium ranges)

Vehicle: Armored Motorcycle

Pets: n/a

Family: all deceased

Husband/wife: n/a

Girlfriend/boyfriend: n/a


Looks: Extremely Good Looking
Nick smirks and grabs faye hissing a bit at the boy. "Sorry dude." He laughed and then looked down at Faye smiling. He looked at Myra and james and rolled his eyes. "And they are at it again." He chuckled and looked at Faye. He smirks at her and then grabbed her chin. "Hi there." He laughed playing with her.

James looked at them and then at Myra and then put his arms around her as she kissed her. He kissed back smiling happily under the kiss. He held up his middle fingure at the boys. They grunted and then turned their attention to faye. They called out to her.

Nick hissed and kept faye close. "Back off dudes." He said then looked at Faye. He pointed behind them and that's when Deathwish knocked them all into the water. Nick laughed.

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(Oh Hi! lol Accepted.)
*Arriving at the gates to the academy, I stop and look down at the invitation once more to make sure I'm in the right place but just looking at the massive gates any doubts I have quickly vanish. As the gates open I ride through following the driveway to what must be the main doors. Dismounting my motorcycle, I toss my bag and rifle case over my shoulder. As I push the doors open I can't help but get a feeling that I'm in over my head but damn I need to challenge myself that's what this place is for to challenge the all that enter these doors* Screw it Sage, do you want to live forever?....Come to think of it I do.
Faye tugs away as he messes with her, making her talk, but she is laughing as she tries to squirm away. When the boys called out to her she looked up and frowned very lightly, usually she would be alright with it, but right now she wasn't so sure, especially because they were just calling out to her sister. That is a reason why she laughs so damn hard when Deathwish pushed them into the water. As their heads all popped up she tried to stop laughing but just ended up covering her mouth while she giggled, "Oh that was so funny!" She grinned up at Nick, liking being so close to him, "Someone should have got that on video so that we could slow it down and replay it"

Myra smiled as he kissed back and then she pulled away after a while, releasing they couldn't spend all day kissing in the pool, so she placed her head against his chest instead and smiled, "I can hear your heart beat" She murmured happily, her eyes closed as the water lapped around them gently, almost as if it was in a good mood itself.
(hey guys this is one of the scarce few times i can come online. I cant rp for a while because the ethernet cable is acting stupid so i have to get a new one. well....cya in a while :P )
James looked at her and smiled. "I see." He chuckled feeling very warm. His dragon half heated his body up a bit. He looked at the boys as they got out of the water. He smirked and his chest got even warmer before he breathed out fire which made them run out. He chuckled and then looked at Myra.

Nick looked at Myra and james. "Hey james maybe you should just marry the girl I mean wserriously when are you two not touching each other." He snickled but then James breathed more fire at him. He looked it was just a warning so it didn't hit Nick. He chuckled and then looked at Faye. "Well."

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(kk shade)
*Wandering the halls looking for signs of life* Umm Hello hello..echo echo..geesh I wasn't expecting a freaking parade but I was hoping someone could at least tell me where to sleep. *I keep walking around talking to myself like a crazy person, when I pass a door with the smell of water coming from it I know right off it's a pool.* Oh yeah now we're talking, I may not be able to get any sleep but at least I can get a nice swim in. *Causally walks in dropping my stuff on the floor and starts stripping*
Shade walks outside and notices Alex. He jumped back. ""'d be better to take strip in the bathroom ya know" Shade said casually. He gestured to alex to follow him, assuming he was new.
*Didn't really notice anyone was there so I jump a bit* Ummm ok don't usually follow men who talk to me when I'm undressing but, what the hell just remember if you try anything with me I get to be the big spoon. *Smirks pulling my shirt back on* By the way I'm Alex.
James chuckles. "What's going on over there?" He asked looking around. He looked too that two other guys. Raising an eyebrow he scratched his head. "Hey you are new correct?" He asked and then looked back down at Myra who was still clinging to him. He smiled.
*I nod at the question* Yep, just arrived a few minutes ago, couldn't find anyone, little did I know if I wanted some attention I just need to start removing clothes.
Garos scowled at the mention of Steve's weapon. "That damned thing? Talk about givin' me trouble," he half-heartedly complained, snickering. As she continued to explain the weapon of Trinity's, he watched and listened, eyes going over the strange piece of equipment as the chains extended. His eyes widened at the pulsing sound of energy that pushed through the chains, causing them to move as extensions of Trinity's arms. "That's pretty amazing," he admitted, laughing as the other swung around above them.
James sighed. "Ok...." He looked back at Myra and then at Faye and Nick. He sighed and rubbed the back of his head. "Must students are training or having fun in the game room." He notices the keys around his neck. "Hm...Key holder..." He sighed not wanting to pull away from Myra.

Nick chuckled. "Well sorry but it's kinda hard not to notice." He said and chuckled. "SInce they're are two girls in here." He chuckled and looked at his brother deathwish which was his twin. "Right?" Deathwish nodded and then got back in the pool.
*looking up, startled, as Chameleon approaches, Sheena nods quickly, giving a forced smile* "Yeah, I'm fine. Fine." She shifts her weight from one foot to the other, uncomfortable to know that he happened at a glance to see through her.

(Macal does Alex not know Sheena yet in this?)
Flower chuckled looking at Garos. "Yep, she's pretty amazing." She crossed her arms and watched Ginger play with her new weapon. "Ginger seems to like her weapon." She said nudging him. "And you said it was complicated." She giggled and then watched the two practice. "Yeah we tend to be a pain."
Yeah *Pointing at each key* This one opens my gym locker, this one is my bike chain oh and this one is special it's the key to my hope chest cause one day I'm gonna be a pretty pretty princess...Look sorry I make stupid jokes when I feel uncomfortable around people I just met especially when I'm sure most of you could kill me with a thought..See my powers are brand new to me at least in an offensive manner but..*Touches one of my keys and my rifle case opens up, my rifle floats out of it and dismantles itself and reconfigures from a sniper rifle to an assault rifle before dropping into my hands* I'm not the strongest fighter but I can hold my own..But I rather be a Weapon Smith for this academy's students.

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(I'm thinking the best way this works is if this was an alternate universe to ours, Alex knows of Macal but hasn't met him yet and hasn't come to his island so he hasn't met Sheena yet.)
Shade turned to Alex. "Hey i felt the same when i first got here. getting peoples attention here is not as easy as it sounds." he said, chuckling

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(Woah woah woah.....confused...whats goin on? lol)
The scarred human simply nodded in agreement, watching them with a content smile. "Hey, maybe it's not so complicated for her, but for me, I just need somthin' that's simple and can take a beating." Laughing, he shook his head. "A pain? I wouldn't say that. I'd say ya' just like to keep things interesting," he said with a grin.
Not wanting to stand around for very long around Chameleon and chance him asking more questions she doesn't want him to answer, Sheena licks her lips, then glances down the hallway, muttering, "Uh, I'm gonna..."

She doesn't finish the sentence, because she doesn't know exactly what it is she's going to do. So far it seems like there is possibly two people in the entire school who doesn't already hate her guts, so it's not like she has a ton of choices of activities with any one of them. Shit, this is going to be a long, long year.

(But Macal is in this too? And married to Faith? Or not? Is he not involved, because otherwise how to explain Liza? haha...Sheena's a year younger in this btw, 17)
*Funny how the place seemed empty before is suddenly jumping with folks, however I still don't know who's in charge and what exactly I'm suppose to do with myself here* So does anyone know what I'm suppose to be doing here? Is there a person in charge I should check in with.

(Macal sadly will not be making an appearance in this rp sorry, I don't see him fitting in here)
Flower looked at Garos. "hmm. I see." She said and watch trinity complete burn all of the dummies. She chuckled and clapped her hands. "I'm sure you'd be bored to death without me." She smirked at him. Looking at Ginger who burned more of the dummies she rubbed the back of her head. "Great I'm going to have to get some new ones."

James started laughing. "I see...that's quite a cool power you got there. But if you want to get stronger you'll have to meet the best fighter here. Flower is her name....and she put Nick and Deathwish who are vampires to bed for three days. I'd talk to Steve since he's the head trainer here."
Sooo someone named Flower beat down two vamps? *Burst out laughing* Holy crap talk about "Flower Power" The fact that someone named that could beat someone named Deathwish is so ironic. This is someone I need to meet, cause the name and the person must be misleading, this person must be a massive hulk of a person.

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(Oh right sorry about that)
Sheena approaches the side exit door just beyond the hallway she is walking in; from there she can hear the laughter and loud conversation of everyone outside, and she tenses, more resentful and lonely than before, stopping and listening despite her desire to pretend she doesn't care.

(Macal get on aim :P )
Deathwish got up. "Flower is a flower....but tick her off and she stings." He said walking over. "And we're half demon." He chuckled. "I'm Deathwish." He said and then sighed. "I bet she's training, but she has white hair and she's a key holder as well." He said sighing. "A vampire beat by a girl key holder is pretty harsh." He spat angry at himself.

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