Fighting Academy by Fire of Hearts (Closed)

Nick smiles and then walks up. "Thanks." He said and then put his hands in his pockets. "Maybe you could use something fun to do?" He asked looking around. "I'm sure there is something you could do, maybe a swim?" He asked and then shrugged. "Maybe get to know faye and raina." he said smirking as he looked back at the two he just named. "Plus I will join you..." He snickered a bit. "Make sure you play nice."
"I don't care what the hell you do to me, neither one of them can threaten me and expect me to take it," Sheena says through a clinched jaw, barely acknowledging Nick. "None of you know me so back OFF me."
Nick looks at her and just smiles. "That's my point...give us a chance to get to know you." He said and looked at the others. "I'm sure you can stick around long enough for us to get to know you." He said looking back at her. "And if none of you start being nice, I might have to kidnap you all and stick you in a closet." He said chuckling to himself as Deathwish stands beside him. They both smile.
Sheena softens just slightly, but she's still looking not exactly friendly as she crosses her arms defensively; she's just waiting for Raina or Faye to start up again.
Garos laughed and shook his head. "No worries," he said with a wink, watching Flower as she extended the weaponry. Garos smirked, shaking his head a little again. "I think I'll stick to a normal blade. Are all 'Holder weapons so complicated?" he asked with a joking grin.
Flower looks at him putting her hands on her hips; she winks back at him as well. She then smiles as he asks about the weapons. "Well no there is one I bet you had encountered while fighting Steve. Its a little spin top thing with a string. You use to tie your enemies. Normally it's just a child’s toy but we found them quite useful." She said chuckling as removed her hands now one arm holding up the other as her holds her chin. "There are quite a few that tend to be a bit complicated." She looks to Trinity. "However Trinity's is one of our best work which was made for her." She said walking over to Trinity. She showed a small square thing that looked kind of like a pencil sharpener. She clicked a button and out came the end of a chain. "You see Trinity here controls energy. So the chains are useful for electrifying the energy and then shocking others. The chain is quite long." She said looking back at Garos, she backed up from trinity and then walked over to Garos. As she nodded to Trinity, trinity pulled out the chain more.

Trinity smiled being allowed to show off a bit. She pulled out the chain and then sends energy through it. Once the energy was flowing the chains moved on their own. She used her hands to move the energy and then the chain followed. Guiding the chains she wrapped them around some platforms up above and swung around. She giggled and laughed.

I don't think he realizes that this is where you are supposed to post the bio, he sent it to me...I couldn't find a sign up sheet for this so I assume this is okay to put it here?

Name: Alex Sage

Age: Making him 18 for this, in my current rp he's 20

Gender: Male

Species: Human

Powers:Technokinesis: Technokinesis is the mental manipulation of electronic and digital technology so that they can be controlled without the need for physical contact, and can be made to move and function like controlled puppets (or even be made to simply function or malfunction according to the user's will). This ability by many is considered identical to Technopathy, however whereas Technopathy directly controls the technology Technokinesis controls the wavelenghts that control the technology, therefore they are just a medium for that control. Technopathy and Cyberkinesis can encompass this ability into their own.

Electrokinesis: Electrokinesis is the power of the mind to manipulate energies,electrical currents and generate static electricity. One with this power could even summon lightning, or convert one’s own body into an entity of electrons, the other side of this possible power is to create and manipulate energies into solid waves or blasts. and thus travel through electrical appliances or outlets. This power can even be used to take control of the electrons in objects, allowing motion control. if you had advanced in this then it should come to being able to generate forcefields and develop technopathy as well as manipulating any energy . The advanced version of this is called Quintekinesis. the ability to manipulate the 5th element of absolute quintessent energies. with this you could create astral drops, weild absolute energy, control electricity element, project forcefields of any shape, travel through dimension, and do loads more.Electrokinetic Wave

Weapons:Sniper Rifle that fires Nano-munitions (rounds have different effects that Alex chooses when fired) PeaceKeeper Nano Pistol (fires the same kind of ammo as the sniper rifle only for short to medium ranges)

Vehicle: Armored Motorcycle

Pets: n/a

Family: all deceased

Husband/wife: n/a

Girlfriend/boyfriend: n/a


Looks: Extremely Good Looking
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I'm not sure if his powers fall under Key or just Meta Human I'll leave that to you to tell me.

Alex has trained his body to be slightly above that of an Olympic Atlete in their prime, making him extremely agile, and fit although he has no enhance strenght or speed he's faster and stronger than the average human his age.

Alex's most powerful asset is his almost unearthly inteligence and his tactics

As all this happens Raina stands by, as if she is watching Mabel being torn apart all over again. But as Nick defends Faye she snaps back out of it, releasing she isn't going to lose another little sister. She leaps infront of Nick and Faye and snarls at Sheena furiously, "Stay away from her!" As she roars at Sheena her eyes look lost, as if she is re-living the past, like she isn't actually there in the present moment.

Faye's eyes widen as this all happens, usually after an 'exploding' moment, her heat dies down and the fire inside of her is satisfied enough to let her have a good sense of judgement. When Raina leaps infront and snarls at Sheena protectively, she pushes past them all and grabs Raina's arm, tugging on it, "RAINA! Stop it! I'm fine!" Raina doesn't respond as her chest heaves in and out glaring at Sheena as she speaks in a low tone, "I will NOT lose another sister." Faye freezes and speaks again, softer, "Raina?" Raina blinks and her stance lowers as she flicks her eyes to Faye, "S**t." She looks back at the others then growls, "I'm done with this s**t." She speds off in the blink of an eye, leaving Faye standing there, blinking like an idiot. She looks back over her shoulder at Nick, "Uh...?" She then looks to Sheena and stares at her with a mixture of confusion and regret, "Uh...sorry about the whole, explosion of flames and such...I tend to be easily annoyed and rather violent when I am.." She slowly puts out her hand, "Truce?"

Myra watches with wide eyes, proud when James offers to protect her sister. As Raina freaks out she frowns, confused. Then when Faye proposes a truce she smiles at her, walking over to stand beside her little sister.
(confused...Myra and Faye are full sisters, and Faye and Raina are half sisters? Is Myra also Raina's half sister?)

Sheena stares back at Raina, her every muscle taut, very close to wolfing out again; but when she notices suddenly the lost look in Raina's eyes, when she hears the desperation of her tone...sister? Raina had lost a sister...

Some connections begin to reluctantly form in Sheena's mind, and unwillingly she finds herself thinking of her own lost sister, her baby sister dead before she'd had any sort of life at all. Conflicted, she stares at Raina's retreating form, then looks down at Faye slowly, reluctant to take her hand. Finally she shakes but quickly lets go. All the while she says nothing, looking past Faye towards Raina's back again.
Nick sighs and then glares. "....This might be harder then I thought." He said and looked at Faye smiling. He then looked to were Raina went and then put a hand on his forehead leting is slide down and off. "Ugh..." He looked over at Myra and James. Deathwish put a hand on Nick's shoulder. Nick looked over at him and nodded. Maybe it would be best to stay out of this. Deathwish and Nick went back into their Trouble Twins ruteen and they both smile. "Lets go swiming!" They both exlamed and then look around.

James looked at Nick surprised that Deathwish agreed with him. Suddenly he got a oh-not-again look on his face noticing they were doing it again. He looke Myra, in the back of his mind he was slightly curious at what she looked like in a swim suit. Yet at the same time he didn't want Nick to be the pervert he is about it. Deathwish now joining in would also get his fun out of it. He leaned back on a wall groaning. "..." He was looking at the ceiling with a worried look on his face.

Nick and deathwish got in front of James and then smiled. "Well?" They both asked as the leaned on each other. This was their idea of fun was to be the touble twins. Once they get seperated they have two different personalities. it was quite amazing to see them in both perpetives.
(Myra and Faye are half sisters. Faye and Raina share a dad. Faye and Myra share a Mum. Myra and Raina are not related at all. Myra = Full key-holder. Faye = Half key-holder, Half vampire. Raina = Full vampire. Just to clear things up xD )

Faye looked after Raina, wondering whether or not to go after her. She frowns and looks down, feeling conflicted, she looks back up and sighs. Raina wasn't the type for cuddles and affection. She looks at the twins and grins, linking arms with Myra, "We're up for swimming!" Myra suddenly looks alarmed and pulls out of Faye's link, "No way Faye!" Faye looked at her, her eyes turning big like Puss in Boots, "Pleaseeeeee?" She blinks and flutters her eyelashes, Myra looks at her and holds her glare for a moment before it falters, an image of a tiny Faye replacing the one that is standing there now. She sighs in frustration, "Fine!" "YAY!" Faye lets out a squeal and grips Myra's hand, "Come on!" She grins at the boys, "Wait just one second!" She rushes off with Myra to get their bikinis.
James looks at Myra and smiles as she says no then swallows when she said fine. "..." He looked at the two twins. "I promise touch myra and I will kill you." He said walking out from behind them. He sighed and figured he'll just wear his pants into the water. He pushed his fingures through his hair.

Nick and deathwish go to their rooms and switch in to their swiming trunks. They walk back out getting stared at by some passing girls. They both smirk. The both had their hands on their heads leaning back a little. "Sweetness." They both said and chuckled. James rolled his eyes at them.
Faye and Myra change into their bikinis. Faye was wearing a purple one with black polka dots over it and Myra a deep red one that matched her eyes, Myra muttered to herself angrily as she wrapped a red sarong around her waist, covering her bottom half rather decently until she got into the water. Faye giggled, and Myra swatted her half-heartily, "You shut up Missy! I'm only doing this 'cause I want to make sure that Nick doesn't have his hands all over you in the pool!" Faye blushed rather quickly, "I don't think you're one to talk Miss I'mAlwaysMakingOutWithJames!" Now it was Myra's turn to blush, "Shut up!" Faye smirked truimphantly and opened the door for them to both go out, she looked over and noticed Myra's insecure gaze, she sighed and walked over to her, lifting up her chin, "You look beautiful sis, don't worry." Myra smiled at her and nodded, "Thanks Faye." She walked to the door and then chucked Faye's purple sarong at her, "But put this on at least while we make our way to the pool" Faye rolled her eyes, putting the sarong on with a grin on her face. They sped to the pool and noticed the boys already there, "Hey guys!" Faye smirked while Myra stood slightly behind her, looking very self-conscious.
Left standing alone in the hall, Sheena watches them going, feeling simultaneously confused, reluctantly empathetic, angry, and left out.'s obvious this idea of Faith's that this place would be better for them was not a good one, nor was it right.
Nick and Deathwish walk over to Faye and they both smirked. "Sweetness." They both laughed and then looked at Myra. "Hmmm hey james you druling yet?" They both looking back at James who had his back towards them. He pulled off his shirt and then glanced at Nick and Deathwish.

"Shut up." James said and then walked over to them trying not to look at Myra. He crossed his arms. "I'll try not." He said rolling his eyes. He looked at Myra and then blushed. "Oh crap...I'm doomed." He said looking to the side. He ignored Nick and deathwish mocking chuckling.

Nick high fives Deathwish as they both laugh. '"Sucess!" They both look at Faye and then Nick winks at her. He chuckles and seperates from his brother. He leans over Faye. "I could get use to this as well."
Chameleon is walking down the hallway - finally having got some food from the canteen - when he spots Sheena, he frowns and notices the many emotions running through her, of course, her visible loneliness being a big hint. He walks over to her and tries to catch her eye, "Hey, you alright?" He asks gently, his coal black hair flopping over his startling bright blue eyes slightly.

Faye grins and uses one finger to push his chest back slightly, she smirked up at him, "Who's drooling now?" She jokes and leans up, her mouth goes to his ear and she whispers, "You getting in the pool with me?" She pulls back and runs over to the pool, pulling of her sarong before she does a cannon ball dive in. She vanishes under the water only to pop back up a few moments later, grinning at Nick.

Myra just blushes and looks down at the ground as the boys speak, then she watches as Faye jumps into the pool, smiling lightly. She moves her hand in the subtleist of ways and a small wave of water moves Faye across the pool, Faye lets out a little yell of surprise as she is shoved by the water and then looks over to Myra, grinning, "Get in here Myra!" Myra looks up at James questioningly, she doesn't want to get in before he does.
James looked at Myra and then walked over before Nick and Deathwish Jump over him. They grabb James and pull him in. "AH-" He was cut off by the water and then comes up caughing. "Ack!" He swims to the side and then caughs somemore. "You...two are so dead!" He said and then caughed a blast of smoke. "Ah darn it." He said knowing since his throat is wet he couldn't breath fire.

Nick and Deathwish laugh at James. Nick swims over to Faye. "You look cute." He said chuckling. He looked at Myra and then went under the water. He swam away.
Faye laughed at James as he was dragged into the water and her laughter increased as he let out smoke rather than fire. When Nick swam over and told her she looked cute she blushed lightly, watching as he vanished under the water, she looked over at Deathwish mischievously and also ducked under the glossy water. She swam over to his feet and then tugged down hard, causing him to fall under the water. She grinned and swam away quickly, resurfacing as she laughed, "Got'cha Deathy!" She kept an eye out for him now, waiting for his attack.

When James was tugged in Myra's eyes widen and she runs over, she pulls of her own sarong and slips into the water, smiling as it accepts her and sits around her like a soft, comforting blanket. She gently touches James's chin and smiles at him, "You alright?" Even though her voice is comforting you can see the need to laugh in her eyes, even she found it slightly funny.
James looked at Myra amd smiled. He nodded. "Yeah..." He turned his head to caugh out more smoke. "See this is why you don't SEND A DRAGON INTO THE WATER!" He said yelling as Nick came up behind Faye. He looked at Myra and smiled at her. "You think it's funny don't you?" He said his smile fadded.

Nick came up behind Faye and grabbed her. He smirks lifts her up out of the water. Deathwish smirked and then held out his arms. "Throw her throw her!" He laughed and then watched as Nick throw her to deathwish. Deathwish caught her and then smirked his hair dripping wet. "Hey."
Myra smiled lightly, wiping a bit off water off of his face, "Kinda..?" She noticed his look and sighed, but still with a small smile on her face, "Open your mouth" She said seriously, "Don't ask ok?" She planned to get rid of the water with her power so that he could try and burn Nick or Deathwish's hair off of their scalps.

Faye let out a yell as Nick picked her up, "Nick you traitor!" She let out a squeal as she flew through the air and gasped harshly as Deathwish caught her, blinking at him slightly shocked. She then giggled at his wet hair, she put up a hand and waved slowly, "Hey there Deathy" She covered her face with her hands, "Don't kill me!" Even as she spoke she was giggling, trying not to laugh. She pulled her hands down and blinked at him, only her amber eyes visible as she waited for him to drop her into the water, she knew it was coming.
Deathwish smirked at her. "You know I still hate that nickname." He said glancing at nick. He soon just smirked. Nick eyes widened. 'Don't you dare!" Deathwish held Faye up. Nick waved his hands in front of himself. "No no no!" Nick yelled but Deathwish threw Faye high up in the air. He swam away waiting for her to start falling. It shouldn't hurt her but probably will scare her. As She fell Nick jumped up and caught her. He slammed down into the water and then swam up with Faye tightly in his arms. "Nice joke deathwish." He said glaring at Deathwish.

James blinks unware of what Deathwish and Nick were doing to poor faye. He opened his mouth which was damp with water. Normaly his mouth was fairly dry. On the inside was scaled to protect him from his fire. Down in his throat there were two stones like structures that when rubbed together made fire. They were damp. Normaly he only drinks alittle water but he got a ton down his throat.
Faye's eyes widened and she let out a small yell as she flew up in the air, she closed her eyes tight and basically hugged herself, "S**t s**t s**t!" She repeatedly swore as she felt herself falling. Faye had one small fear. Heights. Basically, when she was young, up until the age of about 9 she used to have recurring dreams where she was on the top of a massive building and her family were they, she was about to fall and she reached out for each of them, asking for help. But they all ignored her. And then she would fall. But as two strong arms caught her she clung to whoever it was for dear life and breathed a small sigh of relief, but she still didn't open her tightly closed eyes until she heard Nick's peed off voice. She blinked in shock and she looked up to see she had buried her face in Nick's chest and had her arms wrapped around him tightly. She looked behind her to see Deathwish smirking and her eyes flickered, "Oh you are so dead Deathwish!" This was one of the very rare times when she had called Deathwish by his full name, infact, it may even be the first time. She leapt from Nick's arms and her hands warmed up instantly then a blast of fire erupted from them, but instead of full on hitting Deathwish - which could have scarred him permeantly - it hit the water around him and heated it until it was hot enough to feel like he was part of a soup, she watched as the water bubbled and then dropped her steaming hands, folded her arms as she raised an eyebrow.

Myra raised her hand and twirled it lightly, all the unnecessary water flew out of his throat and vanished into the air, leaving just the right amount to keep him hydrated and still able to breathe actual fire. She heard Faye yell and turned to see her little sister in the air, looking scared to death, "Faye!" She yelled and watched as Nick caught her, she shook her head lightly and carried on watching them as Faye began to burn the water around Deathwish,"Faye calm down!"She groaned,"Why do I feel like I'm always saying that?"She swum over to them and paused beside Nick as Faye was a bit infront of them, "Uh yeah...not the best move for Deathwish to do that, she's scared silly of heights.."
Deathwish slammed the water around him sending a wave towards Nick and faye of hot water. He got out of the water, when he did girls jumpped on him. "AHHHH NO GET OFF!" He said trying to get them off. He yelled out angrly. "NICK!" He struggled under the girls.

Nick having been hit by water he smirks as a few girls were staring at him. He chuckled and then winked at them. He laughed a bit watching their reactions. He looked at Faye and shrugged. "So...I'm cluster phobic." He said looking over to James.

James smiled at Myra and then breathed fire towards Nick. Nick swam under the water. He came up once the fire was gone. James looked over to a few girls staring at him. He glared and swam over to Myra because she was catching a few guy's attention. "My girl." He said glaring at them all.
Faye laughed again as the girls basically attacked Deathwish, "You so deserved that Deathy!" A few of the girls squealed, 'Aww that nickname is soooo cute!' 'Yeah, let's go tell Layla!' 'I'm gonna post it on my bloggg!' They all squealed and ran off. Faye laughed again, "Looks like it's spreading Deathyy!" A few guys grinned at Faye, and a wolf whistle was heard, she blushed lightly since they were quite a bit older than her.

As James swam over to her Myra actually felt quite relieved, she didn't like getting attention from all those guys, it freaked her out and reminded her a bit of him. She almost hid behind James but instead smiled at him lightly, leaning up and pressing her lips to his, just to prove to the others that she was his girl.

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